from Jersey Counter-Info
Over the past few months NJ/PA/NY fascist crews have been feeling the heat. Between Mark Kauffman getting arrested the day before his wedding for old drug and gun charges in Massachusetts, former Philly anarchist Alex “Nar” Chubbuck being identified as a nazi, PA nazi Ben Ryder being revealed as a predatory sex offender, and Andrew “Cossack” Takhistov being entrapped by the feds into plotting an electrical substation attack, they have seen their organizations flounder and have been faced with a mass exodus of members.
While this can be considered a victory for antifascists, it cannot be ignored that there are still active and unidentified Nazis in the Tristate area. One such Nazi that recently came to the attention of antifascists was “JJ” or “@reject_sin” on Telegram, because of his close connection with Takhistov and the now defunct project “White Legion”. Antifascists have identified JJ as 18 year-old Jonathan Misura of Milltown, NJ.
Misura was radicalized online when he was a minor in 2023. At this time, Misura was a junior at St. Thomas Aquinas, a private Christian High School in CNJ, and a star athlete on the baseball team.
From his junior through senior year of high school Misura maintained polished and compartmentalized social media accounts, that were devoid of anything having to do with far-right politics. Unlike many young Nazis, Misura has a forward facing online presence which focuses on typical teen life events, like going to prom and down the shore for holidays.
As his social media content highlights, Misura is a dedicated lifelong baseball player. In 2023 Misura accepted a scholarship offer to play at East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, PA upon graduation from high school. More information is listed at the end of this article about how to contact East Stroudsburg University about Misura.
Misura became active on Telegram in 2023 and 2024 with the goal of connecting with other white nationalists. He joined several different Nazi Telegram channels, with one channel exclusively focused on exposing Paul Miller aka “G*psy Crusader” as a fake white nationalist and pedophile.
The following evidence has been minimally edited to not take away the impact of the Neo-Nazi views that Misura and others are expressing. There is misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and other dehumanizing phrasing used. Misura’s profile picture within the different chat threads on the channel also verifies his identity as “JJ”.
On this channel, Misura would get involved in verbal spats with other white nationalists for seemingly no reason. For example, in one incident Misura claimed he had connections to violent Neo-Nazis and flew off-the-handle when people doubted him. In other comment threads Misura would randomly accuse others of being Jewish.
As time went on, Misura’s frustration in online Neo-Nazi spaces swelled, and he decided to broaden his connections offline by linking up with Nazis in NJ. Misura first connected with Takhistov aka Cossack, and became close friends with him, bonding over fascism, their shared age and Ukrainian heritage, and living in Central New Jersey (CNJ). The White Legion page has since been wiped, but at its height, it had almost 100 members, including Misura. Misura regularly engaged on White Legion posts with Takhistov.
Takhistov quickly brought Misura into the fold of the different Neo-Nazi crews he was in, like NJEHA and S14, and partnered with him on future White Legion endeavors. Soon Misura began popping up at S14 and NJEHA actions with Takhistov. The two were joined at the hip and did not attend any Nazi actions without each other.
With Misura initiated into the groups, he was essentially living a double life. On any given day Misura appeared to be an average NJ teen, heavily involved in academics (3.75 grade point average), sports, hanging out with his friends, and preparing for college. Unbeknownst to most people in his life he was also a Neo-Nazi, forging connections with violent white nationalists.
One Nazi outing they participated in together was a hiking day-trip up to Mt. Tammany that was organized by NJEHA and S14 in the Fall of 2023.
Misura also participated in a memorial service/hang out for a dead Nazi and a other pop-up style rallies with Takhistov and other NJEHA and S14 members.
Misura also tried to help Takhistov launch his White Legion project offline and they did a few propaganda activities in CNJ. It was discovered that Misura is the formerly unidentified Nazi pictured with Takhistov in a propaganda photo series that was taken at a baseball diamond. Takhistov and Misura posed with road flares and Ukrainian fascist flags, a reference to their identity as Ukrainian nazis.
Takhistov and Misura remained close and continued to work with each other under the banners of NJEHA and S14 and in unofficial capacities through the Summer of 2024, as revealed by the recent federal criminal complaint filed against Takhistov. The details within the federal complaint reveals that another Nazi, in addition to Takhistov, was a participant in the plan to attack the electrical substation. While Misura’s identity was concealed by the federal government, as “Individual-1”, simple context clues about Takhistov and Misura’s close friendship, their shared Ukrainian heritage and fascist identity, and tendency towards accelerationism leaves little room to doubt it could be anyone but him.
Misura intended on joining Takhistov on his scheduled July 2024 trip to the Ukraine where he planned to join Russian fascists fighting against the Russian invasion. This was verified by the undercover federal agent when Takhistov and Misura met with him.
Misura was roped into the plot by the federal government, which became clear when Takhistov discussed a plan for the federal agent to blow up an electrical substation in New Brunswick. On July 10, Misura and Takhistov made their way to the Newark airport for their flight. Takhistov was arrested en route and his arrest was covered by local and national media. It’s unclear if Misura was detained or questioned, but based on the media coverage and Misura’s actions on social media after the fact, it’s probable that the government did not arrest/charge him at that time. Whatever happened on July 10 was enough to spook Misura and he made all his social media accounts private and became inactive on Telegram.
Misura’s heavy involvement in NJEHA, S14, and the plot to blow up the electrical substation brings up many questions. How was Misura able to participate in these different groups and activities without his parents, friends, or mentors noticing? Why wasn’t Misura arrested by the federal government for his role in the plotted electrical substation attack? Has Misura been brought in by the feds and compelled to snitch against his close friend Takhistov in exchange for immunity/not revealing his identity? Are his parents aware that he knew about a plan to attack NJ public infrastructure and not only did nothing to stop it, but supported it fervently?
Misura’s past and current behavior proves he poses a danger to those around him. Misura is scheduled to begin college as freshman on a baseball scholarship at East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, PA in just a few weeks.
Misura must be held responsible for his actions and those around him deserve to know who he really is. Concerned community members are encouraged to reach out to his school administration directly in addition to the athletics department with the following script. (This article can be linked as evidence of Misura’s actions): “Hello I am reaching out to contact you about an enrolled student named Jonathan Misura. He is an incoming freshman who is on a baseball scholarship. Misura is a self professed Neo-Nazi and racist. I have provided the following evidence which displays Misura’s disconcerting behavior and actions. Misura’s behavior violates both East Stroudsburg University’s Student Code of Conduct (the Harassment policy) and the Student Athlete Handbook (its Sportsmanship Policy and Social Networking Website Policy). His behavior also violates current the NCAA Division II Handbook and, the Standards and Standards. As a student athlete Misura is supposed to embody the values and codes governing East Stroudburg University and its athletic department. I would like to request a review of Jonathan Misura’s enrollment as an incoming freshman and a review of baseball scholarship and placement on the team. Thank you.”
To contact the athletic department directly about Misura’s behavior, his baseball scholarship, and membership on the team, contact Athletic Director Dr. Allen G. Snook at (570) 422-3689 and or Associate Athletic Director for Student Success/SWA Sarah Ross at (570) 422-3795 and
To contact the school administration and request a review about Misura’s behavior via the University Conduct Board, call (570) 422-3461 or email
A Note From NJ Hate Watch: S14 members, with addition of Jonathan Misura, 10 of your people have been identified and doxxed including Andrew Takhistov, Alex Chubbuck, Benjamin Ryder, Jackson Bradley, Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed.
Send tips and information:
from Instagram
Activist and Educator, Ant Smith, Released from Federal Prison (Wednesday, August 7, 2024) Ant Free! After 198 days of being imprisoned at FCI Fort Dix, our brother, friend and comrade, Ant Smith, is free! Ant was released on Thursday morning, August 1, 2024, back home to Philly, where he will spend some time in a halfway house as the completion of his sentence. Ant and the Defense Committee thank all of you for your outpouring of support, including monetary donations, letters and spreading awareness about his case. Please understand that Ant is acclimating to life post-prison, so he will be taking care of himself, his family and loved ones, and his wellness first (and in the foreseeable future), before making a formal statement or being more visibly present. Additionally, a Welcome Home Celebration will be planned soon – Stay Tuned! In the meantime, wish him well, and he will be sure to see you all shortly!
Free Ant Defense Committee #FreeAnt #AntFree
from Making Worlds
Join us on August 14th at 6 PM for a compelling conversation between Philip V. McHarris and Hiram Rivera, Executive Director of Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability. They will discuss McHarris’s new book “Beyond Policing,” which reimagines a world without police and explores innovative community-based safety models. This event offers a transformative vision of safety, moving beyond policing towards a society where people have the resources to thrive.
Philip V. McHarris is an assistant professor in the Frederick Douglass Institute and Department of Black Studies at the University of Rochester. McHarris was a presidential postdoctoral research fellow at Princeton University in the Department of African American Studies and the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab. He earned his PhD in sociology and African American studies at Yale University. He was named one of the Root 100s Most Influential African Americans in 2020. McHarris has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, and PBS and in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and more.
Hiram Rivera is a longtime organizer and organizing trainer with 20 years experience professional experience. His work has been rooted in social justice movements, the struggle for Puerto Rican and New African independence, and campaigns to free political prisoners. He’s the former director of the Philadelphia Student Union and is the founding director of the Community Resource Hub, a national organization providing training, research and technical assistance to abolitionist organizations across the country. He is a co-founder of the organization Black Men Build and the Hub’s George Jackson School.
from Instagram
SCI Fayette is one of the few prisons left in Pennsylvania still running on isolation policies implemented during the COVID-19 Prison Shutdowns. Incarcerated people there are severely limited in movement and yard time, despite all other COVID mitigation policies being canceled, or non-existent. These isolation policies have disrupted many of the established community organizations developed in prison prior to COVID.
We know that prison enforces isolation and tries to disconnect us from our loved ones inside. Stand in solidarity with incarcerated people putting their freedom on the line for community.
Hunger Striker Demands:
Full Day Room Recreation (No Cohorts) on every housing unit: 7:45-10:30 am, 1:15-3:35 pm, 5:00-8:30pm
More seats on the housing unit to accommodate seating arrangements.
Community Yard for all blocks.
Collective religious congregation for the whole prison.
Call SCI Fayette and PA DOC Officeon 8/5/24!
Phone Zap for Hunger Strikers!
Then call!!!! PA-DOC Central Office: 717.728.2573
On June 20th, the Human Rights Council and the UN issued a statement identifying the major weapons manufacturers and investors in the US who are complicit in sustaining Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people. “These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunitions to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human rights and international humanitarian laws.” [Full article on “States and companies must end arms transfers to Israel immediately or risk responsibility for human rights violations: UN experts”]
Here is their list
Weapons manufacturers : BAE Systems, Boeing, Caterpillar, Gen Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Oshkosh, Rheinmetall AG, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, RTX, ThyssenKrupp
Investors supporting the weapons manufacturers: Alfred Krupp von Bohlen & Halbach Stiftung, INVESCO Ltd, JP Morgan Chase, Amundi Asset Management, Bank of America, Citigroup, Fidelity Mgmt and Research, Black Rock, Capital Group, Causeway Capital Management, Harris Associates, Morgan Stanley, Norges Bank Investment Mgmt, Newport Group, Raven’swing Asset Mgmt, State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance, State Street Corporation, Union Investment Privatfonds, The Vanguard Group, Wellington & Wells Fargo
These megalithic corporations have tendrils reaching across the globe, the country, the cities, our neighborhoods, right into our backyards. Time to take “not my backyard” to the next level. It’s worth doing your own research if you have the time, but we thought we’d lighten the load and roll out interesting details as we find them.
This week’s spotlight : JLG Equipment Services Inc. – a tendril of the massive weapons manufacturer Oshkosh Corporation (no seeming relation to the children’s clothing brand, confusingly).
JLG has their headquarters in McConnellsburg, PA and manufacturers some heavy machinery – one of their staples being the big lifts that are used at airports, but you can find their equipment and lifts making guest appearances at construction sites all over the city. Recently, at least 2 of these massive lifts were spotted in the Penn Campus zone of Spruce street between 38th and 34th streets. You’ll know them by their particularly fluorescent vomitous orange color and the JLG initials printed on the side.
We’ve also heard there are a few equipment rental / retail spots that stock them in Philadelphia —
Herc Rentals Inc
6951 Norwitch Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19153
Sunbelt Rentals
7700 Holstein Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19153
United Rentals Inc
3880 E Thompson St
Philadelphia, PA 19137
~ yours in love & rage ~
from It’s Going Down
There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!
Further ahead, mid-September will see Running/Pushing Down the Walls events in various cities, with Philadelphia, Bloomington, Lowell, Chicago, and Huntington Park confirmed so far. Jailhouse Lawyers Speak are also calling for “Shut Em’ Down” demonstrations on December 6th – 13th.
A rave is being held in Philadelphia on August 2nd to raise funds for Ellie and John, two Georgia uprising defendants who are being released soon. You can donate directly to their post-release funds here.
Philadelphia uprising defendant Khalif Miller has been given a 1-10 year state sentence on top of his existing 5 year federal sentence. You can write to him at:
Khalif Miller #70042-066
USP Big Sandy
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224
Separately, a call has gone out for a phone zap in support of prisoners at Vaughn prison in Delaware, who are reporting torture and beatings at the hands of prison officers.
See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. To the best of our knowledge they currently include:
David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701
Anthony Smith
FCI Fort Dix
Federal Correctional Institution
Satellite Camp
P.O. Box 2000
Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640
Khalif Miller #70042-066
USP Big Sandy
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224
from In The Belly
Many years ago, while imprisoned at SCI-Smithfield, and struggling to keep our study groups afloat, I received an e-mesage from Casey Goonan. I had no clue whom he was. He said he reached out because he heard about the work I was doing inside and wanted to offer any assistance he could. He did, and he continued to do so. Casey has been one of the most consistent and ready allies/accomplices of imprisoned people. Whether producing zines that center imprisoned voices, mailing zines to imprisoned people at no cost, coordinating phone zaps to combat repression by prison officials, raising funds for mutual aid, building social media presence for imprisoned folx or just lending an attentive ear to the concerns of imprisoned people, Casey has been unstinting in his support of anyone, anywhere, who is being oppressed.
My friend, my comrade, my brother, is currently being held in a county jail in CA. I wish I were out there to do more for him, to manifest by love and solidarity for him. What I want everyone to know is that Casey Goonan is an amazing ally/accomplice of oppressed people everyone. In this, his time of need, he should be supported and cared for. I ask people to keep close tabs on the situation, show up for Casey and make sure that while he is inside, jail officials do not harm him or exacerbate his condition. I don’t ever claim to speak for all imprisoned people, but I feel confident in saying that thousands of imprisoned people across this land have benefited from Casey’s efforts. We ask you support our comrade and care for him.
from Philly ABC
Join us on Monday July 29th, 6:30pm at Wooden Shoe Books as we send letters to comrades incarcerated for their support of the movement to Stop Cop City. In 2017, the Atlanta Police Foundation proposed the destruction hundreds of acres of Weelaunee forest to build a massive compound that would train cops from around the world in militarized tactics, urban warfare, and putting down social movements. The full Cop City proposal came in 2020 after national uprisings around the police murder of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks.
In 2021, forest defenders and community members established a long-term encampment in the Weelaunee forest. Shortly thereafter, a multi-agency task force began arresting and charging them with domestic terrorism. January 18th, 2023 brought more raids, arrests, and the murder of Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán. This was the first police killing of an environmental activist during a protest in modern U.S. history. Autopsy results indicated that the police shot Tortuguita 57 times while their hands were up. On April 19th, the DeKalb County Medical Examiner’s office ruled Tortuguita’s death a homicide. On October 6th, a Georgia prosecutor announced that there would be no charges for any of the troopers involved in the murder.
Opponents of Cop City, however, have increasingly faced charges of unprecedented severity. On September 5th, 2023, Georgia’s Attorney General filed an indictment against over 60 individuals under the Rackateer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. On May 31st, 2023, a heavily-armed SWAT team raided the house of three bail fund organizers, arrested them, and charged them with money laundering and charity fraud. The intensifying repression has also extended to the general population of Atlanta, with police targeting four neighborhoods for purposefully invasive, round-the-clock surveillance.
The resistance to Cop City has also escalated, resulting in numerous delays and, according to Atlanta city officials, almost $20 million in damages. Communities across the country rallied against the targeting of activists and the killing of Tortuguita, and have supported activists held without trial, sometimes for upwards of a year.
Even before its completion, Atlanta Cop City’s militarized approach to social movements has already become a model for how to train police across the U.S.; between the George Floyd Uprisings and today, planning or construction has begun on 66 new Cop Cities around the United States. Similarly, the unprecedently fierce legal and extralegal measures taken against those resisting Cop City in Atlanta—domestic terrorism charges for civil disobedience, RICO charges for bail fund organizers, generalized harassment, and murder—can be understood as a localized experiment for broader application. These tactics of repression are being auditioned in Atlanta; if successful, you can bet they’ll be generalized across the U.S. For these reasons, it’s incumbent on all of us support those on the front lines of stopping Cop City, and especially those who’ve already paid the price of their freedom for this struggle.
We’ll also be sending birthday cards to U.S.-held political prisoners with birthdays in August: Bill Dunne (August 2nd), Hanif Shabazz Bey (August 15th), Ronald Reed (August 31st).
Shine a light on the fascists who wrote Project 2025 . Full list of authors and staff members of the heritage foundation. #Doxxed
Robert P. George
371 Prospect Ave, Princeton, NJ 08540
Victoria Coates
132 Bethlehem Pk
Philadelphia PA 19118
from Instagram
from ORCA
It’s official, we’ve started open hours. On Wednesdays from 5PM to 9:30PM we’ll have the space open. Come by and drink a seltzer, read a zine, meet comrades, or just hang out!
Many of you have asked us about how to donate money to the space, we’ve set up a cashapp for just that. You can send funds remotely through the app to $orcaphilly. We appreciate everyone who has pitched in to keep the space open and running.
from Never Sleep
In the unholy hours of early July we placed caltrops on the driveway of Lockheed Martin in Archbald, Pennsylvania. Hope they fucked up your genocidal vehicles. Quit your jobs. Until you do none of you fools deserve to feel safe. Free Palestine!
In the early morning hours of July 9th, while Ghost Robotics CEO Gavin Kenneally was out of town at the Military Robotics and Autonomous Systems USA conference, several of his neighbors paid his Fairmount townhome a visit.
We threw paint and tagged the messages Ghost Robotics Kills and Murderer on the garage door and front entrance. We refuse to live in a world where Palestinians and migrants crossing the border must fear for their lives at the hands of killer robots, while the makers and war profiteers sleep peacefully in our city. We know where they live.