Artist Town Hall: on Abolition & Creative Labor

from Instagram

đź“ŁWe are calling for artists and culture workers for our upcoming Artist Town Hall on Monday, November 18! This seasonal program has invited many artists in our community to come together to share their latest projects, make a pitch, and exchange resources. This iteration of the Town Hall invites BIPOC, Palestinian, and SWANA artists whose practice or current projects engage restorative justice and anti-oppression efforts.

Artists that join the Town Hall will share their work alongside two invited presenters, including Tafari Robertson (@tafaridiop) from the Memory Workers’ Guild (MWG) and theater director Zaina Yasmin Dana (@zainaydana). We hope to spark conversation and collaboration of artists and culture workers across anti-apartheid, abolition, and restorative justice movements.

Check out the link in our bio to learn more about this event and sign up to pitch your work đź”— @asianartsphilly


from Unoffensive Animal


from O.R.C.A.

Anarcho-Feminist Tech group meeting up at O.R.C.A. Monday 11/18 7-10pm

Data Care is a coworking group that comes together to independently work on deleting files, tightening digital security, troubleshooting & researching. Bring your own project, spitball with other nerds.

A few of us will be working on deleting extraneous internet accounts & burning gmail. 

We’ll be using hot spots. 

Support the NU2!

from Philly ABC


Please donate and share!

  • Donate to the Northumberland 2 fundraiser
  • Download and share this graphic on socials

Update (11/9/24):

Cara and Celeste are out of jail! Thanks to the support of many friends around the world, they each received dozens of letters and books while incarcerated. Despite a significant reduction in bail restrictions, they are still facing 14 charges including multiple felonies and have many court dates ahead.

There is a long legal battle ahead which will require funds for attorney costs, travel to court, possible fines or court fees, and many other expenses. If you can, please donate and share with friends. Thank you for all your support so far!

From Northumberland 2 Defense Committee:

Two friends have been arrested and are being held on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges. Cara and Celeste are being held on $150,000 bail each. We are fundraising to pay their bail, for lawyers and legal fees including the cost of their ankle monitors, housing, transportation and other associated unanticipated costs related to legal repression.

Our two friends are accused of freeing hundreds of minks from a fur farm in PA. This farm kills tens of thousands of minks every season. The Fur Commission USA has launched an aggressive media campaign targeting and doxing our friends. One of our friends is being targeted with transphobic violence in jail. They are being held in solitary confinement, subjected to transphobic threats, and restricted from accessing phone except during limited hours.

Cara and Celeste are deeply caring people who frequently volunteer distributing food, clothing, and supplies to their communities. Cara also volunteers for a bike cooperative in MA, supporting people who need access to transportation in getting free bikes.

Please donate and share!

Fundraising Event Honors Dhoruba Bin Wahad, Former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army Prisoner

from Unicorn Riot

West Philadelphia, PA – An event at the OneArt community center is raising funds to assist with medical costs for Dhrouba Bin Wahad. Formerly a leader in the Black Panther Party who also co-founded the Black Liberation Army (BLA), Wahad was convicted in 1973 for his alleged role in the attempted murder of two NYPD officers in Harlem in 1971. In 1975, evidence emerged that he was a target of the FBI’s COINTELPRO program, which targeted many Black radical leaders, among others, across the US. Wahad’s conviction would be overturned in 1990 by the New York Supreme Court when it emerged that the prosecution in his case had hidden exculpatory evidence that could have helped his defense at trial.


Catch Unicorn Riot’s livestream of the event below:

Some Initial Thoughts On Unity Of Fields


Some Initial Thoughts On Unity Of Fields

[I am writing as an insurrectionary anarchist in the u$a and speaking to that context]

Unity Of Fields is a counter-info project that emerged in August of 2024. They describe their project as “a militant propaganda front against the US-NATO-zionist axis of imperialism.” It used to be Palestine Action US and has since changed its orientation. It has a website and some social media accounts, some of which have are banned at the time of this writing, they seem to be most popular on Telegram. Although it links to mostly anarchist sources for technical knowledge, Unity Of Fields does not seem to be an anarchist project and their political reading and media suggestions are all over the map. They suggest classic decolonial texts by Fanon and Cesaire, Black liberation writings from the BLA and BPP, texts from various Palestinian resistance factions, as well as authoritarian communists like Lenin and Mao among others.

Mostly their website is a clearing house for news, action analysis, and communiques. Many of the communiques posted are original submissions though they also repost from other counter-info projects and from social media. They also post some of their own original writings to their website. The fact that they post sketchy criminal stuff and link to technical advice on how to better carry out insurrectionary forms of struggle is probably a large part of why they are discussed in anarchist circles at all.

What does the emergence of a project like Unity Of Fields mean for us as anarchists? For one thing Unity Of Fields expands some spaces we occupy as anarchists — the combative struggle space and the digital counter-info space. We are clearly not the only ones re-coloring walls, opening windows, and carrying out our little sabotages and then writing about it, though at least for now others seem to look to our collective knowledge and experience for technical guidance. We are sharing a struggle space, one which is not limited to riotous moments and combative demonstrations, with other rebels who have made themselves visible to us. We are being included (at least some of the time) in a dialogue with other rebels through the sharing of our words and news of our actions, and anarchists have shared writings from Unity Of Fields on our own websites.

Local struggles against zionism, imperialism, and colonialism are visibly taking on more destructive, decentralized, anonymous, and autonomous approaches, a long-term dream of insurrectionary anarchists, yet new questions arise for us. How do we want to contend with other rebels with whom we have ideological differences and tactical similarities? How do we avoid getting lost in the vanguardist, unifying, nationalist tendencies that often accompany revolutionary leftist approaches to combative struggle? Are we interested in conspiring with these others outside the spontaneity of spiky demonstrations, occupations (and potentially riots), and if so how?

As anarchists we both seek to expand and connect anarchic forms of struggle yet also hold a healthy skepticism of unity with people who don’t hold anti-authoritarian views of freedom. Our history includes many betrayals by the left and progressives, from peace policing at demonstrations to executions and imprisonment from newly established revolutionary governments. The question of who to coalesce with and why is not an easy one, and one that is best addressed on a case by case basis. The appearance of Unity Of Fields potentially facilitates the dialogues and understanding that can help us better decide if and how we want to team up. As anarchists can often find ourselves isolated from others who we may have some political parallels with, the opening up of a “militant propaganda front” is a bridge to dialogue and learn across. This is not a call to join forces with anyone on the basis of being anti-zionist or anti-amerikkkan, it’s simply a reminder to always be analyzing the changing terrain around us and to think critically as we carry forward our struggles.

“Towards The Last Intifada” and “Towards Another Uprising” seem to be the beginnings of a dialogue among anarchists that address some of these questions. I look forward to more.

Relevant Readings:

Unity Of Fields: Opening Up A New Front

Unity of Fields: Opening Up a New Front

Towards The Last Intifada

Towards the Last Intifada: A Statement on Palestine by Anarchists

Towards Another Uprising

Towards Another Uprising

Archipelago – affinity, informal organization, and insurrectional projects

Archipelago – AudioZine

Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists

Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists

PS: Some Thoughts On Spectacle

Many if not most of the actions posted to Unity Of Fields are accompanied by some visual media, usually photos, sometimes videos. I want rebels to consider some pitfalls of spectacularizing our struggles. Every photo or video is another crumb for the state to eat up as part of their investigations. Digital media can offer up metadata about where and when and what kind of device it was recorded on if not properly removed. Footage that shows rebels gives the state valuable information, such as number of participants, approximate time of day, whether any passersby were present, as well as biometric data even when a person is masked. Height, skin tone, gait, approximate weight, and other information can be determined from even grainy footage.
Additionally there are the downsides of understanding our struggles in a quantitative way. This approach may blunt the qualitative changes that participating in struggle can bring us individually and collectively. Of course propaganda is useful, the seductive appeal of revolt is made easier with imagery, and these things must be weighted out, no struggle will be pure. I want to remind us that though this is the path that is being worn into the ground, it is not the only one, and should we choose it let us choose it intentionally.

A Man of Action Screening

from Instagram

Come join us this Sunday, 11/10 at 7:30PM for a very special screening of the anarchist film A Man of Action at LAVA! We’ll be serving up free popcorn and juice, and will be hosting a brief discussion about the film after.

some zines


Here are some zines that have been floating around for a while in the flesh but have not been available on the internet.

The Social and Survival: On Becoming a Threat – Philly-based critique of anarchist subculture. Appeared as an article in Anathema Vol. 8 Iss. 2

[screen reading] [print]
The Fatigue of Novelty: Disruptive Control in Techno-Dystopia –  Critique of science focused on biological resource extraction, biotechnology, and AI. Appeared as an article in Anathema Vol. 9 Iss. 1
[screen reading] [print]
Targets That Do Not Exist Anywhere Else – Originally from Zundlappen July 2022
[screen reading] [print]
Each zine has a screen reading and print copy.

pro-Palestine vandalism, arson at Centre Co. DoD building – Ferguson Township, PA

from Unravel

Investigators say on June 4, the unidentified suspect allegedly spray-painted pro-Palestine graffiti on the side of the U.S. Department of Defense contractor building, which is located along Science Park Road, in Ferguson Township.

Authorities say the graffiti included several pro-Palestine phrases, such as”FOR THE MARTYRS,” “ESCALATE 4 RAFAH,” and “FREE PALESTINE.”

Federal officials say the suspect then allegedly attempted to enter the building but fled after being confronted by security.

Investigators say a few days later, during the early morning hours of June 9, the same individual returned to the building and again spray-painted graffiti, including the phrase “INTIFADA IS HERE,” and an inverted red triangle indicating the “rising” is here.

Authorities say the suspect then began pouring a flammable liquid near the building before lighting it and fleeing the scene.

Investigators note that the area around the building includes a compressed natural gas pipeline, a natural gas generator, and a nearby transformer.

Found on Mainstream Media

Old City Synagogue Statue Vandalized – Philadelphia, PA

from Unravel

October 22, 2024

Someone defaced a memorial sculpture in front of the building by scrawling profanity on it, said Police Deputy Commissioner Frank Vanore.

The sculpture was a tribute to Israeli military commander Yonatan Netanyahu, the brother of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who led — and was killed during — the raid on Entebbe that rescued more than 100 hostages being held by terrorists at an airport in Uganda in 1976. Both brothers, Zarnighian said, were congregants at Mikveh Israel.

Police said the profanity written on the memorial statue was not antisemitic.

Congregation Mikveh Israel was founded in 1740 and bills itself as the synagogue of the American Revolution.

Found on Mainstream Media

In Contempt #46: Heritage Foundation Pushes for Repression of Anti-War Movement, Arrests Follow Raids on Fur Farm

from It’s Going Down

Support the NU2!

from Philly ABC


From Northumberland 2 Defense Committee:

Help us free our very sweet friends!

Two friends have been arrested and are being held on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges. Cara and Celeste are being held on $150,000 bail each. We are fundraising to pay their bail, for lawyers and legal fees including the cost of their ankle monitors, housing, transportation and other associated unanticipated costs related to legal repression.

Our two friends are accused of freeing hundreds of minks from a fur farm in PA. This farm kills tens of thousands of minks every season. The Fur Commission USA has launched an aggressive media campaign targeting and doxing our friends. One of our friends is being targeted with transphobic violence in jail. They are being held in solitary confinement, subjected to transphobic threats, and restricted from accessing phone except during limited hours.

Cara and Celeste are deeply caring people who frequently volunteer distributing food, clothing, and supplies to their communities. Cara also volunteers for a bike cooperative in MA, supporting people who need access to transportation in getting free bikes.

Please donate and share! We need to raise these funds quickly to get our friends safely home.

*the 400k is an estimate of the costs listed above. Any funds raised over that amount will go to unanticipated costs relating to the listed expenses and any leftovers after that will be rolled into another defense fund.

NJ Hate Watch: Zionist Owned Restaurants of NJ

from Jersey Counter-Info

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
The majority of Zionist owned NJ restaurants have tried to subdue their outward image over the past year in order to not draw attention their genocidal agenda and beliefs. With the many successful pro-Palestine marches, rallies, and boycotts that have taken place in NJ, Zionist business owners and staff fear that they will draw-in protestors, lose money, and risk being shuttered for good.The restaurants highlighted in this article have been positively identified as being Zionist owned and operated. It is requested that all restaurants listed below be boycotted and exposed for being supporting the ongoing genocide against Palestinians and propping up violent settler colonialism in Gaza and occupied Palestine.

This list is not exhaustive, so it’s important to examine any restaurants that may be suspicious, as it can be difficult to identify what businesses are “safe”. The following information can help you figure out if a restaurant in question is Zionist owned and operated. Many Zionist/Israeli restaurants try to squeak by unnoticed by branding themselves as non-specific “Middle Eastern”, “Kosher”, and/or “Mediterranean” establishments, while stealing commonly used Arab and Palestinian Arab cultural images, recipes, and Arabic phrases which they profit off. While their menus typically feature a range of dishes, they often change the name of individual dishes, making their actual intentions and beliefs known. A prime example of this is “Arabic Salad”, which is re-branded as “Israeli Salad”, or “Israeli couscous”. More reading about the Zionist/Israeli tradition of cultural food theft can be found here. Checking out a restaurant’s social media content and websites can also illuminate whether or not they are owned/operated by Zionists.

1. Mia’s Meals- Located at 3 S Haddon Ave. Haddonfield NJ 08033

Mia’s Meals operates out of Located at 3 S Haddon Ave. Haddonfield NJ 08033, which is pictured on the left.

Mia’s Meals, which is owned and operated by Zionist Mia Eylon, is branded as a “Middle Eastern” falafel bar.

Mia Eylon, is pictured on the bottom left. Mia also runs the restaurants social media accounts.

Eylon has utilized social media to brand the restaurant in a trendy way to attract different subsets of patrons including vegans. Looking deeper at the restaurant’s social media page also reveals explicit support for the Palestinian genocide and Israel.

Eylon has used the business to raise thousands of dollars to support the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF).

Mia’s Meals is directly engaged in funding the Palestinian genocide.

3. Naf Naf Grill– Located at 1041 NJ Route 73 Marlton, NJ 08053

Naf Naf Grill is located at 1041 NJ Route 73 Marlton, NJ 08053, within a corporate park strip mall.

Naf Naf Grill is a smaller national chain restaurant, founded by Israeli Zionist Sahar Sander, that poses as a “Middle Eastern Grill”. There are locations in several states, including NJ. Nationally, Naf Naf Grill offers franchising opportunities to those who have the capital and poor ethics to do so.

Naf Naf Grill’s hours of operation.

Send tips and information:

Film Screening of “Frauen Bildet Banden” (Women Form Gangs)

from ORCA

11/07/24 @ 6 P.M.
ORCA (Email below for location)

More info on Rote Zora (use TOR)

Film is 1hr 15 min.

45 min – 1 hr discussion following film.

CW: Mention of SA and Trafficking

“Rote Zora” – Red Zora – was a German militant group of women, clandestinely organized in the 1970s and 80s within radical left circles. Its activities were directed against the everyday violence against women, against biogenetics and reproduction technologies, and worldwide exploitation of women as an expression of patriarchal rule. The group promoted female self-empowerment and a break with the peaceable, conciliating role attributed to women by society.

In reviewing the radical left, the role of women’s groups is often neglected. The documentary “Women for Gangs” not only makes up for that, it also shows that the groups’ main issues are highly topical. The film encourages women to form their own gangs today.

A Discussion on Subculture, Organization, and Race in the Anarchist Space

from ORCA

A Discussion of Subculture, Organization and Race in the Anarchist Space

There’s been a lot of discussion and critique of subculture within the anarchist space over the past few years in Philly. Our goal with this discussion is to think about and maybe come up with some answers about what subculture means for the anarchist space. Is it good? Is it bad? Who knows? Subculture relates to how people are socialized in capitalist society. Furthermore, our conversations about subculture often have an underlying critique about the whiteness or insularity of the anarchist space. Despite this, subcultures can often help anarchist organizational efforts that are oriented towards revolt. For instance, in recent years, anarchists in Philly have successfully utilized Muay Thai training and raves as spaces for people to connect with anarchist politics. What other subcultures can we build that create more on-ramps to anarchy? Or should we abandon subculture entirely? Who knows? Let’s figure it out together. Come prepared to have a real discussion and brainstorm about what we need to do to get organized, build affinity and fight back! Bring some food, some zines, and your homie!

Some texts that might be useful to read to prepare
-Towards Insurrection: Anarchist Strategy in an Era of Popular Revolt
-The Social and Survival: On Becoming a Threat from Anathema issue 8 volume 2
-Balagoon Boxing Club: A Social Insurrectionary Project
-The Secret is to Really Complain from Anathema Volume 10 Issue 2

  • Date: 2024/12/01 15:00