from Jersey Counter-Info
On March 21, 2023, mainstream news media outlets reported that a local NJ State Trooper, Jason Dare, had been missing for two days after he walked out of a Delaware County (Delco) PA drug and alcohol rehab facility. Every mainstream news media outlet that covered Dare’s disappearance all echoed the same thing: that Dare was a dedicated police officer since 2004 and a well loved staple of his community. As of March 24, 2023, Dare was found alive and unharmed in Bucks County, according to New Jersey State Police and local news media outlets. What each news media outlet conveniently left out of all of their coverage, is that Dare is a neo-nazi and has openly flaunted his fascist and racist views for over a decade, while being employed as a NJ State Trooper.
As pictures of Dare surfaced in news articles, regional community members were quick to point out some of Dare’s more noticeable neo-nazi tattoos, like his “blood and honor” (a common neo-nazi signifier) throat tattoo and several “iron cross” tattoos on his arms and chest. Dare’s family retorted that he wasn’t a nazi but instead got the throat tattoo as a memorial piece for his brother Nick Dare. Like Jason, Nick was also a police officer, who killed himself back in 2013, likely due to three separate disciplinary charges he was facing from Hamilton Township, NJ. Jason Dare’s family’s willingness to believe his flimsy excuse despite his other nazi tattoos, clothing choices, interests, and general bone-head appearance shows his family is in deep denial over who he really is.

While Jason Dare somehow concealed his neo-nazi affiliation to his family, he was not concerned what his co-workers and fellow police officers at the NJ State Police would think. While actively employed as a NJ State Trooper, Dare slowly built his neo-nazi tattoo collection at work and in his free time when hanging out with his co-workers. It’s not so surprising, given the history behind policing in the so-called united states. It is however surprising that Dare was able to operate publicly as both a neo-nazi and NJ State Trooper and not draw any public attention or outcry.

Perhaps more concerning, however, is Dare’s possible affiliation the violent neo-nazi street gang Keystone United, formerly known as Keystone State Skinheads (KSS). While a PA based group, Keystone United has a presence in the region, notably in South Jersey, where members and supporters, like Jason Cunningham, have been recruited from. Dare has a pit bull head tattoo on the right side of his chest, which is identical to the Keystone United symbol. Keystone United members also sport this tattoo and symbol regularly. Dare’s Keystone United styled pit bull is also embossed with the number “165” on the dog’s forehead. It is unclear at this time what connection this number may have with Keystone United or other neo-nazi groups, but it should be noted with caution.

Another disconcerting fact, is that Dare traveled from his residence in Vineland NJ (home to another neo-nazi Richard Rygaard) and traveled to Delco Pennsylvania to get treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Delco, is a known stronghold for Keystone United, and several members and supporters live there. Dare’s abrupt disappearance from Delco coupled with his possible connection to Keystone United leave many questions as to his whereabouts and who he was with.
Unsurprisingly, the NJ State Police went into damage control as the story of Dare’s disappearance developed, even after he was found. NJ State Police attempted to cover up the public controversy over Dare’s visible neo-nazi tattoos and altered pictures of him. In some instances they totally replaced his head shot photo with a completely different photo. The NJ State Police are trying to cover themselves and prevent further public outcry.

At this time while it is too early to draw any concrete conclusions as to what Dare was up to and who his exact fascist affiliations are with, two things are clear: Jason Dare is a neo-nazi and a NJ State Trooper with the power of the state behind him. He has access to firearms and has connections to other police officers across the region.
The following information is being released due to the risk he poses to marginalized communities, particularly People of Color:
Jason Dare is 46 years old, born on May 9, 1976. He is currently engaged to a Vineland Police Officer Isaura De La Rosa and he lives in Vineland NJ with his family. He has been employed as a NJ State Trooper since 2004 and earns over $100k a year. He is bald and has a goatee. He is covered in tattoos, many of which are white supremacist or neo-nazi in nature. He enjoys metal and punk music and has been known to frequent the NJ hardcore scene. He is active in his local Police Benevolent Association and is involved in a number of police social scenes in New Jersey.

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