We Keep Us Safe: Building A Culture of Solidarity In the Face of Repression – Part of the Philly WAWOG Summer Movement School

from Making Worlds


As our movement gains strength, it will inevitably encounter state repression. How do we respond collectively to this repression? This workshop will discuss some of the tactics most commonly used by police and federal agents to target our movements, and offer suggestions on how to respond. Topics covered will include: what to expect when being arrested in Philadelphia; the role of the FBI in movement repression and how to deal with federal agents; social media “best practices”; and how to support arrestees and political prisoners.

In the past year, the movement for Palestinian liberation has attained unprecedented levels of mobilization. But strategic reflection and study is necessary to keep the movement moving. Writers Against the War on Gaza offers a series of workshops this summer to deepen the knowledge of five elements of the struggle for Palestine: “PACBI,” “Anti-repression,” “Black and Palestinian Solidarity” and “History of Palestinian Resistance.” All are free to attend.

Laura Martin is a labor historian and a member of the Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee, a bail fund and political education collective.

Tori is a legal worker at Up Against the Law Legal Collective, a Philadelphia-based group that supports local activists.

Scotlyn Schmitt of York Pa

from Philly Fash Watch

June of 2024 was a busy and dismal month for area nazi’s. There was the arrest of Mark Kauffman at his own wedding, multiple new identifications of local nazis by antifascists, and a small WLM day of action on June 15th in PA. Antifascists also noted a short female in a group picture from the June 15th action and clocked her as the same individual from a photo that S14 posted earlier in the month under the Love Park sign.

As antifascists reviewed footage from the WLM action on June 15 it was discovered that there was footage of her with her mask off. The individual has now been identified as Scotlyn Elyse Schmitt of York, PA.

The photograph from Love Park revealed a connection to none other than Benjamin Ryder. In closed WLM chats, Ryder mentioned having a girlfriend several times, discussing her telegram usernames and her many “accomplishments”. Ryder provided additional context about his girlfriend and how he actually rejected her from WLM-PA previously when they first met over a year ago.

18 months ago, Lynn reached out to WLM-PA and wanted to be vetted and become a member. At the time Ryder was the admin for the state chapter. Ryder was in the middle of rocky patch with a different girlfriend at the time, and suspected Lynn of being this girlfriend’s sock account. Lynn was using her @RileyCat and @RileyPilled2.0 telegram accounts at the time. While Lynn was living in Pittsburgh, she attended the Pennsylvania Gunsmith School where she met members of WLM-OH and became friends. WLM-OH members were able to provide her with a vouch to join WLM-PA. Despite their vouch, Ryder was too paranoid to let her join the PA chapter. Ryder’s relationship issues eventually led to his ex-girlfriend revealing his paranoia, leading to his removal from WLM-PA for a time. Ryder was soon allowed back in the organization by the admin and defacto leader, Evan Plumlee. With this, Ryder was officially back in WLM-PA (telegram profile NAME- Max).

In the spring of 2024, Ryder and Scotlyn Schmitt officially met in person for the vetting process to begin. He informed her that her YouTube channel where she also used the “RileyPilled” username showed her face and could be traced back to her telegram account. In response, Lynn removed the matching telegram account as well as her YouTube channel which contained personal content like her school details.

With Lynn as a full WLM-PA member, Ryder gave membership details on her background. He informed them how Lynn was a member of Injekt Division, admins a few BTC channels on terrorgram, and admins a channel with the “the dildo saleswoman” Dallas Humber. Antifascists were able to confirm most of this information, largely from Lynn herself. Lynn posted a video of herself drunk sharing her telegram handles and posts she made in the WhiteNeighborhoodWatch channel. Screenshots from these videos have been provided as evidence. The videos have not been provided as Lynn does not deserve a platform.

Injekt Division and Terrorgram, the groups and virtual space that Lynn is a part of, are well known for their accelerationist ideology and patriarchal structure. Typically to join Injekt Division one has to be a white male, but notably, they made an exception to the rule for Lynn. This marks Lynn as a unique addition and how much Injekt Division values the reach she has to people like BTC and Brandon Russell and Dallas Humber. Lynn can be can found under her current Telegram profile @massrapist.

Another member of WLM-PA Mathew Bair, is also a self-confirmed member of Injekt Division. Matt Bair was recruited to Injekt after very publicly joining any group he could in the past two years . Although he failed many times (kicked from Blood Tribe soon after touching Pohlhaus’s stick, crashed his Harrisburg Proud Boy chapter, member of the defunct Embrace Struggle Active Club, part of the split between 2119- yes he was in a group with mostly minors), Matt has stayed consistent in his fedposting. Bair is the only known Injekt Division member openly showing his face in terrorgram spaces. There soon will be an update on what he’s been doing recently.

Recently arrested Andrew Takhistov, member of NJEHA and Atlantic Nationalist Club (wannabe NSC131 types who formed from WLM-NJ by Claudino Petrucelli ) was in some Injekt Division chats and channels using his @cossack18 telegram account. Although not a member of Injekt, he is someone who agreed with their worldview. As listed in the DOJ release, he wanted to take down power stations in New Brunswick. This is the type of worldview people like Lynn, Cossack, Bair and many others in the terrorgram spaces share.

Lynn and Ryder have been up to typical dumbass nazi activities, spray-painting a swastikas and posting Injekt Division stickers around Philadelphia. Not long after connecting in person, Lynn moved in with Ryder and their nazi activities escalated. Due to Ryder and Lynn’s escalations antifascists discovered their presence in PA and Ryder’s neighborhood was flyered exposing him as a registered sex offender on the Megan’s Law website. Reportedly, after Ryder’s neighborhood was flyered and an extensive dox was dropped, Lynn moved out quickly. Lynn is reportedly bouncing bouncing around living with different Injekt members

Scotlyn take this as a warning- you just turned 20, you don’t have to live like this. All of your friends end up in jail or dead. Reach out to us phillyfashwatch@riseup.net

NJ Hate Watch: S14, NJEHA, and WLM Member Andrew Takhistov of East Brunswick, NJ

from Jersey Counter-Info

Takhistov, aka Cossack, upon his arrest. Takhistov is pictured here without glasses, although he typically wears them.

Just a few days ago Andrew Takhistov, an 18 year old from East Brunswick, was arrested in a federal sting operation where he allegedly solicited an undercover federal agent to blow up two different electrical substations in Central NJ (CNJ). Takhistov is now facing one count of soliciting another individual to engage in criminal conduct, which could result in a maximum prison term of 10 years and a $125,000 fine if convicted. Idavox covered Takhistov’s arrest and charges in depth, more about the specifics can be read here.

Since the release of the federal complaint, Takhistov has been positively identified as a very active neo-nazi that has been a part of the Tristate (NYC, PA, NJ) nazi scene for at least the last two years. Takhistov who goes by the Telegram handles “Cossack” and “Taraz”, is highly dedicated, holding membership in WLM NJ/PA, S14, NJEHA, Atlantic Nationalist Club, and Embrace Struggle, among running his own projects dubbed “White Legion” and “Defend Europe” respectively.

Takhistov’s main Telegram handles. Prior to his arrest a few days ago he was primarily using the “Taraz” account, while his “Cossack” account was on the back burner.

Takhistov first became involved with the tristate nazi scene when he was 16 years old, starting off virtually and connecting with group leaders like S14’s Mark Kauffman and NJEHA’s Dan D’ambly. He quickly became immersed and began to get involved in-person during 2023. Throughout 2023 and 2024 Takhistov was a regular presence at actions and became closer with older more senior members and leadership.

Takhistov, circled in red, during a late December 2023 nazi rally. Mark Kauffman is to his right.


Takhistov at the December 2023 nazi rally. He is standing and is the second individual from the left. Nazis Mark Kauffman and Dan D’ambly are also pictured on the right hand side.

With Takhistov’s further entrenchment he began to reveal more information about himself in public Telegram chats. Specifically, Takhistov discussed his Ukrainian heritage and nationalism at length, often going on long diatribes.

Takhistov’s rant about Ukrainian nationalism. He also reveals personal details about his family history and status as a Ukrainian.

During this time Takhistov attempted to move his project, White Legion, offline into the real world but had limited success. Largely White Legion functioned as a showy propaganda group claiming to do physical conditioning and supporting nationalists in Ukraine. This is also verified by the press release from the federal government about his arrest.

Takhistov’s now dormant White Legion project.

Other than a few propaganda based photo ops across CNJ White Legion was not involved in or planned any independent actions, nor did it become its own individual group focused on recruiting or centralized goal like S14 or NJEHA.

Takhistov boosting his White Legion project. The pictures depict one of the few in-person activities the group did.


Takhistov further bragging about his White Legion project in an S14 chat.


A photo from one of the few activities White Legion did in CNJ at a baseball field in the middle of the night. Takhistov is pictured on the left with another taller (unidentified) nazi on the right.


Commentary from the federal government about Takhistov’s project White Legion.

In early 2024, Takhistov began to get more involved in nazi accelerationist ideology, reposting pictures from Injekt Division, a nazi accelerationist crew similar to Atomwaffen Division, and other Terrorgram channels. Takhistov also expressed his desire to go and fight in Ukraine and assist fellow nazis in propelling the country towards national socialism. It was at this juncture he created his other project/Telegram channel “Defend Europe”.

Takhistov’s new “Defend Europe” project he started in 2024.

Takhistov used this new Telegram channel to produce Ukrainian nationalist/fascist content. He centered Defend Europe around his supposed journey to Ukraine and claimed he was shipping out soon to help fight against the Russian invasion and push for a national socialist Ukraine. Takhistov’s Defend Europe content read more as a LARP fantasy than something that he was actually doing, given the way he went about posting and bragging.

Takhistov pictured holding a Ukrainian nazi flag “prior to shipping out”.

Throughout 2023 and 2024 as Takhistov was engaging in nazi accelerationist activities, he began to connect more with those on Terrorgram, and ended up connecting with an undercover federal agent. Takhistov was essentially catfished by the federal government in early 2024 when he was trying to organically connect with other NJ-based neo-nazis. Takhistov met up with the federal agent several times, with other currently unidentified NJ neo-nazis.

This massive security blunder led to Takhistov being entrapped by the feds in a plot to blow up two different electrical substations in CNJ. The federal agent that Takhistov was in contact with from Terrorgram pushed for a way to get further involved, joining Takhistov and other nazis for a March 2, 2024 action in New Brunswick, NJ. Takhistov and the federal agent met up a few times after this and discussed different tactics used by national socialists, including electrical substation attacks. Takhistov told the agent that he had a trip booked for July 2024 to visit Ukraine and intended to join up with a pro-Ukraine Russian fascist volunteer group fighting against Russia. The agent asked for more details locally and Takhistov passed them off, noting that the agent could plan on doing an attack when Takhistov was over in Ukraine. For several months after that Takhistov sent the agent guides on industrial sabotage, further information on local electrical substations, and details on how to make homemade weapons. Takhistov, the agent, and another unidentified NJ nazi, then went around and scouted out different electrical substations, with the agent providing in-depth insight on how to access the buildings.

An excerpt from the criminal complaint filed by the federal government against Takhistov.

While the federal briefing detailed that Takhistov was arrested at Newark International Airport on his way to Ukraine, it is unclear if Takhistov was accepted into any kind of formal fascist volunteer force. Despite Takhistov’s bravado that he was set to join a group of pro-Ukrainian Russian fascist separatists fighting against Russia it has not been confirmed that Takhistov had solidified plans prior to his arrest. It is more likely that Takhistov intended to forge concrete connections on the ground once he got to Ukraine and try to meet up in-person with the group in an effort to join.

The federal government is famous for trying to entrap the far right, the far left, religious groups, and everyone in between often trying to convince individuals to engage in illegal activities. In this case, Takhistov was duped by the feds to help plan an attack on CNJ infrastructure to be theoretically executed by the federal agent. By no means is this a defense of Takhistov, he is nazi scum who was dumb enough to contact random accounts on a highly surveilled platform (Terrorgram) and got wrapped up in a would be terrorism plot. It is important however to acknowledge that it was the state who pushed the alleged crime and Takhistov.

S14 members: With addition of Andrew Takhistov, 9 of your people have been identified and doxxed including Alex Chubbuck, Benjamin Ryder, Jackson Bradley, Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed and the pressure will increase. You will be held responsible for the nazi filth that you are.

Send tips and information: njhatewatch@protonmail.com

Running Down The Walls

from Philly ABC


Sunday, September 15, 2024
11 am sharp (Yoga warm-up at 10am)
FDR Park

RDTW 2024

Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross invites you to our seventh annual Running Down The Walls (RDTW)! This year marks the 25th anniversary of this non-competitive 5K and political education event in support of political prisoners and prisoners of war. Every year we split the proceeds between the ABCF Warchest —which has provided over $240,000 in stipends and other material support to prisoners with little or no other financial means—and a specific political prisoner, organization, or movement we want to uplift. This year we’ll be supporting and amplifying the voices of people struggling for freedom in Gaza, the world’s largest open-air prison.

Resistance is a continuous endeavor.

– Bassel Al-Araj, Palestinian scholar and former political prisoner, martyred

How will proceeds go to support Palestine? If you’ve participated in previous years, you know that we announce the recipient from day one. We have to take a slightly different approach this year due to how rapidly the situation is changing in Palestine. Given the unpredictability, the exact recipient(s) are subject to change. For example, in our initial planning meeting we were in touch with people in Cairo gathering funds for evacuations. With Rafah crossing since closed, other potential beneficiaries include vetted mutual aid groups in the Gaza Strip, and we will coordinate with trusted folks on the ground to distribute resources appropriately after the event. More information will be made available in the reportback.

Running is not required! You can also walk, roll, or cheer. We’ll begin with warm-up stretches at 10am (bring a mat if you can). At 11am, those who want to participate in the 5k will take two loops around the park; at a walking pace, this takes about 45-60 minutes. Afterwards, stay for socializing with speakers, tabling, and light refreshments.

Remote participation is encouraged! Every year we are joined by incarcerated comrades who take part in this by running, walking, or otherwise exercising at the same time as us–from behind bars. If you can’t attend the event at FDR Park for any reason, leave your shipping address in the comment box at registration, and we’ll mail you a t-shirt. If you would like to make an additional contribution beyond your own registration, please sponsor a participant either outside prison, inside prison, or one of each. Contact us for more information on sponsoring.

Due to the abominable conditions that political prisoners and freedom fighters are subjected to, let’s drum up support now more than ever. Join us as we celebrate our successes this last year, including the releases of Veronza Bowers and Eric King, and build momentum for the struggles ahead!

Next on the White Power Chopping Block: Two MORE Members of the Same NJ Group!

from Idavox

Andrew Takhistov and Steve V. Koshlyak (mugshot from Nov. 2021)

The Atlantic Nationalist Club (we are SO not calling them the ANC!) doesn’t have a lot of members and it seems like they won’t have a lot of members on the outside before long! Also, we have written about one of these guys before!

An 18-year-old member of a New Jersey White Supremacist group was arrested on charges that he solicited others to destroy energy facilities. A few days later, another member of the same group who has had run-ins with law enforcement in the past was also arrested on unknown charges.

On Andrew Takhistov, 18, of East Brunswick, New Jersey was picked up at Newark Airport as he was about to board a flight enroute to fight in Ukraine for the Russian Volunteer Corps, an organization he said was “openly National Socialist,” according to a Department of Justice press release. The release further stated that Takhistov was communicating on a social messaging platform with an individual who he did not know was an undercover law enforcement employee. In those discussions, Takhistov expressed a desire to advance his neo-Nazi ideology through violent means and said another reason why he wanted to join the Russian Volunteer Corps was not just gain paramilitary training but particularly because they specialized in assassinations, attacks on power grids and other infrastructure sabotage.

Takhistov’s arrest came after two visits in June and July to two different electrical substations in North Brunswick and New Brunswick, New Jersey where he instructed the undercover employee on numerous aspects of how to conduct an attack on an electrical substation. It was on July 5, during one of these visits that Takhistov reportedly instructed the undercover employee to take several photographs of the electrical substations so that Takhistov could send them to his Russian friend for additional advice on how to best sabotage the stations.

Takhistov, who was known online as “Cossack,” is a member of the Atlantic Nationalist Club (AnaC, not to be confused with the African National Congress of South Africa), a group with a small handful of members that started in May 2023 as a breakaway from the New Jersey chapter of White Lives Matter (WLM) The group is led by Claudino G. Petruccelli, who in November 2021 was caught by antifa, including members of One People’s Project, attempting to post WLM stickers around Princeton, New Jersey and the following week by police as he tried to do the same thing in Somerville, New Jersey with two others, Zackerji I. Ivanovic, who is reportedly currently with the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe, and Steve V. Koshlyak, who is currently a AnaC member. The three were arrested.

On Saturday, an online notification indicated that Koshlyak, who celebrated his 37th birthday two days prior, had been arrested that day and online jail records note that he is currently being held at the Burlington County (NJ) Detention Center in Mount Holly, New Jersey with a jail ID of 117724. There is no further information about his arrest including the department that arrested him or when his first appearance will take place. In addition to his November 2021 arrest, Koshlyak also has a DUI arrest going back to 2014.

While AnaC have been attempting to be known for their flash mob rallies and stickering, often associating with Dan D’Ambly’s New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA), they have been particularly displayed a violent over the past two years both as a WLM chapter and its current incarnation. A group of them including Petruccelli and another member Nicholas G. Mucci participated in the fights at Penn State University in October 2022 when Proud Boy founder Gavin McInnes and internet troll Alex Stein attempted to have an event there. It was shut down after those fights, where Mucci and Petruccelli allegedly pepper sprayed those protesting the event, got out of hand. Last month, Mucci pled guilty to attempting to smoke bomb and pepper spray a benefit show for One People’s Project at a church in Asbury Park, New Jersey three months  after Penn State, the smoke bombs purchased in Pennsylvania the day of the event there, and is scheduled to be sentenced on August 16. These latest two arrests will make three members of the small hate group currently imprisoned.

According to the Department of Justice press release, Takhistov is charged with one count of soliciting another individual to engage in criminal conduct that involved destroying a public service enterprise group circuit breaker and substation. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $125,000 fine. Charges are still pending for Koshlyak at the time of this posting.

Pennovation Center Windows Smashed


In the early hours of July 9th we smashed every window of the entrance to the Pennovation center, a ritzy research compound in Philadelphia. The lone security guard must have been so surprised when we appeared out of nowhere and started smashing, because he didn’t even try to stop us! And we couldn’t believe how long it took for the police to show up…

The Pennovation center is home to Ghost Robotics, a company that manufactures so-called “robot dogs.” Israel has been buying these robot dogs for $150,000 apiece and using them in their ongoing extermination of Palestinians. While the University of Pennsylvania continues to enable the research and manufacture of these weapons, Israel has destroyed every university in the Gaza strip, and continues to bomb schools where Palestinian refugees are taking shelter. Breaking windows is a small retaliation, but every time we act emboldens us.

Until Palestine is free, and even then, we will never stop!

From Philly with Love

from Indybay

graffiti for Casey Goonan
graffiti for Casey Goonan

Traveler’s Guide to the Acronym Wasteland (Pamphlet)

from Reeking Thickets Press

A general, group-by-group overview of some tankie and authoritarian entryist Left orgs in Philly (though partly relevant to other contexts; many are national groups), to help more autonomous, uncontrollable rebels better understand and defend against their manipulations. Includes some reflections and propositions at the end (`Anti-Social Social War?’).

pdf for reading

pdf for printing


from Reeking Thickets Press

Reeking Thickets is an anarchic, queer, anti-civilization DIY press based in Lenapehoking aka Philadelphia. New materials will be posted digitally here and distroed in physical form out in the world. Please reach out to reekingthickets@anche.no by email with your (non-sensitive) thoughts, suggestions, proposals, and for all other inquiries. A secure email option will be added soon.

Khalif Miller Given 1-10 Year State Sentence On Top Of Federal Sentence

from Mastodon

It’s been a little over a month since the upsetting news that was given a 1-10 year state sentence on top of the 61 month (5 year) Federal sentence that he has been serving since October of 2020.

Khalif is one of the five people indicted along with for his participation in the racial justice uprisings in 2020. He is facing a total of 15 years for attending a protest on May 30th, 2020. This is the new COINTELPRO!

We’re rehashing this 6/1 post from the @FreeAntPHL IG account to bring Khalif back to the top of your feed.

Send him some ♥️ at:

Khalif Miller -066
USP Big Sandy
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224

Nazi Alex Chubbuck of Boyertown, PA

from Philly Fash Watch

Almost a year ago to the day, antifascists shut down a joint action between NJEHA, Embrace Struggle, Garden State Nationalists, and others in the Princeton, NJ area. Local antifascists received a tip from a concerned Princeton area resident that white supremacists were at a Walmart on the outskirts of Princeton. Based on this tip, the fascists soon found themselves unexpectedly surveilled. All fascists present were visibly taken by surprise, as they were caught with their masks down and were not expecting anyone other than their own comrades to be present.

Some nazis on site at the Princeton area Walmart were known to antifascists, such as Dan D’ambly and Ron Sheehy, but others were not, and remained unidentified- until now. One of these unidentified nazis has now been positively identified as former Philly anarchist punk Alex Chubbuck of Boyerstown, PA.

Alex Chubbuck. The photo on the left of Chubbuck was taken at the Princeton area Walmart as NJEHA and other NJ-based nazis were gathering for a rally. The photo on the right is a recent photo of Chubbuck in every day street wear.

Chubbuck was recently identified by those in the Tristate area (NJ, PA, NYC) punk scene who recognized him from his former days as an anarchist and lead singer of the now defunct Philly punk band, Iron Wind. Chubbuck went by the front name “Nargoth” or “Nar” for short and was a part of the Philly punk and anarchist scene from 2016 to 2020/2021. He was also a part of a few other punk bands and had a personal anarchist music project called N.E.G.

Documentation of Chubbuck’s time as an anarchist in the Philly punk scene. This includes the band he fronted, Iron Wind, and other bands he was in at the time like Instinct? and Aresholes. His one-man anarchist music project N.E.G. is also featured.

Chubbuck has been a hard line neo-nazi for the last two years, becoming a full member of S14, WLM PA/NJ, NJEHA, and an associate of other nazi crews like Embrace Struggle in 2023. In 2023 he created the Telegram handle “@AgeofIron”, likely a reference to his former band Iron Wind, when he became a full fledged member of the different local nazi crews.

Chubbuck’s Telegram handle.


When Chubbuck was added as a formal member to one of the S14 chats. Note the 2023 date at the top of this picture.

Reports indicate that Chubbuck was radicalized into a neo-nazi sometime in 2021 after he was kicked out of both the Philly punk scene and anarchist mutual aid spaces for a litany of bad behavior.

Tracing Chubbuck’s online footprint reveals much about his past and current beliefs/activities. In the mid 2000’s when Chubbuck was 15 years old he created the online handle “abomb990” and applied it across all of his different accounts. At this time, Chubbuck was very active online through sites like Deviant Art, Flickr, and YouTube, displaying his art, talking about his day to day life, and sharing his interest in music. During this time, Chubbuck appeared to be very apolitical, with no discernible political tendencies, and instead was interested in music, art, video games, school, and cannabis.

Chubbuck’s Flikr and Deviant Art profiles. He used his full legal name along with his “abomb990” handle, solidifying the connection between his actual identity and his well saturated username.

Chubbuck was involved in the Philly punk scene for several years, starting in 2016 when he moved from his hometown of Ambler, PA to the city proper and began to immerse himself in the local scene. Chubbuck took on a visage similar to other punk anarchists, decking himself out in piercings, homemade tattoos, and DIY clothing.

Chubbuck during his time as a Philly punk. In the two photos on the left he can be seen wearing an iron cross. While iron crosses can be used to signify national socialist beliefs, it is not a symbol used exclusively to reflect this, and has been adopted by biker, punk, and goth subcultures. Due to Chubbuck’s well documented anarchist politics at this time in his life it is not believed that his usage of it here reflected national socialist beliefs.

Chubbuck also became involved in different anarchist mutual aid spaces at this point and participated in day-to-day work and larger events to provide the Philly community with different resources. His band, Iron Wind, played a number of different anarchist and punk events, further solidifying his politics at this time.

Some of the anarchist and punk scene events that Chubbuck’s band played when he was an anarchist.

Once Chubbuck was kicked out of the scene in 2020/2021 he slowly began to radicalize towards the far right. At the time of publishing it is not clear what caused Chubbuck’s radical shift from the far left to the far right. Unlike another former antifascist turned neo-nazi, Paul Minton, Chubbuck had no prior history as a white nationalist to possibly explain his shift to fascism. Evidence of his shift can be seen from his more recent online activity.

Chubbuck’s YouTube account, which bares his username “abomb990” along with the logo of his now defunct Philly punk band Iron Wind.

As seen in the photo above Chubbuck commented 8 months ago on a Screwdriver video, a well known white nationalist band, with not so subtle white nationalist sympathies. This also occurred well after the Princeton area Walmart incident where he was unmasked by antifascists.

Chubbuck currently lives in Boyerstown, PA and runs his own licensed business Skyline Interiors, where he installs custom window installations and blinds. The business serves the greater Philadelphia area.

Facebook details about Chubbuck’s business Skyline Interiors.

Based on customer reviews, social media activity, and overall online presence it appears Chubbuck’s business has either greatly slowed or may be dormant for the last two years. Regardless, concerned individuals are encouraged to report Skyline Interiors, reach out directly to the business through secure means, and post reviews informing the public of Chubbuck’s neo-nazi ties. Other than Facebook, Chubbuck’s business has a website, a build zoom account, and a home advisor account. This article can be linked and used as evidence.

Chubbuck has betrayed anarchism, antifascism, and his former community in the most disgusting way possible. The militant left must handle him and he must be held accountable for his actions.

S14 members: With addition of Alex Chubbuck, eight of your people have been identified and doxxed including Benjamin Ryder, Jackson Bradley, Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed and the pressure will increase. You will be held responsible for the nazi filth that you are.

Zine on Resisting Mask Bans


A zine was made on resisting mask bans. It calls for a different set of strategies than the public health model, advocating for a diversity of tactics. The model proposed in this piece is inspired by the prisoner revolts against neglectful COVID practices in 2020.

[PDF for reading]
[PDF for printing]

⚙️ Neo-Luddite Reading Group: ‘Blood in the Machine’ by Brian Merchant

from Iffy Books

The cover of 'Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech' by Brian Merchant. The words "Blood in the Machine" are in red, along with a large X covering an etching of two people working in a factory, one with a sledgehammer raised above his head.

4th and 2nd Wednesday each month 6:30-8:30 @ Iffy Books

Discord: Email neoluddite@victorgom.es for an invite!

The issues and harms surrounding emerging technologies are especially concerning given the lack of regulation in the tech industry generally, and the tendency of productivity-increasing technology to further concentrate power in the hands of the few. This reading group will explore these risks and engage with how they work in the hopes of better organizing to protect the rights of workers and individuals. The goal is to have a better understanding of the costs (data, carbon, human labor) and risks (misinformation, unpredictability, bias) of making these machines, as well as limitations in what they can learn about the world primarily through text.

We’re currently reading Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech by Brian Merchant.Archived pages of our previous books include: Resisting AI, The Human Use of Human Beings, Race After Technology.

If you’d like to learn more about me, you can visit victorgom.es for a bio.


If you’re joining for the first time, I’d suggest you read this before anything else for brief context: What the Luddites Really Fought Against by Richard Conniff.

The only expectation is that you read the chapter(s) of the book that’s listed for that meeting. You’re still welcome to participate if you haven’t done the readings as long as you are mindful. For each chapter, I’ve also noted some optional readings for context, so I’d suggest checking those out rather than reading ahead in the book. And remember, if you ever find yourself struggling with any of the readings or concepts, reach out! Either directly to me over email or to the entire group over discord.

Meeting 1 (7/10): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Meeting 2 (7/24): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Meeting 3 (8/14): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Meeting 4 (8/28): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Author event with Brian Merchant: Wednesday, September 11th (doors at 6 p.m., virtual discussion at 6:30)

Full schedule at victorgom.es/neoluddite

In Contempt #42: Hunger Strikes and Phone Zaps, June 11th Roundup, Mexican Anarchists in Trouble

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.

There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!

Hunger Strikes and Calls to Action

A phone zap has been organized for Alejandro “Capo” Rodriguez-Ortiz of the Vaughn 17, who is facing retaliation after being moved back to Vaughn. DC IWOC write:

He’s been back at James T Vaughn for 4 months and they continue to deny him a job, education, vocational training, or any programming!! Then recently security denied him an honor visit, even tho he qualifies. We’re asking for support in calling the wardens office and Dover (central office) for him to have access to a job/education/programs.

JTVCC wardens office: 302-653-9261
Dover commissioners office: 3027395601
Name: Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz SBI 515700

Script: Hello, I am calling on behalf of Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz, SBI 515700. I hear that security is denying him an honor visit even though he qualifies, and he is also being denied a job and programming. He has been back at Smyrna for 4 months and has not had any write ups and is trying to live in peace. Why are they denying him a job and honor visit? This type of vindictive behavior from security is corrupt. Please reconsider and let him have the honor visit and give him job opportunities to succeed.

According to an update: “[They] will try to get you to contact family services about the visit. However this does not remedy the fact that the prison is withholding opportunities for a job, which he would need to apply again in the future for an honor visit.”

After 16 years of incarceration and many years of DOC torture, Beans (Abednego Baynes) of the Vaughn 17 is finally coming home this fall. Beans was one of 18 prisoners indicted for the uprising at James T Vaughn Correctional Center in 2017. Beans is asking for donations so his family can get down to Delaware to see him when he lands, and to cover rent and other expenses for several months while he gets work and more permanent housing figured out. Please donate and spread widely! Donations can be sent to phillyantirepression through venmo or $MachaelRobinson on cashapp

Write to Beans at the following address:

Smart Communications/PA DOC
Abędnego Baynes –
SCI Mahanoy
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, Florida 33733

General Prison News and Abolitionist Media Updates

The Rebellious Hearts account continues to post new material from Vaughn 17 defendants such as Dwayne “BIM” Staats on a regular basis.

Uprising Defendants

See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. To the best of our knowledge they currently include:

David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701


Informality, Anarchy, and the Black Radical Tradition

from O.R.C.A.

A lecture based discussion on organization and strategy in the 21st century.

Bring a friend. No prior reading required, this will be an introductory discussion.

July 5th, 7PM