Your questions answered ????

from We Love Lore

Thanks to everyone for your patience and generous offers of support during these last few quiet months ???? We want to keep everyone up-to-date and in touch with Lore while the government tries to hide her and slow her eventual release.

So! We’re offering a new option to subscribe to the latest updates as they come by email ???? and adding your FAQ’s, starting with the questions we’ve received the most below.

Don’t forget! you can always catch up with the latest on Instagram and Twitter, too.

What is Lore’s current status?

Lore is still detained at the Bureau of Prisons’ Federal Detention Center at 7th and Arch Streets in downtown Philadelphia.

Does she have a trial date?

No, neither the prosecutors’ office nor the courts have expressed any plans to hold a trial in the foreseeable future.

How is her health?

Lore is feeling fairly well after recovering from an untreated COVID-19 infection, but she now uses an inhaler daily and needs further testing to understand and manage her long-term breathing needs.

Is she vaccinated?

Lore has not received any COVID-19 vaccination at the time of writing and there is no timetable for her to receive one. She has expressed her desire to be vaccinated often and clearly.

How is her spirit?

All in all, pretty great! ???? Your support continues to reach and uplift Lore there daily.

Right now she is especially inspired to win more and better access to COVID-19 information and vaccinations on the women’s unit. In the meantime she is forming strong bonds with some amazing women in her unit, writing letters to everyone she can, and creating a lot of artwork.

How can I help?


More than anything else, Lore wants us all to support our friends and allies leading the fights against police violence and mass incarceration.


You can also support Lore directly by writing and sending photos! Your love and solidarity make this fight possible.


And you can always donate to Lore’s commissary fund via PayPal or Venmo @WeLoveLore for food, clothes, and all the other essentials.

May in-person discussion: Against Identity Politics

from Viscera

A reading liked this piece so much we’re doing it twice! Or in this case, a third time. Our in-person discussion this month will be Against Identity Politics by Lupus Dragonowl.

Find the essay here.

We’ll be meeting in Clark Park on Sunday, May 16th from 1-3 – find us by the chess tables!

Neo-Nazi Profile: Perry Maholland Jr of Levittown, Pennsylvania

from Anonymous Comrades Collective

In today’s report we would like to present this concise profile on a Pennsylvanian neo-Nazi who runs a fledgling social media website that caters to neo-Nazis, fascists, antisemites and admirers of Adolph Hitler. Allow us to introduce:

Perry Maholland Jr. of Levittown, Pennsylvania

Perry Maholland Jr’s adoration of Adolph Hitler and Nazis is hardly a secret. His social media posts make it obvious that he is not shy about showing his face and name along with his disturbing convictions. After all, his username on the right-wing social network site Gab is “@ihatejews“:

Perry Maholland Jr's Gab profile. His usename is "@ihatejews" and he states he is there to "name the Jew."
Perry Maholland Jr’s Gab profile. His username is “@ihatejews” and he states he is there to “name the Jew.”

Maholland also has a conspicuous presence on the the question/answer site Quora where the topics he covers are of a particular focus: antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Perry Maholland Jr's profile on the Q&A site Quora.
Perry Maholland Jr’s profile on the Q&A site Quora.
Maholland had a particular focus on antisemitic conspiracy theories on Quora.
Maholland had a particular focus on antisemitic conspiracy theories on Quora.

In fact, oddball antisemitic conspiracy theories seem to occupy a predominance of Maholland’s life. Instances of his obsession are easily found across various social media websites.

Antisemitic conspiracy theories are an obsessions with Maholland. Pictured above is a post from his profile on
Antisemitic conspiracy theories are obsessions with Maholland. Pictured above is a post from his profile on

Fuhrernet: a Place for Neo-Nazis

While Perry Maholland used to be the leader of a fourth-rate heavy metal band called Spirus,  he now spends his days as a web developer, as indicated by his public LinkedIn profile.

Perry Maholland Jr's LinkedIn profile.
Perry Maholland Jr’s LinkedIn profile.

One of his current pet projects is a fledgling social network website that caters to neo-Nazis and admirers of Adolph Hitler called Fuhrernet, the logo of which bears a marked similarity to another well-known social network site.

The "Fuhrernet" logo. Look familiar?
The “Fuhrernet” logo. Look familiar?

As it is now, Fuhrernet (one of the contributors to its development, by the way, is Jewish neo-Nazi Diana Brancoveanu, aka “Pikachu,” whom we reported on earlier) is a barely functioning echo chamber where neo-Nazis post links to videos and memes consistently of an antisemitic and racist nature.

Fuhrernet post featuring a photo of Hitler and Nazi soldiers.
A post on Fuhrernet that is representative of the site’s basic content.

It does not appear, however, that Fuhrernet is actually catching on very well. Maholland’s own profile page shows that he joined in 2017 and, four years later, only has around sixty friends and followers, a paltry sum considering he is the creator of the site.

Maholland's own profile on Fuhrernet.
Maholland’s own profile on Fuhrernet.

Because even Nazis can fall in love, one of Maholland’s Fuhrernet “Friends” is a woman who calls herself “Vera Castiel” and whom we believe to be living in Germany. Vera appears to be his girlfriend and they are in Nazi-love.

Maholland's girlfriend "Vera Castiel" has a Fuhrernet profile too.
Maholland’s girlfriend “Vera Castiel” has a Fuhrernet profile too.
Valentine's Day e-card from Vera Castiel to Perry Maholland Jr. on Fuhrernet.
Valentine’s Day e-card from Vera Castiel to Perry Maholland Jr. on Fuhrernet, because even Nazis can fall in love.

We are quite sure there are no surprises in their relationship! Honesty really is the best policy…

Perry Maholland wants his foreskin back too!
Perry Maholland wants his foreskin back too!

Tschüss, for now…

There will be more to come from us on Perry Maholland Jr and “Fuhrernet” in the future. Rest assured, he is on our radar and there will be more to follow!

The Silent Whip Structural Racism Everybody Loses


as an independent im working to address human rights that help with the healing our country so needs. i’ve been pushing an end of the race card, race-baiting black-white mentality because everybody loses under oppression. the challenge in having these conversations is that most don’t want to accept responsibility for our current societal oppressive mentalities of black and white. What im learning from these conversations is that people feel that they will lose a part of them by removing these labels. im pushing this healing platform as a way to unmask and unite as humans not as allies divide by color. if we are removing symbols of hate in our society then why not address the race card, race-baiting divide and conquer willie lynch labels of oppression.
[Listen Here]

Why We Fight: Author Shane Burley with Kim Kelly & George Ciccariello-Maher

from Facebook

The essays in Why We Fight: Essays on Fascism, Resistance, and Surviving the Apocalypse (AK Press, 2021), many published here for the first time, cover the shifts in rhetoric and tactics of the Alt Right since their disastrous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, and the explosion of antifascist, antiracist, and revolutionary organizing that has risen to fight it. Burley unpacks the moment we live in, confronting the apocalyptic feelings brought on by nationalism, climate collapse, and the crisis of capitalism, but also delivering the clear message that a new world is possible through the struggles communities are leveraging today. Burley reminds us what we’re fighting for not simply what we’re fighting against.

This free online event will be in conversation with Kim Kelly and George Ciccariello-Maher. Zoom link will be shared soon.

[Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT]

Documented Nazi & Former Allentown Police Captain Michael P. Combs Now Police Chief in Minersville, Pennsylvania

from Community Research Opposing Hate

Three images of Michael Combs, Nazi Police Chief of the Minersville Police
Three images of former Allentown Police Captain & current Minersville Police Chief Michael Combs. He is a Nazi.

It recently came to CROH’s attention that the infamous Nazi Allentown Police Officer Michael P. Combs remains employed in the field of law enforcement.

Multiple reliable accounts of Combs’ dedication to white supremacist ideology throughout the 80’s and 90’s were published in a 1996 article in The Morning Call. And while a 1997 internal investigation verified several of these claims, the APD declined to terminate Combs, instead prompting him to attend “sensitivity training.” Combs remained employed by Allentown Police Department (APD) until his retirement in 2002. Despite Combs’ verified history of white supremacy, he was again hired in 2010 by the Borough of Minersville to serve as Police Chief.

In the following article, CROH will lay out the various credible allegations against Combs regarding his open support for Hitler, Nazism, and other white supremacist ideologies. We will also discuss APD’s 1997 Internal Affairs Investigation into Combs (aka, APD’s investigation of themselves). Lastly, we will cover Combs’ 2010 transition to Police Chief in the Borough of Minersville, a small community in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.

In Contempt #4

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]

Welcome, to the fourth installation of In Contempt, a collection of updates and information in relation to state repression and counter-insurgency, especially in the wake of the George Floyd uprising last summer.

Uprising Defendants

Everyone should support the defendants facing charges related to their alleged participation in the George Floyd uprising – this list of our imprisoned comrades needs to be getting shorter, not longer. The status of pre-trial defendants changes frequently, but to the best of our knowledge they currently include:

Lore-Elisabeth Blumenthal #70002-066
FDC Philadelphia
P.O. Box 562
Philadelphia, PA 19105

David Elmakayes #77782-066
FDC Philadelphia,
PO Box 562,
Philadelphia, PA 19105

Shawn Collins #69989-066
FDC Philadelphia,
PO Box 562,
Philadelphia, PA 19105

Steven Pennycooke #69988-066
FDC Philadelphia,
PO Box 562,
Philadelphia, PA 19105

When writing to pre-trial prisoners, do not write about their cases or say anything that you wouldn’t want to hear read out in court. If you have any updates, either about status changes meaning that people should be removed from this list, or about names that are missing and should be included, please reach out.

Upcoming Birthdays

Abednego Baynes

A former Vaughn 17 defendant. Baynes was found innocent of all charges in relation to the uprising, but he has still been punished with a move out of state, and deserves respect and support for staying in solidarity with his codefendants throughout the process and refusing to cooperate with the prosecution. You can read more about Baynes in his own words here.

Pennsylvania uses Connect Network/GTL, so you can contact him online by going to, selecting “Add a facility”, choosing “State: Pennsylvania, Facility: Pennsylvania Department of Corrections,” going into the “messaging” service, and then adding him as a contact by searching his name or “NT0594.”

Birthday: May 20


Smart Communications/PADOC
Abednego Baynes, NT0594
SCI Phoenix
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733

Looking Ahead

Looking further ahead, June 11th is the international day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners, and further ahead still, there’s the Jailhouse Lawyers Speak call for demonstrations on August 21st and September 9th, so you may want to start thinking about plans for those dates now.

reportback from 4/23


This weekend beginning on Friday, April 23rd multiple actions were organized in so-called “Philadelphia”(*) demanding the immediate release of political prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is suffering from medical issues and an inhuman quality of life associated with being locked in a cage since the early 1980’s. Mumia Abu-Jamal was born and raised in so-called “Philadelphia” and Saturday April 24th was his 67th birthday.
On Friday around 10pm a small group of anarchists carried out a spontaneous banner drop over the 22nd St. bridge, facing drivers going southbound on 676. Some comrades cop-watched while others climbed onto the fence overlooking the highway to secure the banner, which read “Free Mumia, Free Them All.”
The drop was performed in under 10 minutes and occurred without any police presence. The black banner was repurposed from a previous march and admittedly left much to be desired. Consider it an invitation to “show us up” by throwing up a more carefully designed black sheet of your own.
Additional acts of solidarity that took place that night included:
 — “Free Mumia” appearing in paint on the 22nd St. bridge
— Stickers being slapped in the surrounding area
— “Free Mumia Free Them All” spanning the Schuylkill River Banks structure
— A large display of anarchist sentiments appearing on a wall near the Spring Garden bridge including “No Prisons, No Police, No Presidents” & “USA” crossed out
— And “Free Mumia” and “ACAB” decorating barriers and walls near the 23rd St. armory.
No police interference occurred during the night’s art projects. These acts were carried out in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom, regardless of if he is “guilty” or “innocent” — a debate we couldn’t care less about.
We hope our small and uncomplicated action will encourage others to conspire and act out, even during this time of steadily increasing surveillance, police presence and state repression.
“Every city, every town…”
– Some local anarchist exterior decorators

HAYMARKET Documentary Film Screening

from Instagram

We’re back on our bullshit! May 1st 7:30pm! Get your tickets on our website in the calendar section! ~ Online screening of Haymarket, a brand new feature length documentary followed by discussion with the director Adrian Prawica~

New zine: 215 Rioters


We’re happy to announce the publication of a new zine 215 Rioters: Heroes Forever. This zine is a compilation of analyses and reports from the 2020 Walter Wallace uprising. The authors have revised their pieces and written an introduction to give context to their thoughts. Two anonymous action reports are also included to bring to light some less publicized aspects of the rebellion. As the police make it clear that they will continue to kill Black people it is our intention that these kinds of reflections and histories help us sharpen our struggle to free ourselves from the forces of anti-Blackness and social control.

Here & Now Zines

[Read PDF] [Print PDF]

FOIA reveals that the DEA was ‘infiltrating’ BLM protests last June

from Twitter

Anathema Volume 7 Issue 3

from Anathema

Volume 7 Issue 3 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 7 Issue 3 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

  • Advances In State Repression
  • What Went Down
  • Local Repression Updates
  • Housing Struggle Questions
  • Dark Clothes Attract Heat
  • More Than A Three-Way Fight
  • Philthadelphia
  • To Attack Is Among My Instincts
  • 325 Communique
  • Crow Song

Monday April 26th: Letter-writing for Mumia Abu-Jamal

from Philly ABC

mumia-abu-jamal.jpgMumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther and internationally recognized award-winning journalist known as “the voice of the voiceless” for his many years spent writing about racism in Philadelphia, the murder of local MOVE members, people in prison, and more. It is now urgent that we raise our voices for the freedom of Mumia as he faces serious health complications from medical neglect inside prison.

After years of denial of treatment for various chronic health conditions, Mumia had heart pain over last weekend. He was rushed to the hospital, and is expected to undergo heart surgery Monday, April 19, 2021. According to Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, Mumia’s chosen doctor:

There is significant evidence, both legal and medical, that Mumia has suffered severe harm because medical, legal, law enforcement, and judicial professionals have not met proper standards. Mumia has been recently hospitalized for COVID and Congestive Heart Failure and he already suffers from hypertension as well as liver cirrhosis and diabetes, both induced by court documented medical neglect. Freedom is the only treatment.

Watch the full, emergency press conference here.

Due to public pressure, Mumia was able to call his wife last Thursday, but we need to continue the pressure to demand:

  1. Mumia be allowed to call his chosen doctor, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez.
  2. Mumia not be shackled to his hospital bed, as is the rule in Pennsylvania and across the United States.
  3. His immediate release from prison.

Your support with calling and emailing prison authorities today and in the coming weeks is absolutely critical to ensure that Mumia gets the best possible medical care before, during, and after the surgery on Monday.

The it’s ALL OUT FOR MUMIA on April 23-25 – a weekend of action for Mumia’s 67th birthday.

Finally, join us on Monday, April 26th at 6:30pm in Clark Park (stone platform near 45th and Chester) as we gather to write letters of solidarity to Mumia. Move members will provide an update on Mumia’s condition and next steps for the fight to bring him home. If you are unable to make the event, please send him your solidarity at:

Smart Communications/PADOC
Mumia Abu-Jamal AM-8335
SCI Mahanoy
P.O. Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733

We will also send birthday cards to political prisoners with birthdays in May: Xinachtli (the 12th), Kojo Bomani Sababu (the 27th), and Doug Wright (the 30th).


Pa. National Guard activated as Philly preps for potential unrest ahead of Derek Chauvin murder trial verdict

from mainstream media

Members of the National Guard stand in guard in front of the Philadelphia Municipal Services Building in Philadelphia, Pa. Friday, October 31, 2020.

Philadelphia officials and community leaders Friday outlined plans for increased emergency operations and law enforcement staffing, while Gov. Tom Wolf activated more than 1,000 Pennsylvania National Guard members to the city in preparation for any potential unrest following the verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the killing of George Floyd.

At the request of the city, Wolf signed a proclamation of disaster Friday evening, activating the 1,000-plus state Guard members, to support “the current efforts in Philadelphia to protect our beloved neighbors and city.” The proclamation is effective for 90 days unless Wolf rescinds or extends it.

The activation of the Guard came after city leaders held a news conference Friday, saying they learned from the large-scale racial justice demonstrations and unrest in Philadelphia last spring following Floyd’s death, and have developed a “holistic plan” to address any aftermath of the landmark Chauvin verdict.

“Regardless of what may develop, I am confident that our department is prepared for whatever may come our way,” said Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, standing in front of the Municipal Services Building — a flash point for conflict in 2020, where the statue of former mayor and police commissioner Frank Rizzo once stood, and where a mural highlighting Black Lives Matter protesters was later installed.

Last year, she said, ”while we made missteps along the way, we are committed to moving forward in a meaningful and productive manner.”

Closing arguments in the trial are set to begin Monday, with no timetable on when the verdict may be reached.

A review commissioned by Mayor JIm Kenney found that police were “simply not prepared” for the demonstrations that ensued in Philadelphia following Floyd’s death last May, where short staffing, lack of equipment, and insufficient planning had “cascading effects,” with “inordinate use” of tear gas and other less-lethal munitions by police and “at times, excessive force against protesters.”

This year, the Police Department is increasing staffing and canceling days off to ensure a presence across the city, “to enhance the protection of critical infrastructure, businesses, and neighborhoods,” Outlaw said. Beginning Saturday, the Office of Emergency Management will also be fully staffed every day for the next several weeks, said Director Adam Thiel.

The National Guard — which occupied Philadelphia for weeks last year following unrest after Floyd’s death and again in October after officers shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr. — is not in the city yet, Thiel said, but it is ready to deploy ”if needed.”

According to Wolf’s office, the Guard’s duties may include — but are not limited to — area security, manning traffic control points, and providing security at critical infrastructure sites. Citing security concerns, the office said that specific locations, numbers of troops, and locations could not be discussed.

Outlaw said that police have not ruled out using tear gas, rubber bullets, and other “less-lethal munitions,” but that they would not be fired “against peaceful demonstrators.” Following the tear-gassing of demonstrators on I-676 and residents in a West Philadelphia neighborhood, police implemented a moratorium on the munitions in June, and in November, Kenney signed a bill barring use of such devices “on any individual engaging in First Amendment Activities.”

Police intend to honor the moratorium and legislation, a spokesperson said.

Outlaw said the department would do “everything possible” to avoid disruptions, but that some streets may be closed to traffic.

“Things might look different in your neighborhoods over the coming days,” she said. “You will see officers on bikes, and some officers on foot. Some officers may be on horseback. You will even see some officers throughout the city, along with police clergy, offering prayer, opportunities for healing, and distributing City of Philadelphia resources. There’s even a chance that you will see a Pennsylvania National Guard soldier in your neighborhood. Please remember that they are all here to serve you.”

Officials encouraged residents to sign up for emergency updates by texting “ReadyPhila” to 888-777.

Ahead of the Chauvin verdict, the city will also assist in virtual “community healing circles” for residents to share their feelings and find support from neighbors, said Managing Director Tumar Alexander. He said the city is asking community leaders to hold their own events, and providing resources to encourage healing conversations offer support, and information on knowing your rights while protesting. Additionally, he said, business owners, volunteers, Town Watch Integrated Services, and the Office of Violence Prevention will “passively patrol the communities and commercial corridors … not as law enforcement, but just as citizens looking to engage other citizens and business owners.”

Some community and faith leaders also urged residents to refrain from destroying property in protest.

“We must be ready to embrace the opportunity to dig deeper to end racism, brutality, and injustice, we should embrace the right to protest to demand change,” said Sharmain Matlock Turner of the Urban Affairs Coalition. As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’” Turner added, but Dr. King “also gave us wisdom in our fight for justice saying, ‘Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a sword that heals, which cuts without wounding and nobles those who wield it.’”

“Speak up, protest, but do not tear up,” said state Sen. Vincent Hughes (D., Phila.), recalling discussions with city business owners whose stores were damaged during unrest last year, some who never recovered.

In Minneapolis on Thursday, after nearly three weeks of testimony, Chauvin’s defense rested after he declined to take the stand.

Last week, miles from where the Chauvin trial was underway, police in a Minneapolis suburb shot and killed Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, leading to several nights of unrest. In Philadelphia, protesters marched through the city for justice for Wright, and more demonstrations are expected this weekend.

April in-person event: demotivational training

from Viscera

We’re gonna take a bet on more nice weather and host another in-person outdoor event this month! Following up on bolo’bolo’s resistance to the planetary work machine, we’ll be reading excerpts from Demotivational Training by Guillaume Paoli.

…the objective of practicing demotivation, and this treatise is a modest step in that direction, would be rather to divest oneself from the apparatuses used to lead all of us donkeys to the market, to methodically dismantle the mechanisms that ensure that, despite everything, it works.


We’ll be meeting on Saturday, April 24th from 1-3 pm at Clark Park near the chess tables.