film screening: The Gentleman Bank Robber

from O.R.C.A.

6:30 PM
April 3

The Gentleman Bank Robber delves into the life of bo brown, an ex-political prisoner, a white working class butch, and a former member of the George Jackson Brigade. Journey through recollections of bank robberies and life underground, alongside the day to day life of an unrepentant former guerrilla. Queer, witty, and serious all at once.

We’ll have copies of Queer Fire, a zine of writings and interviews with bo brown and other George Jackson Brigade members, available to $0-$99 sliding scale to raise money for the space.

46 mins
Directed by Julie Perini
English with subtitles


from Unoffensive Animal

Cara and Celeste have a court date coming up next month on April 21st. Supporters are invited and wanted. The court hearing is at 1:15pm at the Northumberland Courthouse, 201 Market St, Sunbury, PA, USA.

The defense is presenting a motion that argues that the state has insufficient evidence to continue the case, especially in regard to the serious charges of RICO and ecoterrorism.

For more information please visit their support website: I

f you can afford to send them some coins please donate to their fundraiser:

Court and prisoner support is vital to the survival of this movement and those of us in it.

This community is only as strong as our solidarity. Love and Rage

`The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ & “A Mano Armata (Excerpts)” – English Translations of Alfredo Bonanno

from Reeking Thickets Press

‘The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’:


Reading Imposed PDF

Printing Imposed PDF

Covers & Spine for Printing (8.5x~11.58″, color)

Paperback, ~5.25″ x 8.25″ x 0.58″, 266 pages

A Mano Armata (Excerpts)”:


Reading Imposed PDF

Printing Imposed PDF

Covers for Printing (8.5×11″, b&w)

Pamphlet, ~5.4″ x 8.25″, 51 pages

Limited amount of physical copies available, email to check availability and get yours – $5 for the book, $2 for the pamphlet (just to cover part of the cost of printing) plus shipping if not local (book weighs ~1lb) If you’re a reading group or bookstore, infoshop, think you can get it into a prison, etc., inquire about possibly reduced cost or free books! We’re still working out the kinks of our very small-scale production process, and this edition is somewhat rough, with some edges trimmed on a slight slant, the occasional smudged or faded line of text, and the possibility of some toner rubbing off over time.

To our knowledge, The Unexpected Guest, A Mano Armata, and many of the included sections of Palestine, Mon Amour haven’t been properly translated into English, and this primarily machine-based translation – though we feel is sufficient for some purposes – certainly can’t be considered as such. Translation was carried out by Nim Thorn, a non-speaker of Italian, using various translation programs with the results then checked for apparent mistakes or divergences and the offending passages re-translated in context with dictionaries and using other translation programs. Short stanzas (such as the section “Untitled” in Palestine, Mon Amour) or metered sections (such as the Faust excerpts in The Unexpected Guest) were also translated word by word using comparisons of multiple tools. The introduction to the second edition of A Mano Armata is a particularly bad translation, of a difficult text in the first place, though some parts of it still shine through quite clearly, and the subject matter – in part about the desire to engage with the word backwards by constructing semio-cognitive labyrinths to reflect absence and help bypass the recuperating tendency of the will and language – feels ironically relevant.

No authorization was sought for this independent, not-intended-for-profit project and, for our part, further printing or distribution is welcomed.

`The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ brings together a new, rough translation of the 2010 book L’Ospite Inatteso by influential Sicilian insurrectionary anarchist, robber, poet, and philosopher Alfredo Bonanno (and as he reminds us, former motorcycle racer, professional poker player, and business executive) with similar, mostly previously untranslated sections from another book of his, Palestina, Mon Amour, and some relevant excerpts from his essay, “E noi saremo sempre pronti a impadronirci un’altra volta del cielo: Contro l’amnistia” (trans. – “And we will always be ready to storm the heavens again: Against the amnesty”).

An accompanying 51pg. pamphlet, “A Mano Armata (Excerpts)” collects more topical sections from that book of his (the title of which translates as `with armed hand’, or `at gunpoint’ and is part of the Italian legal name of offenses analogous to armed robbery or assault with a deadly weapon, with `a mano‘ also having the sense of a tool ready and available for use, or of `hand-made’, `manually’).

The sharply echoing, often numbered and diary-like stanzas that make up much of the book are a remembrance of the deadly, pro-liberatory armed struggle Bonanno took part in during the `60s and following decades, including alongside Palestinians in the Levant (relating also his experience of torture for this by Mossad in 1972), in Greece against the junta, in Ireland, Algeria, Uganda, and Italy. Written mostly during various later-life prison stints in Italy and Greece for robberies and seditions (both real and fabricated), these poetic, searingly honest tracings of formative, difficult memories grapple with suffering, monstrosity, humanity, and ghostly normality, the silent, irreversible and all-transfiguring singularities of death and of ending the lives of others, and the irresolvable tension between the quantitative and qualitative. The paradoxical, messy engagements with the often deeply flawed, recuperative, and quixotic but sometimes critical aspects of clandestine revolutionary warfare come deeply into play, alongside those with the projects of memory, theoretical and personal understanding, and the word itself. Bonanno refuses to shy away from the stark insights and puzzling question marks born of having closely shadowed and struck at torturers, informers, provocateurs, traitors, cops, and soldiers, and does so without hiding behind either moralism or trite anti-moralist cliches. Reaching us like an esoteric, late medieval folk heretic, Bonanno in these texts feels perfectly attuned to apprehend his and our current moments (in particular their real incomprehensibility), even through such unlikely lenses as his highly ambivalent exegeses of Saint Augustine or Goethe’s Faust.

Footnotes, selections, typesetting, back cover text for the book (the back cover text of the A Mano Armata pamphlet is taken from excerpts of the text), and cover designs are also by Nim Thorn.

Autonomous Action On Lawn Of UPenn President Larry Jameson

from Instagram

[Video Here]

Wake up, Larry.

At 7am this morning an autonomous action gathered on the front lawn of UPenn President Larry Jameson to wake him up from his comfortable slumber as he allows the university to fund Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians through investments and providing shelter and resources to Ghost Robotics and the GRASP labs which industrialize the mass extermination campaign.

PHL Free Monthly Zine Fest

from Instagram

ITS GETTING WARMERRRR 🌞 phillys 3rd monthly zine fest , March 30th 3pm in Clark park at the chess tables! Come distro food, smiles, warmth, joy, spring very well may have sprung by the time zine fest rolls around again!! 😱🫦🌷🪺 read some zines, have a picnic, make some friends… Dress cute or dress like a slob either way don’t bother brushing your hair or washing your ass because we don’t give a fuck. SEE U THERE 💌🧸💌🧸
ITS GETTING WARMERRRR 🌞 phillys 3rd monthly zine fest , March 30th 3pm in Clark park at the chess tables! Come distro food, smiles, warmth, joy, spring very well may have sprung by the time zine fest rolls around again!! 😱🫦🌷🪺 read some zines, have a picnic, make some friends… Dress cute or dress like a slob either way don’t bother brushing your hair or washing your ass because we don’t give a fuck. SEE U THERE 💌🧸💌🧸


from Unoffensive Animal

Its been a little while since we have written about Cara & Celeste, who were arrested and accused of a mink liberation in the USA. We don’t have updates about the case but would like to remind folks of their legal fundraiser, which is still stuck at 16k when they are needing to raise 75k USD.

Please, if you are reading this, send what you can afford to the fundraiser.

If that is 1 USD, that is better than nothing. If it is 100, that is equally as awesome!

Maybe it’d be cool to organise a fundraising event locally with other anarchist and animal rights folks? A fundraising diner, or a gig, or whatever other event that will help raise awareness and funds! If you are organising anything, we will be very happy to promote it so hit us up!

It is important to remember that c&c havr not been convicted for this crime, but that as a movement we are responsible for the wellbeing of all of us, and that includes ensuring that anyone who is facing the court system knows we have their backs!

If you cant afford donating, and you can’t organise a fundraiser, it would be awesome if you can share this post far and wide so others read it, collective self defence will take us far!

Donate here:


DONT USE MOLOTOVS: Some notes on safely burning teslas (or other cars)


Seeing the wave of tesla arsons has made us incredibly happy. But we are worried to see that many of these attacks have used molotovs

-molotovs aren’t guaranteed to ignite/explode. There have been many cases where police have recovered intact molotov cocktails from attacks. that is a shitton of forensic evidence that detectives WILL exploit.
-Even if the bottle does shatter, the shards of glass still likely contain tons of valuable forensic evidence
-Molotovs are loud and immediately create a big flame, all of which kills the element of surprise needed for arson attacks, which runs the risk of you getting captured or the fire gets extinguished much quicker

ALTERNATIVES: Fire starter cubes, sometimes paired with liquid accelerant in plastic bottles

Fire starter cubes are probably the best way to burn a car.
-they are guaranteed to self destruct
-they are discreet. By the time the vehicle has been engulfed in flames you will have had ample time to escape
-they are widely available, small, lightweight, and incredibly simple to use

We haven’t tested if a singular small cube is sufficient, but we recommend using at least a pack/bundle of them per vehicle. Placing them on top of a front tire is the best for both electric and gas vehicles. Placing them under the vehicle next to the tire could also be a good option as the flame is even more hidden, but we havent tested it ( if you do it this way it would probably be smart to also incorporate a plastic bottle of accelerant to ensure the flames are high and and strong enough)

Whatever design you use, you must test it beforehand and guarantee that every part of the device will be destroyed in a timely manor.

Dont smash windows if youre going to burn something because it is loud and increases the risk of leaving dna. be careful not to touch anything at the scene of the crime

Exercise abundant caution obtaining and handling materials. The no trace project ( has great resources for avoiding surveillance and mitigating forensic evidence.

Stay anonymous, get home safe, and go torch the ever loving shit out of every part of this miserable society.

-Anarchists Against Electric Vehicles, Electricity, and Vehicles

Skyscraper Jails: The Abolitionist Fight Against Jail Expansion in New York City

from Making Worlds Books

In Skyscraper Jails, scholars and organizers Jarrod Shanahan and Zhandarka Kurti detail how progressive forces in New York City appropriated the rhetoric of social movements and social justice to promise “downsized” and “humane” jails. The principal advocates of these new jails were not right-wing politicians, but prominent city activists and progressive non-profit organizations. Join the authors for a discussion of this unique moment for anti-jail activism and what it means for moving forward.

Zhandarka Kurti is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Loyola University, Chicago. She researches and writes about race, class, policing, incarceration, and mass supervision. She is the co-author of States of Incarceration: Rebellion, Reform and the Future of America’s Punishment System and editor of Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity. She lives in Chicago.

Jarrod Shanahan is the author of Captives: How Rikers Island Took New York City Hostage, co-author of States of Incarceration: Rebellion, Reform, and America’s Punishment System, and City Time: On Being Sentence to Rikers Island, forthcoming from NYU Press, and editor of Treason to Whiteness Is Loyalty to Humanity. He lives in Chicago and works as an assistant professor of Criminal Justice at Governors State University in University Park, IL.

Please register for the event here.

  • Sunday, March 23, 2025
  • 4:00 PM 5:30 PM
  • Making Worlds Bookstore & Social Center 210 South 45th Street Philadelphia, PA, 19104 United States (map)

The Language Of Violence

from O.R.C.A.

How do we define violence, and who gets to decide? What is terrorism and what is harm? Language is not just a tool for communication between individuals, but a tool for social control under systems. Language shapes how we understand things like harm, justice, and oppression in general. The words we use influence policy, media narratives, and even the way we respond to acts of violence. But what happens when certain harms are dismissed, obscured, or legitimized through language?

This interactive workshop delves into the power of framing, drawing on George Lakoff’s work on cognitive linguistics and Johan Galtung’s theory of direct, structural, and cultural violence. We will examine how language constructs meaning, dictates public discourse, and reinforces or disrupts systems of power. Participants will engage in critical discussions and real-world case examples (Yes, we’re gonna talk about our boy Luigi) to explore key questions:

  • How does the framing of violence influence public perception, policy decisions, and shape a carcerality?
  • What forms of harm are ignored or minimized due to linguistic choices?
  • How do terms like “crime,” “terrorism,” and “security” shape narratives around state and interpersonal violence?
  • How can we harness linguistic awareness as a tool for social change?

Through group activities and reflective dialogue, attendees will learn to critically analyze the ways language frames violence in media, politics, and everyday conversation. Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation on the intersection of linguistics, violence, and cultural perception.

  • Date: 2025/03/23 15:00

Zine: The Struggle Against Ghost Robotics

It is unclear what the struggle for Palestinian liberation will look like in the coming days. At the time of this writing a ceasefire has just been reached between Hamas and the Zionist entity, at the same time the Zionist entity continues to devastate Gaza and the West Bank. Last year a specific struggle against a local technology company connected the dots between Palestinian liberation, local gentrification, education, militarism, and borders. The company in question, Ghost Robotics, has come under fire for creating robot dogs used by the Israeli Defense Forces. That struggle may well be ongoing and this zine is not meant to push struggles into the safety of history, its aim is to inspire revolt, specifically against Ghost Robotics and generally against all aspects of domination. The struggle against Ghost Robotics has taken many forms, from spreading information and popular education, to organizing demonstrations, to destroying property. By reflecting on the past struggles we can better imagine and carry out our struggles today. This zine brings together writings about Ghost Robotics, a timeline of publicly documented action against Ghost Robotics, communiques from anonymous actions, a few photos. All information is taken from sources listed in the Resources section at the end.
Philadelphia, Occupied Lenapehoking,
Winter 2025
[PDF] [PDF For Printing]

Philly All Out To Free Mahmoud Khalil

from Instagram

Send from trusted comrades. FREE MAHMOUD KHALIL!! ❤️‍🔥🇵🇸❤️‍🔥🇵🇸❤️‍🔥 See ya’ll tomorrow!!!
Send from trusted comrades. FREE MAHMOUD KHALIL!! ❤️‍🔥🇵🇸❤️‍🔥🇵🇸❤️‍🔥 See ya’ll tomorrow!!!
City Hall

Bring signs and posters and remember to mask up!

Rallly coordinate by autonomous individuals not affiliate with any organization

Admin note

from Never Sleep

There have been recent issues with the file upload webssite espiv — we received several file links that showed up as deleted. We received a suggestion from another counter-info site to use instead. We encourage you to reupload your files if you have recently submitted something that was not posted or was missing files.

Tariffs Divide Us – The Struggle Unites!

from Philly Metro Area WSA

From Workers Solidarity Alliance, Labor Committee.

Revolutionary unionists have always stood for the solidarity of the global working class, rejecting every attempt by the ruling class to divide us—whether through borders, race, gender, or any other means of exploitation. The idea that workers in any one country have interests in common with their bosses is a lie designed to keep us from recognizing our true power. The recent trade war policies of the fascist U.S. President Trump, which sought to pit U.S. workers against workers in other nations through tariffs, were just one example of how those in power manipulate workers for their own gain. When ruling classes in other countries retaliate, it is nothing more than a struggle between competing capitalists—none of whom serve the interests of the working class. Meanwhile, their economic and political systems continue to brutalize migrant workers, exploit marginalized laborers, and uphold structures of oppression that harm all but the wealthiest few.

Any attempt to rally workers behind protectionist policies—whether by right-wing nationalists or union bureaucrats like United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain—is a betrayal of true working-class solidarity, operating within a system that assumes the permanence of exploitation, seeking only to negotiate for slightly better conditions rather than challenging the system itself. It is no surprise, then, that they accept the logic of capitalist competition, framing economic struggles as battles between nations rather than between workers and bosses. If our unions are led by those willing to collaborate with the ruling class, then workers must build new structures of power—organizing outside the limits imposed by hierarchical union leadership and embracing direct action, mutual aid, and truly democratic decision-making in our workplaces, communities, and beyond.

At the same time, we reject the myth of “free trade” as a benevolent force. For centuries, imperialist powers—including the U.S., Russia, and China today—have used it as an ideological cover for the exploitation and plunder of workers in smaller, less powerful nations. The wealth hoarded by the ruling classes of imperialist nations is stolen from the labor and resources of the Global South, just as capitalism itself is built on the theft of Indigenous land, the unpaid labor of enslaved people, and the continued oppression of marginalized communities. Some workers in the imperial core may receive small material benefits from this exploitation, but we reject any suggestion that this justifies their complicity. The labor movement must refuse to be a tool of capitalist expansion, and those who try to convince workers that they share a common cause with their bosses—whether through nationalism or reformism—are enemies of true workers’ liberation.

Rather than being trapped in the false choice between “free trade” and protectionism, workers must demand a new world—one where resources and wealth are shared equitably, and decisions about production and distribution are made democratically by those most affected. A movement for workers’ liberation must be rooted in feminism, anti-racism, disability justice, environmental justice, and the struggle against all forms of oppression. Only through solidarity that recognizes the full humanity of all workers—across borders, genders, and identities—can we create a future beyond capitalism, where our labor serves our communities, not the profits of the ruling class.

Book Release and Film Screening

from O.R.C.A.

  • Date: 2025/03/16 18:15

`The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ brings together a new, rough translation of L’Ospite Inatteso, written by Sicilian insurrectionary anarchist Alfredo Bonanno, with mostly previously untranslated sections from his book Palestina, Mon Amour. Diary-like, it’s a remembrance of his deadly armed struggle during the 60s and 70s, along Palestinians in the Levant (where he was tortured by Mossad in 1972), in Greece, Ireland, and Africa. Written during later-life prison stints, these poetic, intimate stanzas grapple with suffering, monstrosity, normality, death, killing, the quantitative and qualitative. Messy, flawed, but occasionally critical, clandestine warfare is considered along memory, knowledge, and the word. An accompanying pamphlet, “A Mano Armata (Excerpts)” collects topical sections from that book of his.
¡G.A.R.I! (2013, 1h 23 min., French with English subtitles), by Nicolas Réglat, is a documentary about `70s French and Spanish anarchists (the `Revolutionary Internationalist Action Groups’) in solidarity with Spanish anti-authoritarians threatened with execution. Kidnapping a banker among many other actions, GARI embraced armed struggle, situationism, and the autonomous movements, resisting vanguardism, fetishization, and campism. Réglat aims to save these stories, which include his family’s, from `the dustbin of history’. Through archival footage, present-day conversations, and expired statute of limitations, it’s a refreshingly human look into complex experiences which still ripple strongly today.

For more info and copies/free pdfs after event, visit

“Abolish ICE” Pasteup

from Mastodon

“Abolish ICE”
Pasteup spotted in Philadelphia