Fuck OCF


Spotted at 44th and Ludlow.


Posters in solidarity with Holman prison rebels


We put up posters in various neighbors of South Philly. The posters express solidarity with the struggle of the prisoners in Holman prison in Alabama. Some Bernie-bro got real mad but he didn’t run fast enough to catch us 😉
Poster text reads:
Solidarity with the Rebels in Holman Prison!
Fire to the Prisons!
Twice in four days inmates locked away in Holman prison in Alabama have lashed out against their captors and the cages that separating them from their freedom. Rebels set fire to the control tower, stabbed guards, built barricades, and took over sections of the prison. We want to spread their struggle & let them know they have friends outside the prison who support their fight.
Prisons are an atrocity that separate friends and loved ones. The notion that prisons are around to help people and rehabilitate criminals is a sorry joke we’re tired of hearing. Prisons aren’t “corrupt” or in need of reform, they’re an integral part of the white supremacist social order.

What is Direct Struggle?

from Facebook

What are the possibilities today for struggles against capitalism and the white supremacist colonial state? How have state repression and the rise of activism in the U.S. precluded various forms of militant struggle, and what exactly do these more direct forms of struggle look like?

This workshop will discuss the relationship between symbolic and direct action and explore various strategies for informal coordination, organization and action. We will look at a range of specific examples from around the world, including projects around land defense, anti-fascism, and construction of new prisons.

Presented by Movement for No Society.


Wooden Shoe is handicap accessible (bathroom is not)

[March 26 from 4pm to 6pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Graffiti: RIP Brandon Tate Brown Killed by PPD ftp

from Instagram

Spotted at 50th and Springfield today: RIP Brandon Tate Brown Killed by PPD #ftp

A Day After Police-Involved Shootout Killed Man and Wounded Officer, Chester Mayor Urges Community to ‘Practice Patience’

from mainstream media

Chester’s mayor urged residents in his city to be patient and show restraint on Sunday, a day after a police-involved shootout left an officer injured, a man dead and a second man wounded.

During a news conference Sunday morning, Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland praised the hospital that saved Police Capt. Alan Davis’ life, offered prayers to the man injured in the shooting and asked that the community show restraint as authorities investigate the incident.

Davis was shot in the chest and arm. He was in stable condition on Sunday. Police have not identified the man who died in the shooting or the man who was wounded.

Chester Police Capt. Alan Davis

“If we go through the process, then the truth will be revealed,” Kirkland said. “So we’re asking the Chester community once again to practice restraint, practice patience and understand that once this is done … the truth will come out.”

The shootout began as a traffic stop when Chester Police responded to a report of a possibly stolen vehicle at Union and Parker streets just after 4 p.m. Saturday, officials said. When officers arrived, at least one person inside opened fire, according to authorities.

“When the officers tried to stop it they didn’t cooperate and there ended up being shots fired from the car and then back at the car,” said Chester Police Chief James Nolan.

Chester Police Shooting Leaves Officer in Hospital One officer is in the hospital and one suspect died after shots were fired Saturday night in Chester. NBC10’s Randy Gyllenhaal reports with the updates in the story. (Published Saturday, March 12, 2016)

Captain Davis and the second suspect, a 19-year-old man, were taken to the Crozer-Chester Medical Center. Davis, a 26-year veteran of the police force, is currently in stable condition. Family members of the 19-year-old man who were outside the hospital told NBC10 he is stable as well. They also claimed the man is innocent and that police “got the wrong car.”

Police Officer in Hospital After Chester Shooting One police officer is being treated at the Crozer-Chester Medical Center after he was shot during a traffic stop in Chester. NBC10’s Drew Smith reports with an update on how the officer is doing. (Published Saturday, March 12, 2016)

A large crowd of community members gathered at the scene of the shooting Saturday evening. NBC10’s Randy Gyllenhaal reports a confrontation and fight occurred between police officers and some members of the crowd leading to pepper spray being used. Police told NBC10 the scuffle began when the crowd pushed up against the barrier as officials removed the man’s body from the scene. Police detained two people during the scuffle and say they have the situation under control.

Police continue to investigate the shooting. Residents told NBC10 they’re concerned about transparency during the investigation in light of another deadly police-involved shooting in February.

“The question is back to the police,” said Pastor Calvin Williams. “Who was at fault? Are ya’ll gonna tell the truth? All we want is the truth. We the people of the city of Chester, we want the truth this time.”

Shut Down Confederate Flag Day Rally Reportback

from Central PA Antifa

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

March 5th was declared a national day of honor for the Confederate battle flag by those who would seek to rewrite the history of the American Civil War to present the South as benign defenders of the nebulous idea of “States Rights”. To this end, the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans announced that they intended to conduct a ceremony honoring that symbol of oppression at the Eternal Peace Light Memorial in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Far from being an antiquated symbol relegated to the dustbin of history, the Confederate flag remains an inflammatory representative of the white supremacist and nationalist movements, and so anti-fascists in Central PA, Maryland and Eastern PA mobilized to counter the ceremony and provide a response to the erroneous argument that “the flag is about heritage, not hate.” In addition to Antifa elements, a local professor of history and Africana at Gettysburg College also coordinated a counter-rally that was attended by less militant anti-racist elements, and was staged in conjunction with the 15-20 individuals who arrived already dressed in black bloc.

The rally and counter-rally both secured permits from the National Parks Service permitting them to gather between 2:00 and 4:00 pm on Saturday. However, by 1:00 that afternoon many of the “flaggers” as well as the counter-protesters were already staging up and beginning to occupy the spaces designated for them by the Parks Service. These spaces were roped off by steel barricades and yellow rope, and there was a 50-75 yard “free speech zone” that the Parks Service Police explained was for “tourists”. They warned that no attendees from either side would be permitted to cross this neutral area under threat of arrest; however many Confederate flaggers were later permitted to do so, although several counter-protesters attempted to cross afterwards to highlight the double standards of enforcement and prove a point. These counter-protesters were met with immediate police responses, threatened with implied threats of arrests and turned back aggressively by the police.

The flag day ceremony was well-attended, with some estimates ranging to 200 people during their event. The counter-protest was slightly smaller, but made up for that by being significantly louder and very vocally aggressive in an effort to disrupt and disturb the racists. Displaying both black and black-and-red flags, as well as banners with slogans like “Northern Aggression” and “Your Heritage IS Hate”, the multi-regional coordinated efforts of the anti-fascists proved successful in drowning out the podium speakers with chants and megaphones, despite the large distance of separation between the two groups. The megaphones were utilized to great advantage by the counter-protesters, and even national media reported that the flag rally speakers were not able to be heard during their ceremony due to the continuous noise.

The flag day ceremony ended somewhat early in response to the constant chanting, shouting and disruption from the anti-fascist counter-protesters. The staging area for the counter-protest was directly in front of the parking lot and the road leading away from the monument, therefore all of the confederate apologists were forced to walk or drive past a victorious and enthusiastic crowd cheering them on as they were leaving. This resulted in some heated verbal exchanges as well as threats of physical violence from the Confederates, which were met with invitations to come to the other side of the line. Several face-to-face confrontations and shouting matches broke out, but the Park Police were quick to step in and maintain order. Predictably, the police were much less aggressive about preventing the flaggers from harassing counter-protesters on their way out, as well as enforcing the boundaries established before either protest began.

Because of this, counter-protesters held the ground until the majority of the flaggers had departed, and then arranged group escorts to provide security for all participants returning to their vehicles to ensure their safety and show solidarity. Although outnumbered approximately two-to-one, the four groups that allied were successful in their efforts to disrupt and confront racists in an area where racism is dominant. This shows that no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the setting, racism can be confronted and shut down with the right tactics and organization. Fascism should never be allowed a platform to spread racist and nationalist views, and every effort should be made to meet them in the streets whenever and wherever they decide to show up.

Eddie Africa Denied Parole

from Free the MOVE 9!

When The Move 9 became eligible for parole in 2008 The Pennsylvania Parole Board took on the responsibility of officials of this system in keeping innocent Move Members in prison for the rest of their lives . From 2008 up until as recent as this past week all of The Move 9 have been denied parole.  . We received a call last night from our brother Eddie Africa who was calling to let us know he was denied yet again by The Pa Parole Board and was given a two year hit where he would not go before the board again until 2018 .
The Parole Board has cited the issue of Eddie being a risk to the safety of the community.At Eddie’s parole hearing the parole board was presented with a petition of 300 signatures of members of the community who would welcome him on parole into the community and who in fact felt no threat to their safety with Eddie in the community . It’s obvious that this community that the parole board is talking about is none other than the law enforcement community across the country who have mobilized against parole for Move Members .
This clearly shows that The Parole Board has no regards to the community and their input on anything as they only value the input of law enforcement officials who they are obviously  working in conjunction with to keep our family in prison . Eddie sounded strong as always and he has not been deterred by this and neither are we . The fight continues to win parole for our family as we prepare for our sisters may 2016 parole hearings . There will be more information to follow in the next couple of days on the next steps we are taking .
In the meantime we urge people to sign The Petition we aimed at US Attorney General Loretta Lynch as we demand that The Justice Department investigate the wrongful and ongoing imprisonment of The Move 9 . People can go to https://www.causes.com/campaigns/92454-free-the-move-9.

Four UCD Buildings Attacked

from It’s Going Down

In the early morning of March 3rd, four University City District buildings had their locks glued and a camera removed. Anti-police and anti-gentrification slogans (“NO COPS,” “NO CONDOS,” “FREE BIG FREEDIA” etc) were painted as well.

University City District is an organization funded in part by University of Pennsylvania that polices and “maintains” space in West Philadelphia.

ANTI-FASCIST ALERT: Racist, Xenophobic “3%ers” Rallying in Philly Tomorrow 3/5/16

from Philly Antifa

When: March 6th, 2016
When: 12:30pm
Where: 6th and Market

This Saturday, the Three Percenters — a militia grouping with close ties to group of white supremacists, right wing ideologues and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists that recently occupied a wildlife refuge on stolen Native land in Oregon — are coming to Philadelphia and 21 other cities across the country. They will gather in front of regional FBI offices to “avenge the death of Finicum,” the man who was shot by the FBI as the occupation ended, and to gather strength for their cause.

The circumstances of Finicum’s, or the fact that law enforcement in the U.S. clearly has been given a license to kill under any circumstances aside, this group still must be opposed whenever mobilizing in our city. In fact, their attempting to organize in Philly under the auspices of opposition to state violence is even more of a threat because it makes their group seem more relevant and reasonable (as well as media savvy) due to all of all the recent momentum in the BLM movement and other movements against state violence.