SCI Rockview Autonomous Campaign


What is happening right now at SCI Rockview is an autonomous campaign to get two guards fired and for one to received mandated therapy as an act of “mercy.” An autonomous campaign means that it is open to all for participation, using tactics according to their own abilities and needs. It means it is decentralized and not led by a single party, non-profit, or institutionalized entity. It is a type of campaign that anyone who is impacted by the violence of PA-DOC  can join in, anonymously or as their full legal selves. It means a diversity of tactics and direct action are on the table always. It is a type of campaign that has no registration form or membership fees. It simply means that if you are moved by or can relate to the unfolding struggle of prisoners at Rockview, then you are qualified to participate. The situation is becoming more dire by the day in this facility, with the staff initiating a backlash that has put multiple people in the hole (solitary) and even transferred one prisoner out of state.

Press release:

Impunity and Cover-up: Correctional Officers Hang Nooses in SCI Rockview, Prisoners Speak Out!

Phone zap:

PA-DOC Phone Zap (2nd Week – updates + New Script)

One specific need that potentially can be fulfilled is further research into specific highly responsible prison officials, which is information available in the phone zap scripts and press releases. This information can be circulated somewhere where people familiar with this kind of research can encounter it, like Scenes from the Atlanta Forest or Philadelphia Anti-Capitalist.


Philly Anti-Capitalist:

Contact & Submissions

Here is an example of this type of call for research, offered by imprisoned anarchist Sean Swain back in 2018:

On Slavery, Nat Turner, John Brown, and Drones: A Statement from Sean Swain

1312/ FTP

Security Van Tires Slashed


“Are people within prisons/jail/detention the only ones who are expected to engage in material disruption? To take risks? Are we just vessels of emotional solidarity?”

“Where are the vulnerabilities to prison management’s morale and how does one remove the will of guards to endure?”

Security guards protect property. They help the police put people in prisons, they are part of the prison industrial complex. As people attack property private security acts as the auxiliary of the prison and police state. With this in mind as well as reading about the conditions at SCI Rockview we slashed the tires of a Securitas van. This was a small, easy, and replicate-able action that you can do with a friend. We agree with the comrade at SCI Rockview that “an assault on both fronts” is necessary, targets are everywhere. In the amerikkkan hellscape our lives are deeply embedded in the infrastructure of confinement. This is why we chose to attack the security van. Small actions like these can build capacity to be able to break down the prison walls.

Destroy PA-DOC
Fuck security guards
Fire to the prisons

-some anarchists

Notes on abolitionist insurgency & prisoner support in Pennsylvania



There are some dire questions that non-imprisoned abolitionists keep asking, of what solidarity with collective action inside entails. Central among them is: How do we embolden our comrades in prison or jail to feel protected enough, seen enough, and empowered enough to take action when they desire to?

Yet what is less discussed is the question posed in self-reflection: How can we embolden our comrades on the outside (who are willing to take physical risks) to provide forms solidarity that actually give inside demands a little more teeth?

  • What does autonomous direct action in solidarity with collective action inside look like for abolitionists on the outside, and where are the targets that would be most decisive for attack?
  • How can we better develop collective capacity for decisive attacks on PA-DOC from the outside, in conjunction with demands on the inside?
  • What targets can we choose on the outside that do not exacerbate repression for the comrades situated on the inside? Or is this simply part of the equation that we must equip and be prepared for?
  • How, then, can inside and outside move at once? And in this context, how do aboveground formations move horizontally with an underground to fill in the gaps in work that one another is unable to do?

These are questions that shift conversations about strategy from mere activism toward insurgency. As a comrade who was at SCI Rockview last summer writes:

“As prisoners, we can riot & take control of the prison at any time, but that won’t relieve us of this living death. We need our comrades in the world to take the fight out of the halls of legislation & to the prison walls themselves. Only then can we actually end this war. An assault on both fronts would make the difference between us banging on the walls & us breaking them down. When the world sees this, it will show that the facade of invincibility that the system has cultivated over generations of slavery is just that: an illusion.”

To compliment this ask from the inside, we believe it is equally important to attack & disrupt the everyday operations of structures and relations that compose PA-DOC’s instiutional form in ways that strategically compliment inside collective action.

For autonomous attack as abolitionist prisoner support to be decisive and effective, it first means decentering (not ignoring but thinking beyond) the “reified” site/scene of the prison facility itself in our ideas of the terrain of struggle and attack.  A prison facility, such as SCI Rockview, is one among many other sites and nodes in a web of structures and social relations that make up PA-DOC’s institutional form. The targets of insurgent outside solidarity through sabotage therefore consist of everything and anything that upholds the reproduction of the prison facility itself or a DOC system from without.

Some questions we may want to ask ourselves in outside support circles include:

  • What are the institutions, contractors, buildings, and other structures that enable PA-DOC to function in the first place?
  • If it is a prison “industrial complex” what is the constellation of sites that allow it to function, that give it coherence and life?

One way abolitionists can support people on the inside during a strike is to initiate (and sustain) conflict w/ the state & capital. To either disrupt its logistical operations and/or weaken the regime’s resolve.

One example that comes to mind is during the 2016 nationwide prison strike, which saw sporadic instances solidarity actions that did not abide by codes of non-conflictual demonstration.

For example, ABC Chicago in 2017 writes:

“In the context of prison struggle, a recent example of solid praxis that comes to mind was in Pittsburgh at Allegheny County Jail. About eighty prisoners began a work refusal and released a list of demands that included more case workers, better medical services, and a legitimate grievance procedure. After those on the outside heard of this sit-in, they took to the jail in masks, smashed windows of the jail, a security camera, and several police vehicles. Similar models of solidarity occurred around the September 9th prison strike where people all over the US and even other continents took action in solidarity with those on the inside rising up. This took the form of noise demos and marches, as well as direct attacks on prisons and those who profit off prison… This is a type of solidarity that can produce results.”

Some more questions to consider are as follows:

  • If the prison regime is upheld by numerous institutional connections & centers of gravity — that exist far beyond the “reified” site/scene of “the prison” itself — then where are the most impactful targets to attack in solidarity w/ prisoners taking collective action?
  • For abolitionists who are not inside the prison itself, what does disruption in solidarity with collective prisoner action look like beyond (only) non-conflictual protest?
  • Are people within prisons/jail/detention the only ones who are expected to engage in material disruption? To take risks? Are we just vessels of emotional solidarity?
  • Where then, would the targets be, for outside abolitionists to exert greater pressure? How might this change perspectives of strategy? How might thinking more expansively about the terrain of engagement illumine new tactical horizons?
  • Or maybe the objective of pressuring the state to meet a specific demand from inside is the wrong way to practice attack and direct action altogether?
  • Yet strikes typically have demands. So what then do we do with our bodies, our (relative) mobility and access to information/resources/tools that are foreclosed to people who take collection action for particular goals while locked up?
  • Where are the logistical chokepoints? What are targets of attack and sites of disruption that don’t result in severe backlash to comrades struggling on the inside?   Where are the vulnerabilities to prison management’s morale and how does one remove the will of guards to endure?
  • What is the relationship between a local-to-state government, the internal fiefdoms of prisons & jails, & the contractors whose fate is tethered to the regime’s institutional reproduction?  How can tensions or antagonisms between such entities be exacerbated by outside sabotage?

To bring this strategy to life we not only need comrades who are up for the task of directly attacking in solidarity with inside collective action, but we also need a range of people to take up this cause at the level of research, propagation, and expanding capacity for regional anti-repression work and community care.

We need people who can map the institutional form of PA-DOC. We need people to map the digital communications infrastructure. We need people that understand how the nodes of institutions that make up PA-DOC within Pennsylvania branch out to every corner of the US settler colonial territory, with offices, remote workers, contractors, etc… all within reach of someone who is willing to take action, yet simply needs a map to take part. We also need a more focused effort of people who are not involved in combative actions directly to participate in defending the fire of revolt as it spreads.  This can be done by simply organizing letter writing nights to support people in the case that they catch charges for the risks they take. This can also be done by focusing in on building or strengthening networks that provide care and mutual aid within your local spheres of movement and community.

Phone Zap in Solidarity with Comrades at SCI Rockview

from Dreaming Freedom, Practicing Abolition

📞⚡ Monday 3/18 – Friday 3/22

Call anytime between:  9am – 5pm est / 6am – 2pm pst

Send reportbacks to:

or DM on twitter: @abolitionstudy 

Trigger warning: Mentions racist violence by guards at SCI Rockview


In November 2023, a group of guards hung two nooses in the office (bubble) at SCI Rockview – a location visible to roughly a hundred prisoners. Prisoners who witnessed the nooses have been outraged by this disturbing racist act, and have since demanded that these guards face consequences. In January we launched a two week phone zap campaign that forced PA-DOC main offices to contact the warden. While many Black prisoners remain tormented by this racist act, the guards responsible have enjoyed impunity, with officials in the facility even making attempts to silence anyone on the inside who speaks out. One captive comrade was actually transferred out of state because of their agitation around this issue, while another captive comrade’s grievances have been outright rejected by the administration.

We have little reason to believe an internal investigation will achieve what the prisoners have been demanding, which includes the following:

  • Investigate the hanging of nooses as a “hate crime” and take their impact seriously
  • Terminate Sgt. Mosser and c/o Richards
  • Mandatory therapy for c/o Kirchner

SCI Rockview has seen 11 deaths (that we know of) in 2023 and a severe pattern of racist discriminatory practices. Please join us in calling PA-DOC offices and officials, to further expose this incident and amplify the demands of our captive comrades.

Script for Calling

I am calling on behalf of a community of people who are distressed by a recent incident of antiBlack harassment by a group of CO’s at SCI Rockview, who have faced no consequences for their racist actions. On 11/24/23, prisoners at SCI Rockview found two nooses made from extension cords hung by guards in the office (bubble). Two internal grievances have been submitted by prisoners who witnessed the incident, and prison officials have rejected both. We would like to make you aware that the facility admin has rejected both internal grievances, submitted by prisoners through the proper channels. The guards have faced no consequences. We have little reason to believe an internal investigation will achieve what the prisoners have been demanding, which includes the following:

  • Investigate the hanging of nooses as a “hate crime” and take its impact seriously
  • Terminate Sgt. Mosser and c/o Richards
  • Mandatory therapy for c/o Kirchner

The hanging of two nooses is understood by many people imprisoned at SCI Rockview to be a hostile act and deeply offensive. Some are disclosing how these acts are part of a larger pattern of discriminatory practices used by correctional officers at this specific facility. If this was any other workplace, the act of hanging nooses would lead to severe consequences. The admin at SCi Rockview have not only displayed indifference to the racist act, but some even have made efforts to silence prisoners in distress by the incident. We urge PA-DOC officials to recognize the significance of the prisoner demands, which are derived from the exhausted grievances. 

Phone Contacts




Press Release – March 13, 2024

Re: Correctional Officers Hang Nooses and SCI Rockview Does Nothing

Bellefonte, Pa. – On November 24, 2023, prisoners at SCI Rockview found two nooses hanging in the CO’s office, displayed visibly for prisoners to see. When the prisoners asked the staff why the nooses were hanging there, they were told it was a joke. By December 4, pris- oners filed a grievance to document what they saw, noting that the hanging of the nooses was “unethical, racially motivated, hateful, [a] deliberate debasement of black inmates” and “unsafe for inmates, staff, [and] the whole prison in general.” (For perspective: Rockview’s pris- oner population is 45% black.) In the grievance, they demanded that Sgt. Mosser and CO Richards be fired and investigated for a hate crime, and for CO Kirchner to get therapy. Cap- tain Andrews, the head of security, denied the grievance over two months later by February 5, 2024 under the guise that it was “being investigated”. However, the sergeant and Cos are still working in the prison to this day, with no repercussions except getting moved to another block.

As of March 10, prisoners have reached out to Pennsylvania officials at the Dept. of Corrections in a letter campaign, sending copies of the grievance. Activists on the outside are joining forces with prisoners to elevate their demands, which continue to be dismissed by the administration at Rockview.

In any other workplace, hanging a noose would be grounds for immediate termination. However, the staff and administration at SCI Rockview continue to dodge public accountability. In fact, the prison has a history of fostering systemic racism, like in 2013 when admin blocked a Muslim prisoner from wearing religious garb. Kerry X. Marshall, then incarcerated at SCI Rockview, sued and six years later the courts determined that the prison had violated his religious freedom.

This incident is coming at a time when in 2023, 11 prisoners died in custody. Seven people died amid an outbreak of legionnaires disease, and four people died while in the RHU (punitive solitary units with very little public oversight). Unfortunately, there is a well-known pattern of premature death at SCI Rockview. Most well known is an incident in 2012, when COs killed the prisoner John Carter during a “cell extraction” while he was in the RHU, in what other prisoners described as “turning his cell into a gas chamber” using ‘non-lethal’ weapon OC pepper spray. Carter’s family never received justice for what the prison did to him, and PA DOC never acknowledged or reprimanded the guards who killed him.

In short, prisoner demands to investigate the hanging of nooses as a hate crime, terminate Sgt. Mosser and CO Richards, and mandatory therapy for CO Kirchner, need be taken seriously.

March discussion: Aaron Bushnell

from Viscera

Join us on Sunday, March 24th from 1-3 in Clark Park to discuss a few recent pieces about Aaron Bushnell, an anarchist who recently immolated himself in protest against the ongoing horror in Gaza.

Crimethinc. – “This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal” On Aaron Bushnell’s Action in Solidarity with Gaza

anonymous – Or Just Say Nothing: A Response to CrimethInc.’s Initial Statement on Aaron Bushnell

Masha Gessen – Aaron Bushnell’s Act of Political Despair

See you there!

Queer Ultraviolence Reading Group


Can you not wait for the North East Bash Back! Regional Convergence? Want to get your butt wet a little in the lead up? Have you been asking yourself “who is this Bash Back! girlie? what’s she all about?”

This will be a reading group to discuss some of the texts that came out of the original Bash Back! network. We’ll be talking about them to better make queer anarchy generally and to get hype for the Bash Back! convergence happening at the end of next month.


March 30 at 1pm at O.R.C.A.

The readings:

Introduction to Be Gay Do Crime

Whore Theory

(optional) Introduction to Queer Ultraviolence Anthology

April 6th at 1pm at O.R.C.A.

The readings:

I Don’t Bash Back I Shoot First

Some Questions to be Addressed Before the 2010 Bash Back! Convergence in Denver

(Optional) Conclusion to Queer Ultraviolence

Runaway ram in Mount Laurel, NJ

from Unravel

A ram that escaped from a property in Mount Laurel was corralled by police Friday morning after having spent several days wandering the South Jersey township.

The male bighorn sheep was captured on a residential property following “a fairly extensive foot pursuit,” police said. The animal since has been reunited with its owner.

In recent days, police had received numerous reports from residents about the ram as it roamed around the area. It was spotted at multiple locations in Mount Laurel.

Authorities didn’t say how the animal got loose. Rams have been described as “amazing escape artists” if they aren’t kept in secured enclosures. In the wild, during the fall mating season, males often “ram” into one another after charging head-on at speeds up to 40 mph, according to the National Park Service.

Photos shared on social media showed officers and township workers posing with the husky-looking ram, who was held still by his curled horns.

It was an odd coincidence in a week that saw a horse escape from a stable in Philadelphia and gallop down the shoulder of I-95. That unusual sight was captured in a viral video that shows the horse in stride with its hooves audibly pounding the roadway. Police used their cars to eventually corner the animal at the bottom of the Allegheny Avenue off-ramp. It was later determined the horse belonged to the Fletcher Street Urban Racing Club, which said the animal may have been intentionally released after closing hours.

There have been quite a few notable animal escapes in the region over the last decade. In 2015, a pair of zebras escaped from a circus in West Philly and were seen running through the streets and in the parking lot of a Planet Fitness before they were captured. On X, formerly Twitter, Philly police wrote, “They are already sporting old-timey prisoner getup ahead of trial and sentencing.”

The next year, a bull got loose from a truck while being transported to a slaughterhouse in West Kensington and briefly wandered onto the shoulder of I-95 near Rivers Casino in Fishtown. The bull eventually was euthanized by a Pennsylvania Game Commission officer near Old City.

When an old barn caught fire at Malvern’s Canter Hill Farms in 2017, an ostrich there escaped from its pen and was seen streaking down the side of Swedesford Road and at other locations. The flightless bird was eventually cornered at a baseball field about five miles away from the farm, whose owner was able to capture it in a trailer and bring it to safety. No people were injured in the fire.

Then in 2018, four peacocks escaped from the Philadelphia Zoo and traveled down the Schuylkill Expressway. At least one of them died and two others were confirmed to have returned to the zoo, which allows them to roam freely on its grounds. Later that year, in the middle of a snowstorm, a camel was spotted in Bucks County on the side of Route 309 in Sellersville. That incident was not an escape. The camel was being taken from a petting zoo to an event in Philadelphia, but never made it due to the storm.

About two years ago in Danville — roughly 135 miles northwest of Philly, in Montour County — a truck carrying 100 monkeys crashed with another vehicle on Route 54 near I-80. Four of them got loose, including three that set off a lengthy search by state police before they were captured and euthanized. The incident drew outrage from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which condemned the use of monkeys for lab experiments. Kenya Airlines, which had shipped the monkeys to the U.S. from the island nation of Mauritius, said it would stop transporting the animals.

Around the same time, a mysterious dog was found near a home in Fairfield Township, about 70 miles east of Pittsburgh. The dog’s mangey appearance left wildlife experts stumped over whether it was a coyote or some other breed — and it led to a lot of sleuthing online. A wildlife rescue that took the canine in discovered one morning that it had “demolished” its cage and “clambered up on a set of shelves” before chewing through ceiling-high window seals to break out of a hospital room, returning to the wild. The genetic samples that the rescue had sent out for analysis later determined that the canine was 100% coyote, which makes a lot of sense in hindsight.

Finally, last fall, in Gettysburg, the owners of a 200-pound pet pig named Kevin Bacon spent 17 days trying to capture him after he broke out of his pen. The search involved flying drones and concocting various lures until the pig was sedated with veterinary Benadryl that had been hidden in a cinnamon bun. News of the comical saga made its way to the famed “Footloose” actor and Philadelphia native, who wrote on social media, “Bring Kevin Bacon home!”

The ram that escaped in Mount Laurel is now home safe, having experienced a taste of freedom — and he evidently put police through quite the obstacle course before he was captured.

“He was jumping bushes and running all over the place,” Mount Laurel police officer Kyle Gardner told 6ABC. “We were able to, with a handful of officers and the division of public works, we were able to kind of chase him down, tire him out, and grab him by the horns, literally.”

Informality, Anarchy, and the Black Radical Tradition at Wooden Shoe


A lecture based discussion on organization and strategy in the 21st century.
Bring a friend. No prior reading required, this will be an introductory discussion.

March 24
Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St

La Haine & Les Miserables — Two Screenings at O.R.C.A.


Two films about rebellion and alienation in the Paris suburbs.
La Haine
March 15
Doors 6pm
Film 8pm
La Haine is a cult classic following three friends as they wander Paris and a suburb in the aftermath of a riot against police.
(98 mins)
Les Miserables
March 16
Doors 2pm
Film 3pm
Les Miserables is a story of policing and tension in the French suburbs.
(104 mins)

Located in Southwest Philly off a trolley line, the space is up two flights of stairs in a building without an elevator. There are two gender-neutral bathrooms on the same floor as O.R.C.A.. Inside the space, we have couches, a variety of chairs, benches, and blankets. The space is cold in the winter and warm in the summer. We expect people to wear masks at this event. O.R.C.A. has masks and COVID tests available for free.
Email or DM for location
@orcaphilly on twitter

Meet O.R.C.A!

from ORCA

Welcome to our new website! We’ll post upcoming events and other O.R.C.A.-related news here. For now, check out our upcoming events, share this page with interested friends, and review our access info. A reminder that our location is not public, email for directions or other questions.

In the near future, we plan to have open hours where we encourage people to drop by, hang, have tea, read from our library, etc.

Programming at O.R.C.A. will always be free (the only exceptions to this are fundraising events).  Unfortunately we find ourselves having to pay rent :/ Given this predicament, we ask y’all to keep an eye out for fundraising efforts/rent parties to help us cover costs. If you are sitting on extra money and would like to throw some our way send us an email.

We’ll also announce events and news via our mailing list—email us if you’d like to be added.

Our email address is

Upcoming events:
3/15 6pm La Haine Film Screening
3/16 2pm Les Miserables Screening
4/21 4pm If A Tree Falls Screening

O.R.C.A Website Announcment


O.R.C.A has a website! Visit to see upcoming events and read news about the space.

Sprout distro down alternatievs


[Philly Anti-Capitalist note: We have been informed that Sprout Distro is back online.]

As some people have noticed Sprout Distros website appears to be down. An archive of the catalog page from February is available here but if you’re good searching the Internet Archive manually or know exactly what you’re looking for you can look through all their upload categories here.

What id really like to take this chance to do though is to encourage people and groups to create their own public digital zine archives so that theres less reliance on one Big Zine Site that can disappear or be taken down relatively easily. You can use a noblogs or blackblogs page to not just host the pdfs but also set up links and announce new things like Haters Cafe 1312 Press, Ungrateful Hyenas. Or skip the webpage part and just upload to Internet Archive either anonymously (make a throwaway account then delete it) or regularly like Perfect Disorder Press and Fugitive Distribution but just be aware the Archive people don’t claim to be radical aligned and can do shit like put pro Palestinian stuff in the “fringe” section. True Leap Press makes posts featuring specific zines or larger collections, this is another model to consider. Sites dedicated to other things also have zine pages/sidebars like the ones on Scenes or Puget Sounds Anarchists. There are many options and I really encourage people to explore them soon on their own time rather than only after something bad happens and you’re scrambling for alternatives.

Philly Area White Lives Matter Propagandist Identified as Local Business Owner

from Idavox

David Miller

Upper Darby, PA community members’ work quickly put the finger on David Miller who runs an auto detailing company.

Innocent Bystander

UPPER DARBY, PA —  Area residents and allies helped in identifying a local business owner as the person caught stickering White Lives Matter propaganda in this municipality’s multi-ethnic downtown a month ago.

The neighborhood organization UDTJ reported on its social media accounts that they were able to identify David Miller who has a business, Upper Darby Auto Detailing at 25 Powell Lane, roughly a 5 – 10 minute walk from where he was caught and filmed propagandizing on the opposite side of the street from the 69th Street Transportation Center.

“This individual has been caught vandalizing property with their hateful propaganda twice now, and we strongly condemn such ignorance and hate,” UDTJ’s Instagram post reads. “We also call on authorities to address these acts promptly, and we urge everyone to stand against such intolerance. Together, we must work towards a more inclusive and respectful society where diversity is celebrated, and hatred is not tolerated.”

[Instagram post]
[Recently, our organization and community have noticed a significant rise in the vandalizing of people’s property in downtown Upper Darby with hateful racist and anti semitic stickers. U.D.T.J. unequivocally condemns these disgusting acts, and our community will never be silent against such cowardly acts of hate.

It has also come to our attention recently that the individual caught putting up the stickers was caught on camera and has been identified as the owner and operator, David Miller, of “That Guy In The Kilt Auto Detailing” (Upper Darby Auto Detailing) located at 25 Powell Ln, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, 19082. We are making this known publicly to ensure consumers in our community can make educated and informed decisions.

This individual has been caught vandalizing property with their hateful propaganda twice now, and we strongly condemn such ignorance and hate. We also call on authorities to address these acts promptly, and we urge everyone to stand against such intolerance. Together, we must work towards a more inclusive and respectful society where diversity is celebrated, and hatred is not tolerated.

The rise in anti-Semitism, islamophobia, transphobia, homophobia, and racism across this country will only be ended with a rising tide of vocal condemnation and accountability. As a result, we will be spending time helping our neighboring businesses and organizations restore their properties if they so choose by removing these stickers. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Our community remains united in building a welcoming and tolerant community for all, yet we will never be silent to this rising tide of hate. Black lives matter, Trans lives matter, our youth matter. #nohate #delco #delawarecounty #upperdarby #blacklivesmatter #translivesmatter #youthmatters #nohatehere]

Formerly named That Guy in the Kilt Detailing, Upper Darby Auto Detailing Google Maps business listing and YouTube video have yielded some details. For one, the business is identified as gay-owned. Also, as noted in a Better Business Bureau accredited data broker report that cites court records, Miller has tattoos on his right arm that can reportedly be seen in a video and images that were posted online. Miller is listed as 6’3″ in the referenced data broker report and is 39 years old. His weight is at least 180 pounds and his body build is slim. He has reddish to sandy brown hair and currently sports a moustache. The red jacket that he wore while WLM propagandizing is extremely notable because the jacket’s chest crest denotes — “Maserati” — the Italian ultra luxury car maker.

An Introduction to the Ghost Robotics Corporation


Ghost Robotics Corporation is a Philadelphia-based robotics company. They are located in the Pennovation Works compound in the Grays Ferry neighborhood in South Philly. They specifically cater to the military and “defense” markets. This article will go over some basic information about the company that readers opposed to colonialism, militarism, technological advancement, or gentrification may find interesting. Others are encouraged to verify this research and supplement it with their own.

Ghost Robotics is best known for their robot dogs. The robot dog, officially known as the VISION 60 Q-UGV, is billed as a “mid-sized high-endurance, agile and durable all-weather ground drone.” It is being used by US and foreign militaries, border security, and commercial companies. The robot is able to operate autonomously to some degree or accept real time instruction from a human operator via remote control. The dog has the capability of accepting add-ons, the most controversial of which have been weapons such as SWORD’s SPUR (basically an unmanned sniper rifle). Researchers have also put together a “guide to combat robot war dogs” that addresses dealing with Spot, a very similar robot dog developed by Boston Dynamics, which is linked below.

Those opposed to the war on Gaza, and Israeli colonization generally, may be interested to know that Ghost Robotics Corporation partners with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. Rafael is Israel’s national R&D defense laboratory, developing and producing weapons for the Israeli Occupation Forces. The Ghost Robotics website touts its “cutting edge solutions addressing defense, homeland, and enterprise customer needs.” In an article on The National Interest a journalist covers a demonstration of Rafael using a robot dog from Ghost Robotics alongside a Raven drone to “clear nine rooms and identify the threats there.” An archived version of the article is linked at the end.

In addition to the roboticization of war and policing, and assistance in the genocide of Palestinians, Ghost Robotics Corporation is also part of the Lower Schuylkill Master Plan. The master plan is a scheme concocted by University of Pennsylvania, the City of Philadelphia, and corporate interests to develop the lower Schuylkill River into an “Innovation District,” a “Logistics Hub,” and an “Energy Corridor.” The Pennovation Works compound that Ghost Robotics is located in is an early step in creation of the “Innovation District” along the Schuylkill in South and South West Philly. This same district threatens the Bartram’s Garden area with a bio-technology campus. Also of note is that the master plan’s “Logistics Hub” is responsible in part for the destruction of South Philly’s FDR meadows, building an artificial wetland in FDR Park to offset having destroyed wetlands by the Philadelphia Airport. The Lower Schuylkill Master Plan and the zine Fuck A “Cellicon Valley” are linked below.

Links and Information

Ghost Robotics Corporation

Ghost Robotics Corporation
3401 Grays Ferry Ave, Bldg 200, 2nd Fl
Philadelphia, PA 1914



Social Media

CEO and co-founder Gavin Kenneally
CTO and co-founder Avik De
President and chief executive Jiren Parikh (died March 2022)

Guide to combat against robot war dogs

Archived News Article Regarding Relation With Israeli defense company Rafael

More Information About Rafael

Pennovation Works

Lower Schuylkill River Master Plan

Fuck A “Cellicon Valley” zine

Fuck A “Cellicon Valley” Zine

Developing Action Capacity: A Path

from Scenes from the Atlanta Forest

“We are not special. Our skills are not overly technical or advanced, and our tools are simple to acquire. If you are reading this, you are capable of doing what we do.”

– APD Patrol Car Torched in Lakewood

While I agree with this sentiment, the reader is left with many questions about how to develop such a capacity for action, even if they are motivated. What exactly does it take to not get caught carrying out heavy actions like arson? This is especially important in the long run; not getting caught for a single arson is one thing, but being able to continue carrying out attacks in the face of heightened repressive attention is quite another.

For anyone who wants to carry out actions like this, but isn’t doing so yet, I’ve sketched an outline of the steps I think are necessary to sustain hard-hitting attacks on domination (limited to the topic of “operational” considerations, i.e., acquiring skills). This brief outline is intended to orient you and provide a “learning path” — each step has recommended reading that actually goes into the appropriate amount of depth on the subject. Use the Tails operating system to visit these links, which runs from a USB drive and leaves no trace on your computer. What I’ve written here is by no means definitive, and I hope to spark a dialogue about any operational aspects I may have neglected, as well as anything outside this scope that is important for sustaining and intensifying the capacity for action.

Deepening bonds

For anyone who doesn’t already have an action group, deciding who to act with is the first obstacle to overcome. I prefer to act in groups of two or three; it’s easier to maintain a high level of trust and agility with just a small handful of people. Most actions don’t require more than three participants, and when they do, action groups can collaborate. I prefer not to act alone because some aspects of actions are less risky when there are at least two people (for example, having a lookout).

In deciding who to act with, there is a tension between flexibility and consistency. Acting in several different configurations allows you to develop trust and experience with more people, which makes you more resilient in the face of arrests, burnout, or interpersonal splits. On the other hand, acting in a more consistent configuration can make it easier to develop a higher capacity for action in a shorter period of time.

Action groups only form because someone takes the initiative to propose them to a comrade with whom they want to deepen affinity and trust.


Deciding who to approach in your network should be based on a sense of affinity between you, as this will determine what the action group decides to focus on. Affinity means sharing analysis, discovered through getting to know each other, that leads to prospects for action. It means knowing that you share goals and want to act in similar ways to pursue them.

The long-term exploration and deepening of affinity across a network, beyond a specific action group, opens up many more possibilities for the configuration of action groups to adapt over time, as well as for collaboration between them. I’ve chosen to use the term “action group” rather than “affinity group” to emphasize that affinity exists in many different constellations, each with its own potential.

Recommended reading:


Trust is contextual — you may trust someone to be a good friend, but that is different from trusting them with your freedom. Deciding who to approach in your network should be based on trust that they can live with the possible consequences of their actions without betraying their comrades, even if it means a long prison sentence. Trust is qualitative in a way that can’t be reduced to a simplistic formula. It’s based on an intimate knowledge that can only come from singular experiences within a relationship. However, there are established practices for deepening trust that are still worthwhile.

Recommended reading:

Laying the groundwork

Once there are two or three people who want to experiment with acting together, I recommend starting with actions that do not have particularly serious consequences if you get caught, such as breaking windows. This allows you to assess whether the configuration is a good fit, practice any skills that are new to anyone, establish operational approaches and a good “workflow” for the tasks involved, and develop an interpersonal dynamic that meets everyone’s needs, all in a relatively low-stakes environment. Progressively increasing the intensity of the action also gives you the opportunity to practice moving through fear so that decision-making, communication, and execution in high-stress situations can remain unimpeded.

Operational security

“Operational security” means the practices that allow you to get away with crimes. I recommend that your action group first discuss each of the highlighted resources at the No Trace Project before taking action, in an outdoor and device-free location. Many of these discussions are well suited for larger affinity constellations than your action group. This will take a considerable amount of time, but an in-depth discussion of these topics will provide a necessary foundation. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that everyone is already on the same page. These conversations will also be an opportunity to discuss how you will prepare for any repression that may result from your actions.

Action planning

With this foundation in place, you are now in a strong position to begin action planning. As you gain experience, organizing and executing actions will become much more natural. What was initially a lot to keep track of will eventually become second nature. This is another reason why it’s a good idea to start with actions that aren’t particularly risky.

Recommended reading:

  • How To Have A Fun Night To Forget: This will give you a quick overview of the steps involved in taking action.
  • Threat Library: This will give you a framework for planning the operational security measures for a specific action (for example, what surveillance detection measures you will take before going to a meeting).

Materializing your dreams

Before your action group engages in actions that will be more intensively investigated, it is especially important that you become competent in two operational security practices:

DNA minimization protocols

DNA minimization protocols are necessary to avoid leaving evidence at a crime scene. However, these precautions are not perfect, so the action should be conducted in such a way as to leave nothing behind that could have DNA traces on it. I recommend learning and practicing this skill long before you actually need to use it for high-risk actions.

Recommended reading:

Surveillance detection

If there is no evidence left at crime scenes, and you have established practices that prevent targeted digital surveillance from providing leads, investigators will be forced to use physical surveillance to try to incriminate you. The main goal of physical surveillance is to surveil the suspect during an action (as they did for Jeff Luers), and if that doesn’t work, to surveil the suspect while they are preparing for an action (buying materials, doing reconnaissance, etc.), all the while mapping the suspect’s network to find more suspects.

Detecting physical surveillance is a skill that takes a lot of practice, so I recommend that you start learning it long before you actually need to use it for high-risk actions. If you are ever the target of an investigation, this is the only thing that will prevent the police from following you to an action or preparation for an action.

Recommended reading:

Action techniques

Of course, skills related to action techniques are also important. For example, there are many ways to start a fire. Some are better than others in terms of reliability and effectiveness, but your approach should always be adapted to the specific scenario (target, exit plan, expected response times, etc.). Whatever techniques you end up using, it’s important to stay open to innovation rather than limiting yourself to following a guide.

Action technique is also related to operational security: for example, if you decide that the incendiary device(s) need a delay, it’s critical to be very confident that the delay won’t fail, as this would leave evidence for investigators to take samples from. Thoroughly test its reliability under the same conditions, and build in redundancy by using multiple delays on each device. Depending on the circumstances and terrain, you may even want to make a plan for noticing if any fires don’t start, such as choosing an exit route that provides a line of sight and pausing along it until you see the light of the flames.

Recommended reading:

Connecting constellations

The next step in developing capacity for action requires going beyond one’s own group. This is where things get really interesting: coordination between autonomous groups allows them to accomplish far more than they could on their own, while their autonomy wards off hierarchy and centralization. Of course, conspiring with more people involves risk and must be balanced with the need for compartmentalization — the need-to-know principle can help here.

Affinity is the strongest foundation for a common project among these groups — while affinity within an action group is based on interpersonal experience, affinity between action groups is based more on affinity with the project than with each other. The long-term search for affinity beyond your action group is what makes this foundation possible. Informal organization can then grow between action groups, which is a model that has been experimented with since the ’70s. Informal organization is born and shaped by the pursuit of specific goals, such as preventing the construction of Cop City through diffuse sabotage. “It doesn’t have a name to defend or assert, only a project to bring about”.

This outline touches on what I think are the minimal steps necessary to develop a capacity for hard-hitting action, limited to the topic of acquiring skills. Much more is needed — learning other skills beyond this baseline, experimenting with informal organization while navigating its challenges, developing analyses to understand the changing terrain, studying the vulnerabilities of domination, and focusing on all the other aspects that contribute to sustaining and intensifying action.

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