Coworkers, comrades, and fellow labor activists—wishing you a restful Labor Day weekend!
In keeping with our radical political traditions, we put our activist energies into May Day, not Labor Day. This doesn’t mean that we haven’t been craving a rest from the bone-aching grind of our labor. In our WSA branch, we are furniture movers, home workers, pink collar assistants, and healthcare workers. We all need a rest from exhaustion. This three day weekend is needed to recover.
Labor Day was fought for and won by workers. But we also know that this is far from enough. It’s a drop in the bucket.
Labor Day, with its parades and picnics, took the shape of a more capitalism-friendly alternative to the more radical May Day that was characterized by street protests and strikes.
While we focus our eyes on May Day, you will still see us with friends at local Labor Day events, re-affirming the community aspects of our work lives. We need to recuperate in preparation for amplifying workplace voices and building relationships. As we know, building relationships is the heart of organizing. So, strike up the grill. But tomorrow, we build the General Strike !
From Philly Metro WSA
“We are committed to building a future rooted in a classless and stateless society, where we, as working people, create workplace and community democracies that prioritize human needs over profits for the few. Our vision is a world free from the social oppressions of racism, sexism, and queerphobia. Through our revolutionary unions, we will transform the nature of work, paving the way to our collective liberation.”
[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!
Running Down the Walls, Curbfest, and other Upcoming Events
A former Vaughn 17 defendant and contributor to the Vaughn uprising zines Live from the Trenches and United We Stood and other publications. Johnny has continued to organize and agitate against the prison system from within. As a result, he is still being held in solitary confinement.
Johnny is looking for anarchists, autonomists, and other radicals to regularly correspond with. Delaware uses Getting Out for email messaging, so you can also send him a message by going to, setting up an account, and then adding him as a contact using his inmate number #405202.
Birthday: September 1
John Bramble #405202
Delaware DOC – 1101
PO Box 96777
Las Vegas, NV 89193
In August 1979, the first official Black August took place when incarcerated people came together to commemorate the deaths of brothers Jonathan and George Jackson, who were killed after the Marin County Courthouse Rebellion (Jonathan in August 1970 and George in August 1971). Prisoners in San Quentin started this tradition of daily exercises to sharpen their minds, bodies, and spirits in honor of the collective principles of self-sacrifice, inner fortitude and revolutionary discipline needed to advance the New Afrikan struggle for self-determination and freedom.
Black August now takes place all month as an invitation to reflect on the history of the Black freedom struggle, to celebrate those who have come before, and to commit to continuing this fight for justice and liberation. We invite you to remember, reflect, learn, and unlearn, by connecting with Black freedom fighters still behind bars.
Join us on Monday, August 28th at 6:30pm at Wooden Shoe Books as we share a compilation of audio commemorations and inspiration from Black August and take time to send out letters and cards to political prisoners from Black liberation movements.
Heavy Machinery Sabotaged at Hadddington Golf Course – Philadelphia, PA
August 19, 2024
The perennial struggle against development in Haddington and throughout Philadelphia continues. Weeks ago we sabotaged heavy machinery used for construction at the Haddington golf course construction site by introducing bleach into the filtration and fuel systems. We send solidarity to the saboteurs carrying out attacks at Kingsessing, Bartrams, FDR, and other sites of development and gentrification.
Free the land!
Free the city!
A Response to “Heavy Machinery Sabotaged at Haddington Golf Course”
A note on sabotage of heavy machinery: please don’t waste your time messing with fuel or filtration systems. The idea of adding something to a fuel tank is (unfortunately) a widely known sabotage technique that the average person might think of, but it is most likely ineffective on modern vehicles or heavy equipment. Filtration systems are designed to filter out contaminants.
Bleach is typically added to engine oil. The rule of thumb is to add 10 fluid ounces of bleach per gallon of engine oil. This equals one gallon of bleach per 12.8 gallons of engine oil, which should be enough for an average-sized piece of heavy machinery. Larger machines will need more, smaller machines will need less. You may want to look up the specifications of the particular models of equipment on site to be sure of their fluid capacities.
The fuel is probably the least sensitive fluid in the machine; in addition to engine oil, try messing with the transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, or exhaust fluid. For starter ideas on what to add to these fluids, check out this old Dear Ned Ludd column. []
Have fun out there!
Excerpt from the mentioned column:
et’s talk about the engines of tractor trailers used for hauling innocents to slaughter and the lab, pulling the wild from the wilderness, and delivering the ingredients of every destructive endeavor sick, corporate, profit-driven minds can concoct. These trailers move the dozers that level the land and the ships that strip life from the ocean. If anything keeps me awake it is the incessant drone from giant poison-containing, toxin-spewing engines; the heart of the machine.
Engine oil can be contaminated by many things, and the other fluids they contain or run on do not mix well with others… kind of like old-guard EF!ers at a dub step show. Hell, I don’t even need to haul around bleach most nights. (Bleach destroys the viscosity of oil and does some fun, expensive shit, too).
Engine Oil:
Engine oil hates water, especially when mixed with antifreeze. Water, because it will not compress, breaks gears. Antifreeze may taste like candy, but it does horrible shit to your body— do not ingest! Engine oil also hates fuel, which thins it out and makes the engine wear out and break. If either water or fuel are found in oil then there must be a problem with the engine and it needs to be opened to check.
Cost to repair: Up to $15,000 for a semi; MUCH more for heavy equipment.
Transmission Fluid:
Hates antifreeze; it destroys the main components in the transmission and the glue that holds connections together.
Cost to repair: $5,000+ for trucks; HOLY SHIT for heavy equipment.
Hydraulic Fluid:
HATES water, antifreeze, and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF; more on that stuff later). Adding water will break shit internally; DEF clogs small control passages over time.
Cost to repair: $3,000 and up.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF):
Made of pig urine from the slaughterhouse, this stuff is supposed to help clean the exhaust on trucks. It’s on the tank near the fuel cap, and has a blue lid. It is nasty, and antifreeze thinks so too. This stuff will kill a radiator and clog up the tiny spaces inside an engine fast. Looks like water, and gallon jugs of the stuff can be found in open trucks on construction sites so use your imagination. Causes a lot more damage than rice or dry flake mashed potatoes in the radiator. Do not ingest or get DEF on you…. beyond the fact that it is very refined pig urine, it is poisonous.
Cost to repair: $2,000 to $6,000 for trucks; heavy equipment easily $5,000 to $?!!!!
As above, bad for oil, but also BAD in the diesel exhaust fluid tank. Modern exhaust systems are delicate, so contaminating the DEF tank with fuel will cause extensive damage to the system. Because of this, the newest exhaust sensors are designed to shut down the truck when diesel is found. To extract diesel from a machine, all one would need is a small suction hose, a siphon, and maybe a bottle to catch the fuel in.
SAFETY NOTE!!!! Don’t use your mouth for this!!! Besides leaving evidence, a lot of the chemicals and fluids in an engine will kill your ass.
Cost to repair: $1,000–$10,000 if internal component are damaged.
A note on sabotage of heavy machinery: please don’t waste your time messing with fuel or filtration systems. The idea of adding something to a fuel tank is (unfortunately) a widely known sabotage technique that the average person might think of, but it is most likely ineffective on modern vehicles or heavy equipment. Filtration systems are designed to filter out contaminants.
Bleach is typically added to engine oil. The rule of thumb is to add 10 fluid ounces of bleach per gallon of engine oil. This equals one gallon of bleach per 12.8 gallons of engine oil, which should be enough for an average-sized piece of heavy machinery. Larger machines will need more, smaller machines will need less. You may want to look up the specifications of the particular models of equipment on site to be sure of their fluid capacities.
The fuel is probably the least sensitive fluid in the machine; in addition to engine oil, try messing with the transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, or exhaust fluid. For starter ideas on what to add to these fluids, check out this old Dear Ned Ludd column. []
The perennial struggle against development in Haddington and throughout Philadelphia continues. Weeks ago we sabotaged heavy machinery used for construction at the Haddington golf course construction site by introducing bleach into the filtration and fuel systems. We send solidarity to the saboteurs carrying out attacks at Kingsessing, Bartrams, FDR, and other sites of development and gentrification.
Free the land!
Free the city!
In celebration of Black August, we’re going to write to two fighters in the black liberation struggle who are currently incarcerated. We will be writing to Malik Muhammad and Casey Goonan. Bring food and homies! We’ll provide stamps, pens, envelopes, and paper. Please wear a mask!Malik’s writings:
Unicorn Riot heard from organizers and participants this year to offer a deep dive into the event and the movement behind it
By Sean Summers, Unicorn Riot August 15, 2024
Walking up the path to the Kirkridge Retreat Center outside Bangor, Pennsylvania in early July, you may have sensed something was afoot. Cars with license plates from far-flung states lined the driveway and wild-haired twenty-somethings mingled with kids, tweens and adults in their 30s, 40s and beyond.
A hand painted cardboard sign reading simply “EF!” would have directed you, with an arrow pointing to the activity. A blend of laughter, music, and fragments of conversations about climate catastrophe quickly sets the tone before you reach a folding table strewn with literature, hand sanitizer, masks and snacks.
“Welcome,” a smiling volunteer would greet you. “Are you here for Earth First?”
This summer, around 400 people found their way to a rural plot of land in eastern Pennsylvania to participate in the national Earth First! Gathering. Over the course of seven days, anarchists, abolitionists, environmentalists and more converged on Lenapehoking, the original name for the traditional homelands of the Lenape, the region’s Indigenous people.
For over 40 years, people have gathered under the banner of Earth First!, a no-compromise, direct action movement launched to confront ecologically catastrophic industries and policies. In opposition to “big green” nonprofits, Earth First! takes a more hands-on approach to climate activism. For decades, the movement has centered direct action – the tactic of physically blocking destructive projects.
Through protests, occupations, work stoppages, locking on to equipment, and sometimes property destruction and sabotage, Earth First! seeks to do what many other organizations don’t – directly intervene and confront the companies and policies that harm ecosystems.
While the movement is focused on environmental protection as its main cause, participants see intersecting struggles as equally important. Today’s Earth First! shares heavy overlap with antifascism, Indigenous sovereignty, queer struggles and autonomous movements.
Earth First!ers don’t claim to be members of a formal structure, but rather a network of people who share, and act on, a set of principles.
“It is not an organization, but a movement,” a website representing Earth First! reads. “There are no ‘members’ of EF!, only Earth First!ers. We believe in using all of the tools in the toolbox, from grassroots and legal organizing to civil disobedience and monkeywrenching.”
Though not a formal organization, Earth First! is organized. Each year for more than four decades, Earth First!ers have hosted a national gathering where movement participants, alongside people across a wide range of social movements, meet up to share info about the struggles they’re engaged in, host workshops and trainings, and build relationships. This year was the 44th time the meetup had happened since 1979.
Throughout the week, people hosted dozens of workshops and skill shares ranging from foraging wild foods to self-defense classes. Between teaching hard skills, organizers and participants hosted conversations about fostering solidarity with Indigenous communities, movement history, mentoring future activists, and more.
To kick off a week of workshops and education, Keshia Talking Waters and her mother Maria Lawrence shared the Lenape creation story and introduced attendees to the concept of Sovereign Science.
Talking Waters, founder of Sovereign Science, and Lawrence, a professor of science education at Rhode Island College, broke down to Unicorn Riot what Sovereign Science is, how it can help in our current context, and why they thought it was important to share Indigenous perspectives at the 2024 Earth First! gathering.
More than accruing skills and learning about theory, participants who spoke with Unicorn Riot were drawn to the event for the sense of community it offers. For some, this year’s event was their introduction to Earth First! as a movement, but others had been coming to gatherings for decades.
Regardless of how many times they had been to events or organized with Earth First!, though, community was a common theme that drew participants to the woods this year.
Organizing a national gathering for a decades-old movement is no small feat. Each year a different, autonomously organized group of volunteers find a location, set up logistics, arrange programming, and promote the event that draws hundreds of people for about a week in early July.
This year, organizers from New York took on the task and hosted the event. Unicorn Riot spoke to organizers to hear about the challenges and motivations behind putting in the effort to create the gathering this year.
Though the gathering acts as a focal point for the movement, Earth First! is active all year, organizing across the continent. Part of that activity includes the Earth First! Journal.
For as long as Earth First! has existed as a movement, the Earth First! Journal has served as its voice. An independent, collectively run print magazine and website, the Earth First! Journal acts as the public face of the movement, representing Earth First!ers through movement updates, discourse, debates, poetry, art, tactical discussions and more. Unicorn Riot spoke with two people involved with the Earth First! Journal collective – one who’s currently a member, the other a former editor – to learn about what the journal is and why they think it’s important to the movement as a whole.
After seven days of education, shared meals, and community building, participants broke down camp and headed home or, in some cases, continued traveling. Next year’s event will pop up somewhere else, continuing the long running tradition of the Earth First! Gathering.
The purpose of this text is to provide anti-fascists with the necessary background to understand the beliefs, organizing model and radiant influence of The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), as well as the particular threat it poses as an emerging center of gravity for the developing American Fascist movement.
There are many denominations and movements cultivating authoritarian political beliefs amongst Christian Americans, but the New Apostolic Reformation is unique in terms of its inherently authoritarian politics, theological flexibility, networked organizational structure and ability to influence Christians from different traditions. Furthermore, the NAR was the first Christian group to promote Trump, and have taken on the role of his spiritual advisors and links to the Evangelical community. This was originally a controversial move, but was justified by comparing the obviously godless Trump to King Cyrus of Persia, the virtuous pagan who ended the Babylonian Captivity and allowed the Jews to return to Palestine. This rather impressive theological bullshit has paid back in dividends as more and more Christians have accepted the idea that modern Prophets are guiding the Christians of America.
Christian Dominionism is defined as the belief that Christians should take control of the State. While the term has entered the mainstream of many parts of the American Left, many antifascists tend to see it as just another incarnation of evangelical politics, if a more totalitarian one, and not particularly worthy of much attention when compared to the deluge of white supremacist shooters and would be terrorists currently threatening our communities. While neo-nazis represent the most advanced terrorist threat within the far right, the New Apostolic Reformation is the most advanced Social threat. By this we mean that they have an extraordinary power to shape the very experience of reality of massive communities of American Christians. Most neo nazis are skeptical of Mass Politics, due to the long history of federal infiltration of their movements. The New Apostolic Reformation is devoted to mass politics; their faith revolves around the concept of revival, or mass conversion to their cause. Currently, the NAR is dedicated to winning power via the legitimization of the American political process. THey have already had a good deal of success on this front. Representatives Lauren Bobert and Marjorie Taylor Green are deeply affiliated with the movement, as is the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano and Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito are also connected, in addition to scores of state and local level office holders. When Donald Trump, contrary to the prophecies of the movement, lost reelection, networks of “Prophets” and “Apostles” were some of the main forces in galvanizing the January 6th Capitol riot. This act demonstrated the movement’s willingness to seize power by non-democratic means and should be understood as a sign of things to come. The New Apostolic Reformation is changing America, and if we want to prevent them from achieving the power they desire, we have to understand them on their own terms.
There is no such thing as the New Apostolic Reformation
To call the NAR a denomination would be inaccurate, as it specifically emerged from the world of non-denominational charismatic Christianity. It would also ignore the vectors by which they are able to push their political theology into other Christian groups, Charismatic and otherwise.
Charismatic Christianity is an outgrowth of Evangelicism, particularly the Pentecostal Tradition, best known for its spectacular practices of snake handling and speaking in Tongues. To be a Charismatic Christian is to seek a kind of constant mystical experience of reality, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to see God’s divine plan manifest in everyday life. It is a rather extraordinary tradition, because organized religion tends to put careful guardrails around mystic practices, and carefully guide mystics to incorporate their work into the pre established orthodoxy of their religion. When this doesn’t happen, mystics and their followers have a tendency of being destabilizing forces in society.
The roots of the NAR traces back to the work of a C Peter Wagner at Fuller seminary in southern California. Wagner was the student of John Wimber, of Grapevine ministries. Wimber brought the practices of independent non-denominational Charismatics to the more mainstream audience of Fuller, and Wagner was his student and successor. These were literal courses in miracles, and helped spread the Charismatic idea that belief in Jesus and the presence of the holy spirit gave Christians supernatural powers.
Around the same time Wagner did graduate work in sociology studying Church growth. The Study of Church growth is a very involved discipline, and Wagner was focusing on Church Governance as a factor. In his later writings he proposed a new structure. He rejected denominational rules and bylaws, democratic structures and individual autocracy in favor of a networked ecosystem of Churches ruled by Charismatic leaders. Now many of these leaders who came into Wagner’s emerging network had already begun to call themselves Apostles and Prophets. These extraordinary titles are literal. These people genuinely believe they are receiving messages from the divine and being told to enact divine will. Their claims are justified using a concept called fivefold ministry which is extrapolated from Ephesians 4:11-13 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” While for the vast majority of more Orthodox Christians the Prophets are a thing of the past and the Apostles passed on their authority to the Church (or the Bible, if you are Protestant) Prophesy and Apostleship are alive and well for the Charismatics of the NAR.
This is the most extreme development away from Christian Orthodoxy since Martin Luther split from the Catholic Church, it is also the fastest growing form of Christianity in America as well as world wide. Furthermore, there is evidence that ideas from the NAR are finding influence in more traditional Churches. A (unreplicated, so inconclusive) study by Paul Djupe from Dennison University suggests that the Core of NAR theology (beleif in modern Apostles and Prophets) is extremely contagious, influencing the theology of much more mainline Churches. In fact he suggests that as many as 25% of the American Christians he polled believe it.
While the NAR was a highly organized project, the nature of the networked structure and its spiritual Oligarchy has tended towards a denial of its unified nature. The influence of a Church growth scholar doesn’t give the group legitimacy and the nature of Charismatic Spirituality has a preference for the organic and spontaneous. Camouflaging themselves also allows for members of the NAR to recruit more traditional christians slowly, rather than presenting their non-traditional nature for all to see. The American evangelical world is changing rapidly, and the NAR has set itself up to catch those who are looking for something new. This piece from writer Holly Pivec gives tips on how to find if Churches are concealing their NAR affiliations.
Many Progressives and leftists have told themselves that secularization is an inevitable process that will destroy the influence of the Christian right. The reality appears to be that the number of Christians will shrink, but grow in fanaticism and thirst for political dominance. The fact that the NAR puts so much stock in elections is due to their desire to be act in accordance with what they believe to be the divinely inspired principles of America. When the NAR takes extra-legal steps, it will be with the excuse that their enemies have contaminated The failed insurrection at the capital demonstrated that if they cannot win at the ballot box, they will try by other means. Their ultimate belief is that a precondition of the rapture is the triumph of the church over the earthly governments of the world.
NAR leaders like Sean Fuecht (a harmless looking, guitar playing youth minister) have used Proud Boys as their personal security. They have deep connections to “Christian” and “Patriotic” militias around the country. Furthermore, they urge their congratulations to arm themselves and train for war against secular Americans who they beleive are out to get them. The most famous of these is probably Matt Shea, the former Washington State Representative for Spokane. Shea was removed from office for distributing a text he wrote called “The Biblical Basis for War” which contains the memorable line “Kill all males who do not submit”. Shea maintains extensive networks of extremist Churches across Idaho and Eastern Washington. These networks exist across the country.The most important thing to remember about these networks is that many participants in them have been preparing for an American civil war for nearly 50 years. These are people who read the Turner Diaries but are more concerned with oppressing people for not being Christian rather than not being white, though racism is often a hidden part of Christian Supremacism.
As capitalist crisis and the general dysfunction of the American political system accelerates, new powers will emerge to fill in the cracks. The NAR will be amongst them, and the rest of us need a plan to counter them. They have been able to grow to the point of having millions of members with powerful representation in government. While effectively being a fascist organization, a church is not something that can be treated like a clique of boneheads. I would urge all antifascists to meet this threat with the utmost urgency and caution. No matter where you live in the US these people are making moves. The first course of action is to find out who locally is already mapping the apostolic networks. This will likely mean working with liberals and even other Christians. We need these people as allies. There are theologians who’s work consists of preventing churches from being taken over by NAR theology. The old slogan of the Anti-Racist action network was expose, oppose and confront. We need to have local exposes of apostolic networks, their relationships in government and business and the threat to our communities that they constitute. When they try to take over school boards we need that to be publicized. When groups like Moms for Liberty pull their stunts we need people to understand exactly what they are confronting. We are well past the point that small group action can have an effect on a group of this scale. As this piece is being written it looks like the Trump campaign is sinking before our eyes. This could mean that the NAR will attempt another extra-legal attempt at seizing power like January 6th. Even if they accept defeat, they will not do so forever. They are building durable institutions to take power, and we need a long term plan to stop them.
Free the Land! It’s that time of the year again – Black August means Kupigana Ngumi! Join Black martial artists and revolutionaries in Malcolm X Park for self-defense, striking, and grappling training, along with discussion of ideas from Black Liberation Army veterans Sekou Odinga and Kuwasi Balagoon. See you there!
[Malcolm X Park
4PM to 6PM
August 17th – Session 1
August 31st – Session 2
Hosted by NMAP and MXGM]
Introduction to Post-Anarchism – Sunday – September 1st – 2:00PM
How has anarchism changed in the last 30 years? How was anarchism influenced by post-structuralism? This lecture/workshop will cover the contemporary theory and praxis of “Post-Anarchism”. We will explore the term, its current expressions and internal tensions.
*Guest speaker experience in Latin America and has studied anarchism academically for the last 10 years. —
History of Latin American Anarchism – Saturday – August 31st – 4:00PM
What does anarchism look like in Latin America? How has it influenced politics and organizing? What can we learn from it? This lecture/workshop will overview the history, theory and praxis of Latin American Anarchism. It will cover historical trends, differences with “western anarchism” and current examples.
*Guest speaker experience in Latin America and has studied anarchism academically for the last 10 years. —
While this can be considered a victory for antifascists, it cannot be ignored that there are still active and unidentified Nazis in the Tristate area. One such Nazi that recently came to the attention of antifascists was “JJ” or “@reject_sin” on Telegram, because of his close connection with Takhistov and the now defunct project “White Legion”. Antifascists have identified JJ as 18 year-old Jonathan Misura of Milltown, NJ.
Misura circa 2023 and 2024. Misura shaved his head in early 2024.Misura’s Telegram profile along with a recent picture of him from social media. A side-by-side comparison of both pictures confirms Misura’s identity as “JJ/@reject_sin”.
Misura was radicalized online when he was a minor in 2023. At this time, Misura was a junior at St. Thomas Aquinas, a private Christian High School in CNJ, and a star athlete on the baseball team.
From his junior through senior year of high school Misura maintained polished and compartmentalized social media accounts, that were devoid of anything having to do with far-right politics. Unlike many young Nazis, Misura has a forward facing online presence which focuses on typical teen life events, like going to prom and down the shore for holidays.
As his social media content highlights, Misura is a dedicated lifelong baseball player. In 2023 Misura accepted a scholarship offer to play at East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, PA upon graduation from high school. More information is listed at the end of this article about how to contact East Stroudsburg University about Misura.
Misura became active on Telegram in 2023 and 2024 with the goal of connecting with other white nationalists. He joined several different Nazi Telegram channels, with one channel exclusively focused on exposing Paul Miller aka “G*psy Crusader” as a fake white nationalist and pedophile.
The following evidence has been minimally edited to not take away the impact of the Neo-Nazi views that Misura and others are expressing. There is misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and other dehumanizing phrasing used. Misura’s profile picture within the different chat threads on the channel also verifies his identity as “JJ”.
The channel that Misura joined exposing Paul Miller as fake white nationalist and all around creep.
The first post that Misura commented on, in “G*psyCrusader Exposed”.
Misura’s first comment upon joining the channel, where he is laughing over a racist comment about one of Miller’s ex-girlfriends.
On this channel, Misura would get involved in verbal spats with other white nationalists for seemingly no reason. For example, in one incident Misura claimed he had connections to violent Neo-Nazis and flew off-the-handle when people doubted him. In other comment threads Misura would randomly accuse others of being Jewish.
In this exchange Misura said he had connections to the notorious Neo-Nazi prison gang, the Aryan Brotherhood.
Misura going off on other Nazis for questioning his supposed connection to the Aryan Brotherhood. Misura’s Nazism is very much on display.
A thread in which Misura accuses a Nazi of being Jewish.
As time went on, Misura’s frustration in online Neo-Nazi spaces swelled, and he decided to broaden his connections offline by linking up with Nazis in NJ. Misura first connected with Takhistov aka Cossack, and became close friends with him, bonding over fascism, their shared age and Ukrainian heritage, and living in Central New Jersey (CNJ). The White Legion page has since been wiped, but at its height, it had almost 100 members, including Misura. Misura regularly engaged on White Legion posts with Takhistov.
The White Legion page at the height of its activity.
Takhistov quickly brought Misura into the fold of the different Neo-Nazi crews he was in, like NJEHA and S14, and partnered with him on future White Legion endeavors. Soon Misura began popping up at S14 and NJEHA actions with Takhistov. The two were joined at the hip and did not attend any Nazi actions without each other.
With Misura initiated into the groups, he was essentially living a double life. On any given day Misura appeared to be an average NJ teen, heavily involved in academics (3.75 grade point average), sports, hanging out with his friends, and preparing for college. Unbeknownst to most people in his life he was also a Neo-Nazi, forging connections with violent white nationalists.
One Nazi outing they participated in together was a hiking day-trip up to Mt. Tammany that was organized by NJEHA and S14 in the Fall of 2023.
A hiking trip that NJEHA and S14 members took in the fall of 2023. Misura and Takhistov were present, as was Dan D’ambly and Mark Kauffman.
Misura also participated in a memorial service/hang out for a dead Nazi and a other pop-up style rallies with Takhistov and other NJEHA and S14 members.
Misura circled in red at the memorial event and a rally in December 2023
Misura also tried to help Takhistov launch his White Legion project offline and they did a few propaganda activities in CNJ. It was discovered that Misura is the formerly unidentified Nazi pictured with Takhistov in a propaganda photo series that was taken at a baseball diamond. Takhistov and Misura posed with road flares and Ukrainian fascist flags, a reference to their identity as Ukrainian nazis.
Takhistov boosting his and Misura’s White Legion project in an S14 chat.
Misura circled in red on the left, and Takhistov on the right.
Takhistov and Misura remained close and continued to work with each other under the banners of NJEHA and S14 and in unofficial capacities through the Summer of 2024, as revealed by the recent federal criminal complaint filed against Takhistov. The details within the federal complaint reveals that another Nazi, in addition to Takhistov, was a participant in the plan to attack the electrical substation. While Misura’s identity was concealed by the federal government, as “Individual-1”, simple context clues about Takhistov and Misura’s close friendship, their shared Ukrainian heritage and fascist identity, and tendency towards accelerationism leaves little room to doubt it could be anyone but him.
An excerpt from the federal complaint against Takhistov which references Individual-1 aka Misura.
Misura intended on joining Takhistov on his scheduled July 2024 trip to the Ukraine where he planned to join Russian fascists fighting against the Russian invasion. This was verified by the undercover federal agent when Takhistov and Misura met with him.
Another excerpt from the federal complaint against Takhistov. Misura is referenced again as (Individual-1) the person joining Takhistov in Ukraine.
This section of the federal complaint shows Misura was aware and supportive of the plot to blow up the electrical substation.
Misura was roped into the plot by the federal government, which became clear when Takhistov discussed a plan for the federal agent to blow up an electrical substation in New Brunswick. On July 10, Misura and Takhistov made their way to the Newark airport for their flight. Takhistov was arrested en route and his arrest was covered by local and national media. It’s unclear if Misura was detained or questioned, but based on the media coverage and Misura’s actions on social media after the fact, it’s probable that the government did not arrest/charge him at that time. Whatever happened on July 10 was enough to spook Misura and he made all his social media accounts private and became inactive on Telegram.
Misura’s Instagram account before and after Takhistov’s arrest by the federal government in July 2024.
Misura’s heavy involvement in NJEHA, S14, and the plot to blow up the electrical substation brings up many questions. How was Misura able to participate in these different groups and activities without his parents, friends, or mentors noticing? Why wasn’t Misura arrested by the federal government for his role in the plotted electrical substation attack? Has Misura been brought in by the feds and compelled to snitch against his close friend Takhistov in exchange for immunity/not revealing his identity? Are his parents aware that he knew about a plan to attack NJ public infrastructure and not only did nothing to stop it, but supported it fervently?
Misura’s past and current behavior proves he poses a danger to those around him. Misura is scheduled to begin college as freshman on a baseball scholarship at East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, PA in just a few weeks.
Misura must be held responsible for his actions and those around him deserve to know who he really is. Concerned community members are encouraged to reach out to his school administration directly in addition to the athletics department with the following script. (This article can be linked as evidence of Misura’s actions): “Hello I am reaching out to contact you about an enrolled student named Jonathan Misura. He is an incoming freshman who is on a baseball scholarship. Misura is a self professed Neo-Nazi and racist. I have provided the following evidence which displays Misura’s disconcerting behavior and actions. Misura’s behavior violates both East Stroudsburg University’s Student Code of Conduct (the Harassment policy) and the Student Athlete Handbook (its Sportsmanship Policy and Social Networking Website Policy). His behavior also violates current the NCAA Division II Handbook and, the Standards and Standards. As a student athlete Misura is supposed to embody the values and codes governing East Stroudburg University and its athletic department. I would like to request a review of Jonathan Misura’s enrollment as an incoming freshman and a review of baseball scholarship and placement on the team. Thank you.”
To contact the athletic department directly about Misura’s behavior, his baseball scholarship, and membership on the team, contact Athletic Director Dr. Allen G. Snook at (570) 422-3689 and or Associate Athletic Director for Student Success/SWA Sarah Ross at (570) 422-3795 and
To contact the school administration and request a review about Misura’s behavior via the University Conduct Board, call (570) 422-3461 or email
A Note From NJ Hate Watch: S14 members, with addition of Jonathan Misura, 10 of your people have been identified and doxxed including Andrew Takhistov, Alex Chubbuck, Benjamin Ryder, Jackson Bradley, Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed.
Activist and Educator, Ant Smith, Released from Federal Prison (Wednesday, August 7, 2024) Ant Free! After 198 days of being imprisoned at FCI Fort Dix, our brother, friend and comrade, Ant Smith, is free! Ant was released on Thursday morning, August 1, 2024, back home to Philly, where he will spend some time in a halfway house as the completion of his sentence. Ant and the Defense Committee thank all of you for your outpouring of support, including monetary donations, letters and spreading awareness about his case. Please understand that Ant is acclimating to life post-prison, so he will be taking care of himself, his family and loved ones, and his wellness first (and in the foreseeable future), before making a formal statement or being more visibly present. Additionally, a Welcome Home Celebration will be planned soon – Stay Tuned! In the meantime, wish him well, and he will be sure to see you all shortly!
Free Ant Defense Committee #FreeAnt#AntFree
Join us on August 14th at 6 PM for a compelling conversation between Philip V. McHarris and Hiram Rivera, Executive Director of Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability. They will discuss McHarris’s new book “Beyond Policing,” which reimagines a world without police and explores innovative community-based safety models. This event offers a transformative vision of safety, moving beyond policing towards a society where people have the resources to thrive.
Philip V. McHarris is an assistant professor in the Frederick Douglass Institute and Department of Black Studies at the University of Rochester. McHarris was a presidential postdoctoral research fellow at Princeton University in the Department of African American Studies and the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab. He earned his PhD in sociology and African American studies at Yale University. He was named one of the Root 100s Most Influential African Americans in 2020. McHarris has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, and PBS and in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and more.
Hiram Rivera is a longtime organizer and organizing trainer with 20 years experience professional experience. His work has been rooted in social justice movements, the struggle for Puerto Rican and New African independence, and campaigns to free political prisoners. He’s the former director of the Philadelphia Student Union and is the founding director of the Community Resource Hub, a national organization providing training, research and technical assistance to abolitionist organizations across the country. He is a co-founder of the organization Black Men Build and the Hub’s George Jackson School.