⚙️ Neo-Luddite Reading Group: ‘Blood in the Machine’ by Brian Merchant

from Iffy Books

The cover of 'Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech' by Brian Merchant. The words "Blood in the Machine" are in red, along with a large X covering an etching of two people working in a factory, one with a sledgehammer raised above his head.

4th and 2nd Wednesday each month 6:30-8:30 @ Iffy Books

Discord: Email neoluddite@victorgom.es for an invite!

The issues and harms surrounding emerging technologies are especially concerning given the lack of regulation in the tech industry generally, and the tendency of productivity-increasing technology to further concentrate power in the hands of the few. This reading group will explore these risks and engage with how they work in the hopes of better organizing to protect the rights of workers and individuals. The goal is to have a better understanding of the costs (data, carbon, human labor) and risks (misinformation, unpredictability, bias) of making these machines, as well as limitations in what they can learn about the world primarily through text.

We’re currently reading Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech by Brian Merchant.Archived pages of our previous books include: Resisting AI, The Human Use of Human Beings, Race After Technology.

If you’d like to learn more about me, you can visit victorgom.es for a bio.


If you’re joining for the first time, I’d suggest you read this before anything else for brief context: What the Luddites Really Fought Against by Richard Conniff.

The only expectation is that you read the chapter(s) of the book that’s listed for that meeting. You’re still welcome to participate if you haven’t done the readings as long as you are mindful. For each chapter, I’ve also noted some optional readings for context, so I’d suggest checking those out rather than reading ahead in the book. And remember, if you ever find yourself struggling with any of the readings or concepts, reach out! Either directly to me over email or to the entire group over discord.

Meeting 1 (7/10): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Meeting 2 (7/24): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Meeting 3 (8/14): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Meeting 4 (8/28): 📖 Blood in the Machine

Author event with Brian Merchant: Wednesday, September 11th (doors at 6 p.m., virtual discussion at 6:30)

Full schedule at victorgom.es/neoluddite

In Contempt #42: Hunger Strikes and Phone Zaps, June 11th Roundup, Mexican Anarchists in Trouble

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.

There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!

Hunger Strikes and Calls to Action

A phone zap has been organized for Alejandro “Capo” Rodriguez-Ortiz of the Vaughn 17, who is facing retaliation after being moved back to Vaughn. DC IWOC write:

He’s been back at James T Vaughn for 4 months and they continue to deny him a job, education, vocational training, or any programming!! Then recently security denied him an honor visit, even tho he qualifies. We’re asking for support in calling the wardens office and Dover (central office) for him to have access to a job/education/programs.

JTVCC wardens office: 302-653-9261
Dover commissioners office: 3027395601
Name: Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz SBI 515700

Script: Hello, I am calling on behalf of Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz, SBI 515700. I hear that security is denying him an honor visit even though he qualifies, and he is also being denied a job and programming. He has been back at Smyrna for 4 months and has not had any write ups and is trying to live in peace. Why are they denying him a job and honor visit? This type of vindictive behavior from security is corrupt. Please reconsider and let him have the honor visit and give him job opportunities to succeed.

According to an update: “[They] will try to get you to contact family services about the visit. However this does not remedy the fact that the prison is withholding opportunities for a job, which he would need to apply again in the future for an honor visit.”

After 16 years of incarceration and many years of DOC torture, Beans (Abednego Baynes) of the Vaughn 17 is finally coming home this fall. Beans was one of 18 prisoners indicted for the uprising at James T Vaughn Correctional Center in 2017. Beans is asking for donations so his family can get down to Delaware to see him when he lands, and to cover rent and other expenses for several months while he gets work and more permanent housing figured out. Please donate and spread widely! Donations can be sent to phillyantirepression through venmo or $MachaelRobinson on cashapp

Write to Beans at the following address:

Smart Communications/PA DOC
Abędnego Baynes –
SCI Mahanoy
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, Florida 33733

General Prison News and Abolitionist Media Updates

The Rebellious Hearts account continues to post new material from Vaughn 17 defendants such as Dwayne “BIM” Staats on a regular basis.

Uprising Defendants

See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. To the best of our knowledge they currently include:

David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701


Informality, Anarchy, and the Black Radical Tradition

from O.R.C.A.

A lecture based discussion on organization and strategy in the 21st century.

Bring a friend. No prior reading required, this will be an introductory discussion.

July 5th, 7PM

This Week in Fascism #137: Antifascists Sentenced in San Diego, Pushing Back Against Far-Right Attacks on Palestine Solidarity

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]

Welcome back fellow antifascists!

As always, we have a lot to cover in this column, especially important analysis and lots of roundups of antifascist research and action. With lots to talk about, let’s dive right in!

Research Roundup

Other reports from Idavox you may have missed include write-ups on “prominent [Pennsylvania] neo-Nazi Mark Kauffman,” who was arrested by law enforcement at his own wedding on weapons and methamphetamine charges, Nicholas G. Mucci, a neo-Nazi involved in White Lives Matter plead guilty to attacking an antifascist benefit show in New Jersey, and Ebrahim and Mathew Yehounatan, far-Right Zionists in New York who are harassing pro-Palestinian solidarity demonstrations.

Lastly, Idavox also noted that a small group of neo-Nazis held a tiny demonstration in Philadelphia that included Benjamin Franklin Ryder, a “registered sex offender with a long criminal history as well as a history of neo-Nazi activism,” and Stephen Thomas Farrea, a member of the Nationalist Social Club 131, became the second member of the group to be arrested “for possessing child pornography.” Faith, family, and folk!

July 25th and Antifascist Prisoners

Currently there is a call to rally support for antifascist prisoners across the world on July 25th. From the call:

Across the world, fascist and far-Right movements are trying to advance their agendas of bigotry, ultra-nationalism and authoritarian control. The establishment–no matter who is in power–does not and cannot offer solutions for deepening economic inequality or any of the numerous crises we are living through. Instead, those in power continue to advance the militarization of police and the hardening of borders as the rich have become richer than they have ever been before. As the world burns and our lives become harder and harder, the fascist and far-right menace offers only lies and scapegoats–demonizing and attacking migrants, refugees, LGBTQ+ people, as well as racial, religious, and ethnic minorities.

The July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man who served 13-years in prison in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. In 2015, J25 expanded into a global day of solidarity with all antifascists facing State repression. The friends and comrades we are celebrating on J25 were on the frontlines of this fight against fascism and the far-Right, and we will not forget them behind prison walls as we continue the struggle for liberation.

As revolutionary antifascists, we believe that building movements of defense and solidarity with those locked behind the prison walls is fundamental in the three-way fight against both the far-right and the State. This July 25th, we call on antifascists worldwide to take part in the International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners!

Find out more info on how to support, places to donate, and materials for printing, go here.

Cover Photo: Alissa Azar