Wooden Shoe Books is partnering with Books Behind Bars @booksbehindbarsnj for a book drive in honor of @penamerica Prison Banned Books Week: October 25-31. Books Behind Bars is a prison abolition project that mails free books to incarcerated people. To participate, come down in person to the Wooden Shoe and purchase a book to be donated to Books Behind Bars. The deadline is November 24th. Every book you buy/donate before November 24th will be matched by a generous foundation. This means your donation has double the impact!We know that more books are banned in prisons than anywhere else in the country, and censorship efforts everywhere are increasing at an alarming rate. From an anarchist and abolitionist standpoint, sending free books to our incarcerated community members is a radical act of solidarity, mutual aid, and love. Please join us in this effort. Come down (until 11/24) and pick out any book of your choosing to be donated to our friends on the inside.
Several pro-Palestine graffiti messages were tagged around Center City Philadelphia during last night’s mass protest demanding an end to mass killings of civilians in Gaza:
Other graffiti messages that went up around Philly’s downtown shopping district last night: “Free Gaza” “Decolonize” “Fuck Biden Whole Life” “Fags Against Empire”
Large protests have unfolded in many cities worldwide this week. In recent days Gaza has been extensively bombed and shelled by Israeli forces, while regular rocket and mortar barrages have been directed outwards at Israeli towns and bases. Around 7700 Palestinians have been killed according to reports; communications from the Strip were largely cut off in the last 36 hours. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz 1300 Israelis, both civilian and military, have been killed so far.
TV Host, professor and activist Marc Lamont Hill spoke during the rally and demanded a ceasefire and end to the “occupation” and “an end to apartheid.” See his full speech below.
“Tonight, we demand a ceasefire! Tonight, we demand that no more Palestinian children are killed! … We demand decolonization. We demand an end to the occupation. We demand an end to apartheid.
I can’t get free until you [Palestine] get free! As long as our police are training Israeli officers and as long as Israeli officers are training our officers, we will live in a hyper security state that treats every brown person, every Black person as an outsider, as a threat, as somebody worthy of death.”
For more Unicorn Riot coverage on Palestine see our reports below:
Saturday night, October 28th, in light of the communication blackout in and increased bombing of Gaza, approximately a thousand people assembled in Center City Philadelphia for an emergency call to action in support of Palestinians.
The crowd included people responding to an additional call for anarchists and anti-colonial radical presence at the demonstration. We were among them. The call suggested attendees wear black clothes and keffiyahs or ski masks. We chose to wear both, layering keffiyahs over ski masks because the clear show of solidarity was important to us. A hot fashion tip: we were able to remove a layer and still be covered and anonymous.
Soon after the rally became a march, we and others began covering the walls with decolonial slogans. Some favorites: FREE GAZA, FUCK ISRAEL, DECOLONIZE, VIVA PALESTINA, FAUDA, FAGGOTS AGAINST EMPIRE, BLOOD$ (on banks along the way), and FUCK BIDEN WHOLE LIFE. Those in bloc were particularly good at looking out for each other as painting took place, and it felt thrilling to write on a wall, fuck up a bank, inhale the smell of fresh paint. Even more thrilling was the response from other demonstrators! Everyone had each other’s backs, whether they were in the black bloc or not. Other demonstrators pushed out snitches, shielded writers from cops and security guards, warned us vandals when the cops were looking for us, and also joined in, borrowing paint cans and markers to write their own slogans. There were some close calls with law enforcement but at the end of the night no one was arrested. We love to see it!
After a while things got hot (girl, it was 80º out) and the cops were on the lookout. People transitioned 😉 into new looks, and mixed into the crowd. Passing privilege, baby!
In Rittenhouse Square, the crowd paused, blocking the intersection and surrounding a sound truck. Activists gave speeches from the truck bed. It was cute until these two boys showed up, oh my god! They tried to put up Zionist propaganda (those “missing person” posters, you’ve seen them) in the middle of the crowd, but that wasn’t going to happen, obviously. People ripped down the only poster they got up, and then confiscated the rest. A very patient and generous activist escorted them away and down the block. This is a good place to remind you that these tactics are often a ploy to film, dox, and harass. If you’re going to interfere, go off, but like, be unidentifiable (no face, no tatts, no case).
The march had great energy and a lot of the chants were inspiring and like, literally revolutionary or insurrectionary so… Anyway, we had some fantasies after being in such an exciting environment. If this was the energy here, just imagine what could happen if this demo passed by as ugly as a military recruitment center or a weapons manufacturer’s office?
In all earnestness, people are angry, grieving, and fucking fed up with inaction in response to peaceful protest. While yes, we could have seen that last one coming, the warm reception to criminality and confrontation that night has us wondering what horizon we can reach for next. What could a more directed march be like? What can we do now, within the belly of this fucking empire? After all, the things around us are not disconnected from the genocide in Palestine – the politicians, the arms dealers, the funders, the surveillance technologists, many of them have offices, warehouses, or some physical presence here. They are real people doing things in real places, we can go to them and touch them, and it will effect their ability to collaborate on genocide.
Faggots for intifada
P.S. Going to the demo? Here’s some cute ideas to try with your friends: bring extra gloves, masks, t-shirts for people who might be under-dressed for the occasion. Bring extra art supplies to share! Many people around us are becoming disillusioned with the democratic avenues on offer right now, people are finding their way. If people are curious about anarchists, a little encouragement and support can go a long way.
Recently, there’s been a lot more motion in terms of Philly anarchy stuff (attacks, events, and actions). I think it can be attributed to a variety of phenomenon. But I think a big part of it is a phrase that a comrade and I recently discussed that I’m gonna call “social insurrectionary methods”.
I think that the social insurrectionary methods have been a tendency in Philly in the past as I understand it but we’re seeing a major return of those methods. Fundamentally, social insurrectionary methods rely upon efforts by anarchists to orient in a more social way while maintaining our insurrectionary anarchist politics. This differentiates us from “civil anarchists” who compromise their own politics in the name of unity or liberalism or leftist politics or deference. The social insurrectionary methods come with some risks obviously in terms of security. I think that is why some people are less interested in those methods due to the risks. However, I think those risk can be counteracted by the fact that every insurrectionary actor does not need to be involved in every direct action. We can practice security culture and have different spheres of activation for different people. We don’t need to be friends with everyone. We just gotta keep social spaces alive.
I think a forward facing or at least a more open anarchist space can provide more opportunities for new comrades (especially those who might not normally be exposed to anarchist politics due to racial and class segregation) to take part in struggle. Some of these things have been visible and others have been less visible. I think efforts like the work parties that took part at Bartrams, the organizing meetings and mob vandalism against Moms for Liberty, the martial arts training space (which is very Black and queer), intervention around ideas at political spaces such as the Block Cop City talk or the George Floyd Uprising Book talk, film screenings, Black anarchist meetups, discussion groups on Palestine solidarity, Philly contingents going to anarchist convergences (we brag about how great Philly anarchy is), friend hangouts in the park, Black anarchists working alongside Black nationalists to do self defense training and study, anarchists fighting in the Eddie Izirarry riots, and various other types of social activities tied to a politics of revolt are good examples of social insurrectionary activity. Or maybe that’s just being a serious anarchist. We build with each other as well as bringing in new people. I just want it to keep happening. I haven’t been this excited about anarchism in Philly in a while. This trend is only continuing with more discussion groups, meet-ups, and an upcoming Anarchist skill share in November. It’s all so exciting. Just keep planning stuff, please!
I think this social tendency of anarchists makes us strong and brings new people to our movement. I think the thing I’ve had conversations with people about a lot over the course of the past 12 months about is basically that anarchists must organize interventions and events on our own. And that’s the important thing for us to do rather than downplaying or diminishing our politics while at the same moment being open to people that might not share our politics. That’s the social insurrectionary method. In some ways, the social insurrectionary method by being uncompromising in our politics forces other political people to either adapt or at least respect the anarchist perspective. By organizing our own spaces and making our position clear we operate from a position of strength that we can communicate our ideas while not downplaying them.
I honestly think this is where affinity comes in to be honest. It’s easier to stand solid on your shit if comrades got your back. Whether it’s going to a work party with some friends, arguing with liberals at a Block Cop City event, moving in the streets as people spray paint, talking shit about how leftists in the city are cowards, anarchist fight training events, attending actions together that end up being wack but having fun being together, drinking cider on the porch, acrobatic exercises to do bad shit, or discussing a new zine that just dropped…social insurrectionary methods are great and fun and it doesn’t have to be FUCKING liberal or sub-cultural. Social insurrectionary methods for the win. Bring your comrades. Have their back. Even if it’s a small thing. Social means we move together and broaden our capacity as we move. We don’t all have to agree, we just gotta have respect, be anarchists and be in conversation. That’s a thing I really like about the anarchist space in Philly right now. Let’s keep up the energy. I love going to things where I see people I don’t know!
PS: Also, for comrades who aren’t in Philly. You can do all of this too. Just begin. We’re able to do it in Philly cause people just wanted cool shit to happen. The secret is to really begin!
Some Suggestions for social insurrectionaries
-More anarchist work parties
-Anarchist meetups/potlucks of every variety (for queer anarchists, black anarchists, disabled anarchists, anarchists who DJ, etc)
-Anarchist reading groups or film screenings
-Anarchist crew up and go to a wack event and critique it (a personal preference)
-More anarchist fight meetups (maybe with a debate interlude)
-Anarchist jogging meetups
-More Anarchist bike rides
-More Black bloc please
-More anarchist rave
-Anarchist hip hop show (no white race traitors allowed)
-More anarchist meetups at wack actions for activities
-No phone hangouts
-More Philly anarchist road trips to other cities (I hear harrisburg and pittsburgh are pretty cool)
-More anarchist skill shares that are not fight training
-More mob vandalism
-attack level 1 communist enemies with your level 25 anarchist crew
We attacked two excavators that were demolishing the street dept warehouse in north bartrams. When we arrived we were delighted to realize that someone had already damaged the machines! In addition to smashing the machines, we poured quick-setting concrete into the exhaust pipe of a machine. We choose this method because of its simplicity and ease. The other machine we used various techniques that can be found in warriorup.noblogs.org. Good luck finding what we did!
The All Out For Gaza demo tonight was a genuine expression of love, solidarity, and rage for Palestinians experiencing genocide at the hands of the occupying forces of the state of Israel. While the spirit of this demo was more inspiring in some ways than most demos in Philly, there was a general vibe that the space was not open to more combative expressions of solidarity. This was due both to the crowd generally not taking part in that, but also the march route being relatively devoid of potential targets. However small though, we take victories where we can get them. During the march I punctured the tires of 2 Septa Transit Police vehicles that the marched passed by. Police are an occupying force in any form and are the enforcers of settler-colonialism. In expressing solidarity with those fighting for their freedom and lives in Palestine, functionaries of a colonial project in support of the state of Israel, such as the U.S, can and should be attacked. Destabilizing individual colonial powers can make the larger project of settler colonialism more and more vulnerable.
Love to and Solidarity with Palestinian people. Fuck the state of Israel and the entirety of the settler-colonial project.
Conversation On Anarchist Solidarity With Anti-Colonial Resistance In Palestine
Sunday October 22nd
Clark Park by the chess tables
Bring a friend // Share widely
A military recruitment office in Upper Darby was attacked with paint. We wrote slogans and threw red paint on the facade. Born from our love, grief, and rage, this was a letter to Gaza and those in solidarity with the Palestinian uprising against colonial power. This wasn’t done to only send a message to imperialists, consider it an attempt to warm passersby chilled by the cold logic of genocide. In the face of massive non-disruptive protest, we hope we can inspire others to act more directly and confrontationally. Those pushing imperialism and islamophobia are being watche and can expect resistance.
RIP Ganda, killed by the same Amerikkan imperialism that feels entitled to exploit and kill without repercussion.
For Gaza with love
The actual Neo Nazi that was documented and pictured is Wisconsin native Jesse Herring. As Bradley retreated from public view he probably thought he got lucky for being misidentified for Herring. The irony here though is that Bradley and Herring know each other and run in the same circles of fascists.
Although previously identified as Bradley, it has been confirmed that the Neo Nazi pictured here is in fact Jesse Herring.
Since he was misidentified as Herring in 2021, not much new information has been publicly documented on Bradley. While Bradley clearly took his operational security more seriously than other identified S14 members, like Mark Kauffman and Mathew Bair, he ultimately failed to obfuscate himself too.
Bradley fell back into apps like Telegram and Gab and began to make more in-person Tristate (NJ, PA, NY) area connections. Bradley made a number of shell profiles on Telegram in an effort to prevent potential identification. Unfortunately for Bradley, he failed to fundamentally change anything about his posts, communication style, and how his profile was constructed. So while Bradley would bounce from profile to profile, antifascists were able to keep a thread on him due to these identified factors.
Some of the many accounts used by Bradley. At the time of publishing it has been verified that Bradley is still using his Gab account under “Hendrik F Verwoerd”.
One of Bradley’s more utilized profiles on Telegram is his “Robert Matthews” account which was created in 2022.
Antifascists were also able to put together a bigger picture to Bradley’s background and history as a fascist and white nationalist. According to Bradley, and verified by antifascists, he is a lifelong Philadelphia resident who has deep family ties to the city. Bradley currently lives on Elfreth’s Alley in Philadelphia with his family.
Bradley has an interest in Philadelphia “white history” and is very attached to historically white neighborhoods in the city. Bradley often rambles about “diversity” and how non-white, Jewish, and LGBTQ+ Philadelphia residents are ruining the city. He also frequently talks about how Philadelphia and south western PA should be reclaimed for white people .
Bradley discusses both his family ties to Philly and his hatred of non-white people.
Further evidence of Bradley’s preoccupation with the racial make up of Philly.
Bradley has been a white nationalist for over seven years, meaning he became one while in high school as a young teenager. Bradley attended Hill Top Preparatory School during his middle and high school years, eventually graduating in 2017. He then attended Cabrini University in PA and graduated with a BA in History in 2022. Prior to and since graduating college Bradley has worked several different jobs including seasonal work and manual labor.
As of 2023 Bradley is 25 years old, meaning he became a white nationalist/fascist when he was 17/18 years old.
Hill Top Prep is an expensive private school that specifically serves students who have unique educational needs, like autism and ADHD, that often do not have the same resources as those who attend public schools. Similarly, Cabrini University is an expensive small private Catholic university, with a large endowment. After graduating from college Bradley does not appear to have used his degree to obtain employment, instead choosing to work seasonal jobs and other positions that he is “overqualified” for. Given all this information on Bradley, it’s clear he comes from wealth and has family money/resources that he relies on.
Bradley in 2022 when he graduated with a BA in history from Cabrini University.A screen grab from Bradley’s LindIn account which details his most recent employment history from 2022.
During 2022 when he was finishing up college, Bradley connected with Mark Kauffman and Stephen Quest’s burgeoning group, the now rebranded National Socialist Youth Alliance (NSYA). Bradley in fact became one of the first on-the-ground Tristate members of the NSYA and attended their premiere rally in January 2023 in Hamilton, NJ.
Bradley corroborating that he was indeed on the ground with other NSYA members for the Hamilton, NJ protest in January 2023.
When the NSYA eventually split from Stephen Quest’s leadership Bradley followed Kauffman over to his newly formed offshoot organization, S14. Since S14’s launch, Bradley has made himself useful to the group providing design work and other computer based support. He helps to put out the groups propaganda and report backs from their pop-up rallies. Because of this, Bradley has been present at most of S14 and NJEHA’s events. Notably, Bradley likes to wear the same/similar gear to each of these rallies to try and conceal his identity, almost always wearing an American flag face covering.
Bradley was present at the Toms River Adriana Kuch rally, where he and other white nationalists were harassed by members of the public.
Bradley was even positively identified as the person in this photo still by antifascists. This was gathered from NJEHA/S14’s own propaganda video from the Toms River rally.
Bradley discussing the Ridley, PA action and his racist obsession with white neighborhoods.
Bradley taking credit for fascist/racist stickering in Fishtown on an outing with S14 members.
Bradley has also revealed that he is quite prolific in his online connections and relationships with other Neo nazi groups in the US, including NSC 131, well known white supremacists, and several different “Active Clubs” including chapters in Las Vegas and PA.
Bradley low key bragging about creating some logo materials for NSC 131 and that he personally knows on of their leaders.
Bradley also helps “Mr. Confederate” run his semi regular live stream.
Overall Bradley is quite prolific and has many different tendrils to other white nationalists and fascists across the US. Bradley has been able to be so active and bold in his day to day life because he has family resources (money) to fall back on and has weathered previous “attacks” from antifascists. Any guise of safety is now over.
S14 members: With addition of Jackson Bradley, six of your people have officially been identified and doxxed including Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed and the pressure will increase. You will be held accountable for the nazi filth that you are.
Many people are unaware that the u.s. government holds hundreds of political prisoners & prisoners of war captive for their participation in liberation struggles. Even fewer realize that among them are people caged for supporting Palestinians: the “Holy Land 5” are a group of people who the u.s. imprisoned for running a Palestinian charity after they were targeted by the zionist anti-defamation league & surveilled by the FBI.
Rather than get caught up in arguments about legitimate violence (or anything, really) with radlibs & zionists, we propose that opponents of colonial captivity worldwide seize this opportunity to support the antagonists of prison regimes, concentration camps, & police states. We can draw attention to their struggles through militant education, vocal public support, & attacks on the systems & structures that keep them prisoner.
If you’d like to share information or coordinate around anti-oppression prisoners held by nation-states other than the u.s., consider reaching out:
Tuesday 10/10 at 7pm we’re hosting the Weelaunee Worldwide mass action speaking tour! Come learn about ongoing and upcoming actions to block Cop City, despite RICO charge repression!