Graffiti for Dominique Remmie Fells

from Instagram

Someone sent us this dope pic of a piece for Dominique Remmie Fells. She was a black trans woman recently found murdered here in Philly. RIP Remmie

Monday, June 22nd: Letter-writing for Joe-Joe Bowen

from Philly ABC

Join us for our monthly letter-writing to political prisoners that we hold on the 4th Monday each month. To observe social distancing, we will hold this event online once again on the secure video platform, Jitsi. We will post the link on social media the day of, or message us beforehand for the link.

When: Monday, June 22nd, 6:30-8:30pm

Where: Online, join from anywhere!

In the midst of this uprising, we recognize our comrades behind bars who would be out here on the streets with us struggling for freedom and self-determination. As a soldier in the Black Liberation struggle, Joe-Joe Bowen is one of those people.

Hailing from Philadelphia, Joe-Joe was a young member of the “30th and Norris Street” gang, before his incarceration politicized him. Released in 1971, his outside activism was cut short a week following his release when Joe-Joe was confronted by an officer of the notoriously brutal Philadelphia police department. The police officer was killed in the confrontation, and Bowen fled. After his capture and incarceration, Bowen became a Black Liberation Army combatant. He is now serving two life sentences for the assassination of a prison warden and deputy warden, as well as an attempted prison break which resulted in a five-day standoff in response to racist and oppressive prison conditions. During his time in prison, he has raised the consciousness of thousands of Pennsylvania prisoners through his powerful history and political/military education classes.

If you are unable to join us online, drop Joe-Joe a line at:

Smart Communications/PADOC – Joseph Bowen #AM-4272
SCI Fayette
P.O. Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Up Against The Law on Dealing with Law Enforcement

from Facebook

FBI agents can lie to you, but it is illegal to lie to them. So it’s best to just DONT TALK. Ask for their business card, or name/phone number. Say nothing else. Do not consent to any searches. Then email up against the law for FREE legal support.


Philadelphia: Camp Maroon encampment press conference

from Twitter

Philadelphia: Camp Maroon encampment press conference…
Speakers at Camp Maroon calling for more access to housing – authorities to permit the camp – disarming, disempowering, disbanding Philly PD. #Live now (alternate YouTube link)…
a closer look at the demands posted at the press conference for #CampMaroon in Philadelphia – our live feed is ongoing now

The camp is being renamed away from “Camp Maroon” and information will be released later about this

We are hearing a rundown on the Philadelphia camp demands now – live at press conference. Call to repeal ‘camping’ ordinances aimed at unhoused people, and must support tiny houses, without eating into existing public housing stock & resources…… Hearing about how people without housing are pushed into a system that does not care about them – that homelessness could be ended tomorrow by institutions in Philadelphia

FTP Noise Demo at FDC

from Twitter

Philly! Friday! Juneteenth noise demo to free all looters
[Meet 7:15 Washington Square Park Fri June 19th]

Wooden Shoe to Re-Open

from Instagram

The Wooden Shoe is open again!!! Our doors are unlocked and open to customers, starting 12-10 today and tomorrow. We’ll just need you to wear a mask while you’re in the shop and also have to limit it to 5 customers at a time. There will be plenty of hand sanitizer on hand to make sure we all stay safe during this pandemic. And we are aiming to return to our regular hours, 7 days a week, but please call ahead if you are making a special trip just to make sure: 215-413-0999

Up Against The Law statement on Raid and Arrest in Germantown

from Facebook

[Statement release date: 06/16/2020]

Early yesterday morning, Monday June 15th, Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE,) Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), FBI Homeland Security, and the Philadelphia Police Department knocked down the door of a Germantown house and took one person into custody. An ICE agent, who refused to identify himself, was at the forefront of the intrusion. We believe this individual was targeted due to alleged protest activity and support for the Movement for Black Lives. This action is not only an egregious infringement on Civil Rights, but also in direct opposition to Mayor Kenney’s statements and purported actions in support of establishing Philadelphia as a “Sanctuary City.”

Up Against the Law is working to ensure the individual who was picked up has legal and community support. If you or someone you know is approached by the FBI, PPD or ICE relating to protest activity or support for the Movement for Black Lives, please remember you have the right to remain silent and contact Up Against the Law.

[Arrest Hotline: (484) 758-0388]

Rest In Power Delbert Africa

from Instagram

The revolutionary #delbertafrica, our good friend and comrade, passed away yesterday (6/15).⠀ ⠀ From the first time we visited you in prison, we said we’d #nevergiveup until you were out here with us. They wanted you to die in a cage, but we were determined to get you out so that wouldn’t happen. Despite every attempt they made to keep you locked up, they lost. We won.⠀ ⠀ There are not enough words to describe the impact you had on our lives with all the wisdom and inspiration you gifted us, and we’ll never forget the day you were released and reunited with family. That day we hugged you for the first time outside of a prison visiting room.⠀ ⠀ We love and miss you Del, and we’re truly fortunate for the memories we have. Thank you for being in our lives. #restinpower comrade.

Columbus Statue Focal Point for South Philly Right-Wingers

from Unicorn Riot

Philadelphia, PA – Marconi Plaza has served as the gathering site for right-wing South Philly residents this past weekend. Members of the crowd were almost exclusively of Italian-American heritage, reflecting the ethnic composition and culture of some of the surrounding neighborhoods.

Two weeks ago the city of Philadelphia removed a statue of ex-police chief and ex-mayor Frank Rizzo. Five days later, on June 7, the city painted over the Rizzo mural that had been subjected to years of regular defacement by anti-racist and LGBTQ+ community members. Though in the 1970s Rizzo was celebrated as a success by local Italian-American residents, he was also responsible for the 1985 bombing of a Black residential neighborhood, home to Black liberation group MOVE.

Monuments to historical figures such as Christopher Columbus have been targeted with defacement and removal over the past two weeks across the United States, such as in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where Indigenous community members worked together to rip a Columbus statue from the state capitol grounds.

Philadelphia has two memorials to Columbus: a monument at Penn’s landing, and a statue in Marconi Plaza in South Philly. Marconi Plaza is namesake to Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi, a Nobel Prize winner for his work in radio communications as well as a passionate fascist collaborator who helped Benito Mussolini’s regime implement anti-semitic policies.

After rumors swirled—primarily in neighborhood Facebook groups—that Mayor Jim Kenney may order the removal of the statue, some South Philly residents congregated in the public plaza in a show of support for the statue to remain.

Unicorn Riot documented the scene over the weekend. Many residents had armed themselves with baseball bats, sticks, and golf clubs, and at least one man was visibly armed with some kind of rifle. Bats were observed hidden around the area on Sunday.

Several of those gathered told our reporter on the scene that the Columbus statue represents their Italian heritage. A century ago, anti-Italian sentiment bubbled in the United States as hundreds of thousands emigrated from Italy, fleeing desperate conditions during World War I. Congress’ Immigration Act of 1924 severely constricted immigration from countries with high Catholic and Jewish populations — allowing in 4,000 emigrants per year from Italy, just 2% of the yearly average from a decade earlier — as well as immigration from all other places that weren’t northwestern European countries with an Anglo-Saxon populace.

When our reporter asked about the personal acts of brutality and torture perpetuated against Native people more than 500 years ago by Cristoforo Colombo (Columbus’ name in Italian), some South Philly residents espoused racist sentiments against Indigenous people, while others denied the atrocities had ever taken place.

Some of the right-wing crowd were there for reasons other than protecting the statue. Some in the crowd wore matching ‘I Stand With Frank Rizzo’ pro-police shirts, along with pro-Trump t-shirts and several Trump flags.

The South Philly vigilantes often approached anyone entering the area, inquiring where they lived and harassing them as not being “from here” if they weren’t recognized. Racist and sexist slurs were used freely by the men and women confronting various passers-by.

Mayor Kenney tweeted that the vigilantism is “inappropriate” and warned that it brings “more danger to themselves and the city.

Our reporter on the scene, Christopher Schiano, was assaulted multiple times on both Saturday and Sunday night by many of those who had gathered in Marconi Plaza. The tires to his bicycle were slashed on Saturday, and on Sunday one man damaged the camera Chris was using to document events.

After multiple Philly police officers witnessed the violence against our reporter Saturday evening, Philadelphia Police Captain Louis Campione threatened Chris with arrest if he did not comply with Campione’s order to disperse.

Over both days other community members gathered in opposition to Frank Rizzo and Christopher Columbus, as well as to protect others in the neighborhood from harassment and bullying. “Most of the screaming I heard was from the people who want to keep the statue,” said local resident Mark Dougherty, adding that the gathered vigilantes were heard chanting, “USA!

Several white men were visibly intoxicated on Sunday evening and became more belligerent towards the “Fuck Frank Rizzo” counter-protesters, threatening them with stalking and murder.

Dozens were assaulted and aggressively ejected from the area throughout the evening by vigilantes as the police largely stood by.

On Monday, June 15, Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson (D-52) issued a statement in response to the weekend of violence in South Philly, remarking that the city’s reaction to the vigilantism was a “stark contrast” to its reaction towards Black Lives Matter protesters.

This country may have amended the Constitution to correct the blatant disregard of Black lives during its founding, but we have not done the work to change the perceptions and systems that continue to make it possible.” — Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson

She stressed that the country’s laws, as well as the application of the law, must be “applied consistently and do not disproportionately harm Black people.” Gilmore Richardson added that the threats and attacks towards reporters were “completely unacceptable” and that the freedom of the press must be upheld.

As of Tuesday reports continue coming in of assaults and attacks that have been made by vigilantes surrounding the Columbus statue in Marconi Plaza.

In a letter to Public Art Director Margot Berg, Mayor Kenney asked Ms. Berg to “initiate as soon as possible the public process through the Art Commission” regarding the possible removal of the statue.

I believe that a public process, allowing for all viewpoints, especially those of indigenous people whose ancestors suffered under the rule of European settlers, to be in the best interest of the City.” — Philadelphia Mayor Kenney

As of Monday, June 15, an investigation is ongoing in the Philadelphia Police Department regarding the lack of police interference in the violent vigilante behavior over the past three days. Captain Campione has been transferred out of South Philly’s 1st district, where he had worked for the past 10 years in his 40+-year-long career as a Philadelphia police officer.

It remains to be seen whether the Columbus statue in Philadelphia will stay. For now the demonstrated willingness of the armed vigilantes to use violence to keep others away from the Columbus statue may prevent anti-racist community members from toppling the statue themselves, but the city of Philadelphia may yet act to remove the memorial to a man responsible for Indigenous genocide as unrest over systemic racism continue rippling through the country.

Unicorn Riot Reporter Attacked By White Vigilantes Screaming “Kill Em!”

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]

Unicorn Riot reporter Chris Schiano was attacked by a vigilante gang of white men armed with baseball bats and guns while reporting on the group defending the Christopher Columbus statue in Philadelphia’s Marconi Plaza.

“You’re so scared. Aren’t you embarrassed?” asked the man who initiated the attack on Schiano, later identified by antifascist researchers as John P. Alice, 36, of Philadelphia, owner of JA Painting and Remodeling. Alice began the attack by hitting Schiano’s bicycle with a metal bat. “So what do you think about how Christopher Columbus cut off the hands of people who didn’t bring him enough gold?,” Schiano asked, continuing to report. “They were fucking savages back then,” answered one of group. In total, the group numbered around 100 people, almost exclusively white.

At that point, a man hit Schiano in the head while his bicycle was grabbed. Though police were watching, they did not intervene. “If you’re gonna talk shit, get the fuck out of here,” said the man with Schiano’s bike as he dumped it on the sidewalk. At that point, another man grabbed Schiano and shoved him while a third man, wearing a Frank Rizzo t-shirt, pulled a knife and slashed both tires on Schiano’s bike. (Rizzo was a former Philadelphia Police Commissioner and Mayor with a long history of brutality, corruption, and racialized policing).

Schiano continued to film the vigilantes from the sidewalk for a few more minutes before he rushed by another man, identified by antifascist researchers as Michael Renzulli, Block Captain for 12th and Ritner, and the owner of Philly’s Finest Construction. A police officer then threatened Schiano with arrest for inciting a riot. Antifascist researchers quickly identified the officer as Captain Louis Campione. Antifascists also identified Anthony Fusco as one of the men present. Police did not arrest anyone in connection with the incident.

“We are aware of the groups of armed individuals ‘protecting’ the Columbus statue in Marconi Plaza. All vigilantism is inappropriate, and these individuals only bring more danger to themselves and the city,” Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney tweeted the following morning. “We are also aware of an apparent assault caught on video tape, as well as possible restrictions placed on journalists filming the event. These incidents are under investigation at this time.”

According to some reports, Michael Renzulli has been removed from his current post following the incident. Currently, there is a call from pro-police residents to rally in support of Renzulli, who they say has been reassigned to another part of the city.

Anarchy in the Streets of Philadelphia

from Mainstream Media

Ori Feibush remembers everything about the night an arsonist destroyed 11 townhouses he’d been developing in Philadelphia’s Point Breeze neighborhood. He was awakened by a neighbor banging on his door. He sprinted about two blocks from his home to the site, but firefighters wouldn’t let him near the blaze. “I was unfortunately standing as a bystander,” he said, “with all of my neighbors watching a project that I had worked on for half a decade burn to the ground.”
Mr. Feibush, 36, says he personally lost more than $1 million in the May 2017 fire, and his investors also took a substantial loss. Later that year, he says, someone unsuccessfully tried to set fire to another of his construction projects, in Fishtown. No one has been arrested or charged for either crime, but Mr. Feibush is convinced that local anarchists who consider themselves antifascist, or “antifa,” are to blame.
Point Breeze is predominantly black, and the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that between 2005 and 2009 roughly 1 in 3 residents lived in poverty. Mr. Feibush said the district had “seen 60 years of disinvestment, 60 years of drugs and crime,” but 12 years ago he decided to “take a chance on a neighborhood that a lot of developers didn’t want to take a chance on.” Mr. Feibush’s critics say he took advantage of the area’s cheap property and bad reputation, and that his market-rate developments drive up prices and displace longtime residents.

In the month before the first arson attack, posters went up in the neighborhood, including one urging locals to “smash back” against developers who are “displacing the black and brown people.” The posters singled out OCF Realty, Mr. Feibush’s company, and called for “direct action.” Anathema, which calls itself a “Philadelphia anarchist periodical,” noted the fire in its May 2017 issue under the heading “What Went Down.”

No one responded to my inquiry sent to the contact email for Anathema. The newsletter has no byline or masthead, so it’s unclear for whom it speaks. The Philadelphia Police Department declined a request for an interview, but a Federal Bureau of Investigation official answered affirmatively when asked if, over the past five years, Philadelphia had seen an increase in property crimes the agency interprets as protests against gentrification and capitalism.
“I don’t have an official tally,” Mr. Feibush said, but since 2015 “we experienced what I call ‘nuisance vandalism’ more frequently than monthly but less frequently than weekly.” That includes the fires as well as “slashed tires, paint on cars, graffiti on buildings.” Masked activists have fired paintballs at his employees, and someone shattered a window of Mr. Feibush’s home in July 2019.

“Philadelphia has long had a strong anarchist and antifascist scene,” says George Ciccariello-Maher, a local academic and the author of the forthcoming book “A World Without Police.” He notes that “a lot of the movements here recently” have targeted developers that activists deem “main drivers” of gentrification, including Mr. Feibush.
Not all of Philadelphia’s antifascists and anarchists engage in violence or vandalism, though many support a “diversity of tactics” and won’t denounce attacks on property. Some run food banks and organizations offering legal support and mutual aid. Others research and expose alt-right activists or agitate for the disinvitation of public speakers they consider fascist. Many shun electoral politics, but their ideas—including that capitalism is destructive and that police, prisons and immigration enforcement should be done away with—have become increasingly mainstream on the left.
Witness the 2017 election of Larry Krasner as Philadelphia’s district attorney. As a candidate, he claimed that “policing and prosecution are both systematically racist.” Since taking office, he has embarked on “an effort to end mass incarceration” by reducing sentences. His website trumpets dramatic declines in the number of charges brought by his office and a steep drop in the overall number of years the city’s convicted criminals will spend behind bars.

In Philadelphia, radical politics seem to have allowed radical leftists to destroy property with impunity. Mr. Feibush says Philadelphia police have dutifully investigated the property crimes against him and his business, but to his knowledge no one has been charged or prosecuted: “The feedback I receive is they can send over [the evidence] they have, but they don’t believe the DA’s office will prosecute.” Mr. Krasner’s office, he says, harbors an “unwillingness to do anything to these groups.” As a result, “they’ve clearly become more and more emboldened over the years.”
I asked Mr. Krasner’s office to respond. In an email, spokeswoman Jane Roh described Mr. Feibush as a “highly controversial/politically motivated developer.” (Mr. Feibush unsuccessfully ran for City Council in 2015.) She also noted that the August 2017 arson attempt predated Mr. Krasner’s tenure.
When I pointed out that a property crime against him occurred this month, Ms. Roh responded: “Did Mr. Feibush say that he deserves special treatment compared to the numerous other property owners who have been victimized over the past week or so? . . . It is unlikely that a crime involving any one individual, no matter how important or prominent they believe themselves to be, would require review by the District Attorney himself.”

Ms. Roh added that “the District Attorney has opened approximately 1,000 criminal cases since the period of unrest began, the majority of which are related to commercial burglaries and property destruction.” She said that “for there to be prosecution the police have to make arrests.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Feibush’s woes continue. On June 5, a security camera captured footage of three people bashing away at his office windows, he says, and this past weekend, someone slashed three tires of an OCF Realty truck.
Ms. Melchior is an editorial page writer for the Journal.

Racist Attacks Continue at Marconi Plaza

From Instagram

Yesterday, South Philly racists aka The Gravy Seals/ Veal Team 6, gathered at the Christopher Columbus statue at Marconi Plaza where they got drunk, brandished weapons at all those that disagreed with them and throughout the day kettled people to jump them as cops watched. Multiple women and femmes, including a group of young teens, were sexually harassed and groped. Racial epithets were yelled at Black people in attendance. The police cleared some people from Marconi Plaza, leaving a group of racists by the statue. One sergeant said “We’re only going to get involved if fists start flying- they can yell at each other all they want” but when the racists started to punch the sergeant just pulled out his phone and ignored it. The journalist from @unicorn.riot who was jumped on Saturday was targeted multiple times. They pushed a woman down in the middle of Oregon Avenue, beat her and stole her phone. Multiple people were pepper sprayed, and someone who was sprayed was subsequently punched in the face. One man from Veil Team 6 kept screaming “I want war” all day. Make no mistake where fascists stand- they want a race war and they are backed by the police.

Statement on Marconi Plaza Attacks

from Lilac Philly

Contact: Lilac Media/Press Team

Dozens of police officers watch as racist crowd terrorizes a dozen activists, make no arrests of violent vigilantes

Philadelphia, Pa. — At approximately 9 p.m. Sunday night, a group of white vigilantes cornered over a dozen peaceful observers and activists after many hours of threats of physical and sexual violence from an angry mob, at the Christopher Columbus statue in Marconi Plaza. The vigilantes, claiming to defend the statue, hurled lit cigarettes and pushed peaceful observers into busy traffic at the intersection of Broad and Oregon. At least three people were pepper sprayed from within the crowd. Two activists were seriously injured and sent to the hospital.

Amanda M–, Michael C–, and David P– were among those who were shoved into open traffic as the largely white crowd chanted racist epithets and made countless threats of more physical and sexual violence. One activist was shoved to the ground, and the mob started to kick them repeatedly until others helped them to safety. A LILAC activist of color, Ronald J–, 24, tried to break off the assault and was maced and punched in the face, resulting in a broken nose.

At no point did the nearly 40 police officers present intervene to prevent this mob violence. Video footage shows peaceful activists asking for aid and intervention and senior Philadelphia Police Department officers ignoring them.

The Marconi Plaza attack is the latest string of racially-motivated escalations orchestrated by white vigilante mobs in the Philly area in the past 15 days. In Fishtown and in South Philadelphia, unaccountable vigilantes have participated in assaults on journalists, property destruction, and uncurbed violence toward peaceful counter-protestors and bystanders. At a time of national reckoning with racial injustice and the use of excessive force by the police, Philly white vigilantes are using violence to defend racist monuments and terrorize residents from all walks of life. The Philadelphia police have proven over the last few weeks that they not only have no interest in protecting Philadelphians from these violent mobs, but will also aid and abet them whenever possible.

Though a constant and heavy presence at Marconi Plaza, the police took almost no action to stop or prevent beatings, at times agitating the peaceful crowd and laughing about the rampage. The only arrest made by the police was against a peaceful protestor staging a sit-in. This is unacceptable behavior from law enforcement, who are directly contradicting Mayor Jim Kenney and Police Chief Danielle Outlaw’s promises that the Philadelphia Police Department would protect First Amendment rights to protest and report.

We hereby denounce this terror campaign in multiracial, ethnically-diverse immigrant communities of Black, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander Philadelphians. We deserve to feel safe in our neighborhoods. South Philly belongs to all of us, and everyone has the right to contest Christopher Columbus’s part in the genocide of Indigenous people.

John Alice, Racist Vigilante Responsible for Attacking Journalist

from Twitter

An @UR_Ninja reporter was attacked tonight in Philadelphia by a vigilante gang armed with baseball bats. The attack was initiated by John Alice, owner of JA Painting and Remodeling, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who struck the reporter’s bike with a metal bat.

He’s been spending his days boarding up local businesses, and apparently leading attacks on reporters at night.

Curiously, he doesn’t seem to be connected to any organized hate groups. This is just white reactionary violence spilling up. John does, however, have police connections. His brother, Michael, was an officer with the Philly PD.

In 2017, Michael Alice was one of several officers sued for police brutality.…

Like 40% of police, Michael Alice also has a history of family violence. In 2015, he was charged with assaulting his girlfriend.…

You can see video of how the altercation begins here. “You’re so scared,” John Alice says, as the reporter is surrounded by an armed gang.
[Video Here]

The reporter asks about Columbus’ genocide of indigenous people. “They were fucking savages back then,” answers one of the posse.

One member of the group then hits the reporter and takes the reporter’s bike, as another slashes the bike’s tires.

This is white reactionary violence. This is a posse, a mob, and the hate group they’re connected to is the Philadelphia Police. Rather than contain the mob, the then cops threatened @UR_Ninja‘s reporter with arrest if he didn’t leave.

Philadelphia PD were also filmed by @UR_Ninja shaking hands with some of the white vigilante mob.

The cops in Philadelphia are using paramilitary gangs of white vigilantes, shaking their hands, and threatening to arrest the reporters they attack in violation of the 1st Amendment. Don’t give me bullshit about reforming the police. Defund and abolish the police. ❤️????✊

If you would like to donate to @UR_Ninja–possibly to fund new bike tires– please consider making a monthly donation here. I’m a monthly donor, and very proud to support independent journalism.

Philadelphia Police Threaten Unicorn Riot Reporter After Vigilante Assault

from Unicorn Riot

Philadelphia, PA – On Saturday evening dozens of armed vigilantes gathered in Marconi Plaza in South Philadelphia near a Christopher Columbus statue, ostensibly to “protect it” from vandalism. Several of the men assaulted our reporter on the scene and slashed his bike tires. Philadelphia police then threatened our reporter with arrest for “inciting a riot.”

[Video Here]

This video is the raw compilation of all of our available footage from the event.

Last Wednesday Unicorn Riot covered the toppling of a Columbus statue outside the Minnesota State Capitol, which came down during a wave of protests that have taken aim at symbols of reactionary politics and white supremacist iconography. A mural of controversial former Mayor and Police Commissioner Frank Rizzo was painted over a week ago not far from the site of tonight’s attack.

In recent weeks armed mobs of white men have gathered in Philly, a city with a long history of reactionary politics and racial tension. A similar armed group in Fishtown attracted international media attention.

At the Saturday evening gathering, the attendees appeared to be eager for a confrontation, waiting to attack anyone who might criticize or damage the statue. Some members of the group were openly carrying firearms and bats with others commenting that they had concealed carry firearms.  At least one of the men holding a gun appeared to have a military-style patch which read “Semper Tyranus,potentially in reference to John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Captain Louis Campione of the Philadelphia Police Department barred our reporter, Chris Schiano, from continuing to report on scene, claiming that Chris was “inciting a riot“.

In 2016 the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Capt. Louis Campione signed a memo instructing officers to perform unconstitutional searches. Minutes before Unicorn Riot was forced from the scene by Campione, the crowd cheered as a man unveiled a Trump 2020 flag.

After our reporter was forced from the scene, the crowd continued to grow as night fell in the poorly illuminated city park on Broad Street. Earlier in the day Unicorn Riot covered the massive protest march in the city calling to “Defund the Police” attended by thousands of people – view our thread of pics and video from that march below.

[Twitter thread]