Earliest Days of This Trump Attack

from Philly Metro Area WSA

By Philly Metro and Greater Chicago WSA

Among many reports and conversations at our November 40th Anniversary Congress, two that stand out are a  renewed excitement about working-class journalism, and how our WSA Branches are trying to orient our work to our worksites and co-workers.

What this has meant in these early days of the Trump-Musk Attacks?

We can’t speak for all WSA members, but many of us have felt depressed and in shock, aware that our families are directly vulnerable.

In contrast to 2016, where the resistance to Trump was immediately galvanizing, there has been a cultural sea-change. We certainly feel part of this ‘just-getting-on-our-feet-now’ period.

Speaking for only some in our branches, these early months have felt like a tornado watch. We keep looking out our window to see how close the danger is. There has been a noticeable pause on our public national level projects as this Trump-Musk attack is unfolding, but  as we write this, we are getting back to our work!

As regards our worksites, one of the immediate responses has been to the scapegoating ICE raids some of our most at-risk families have been living in terror at the haphazard nature of these assaults.

We’ve been actively working on connecting our coworkers with community organizations, putting out flyers with contact info for immigrant rights hotlines, helping with outreach for multilingual trainings.

Locally, we’ve also been helping to organize an upcoming protest in coalition with local activists. While we are not reformists, we bring our workforce concerns and syndicalist analysis as best we can, trying to build momentum for any public opportunity to say “NO!” to this time of crisis.

As anarcha-syndicalists we are clear as daylight that we use the word ‘democracy’ to mean not bourgeois democracy where the competing elites vie for our votes to get power. We will resist Trump and Musk, but this does not mean we were signed up to support what would have been a Biden-Harris regime of business as usual and genocide.  We are clear that by standing up for democracy we mean a worker’s democracy, and the classless, non-hierarchical society which alone can make the word ‘democracy’ meaningful.  But right now we are focusing on our commonality with at-risk co-workers and others, with Trump voters who suddenly realize their jobs & benefits are now in jeopardy.

While we are few and our branches are small, it feels the best way for us to cope is to stay engaged. While we’ve been slow to get back to journalism, it’s time to do just that. Members are saying it’s time for us to have our WSA National Labor Committee soon, and we will!

As a way back to working-class journalism, today during work hours we did what we meant to do, which was to talk with WSA members and comrades, and try to get their thoughts into print.

As a start today, at 10 am, while on the clock, we talked on the phone with our comrade Greg Mcgee:

“What we should do is have a dialogue with our fellow workers, but make sure we use facts. Use radical websites talking about Russian deserters and Ukrainian deserters refusing to fight. Imagine together if they called the soldiers and no one showed up! The wars would stop.”

“With all this rampant fascist nationalism happening now, the bigotry, anti-semitism, racism, right now, imagine replacing the word “immigrant” with “Jew”, and discuss the fascist past. We know that Mussolini and General Franco were fascists, we really don’t know what Trump and Musk are. LThey may just be narcissists, but I think we need to draw our fellow workers’ attention to the historical past of fascism, how this is looking worse and worse. Again, the scapegoat is immigrants right now; remember what happened in Nazi Germany: Right now it is much much less far-fetched thinking it could happen here. We have to remember what happened to Japanese people in the U.S. in WWII, where people were rounded up and put in concentration camps.”

“This is the time for meetings with our fellow workers at our places of employment; this is the time to work on our common ground, the threat that’s facing us now.”

From Lana –  by phone during work hours, an hour later:

“It’s so multi-faceted, this outright chainsaw to any social safety nets, and we absolutely know as the economy goes south, we in the working class are first in line for the economic consequences.  Isn’t this what we’ve been saying all along? That capitalism is evil because it uses us as fodder in so-called good times, and uses us as frontline fodder in any disaster?

“I think this is the time for us as syndicalists to get on our feet and organize, to get our fellow workers involved as a group from our workplace in community resistance – it’s a wake-up call. Five-alarm fire, let’s get to it !”


Caught: Stories About Criminalization and Repression

from Making Worlds Books

This panel event and discussion brings together several anarchists and other individuals who’ve caught charges in Philadelphia and beyond from 2017 to the present. We’ll go over the charges, legal process, and outcomes of each case; discuss how local support for the defendants worked; and reflect on the trauma and hardships incurred by repression and how we can continue to build a broader culture of anti-repression in Philadelphia.

Registration is appreciated.

  • Sunday, March 2, 2025
  • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
  • Making Worlds Bookstore & Social Center 210 South 45th Street Philadelphia, PA, 19104 United States (map)

Super Bowl Celebration – Philadelphia, PA

from Unravel

February 9, 2025

There were 10 arrests and 29 summons for disorderly conduct issued by Philadelphia Police during the raucous celebration of the Eagles’ Super Bowl win Sunday night, police said.

Six people were arrested for six assaults on police officers, said department spokesperson Sgt. Eric Gripp. There were four other arrests: one for reckless endangerment, two for aggravated assault, and one for misdemeanor disorderly conduct, he said.

There were also eight reports of vandalism, said Gripp.

Despite calls from Mayor Cherelle L. Parker to not climb poles or anything else and to celebrate safely, some of the massive crowds of people that took to the streets after the Eagles won their second Super Bowl, caused mayhem.

Multiple people climbed light poles along Broad Street. Crowds tried to flip a police vehicle at Broad and Chestnut Streets. More than a dozen people danced on top of a medic vehicle. A group of people took towels out from a truck at 12th and Market Streets and started setting them on fire.

Found on Mainstream Media

[Unmentioned in the article: graffiti in support of Palestine, against police, and for political prisoners.]

Against Smartphones, Social Media, and the Tech Dystopia: A Provocation and Discussion on Shifting Culture in Anarchist and Black Radical Spaces Away from Digital Technology

from Making Worlds Books

This is a presentation based discussion about the necessity of radical circles to move away from digital technology in our current political moment. We argue that social media, cell phones and digital technology play an active role in harming our movements and capacities for resistance. Digital technology surveils us, de-skills us, and inhibits our social abilities. Furthermore, these technologies are controlled and developed by fascist enemies of Silicon Valley. Our discussion will focus upon ways to divest from social media, personal devices and digital technologies to create new forms of comradeship away from the gaze of the State and tech over-lords. There will be a brief presentation then a discussion about the topic.

  • Friday, March 14, 2025
  • 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
  • Making Worlds Bookstore & Social Center 210 South 45th Street Philadelphia, PA, 19104 United States (map)

Zine: The Struggle Against Ghost Robotics

It is unclear what the struggle for Palestinian liberation will look like in the coming days. At the time of this writing a ceasefire has just been reached between Hamas and the Zionist entity, at the same time the Zionist entity continues to devastate Gaza and the West Bank. Last year a specific struggle against a local technology company connected the dots between Palestinian liberation, local gentrification, education, militarism, and borders. The company in question, Ghost Robotics, has come under fire for creating robot dogs used by the Israeli Defense Forces. That struggle may well be ongoing and this zine is not meant to push struggles into the safety of history, its aim is to inspire revolt, specifically against Ghost Robotics and generally against all aspects of domination. The struggle against Ghost Robotics has taken many forms, from spreading information and popular education, to organizing demonstrations, to destroying property. By reflecting on the past struggles we can better imagine and carry out our struggles today. This zine brings together writings about Ghost Robotics, a timeline of publicly documented action against Ghost Robotics, communiques from anonymous actions, a few photos. All information is taken from sources listed in the Resources section at the end.
Philadelphia, Occupied Lenapehoking,
Winter 2025

`The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ Book Release Event and Screening of ¡G.A.R.I! (2013) – March 16

from Reeking Thickets Press

Join us on March 16th at 6:15pm at ORCA for the release of the book `The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’, the pamphlet “A Mano Armata (Excerpts)”, and a screening of the film ¡G.A.R.I! (2013, 1h 23 min, French with English subtitles), by Nicolas Réglat, followed by a discussion if the mood strikes us. For location and accessibility info, email orca.philly@protonmail.com (note that ORCA is not wheelchair accessible and heating in the space can be spotty). There will be free books (somewhat limited quantity, somewhat crudely printed and bound) and pamphlets and the event is also free, with no RSVP necessary. Masking is encouraged and expected, and there will be an air filter running. There will be a box you can drop contributions to Reeking Thickets and ORCA in, but only if you really feel like it. After the event the full reading and printing pdfs will be uploaded, and a somewhat limited further quantity of physical copies will be available (email reekingthickets@proton.me) for $5 each to cover some of the costs of production, or, possibly, for slightly more at local radical bookstores.

`The Unexpected Guest and a Section of Palestine, Mon Amour’ is a 266pg. book from Reeking Thickets Press bringing together a new, rough translation of the 2010 book L’Ospite Inattesso by influential Sicilian insurrectionary anarchist, robber, poet, and philosopher Alfredo Bonanno (and as he reminds us, former motorcycle racer, professional poker player, and business executive) with similar, mostly previously untranslated sections from another book of his, Palestina, Mon Amour, and some relevant excerpts from his essay, “E noi saremo sempre pronti a impadronirci un’altra volta del cielo: Contro l’amnistia” (trans. – “And we will always be ready to storm the heavens again: Against the amnesty”).

An accompanying 51pg. pamphlet, “A Mano Armata (Excerpts)” collects more topical sections from that book of his (the title of which translates as `with armed hand’, or `at gunpoint’ and is part of the Italian legal name of offenses analogous to armed robbery or assault with a deadly weapon, with `a mano‘ also having the sense of a tool ready and available for use, or of `hand-made’, `manually’).

To our knowledge, The Unexpected Guest, A Mano Armata, and many of the included sections of Palestine, Mon Amour haven’t been properly translated into English, and this primarily machine-based translation – though we feel is sufficient for some purposes – certainly can’t be considered as such. Translation was carried out by Nim Thorn, a non-speaker of Italian, using various translation programs with the results then checked for apparent mistakes or divergences and the offending passages re-translated in context with dictionaries and using other translation programs. Short stanzas (such as the section “Untitled” in Palestine, Mon Amour) or metered sections (such as the Faust excerpts in The Unexpected Guest) were also translated word by word using comparisons of multiple tools. The introduction to the second edition of A Mano Armata is a particularly bad translation, of a difficult text in the first place, though some parts of it still shine through quite clearly, and the subject matter – in part about the desire to engage with the word backwards by constructing semio-cognitive labyrinths to reflect absence and help bypass the recuperating tendency of the will and language – feels ironically relevant.

Footnotes, selections, typesetting, back cover text for the book (the back cover text of the A Mano Armata pamphlet is taken from excerpts of the text), and cover designs are also by Nim Thorn. No authorization was sought for this project and, for our part, further printing or distribution is welcomed.

The sharply echoing, often numbered and diary-like stanzas that make up much of the book are a remembrance of the deadly, pro-liberatory armed struggle Bonanno took part in during the `60s and following decades, including alongside Palestinians in the Levant (relating also his experience of torture for this by Mossad in 1972), in Greece against the junta, in Ireland, Algeria, Uganda, and Italy. Written mostly during various later-life prison stints in Italy and Greece for robberies and seditions (both real and fabricated), these poetic, searingly honest tracings of formative, difficult memories grapple with suffering, monstrosity, humanity, and ghostly normality, the silent, irreversible and all-transfiguring singularities of death and of ending the lives of others, and the irresolvable tension between the quantitative and qualitative. The paradoxical, messy engagements with the often deeply flawed, recuperative, and quixotic but sometimes critical aspects of clandestine revolutionary warfare come deeply into play, alongside those with the projects of memory, theoretical and personal understanding, and the word itself. He refuses to shy away from the stark insights and puzzling question marks born of having closely shadowed and struck at torturers, informers, provocateurs, traitors, cops, and soldiers, and does so without hiding behind either moralism or trite anti-moralist cliches. Reaching us like an esoteric, late medieval folk heretic, Bonanno in these texts feels perfectly attuned to apprehend his and our current moments (in particular their real incomprehensibility), even through such unlikely lenses as his highly ambivalent exegeses of Saint Augustine or Goethe’s Faust.

¡G.A.R.I! (2013) by Nicolas Réglat is a documentary about the affinity groups of French and Spanish anarchists who briefly gathered under that acronym (trans. – `Revolutionary Internationalist Action Groups’) in France from 1973-1974 for revolt and to join with Spanish anarchist and autonomous rebels in combat with the far-right dictatorship of Franco and the broader capitalist, authoritarian order, who were then under real threat of judicial or extra-judicial execution. It included the participation, alleged in some cases, of many influential figures including Jean Weir, Lucio Urtubia, Floréal Cuadrado, Jean-Marc Rouillan, and Octavio Alberola. Operating between various regions of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and coordinating with rebels in or exiled from Spain, and with groups across Europe, GARI carried out a kidnapping of a Spanish banker and numerous non-lethal arsons, bombings, acts of infrastructure sabotage, machine-gunnings, robberies and fraud, while carrying out creative counter-information and aiding in the smuggling of arms and fighters to and from Spain. In the ambit of groups like the Angry Brigade or the First of May Group, GARI embraced an aggressive and strategic transnational armed struggle while remaining in touch with the spark of situationism and the autonomous movements, and resisting the vanguardism, organizational fetishization, and authoritarian variants of anti-imperialism so prevalent then and now. Though only existing as such for a short period before diffracting in countless directions across the constellation of struggle in Europe (including some arguably non-anarchist directions, such as the later path of Action Directe) which they contributed to spreading, GARI was an important node and precedent in the experimenting millieu from which contemporary insurrectionary anarchism was then emerging. Taking as point of departure a never-published comic book created by the GARI kidnappers in 1976, Réglat sets out to `save from the dustbin of history’ the stories of those involved, which includes that of some of his own family members. Consisting of archival footage and present day conversations with people involved in the events, and made possible by the expiration of statute of limitations, the film is a refreshingly human look into complex experiences from a chapter often glossed over, yet the consequences of which still ripple strongly in our struggles today.

Philly Monthly Zine Fest

FEB 23rd 3pm at Clark park chess tables !! 2nd monthly zine fest pop out distro ur sketchy zines cool art work maybe they’ll be food , this event is made possible by all who come out and do their thing , all who assemble their skills and get together to share and do something lighthearted but also very serious 😐 !!! Got extra shit at home u wanna get rid of ? Come distro it here!! Cleaning out your closet?? I wanna see!! Pick up an interesting zine last time that u wanna discuss ?!? I’ll be there! Know how to fix bikes? Can u help me!?!? Get outside and touch grass, maybe they’ll be instrument playing, poetry speaking, joyful lollygagging!!! 💜😌🌠😇👾🍌☁️ wear a mask!!! 😷
FEB 23rd 3pm at Clark park chess tables !! 2nd monthly zine fest pop out distro ur sketchy zines cool art work maybe they’ll be food , this event is made possible by all who come out and do their thing , all who assemble their skills and get together to share and do something lighthearted but also very serious 😐 !!! Got extra shit at home u wanna get rid of ? Come distro it here!! Cleaning out your closet?? I wanna see!! Pick up an interesting zine last time that u wanna discuss ?!? I’ll be there! Know how to fix bikes? Can u help me!?!? Get outside and touch grass, maybe they’ll be instrument playing, poetry speaking, joyful lollygagging!!! 💜😌🌠😇👾🍌☁️ wear a mask!!! 😷

One Year Of O.R.C.A.!

from O.R.C.A.

O.R.C.A. has officially circled the sun! We’re celebrating a year of aquatic anarchy by hanging out, and screening a fun feminist deep cut, Girls Town (1996).

It’s been an interesting journey running the space for a year and we’ve learned a lot, feared a lot, and felt immense joy! Thanks to everyone who has made this space what it is, hauled trash, painted walls, booked events, held meetings, attended an event, hung out, sent us emails, gave zines, or threw cash or supplies our way. We appreciate you all! <3

We’re looking forward to continuing to hold down our strange little water world for another year. Unfortunately O.R.C.A. isn’t free to run (anymore 😉 and we do have to cover the cost of rent ($525/month). If you, too, want to see O.R.C.A. stick around, consider sending us some $$ and/or sharing our fundraiser. Or for our friends in the cash business, come in and check out our irl donation box.


Girls Town (1996) is a cathartic and underrated feminist coming of age story that’s sooo 90s. The film follows four girl best friends in their senior year of high school as they wrestle with loss, smash misogyny, and show everyone who underestimates them just how powerful a girl gang can be. (90 mins)

March 9th
Doors 5PM
Film 7PM

Retaliation for dreaming freedom and striving to actualize it

from Dreaming Freedom, Practicing Abolition

On 2-7-25, I sat before the PA Parole Board. Correction: I sat before one member of the Board and a hearing examiner. In PA, imprisoned people don’t see the entire Board which consists of nine members. We see only one member. From the start, the interview was contentious. I didn’t expect it to be. I had done everything the Board asked me to do: successfully completed all programs, remain misconduct free, and obtain the PA DOC’s recommendation for parole. I wasn’t asked about any of these matters.***

Instead, the interviewer began by stated that I am part of a security threat group. When I asked what gang I belong to, he said: “The Abolitionists.” Seriously. I had never heard this before. I was baffled. How are abolitionists a gang? He asked me to explain my gang affiliation. I continued to tell him abolition is not and has never been a gang. I asked if he wanted me to explain why I am anti-racist, anticapitalist, and anti-imperialist. This went over his head. We continued in this fashioned for almost five minutes. I knew my chances of parole were doomed.***

The remainder of the interview went the same way: his insisting upon some falsehood and my refuting his notion. A few days later, I was called to the parole department for the inevitable: parole denied. That was the last time I will ever sit before the Board. I max out on 2-9-26. My sentence will be completed. Sixteen years. They cannot deny or delay my release on that date. I never thought I would max this sentence out. I was required to do half of it incarcerated. I have been parole eligible for eight years. Being a prison (dis)organizer, I know full well the oppressive and retaliatory actions of the DOC and the Board. My organizing and educational work stymies the goals of the PIC: isolating and alienating imprisoned people to render them powerless in the face of oppression. I have no regrets. I work and continue to work to dismantle oppressive systems everywhere. I work and continue to work to build life-affirming and life-enhancing relationships and institutions. Like Martin Sostre, I am being maxed out in retaliation for dreaming freedom and striving to actualize it. And like him, I remain undaunted.***

I am so grateful for the unstinting support I have received over the years. Without you, I could not have made it. I couldn’t have done the work. Thank you. There are so many people, organizations and collectives that have supported the work, in whatever prison I was caged in, and I want to thank you all. But the list would be many emails long. I do want to especially thank some folx who have stood in solidarity with me for numerous years. Your love and friendship have sustained me, helped me grow and kept my head up. I cannot wait until 2-9-26 when I can be out there and return the love in person: Mom, Lois, Sarah, Ian, Casey, Eli, Danielle, Molly, Minali, Jacqueline, Safear, Mariame, Ruthie, Kelly, Eliza, Dylan R, Dana, Tyler, Rehana, Dylan B, Joy James, Roberto, Eric Stanley, Miriam, Moira, Katy, Tricka, Nora, A Ram, eae, Andrea, Ann Russo, Maya, Brian S, Rinaldo Walcott, Alex, Caren, Dan B, Amanda, Woods, Mari, Critical Resistance, Haymarket, Love & Protect, Survived and Punished, Hearts On A Wire, Massive Bookstore, Black Agenda Report, Inquest, Verso, the Pinko Collective, Empowerment Avenue, and imprisoned folx at every prison I have been caged during this bid. The list could go on and on. But I wanted to especially thank certain folx. As this year winds down, I am preparing to transition the work to other imprisoned people and look forward to working from the other side of the walls. I hope to continue to be blessed with your support and love during this time.***



p.s. Please held me raise funds to continue the study groups and mutual aid for the remainder of my time in here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-9971s-work-behind-the-walls

Love In A Fucked Up World Reading Group

from O.R.C.A.

Love in A Fucked Up World
A valentimes reading group


Sunday 2/23
noon-2pm @ O.R.C.A.

Sunday 3/2 @ O.R.C.A.

An affinity group of lovers cannot lose!     ….right?

Join friends, comrades, exes, & crushes at O.R.C.A. for a two-part discussion of Dean Spade’s book, Love In A Fucked Up World: How to build Relationships, Hook up, and Raise Hell Together.

Too many projects and resistance groupls crumble under interpersonal conflict. No matter how radical our politics may be, we often treat each other poorly. Here’s to unlearning our messed up patterns and navigating desire, breakups, jealousy, and friendship better– leveling up so we can throw down together.

After Accountability

from Instagram

Join Pinko Magazine at the Wooden Shoe on Sunday, February 23rd at 3 PM for a reading and discussion of our newly republished book, After Accountability. Collective members and interview subjects will take part in a conversation with local author Malcolm Harris about the history and trajectory of this critical movement concept, with books on hand for sale

After Accountability gathers interviews conducted by members of the Pinko collective with nine transformative justice practitioners, socialist labor organizers, incarcerated abolitionists, and activists on the left, and also includes framing essays by the Pinko collective in which its members situate and reflect on those illuminating conversations. An investigation into the theoretical foundations and current practice of accountability, this volume explores the term’s potential and limits, discovering in it traces of the past half-century’s struggles over the absence of community and the form revolutionary activity should take.
Join Pinko Magazine at the Wooden Shoe on Sunday, February 23rd at 3 PM for a reading and discussion of our newly republished book, After Accountability. Collective members and interview subjects will take part in a conversation with local author Malcolm Harris about the history and trajectory of this critical movement concept, with books on hand for sale

After Accountability gathers interviews conducted by members of the Pinko collective with nine transformative justice practitioners, socialist labor organizers, incarcerated abolitionists, and activists on the left, and also includes framing essays by the Pinko collective in which its members situate and reflect on those illuminating conversations. An investigation into the theoretical foundations and current practice of accountability, this volume explores the term’s potential and limits, discovering in it traces of the past half-century’s struggles over the absence of community and the form revolutionary activity should take.

What’s In A Bag? An Anarchist View On Preparedness

from Instagram

New date... Again. Hope this is the last change. 

Join three Wooden Shoe volunteers in a disaster preparedness workshop! The first half of the workshop will discuss an anarchist view on preparedness, and what it means for individuals to be prepared, versus having a community that is prepared. The second half will be more hands-on, discussing what goes in a "go bag", and starting your own. Some materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own (for yourself or to share). Please bring a small bag or backpack if you have one; we will have a few but there may not be enough depending on attendance.

Yes it will be recorded.

New date… Again. Hope this is the last change.

Join three Wooden Shoe volunteers in a disaster preparedness workshop! The first half of the workshop will discuss an anarchist view on preparedness, and what it means for individuals to be prepared, versus having a community that is prepared. The second half will be more hands-on, discussing what goes in a “go bag”, and starting your own. Some materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own (for yourself or to share). Please bring a small bag or backpack if you have one; we will have a few but there may not be enough depending on attendance.

Yes it will be recorded.

[February 20
Wooden Shoe Books
704 South St]

In Contempt #49: Interview with IWOC Prisoner Organizer Comrade Z

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.

There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!

Political Prisoner News

Long-term Black Liberation prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal recently recorded a special message in support of the “Merrimack 4,” who were convicted for an action against a company supplying weapons to Israel.

General Prison News and Abolitionist Media Updates

The ACLU of Delaware has filed a lawsuit against the Delaware prison system and Vaughn Correctional Center after a brutal raid in late 2024. Vaughn, the prison at the centre of the lawsuit, saw a historic uprising at the start of Trump’s first term in 2017.

Uprising Defendants

See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. You can also check With Whatever Weapons for regularly-updated zines listing current prisoners. To the best of our knowledge they currently include:

David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701

Khalif Miller #70042-066
USP Big Sandy
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224

Upcoming Birthdays

Luis Sierra (Abdul-Haqq El-Qadeer)

A former Vaughn 17 defendant. While the state has now dropped its attempts to criminalize Luis in relation to the uprising, Vaughn defendants continue to face retaliation. Luis is also a contributor to “Live from the Trenches,” the Vaughn 17 zine.

Delaware appears not to have an inmate email system.

Birthday: February 19


Luis Sierra
Delaware DOC – 1101
PO Box 96777
Las Vegas, NV 89193


Sports Riot and Unrest Chronicle – Philadelphia, PA

from Unravel

January 26, 2025

With the Eagles headed to their second Super Bowl in three years, crowds of fans swarmed across the city, many marching up Broad Street, blasting music, waving flags, and — as part of tradition — climbing light poles. And in some cases, the crowd’s enthusiasm took a dangerous turn.

Earlier Sunday, at 6:20 p.m., an officer working the NFC championship detail at 700 Pattison Ave. was attacked by 32-year-old [name], of Soquel, Calif. [name] was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and related crimes.

Less than two hours earlier, at 4:40 p.m., another officer also working the football championship detail at 1100 Pattison Ave. was assaulted during a disturbance, police said. The assailant, [name], 44, of Media, was also charged with aggravated assault and related crimes, police said.

The incident was among at least four reports of assaults on police officers, authorities said.

The violence and vandalism reverberated throughout the city, even as celebrations wound down.

As officers tried to disperse a large crowd at 100 South Broad St., the crowd became verbally hostile and an officer was hit in the head by a full water bottle, police said. No arrests were made.

And around 4:10 a.m. Monday, police responded to a report of vandalism at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, where the glass front door was shattered and two large windows were cracked. Police continue to investigate.

Police are also investigating a video circulating on social media of a man firing his gun multiple times into the air in the middle of a crowd gathered at Frankford and Cottman Avenues.

Police said they issued 31 citations for disorderly conduct or failure to disperse to 30 adults and one juvenile across the city as they tried to manage the large crowds that traveled after the Eagles’ victory on Sunday night.

Found on Mainstream Media

Mark Kauffman’s Bad Behavior While Sara And Baby Were Dying

from Philly Fash Watch

We’ve long since established that Mark Kauffman is a piece of shit. From his early days on our radar attempting to create a national socialist youth group called NSYA and S14, we’ve meticulously documented his actions. Because of our effective work, neither group exists anymore. Eat shit Mark. Here is where Mark was originally documented and doxxed, via a collaboration between Jersey Counter-Info and SunlightAFA NJ Hate Watch: S14’s Neo Nazi Leaders Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer – Jersey Counter-Info.

As first noted on a gofundme, Mark’s wife Sara had a massive heart attack while pregnant. Sara had been Mark’s ride or die, from their days homeless in Massachusetts while abusing meth. In June of 2024 the two were supposed to be married but the event was raided by US Marshal’s the night before, as Mark had been a fugitive from Massachusetts for years on weapons and drug charges. No, not simple possession. 200+ grams of meth. 

Due to Sara and the baby’s complications from birth, Mark’s trial has been delayed. The previous status hearing January 24, 2025 was delayed again until March 26, 2025. We suspect there will be no further delays and that his trial will finally begin. Co-Leader of Philly Area Nazi group, S14, Dies: Her Newborn Struggling On Life Support – Idavox

Mark and Sara lived in Kensington. If you’re familiar with the area, you know that nazis are not welcome. We made certain that their neighbors knew exactly what these two were about. After extensive flyering and community outreach, they fled their home and moved into Mark’s grandfathers home in Delaware. It should be noted that Mark does not have a valid driver’s license. This is about to become important to this terrible story.

There’s a wonderful program called The Ronald McDonald House, where families of sick patients at Penn Hospital and CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) are given free rooms to stay in while their loved ones are very ill. Family Rooms – RMHC Philadelphia Region. As I’m sure comes to no surprise to you, our dear reader, Mark Kauffman took advantage of this generous gift he was given. While his wife and baby were dying, Mark would go out drinking at night with his nazi buddies at bars in the area. This includes a nazi security guard at the hospital who we aren’t naming…yet (your time is limited). This article is strictly about Mark and how horrible of a human he is.

While going out drinking isn’t against the law, there’s something to be said about a man’s morals who chats up ladies while his wife and infant are dying. Eyewitness accounts flagged this behavior not just as the bars, but also when he brought them to his room at the Ronald McDonald House. He also brought his nazi buddies up there, where blowing lines of cocaine became his passion. Since Mark is unemployed (his nazi buddy Alex Chubbuck whom we wrote our first article as PhillyFashWatch about Nazi Alex Chubbuck of Boyertown, PA | Philly Fash Watch fired him because Alex is more concerned about his business than anything in the world) we can only assume that he was using money from the gofundme fundraiser to feed his nose candy addiction.

On the day of Sara’s death, Mark unsurprisingly went out to the bars again. Upon returning Mark was met at his room at the Ronald McDonald House, room 902, by security. Maintenance workers had responded to a plumbing issue in his room and found cocaine and white power crap. Mark was immediately kicked out of this charitable place for being a piece of shit (remind us if this sounds familiar). Forced to move back to his grandfather’s home in another state since he couldn’t return to Kensington and without a license we don’t know how he could visit his infant in the NICU unit.

Our hearts break for the baby. They didn’t deserve to be born to two wannabe fuhrers. Now that Mark Kauffman is alone, we need to discuss the arsenal of weapons that he has in Delaware at his grandfather’s home. Mark is a trained killer by the US military. He’s facing a long jail sentence for the drug and gun charges the US Marshal’s picked him up for in June. With that hearing no longer facing delays, all of us are fearful that Mark could be a mass shooter before that March 26th date. As always, fuck nazis. They will never feel peace as long as we’re around.