Solidarity Banner Drop


On the morning of April 3rd a team dropped this banner over the 76 Walnut overpass. Solidarity to all antifascists and resisters facing repression during this regime.

Benefit Screening of Killing the Black Snake


Come out, watch trouble and throw some ????for #disruptj20 arrestees this wednesday. April 1 to 8 is a week of solidarity with everyone facing repression so let’s come together to learn and support each other. We’ll pass the hat to collect money for philly people arrested in DC protesting trump’s inauguration. Killing the Black Snake is a short documentary about the fight against the dakota access pipeline being built through sacred Sioux land in north dakota.

[April 5th from 5pm to 8pm at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

Even More Anti-Trump Graffiti

from Instagram

#fdt #graffiti on #marketeast downtown #phillyanarchists #marketeastphiladelphia #philly

Book and Bake Sale for J20 Defendants

from Facebook

A fundraising effort to Support Philadelphia residents who were wrongfully arrested during the January 20th Inauguration Protests in Washington DC. All funds raised will help pay for defendant legal fees, transit, and housing.

Tons of new books from rad publishers have been donated for the cause and there will be baked goods for sale as well as tarot card readings and music! Please drop by and bring friends.

April 8, 2017 – Noon to Four
A-Space, 4722 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19143