[Philly Anti-Capitalist note: The owner of Warrior Boxing Gym has reached out to us and let us know that he and the gym do not know Paul Minton and that Paul Minton is not a member of the gym.]
Nazi traitor Paul Minton aka MISK is a pain in the ass right now being one of the loudest and most active nazis around, slapping his racist garbage stickers all over the city. Not to mention that he betrayed every comrade who once trusted him. Not to mention that Paul, pushing 50, took in a vulnerable 13 year old girl and groomed her into being another nazi, who he has also gotten pregnant. Paul is the lowest of the low, a pedophile, a traitor who turns on everyone he’s ever worked with, and a huge dumbass. A recent article shows his whole history of cowardly betrayal and nazi scumfuckery.
We put together this flyer.
To make him feel less safe we paid a visit to his neighborhood tonight, putting up flyers and talking to some of his neighbors about who he is.
“By the way Paul, heard something happened to your old car, but good to know you now drive a black KIA soul, license plate LZN 5585. We made sure to stick a flyer to it 🙂 There’s another surprise that you might not notice right away too. Have fun!” (excuse the shitty picture I’m not used to my new phones camera)
You can get your own copy of the flyer here in pdf form. [Flyer PDF]
We encourage people to take a few nights of action and spam these everywhere you can. Make him famous. Make it so he can’t hide. There are a lot of areas where we’ve seen his propaganda so we suggest hitting these areas so that everyone knows him name:
-Residential areas around Greys Ferry and Point Breeze
-Old City and Independence Mall
-Baltimore Ave. and Around Clark Park
-South Street
-City Hall Area
-East Passyunk
-All along Washington Avenue
-All down south broad street
-All of Market Street
-All along the el in Fishtown/Kensington/Frankford
-Upper Darby around 69th Street
-Ben Franklin Boulevard and art museum area
-Delaware and Schuylkill waterfronts and trails
Happy hunting and big fuck you to Paul Minton, drown in piss. The world will be a better place when you’re gone.
Addendum: We saw you scratched out a lot of our flyers so we threw up over 100 more in places you like to hang out. Enjoy your scavenger hunt you worthless creep.
Join us and MXGM Philly for a joint virtual letter-writing event on Saturday, May 20th at 4pm. We’ll be writing cards for political prisoner Ed Poindexter and addressing his urgent medical release campaign.
Ed Poindexter was sentenced to life in prison, along with his former co-defendant Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa who died in prison due to medical neglect, allegedly for murder of an Omaha cop when a suitcase containing dynamite exploded in a North Omaha home on August 17, 1970. According to radio journalist Michael Amdor (who would go on to become a lawyer and a judge) the police immediately assumed the Omaha Black Panthers (called the National Committee to Combat Fascism) were responsible for the bombing. Police wanted to raid their headquarters within hours of the blast, but were dissuaded because there was no probable cause to accuse the NCCF.
The “Nebraska 2” case was, and continues to be, very controversial. Ed and Mondo had been targeted by the FBI’s COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program), which operated against and infiltrated anti-war and civil rights groups, including the Omaha Black Panthers. Ed and Mondo insisted they never manufactured a bomb, and so much evidence has come to light since their convictions to corroborate their story that Amnesty International and the Lincoln NAACP have called for their release, or for a new trial. The state’s parole board recommended them for release, but they have been denied multiple times.
Mondo died in prison of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on March 11, 2016, after being incarcerated from ages 23 to 69 and asserting his innocence for 46 years. Ed has diabetes and receives dialysis six days a week. He underwent triple bypass heart surgery in 2016. After several falls, he chooses to use a wheelchair. He has a cataract in one eye that makes it difficult for him to read. The Nebraska Department of Corrections does not plan to allow him to have surgery because “he has one good eye.” Last month, Ed’s left leg was amputated below the knee due to lack of proper medical care. His family was not even notified before the surgery. We can honor Mondo by continuing to fight for the release of Ed!
Supporters have organized an urgent medical release campaign running through May 30th, so that Ed can be released to receive proper medical care. After more than 50 years in prison, Ed should be released to live the rest of his life outside of prison with his family! His niece Ericka is now 52 years old and was an infant when Ed was targeted, stolen from his home, jailed, framed, and railroaded. Watch the moving, recent video plea of Ed’s niece and sister.
This event will take place on Zoom: passcode 591101 (more info here). We’ll be discussing Ed’s case, writing him solidarity cards, and writing letters/emails to the targets of the urgent medical action campaign. If you cannot make the event, send Ed some love at the address below.
Note: It must be in large print or typed with 18 point or larger font and the envelope should be addressed in large print so Ed can read it.
Eddward Poindexter #27767
Reception and Treatment Center
P.O. Box 22800
Lincoln, NE 68542-2800
We’ll also encourage sending birthday cards for U.S.-held political prisoners with birthdays in May and June: Xinachtli (May 11th), Kojo Bomani Sababu (May 27th), and Gage Halupowski (June 29th).
The soon to be regular protest actions seek the hotel to follow the company’s anti-hate policies, cancel the conference, and raise awareness of “Moms for Liberty” adverse efforts on anti-masking, LGBTQ+ issues, book-banning, and racial education policy efforts.
Innocent Bystander
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Various groups and political actors kicked-off protests and call-in action on Friday, May 12, to have the city’s downtown Marriott reverse its decision to host the neo-fascist group, Moms for Liberty June 29 – July 2.
The groups, such as ACT UP Philadelphia and UDTJ (Understanding. Devotion. Take Action. Justice.), along with others, protested the Marriott on the 1300 block of Filbert Street where the main entrance is located.
Several state legislators also wrote Marriott management, led by state senator Nikkil Saval, whose district includes this hotel. The exchange of letters and more is located here.
“Moms for Liberty” has come under increasing scrutiny not only for the national conference, but also for its right-wing astroturf funding, complained-of threats by its members and its leadership.
And yet while the national leadership has not responded to questions and complaints, that didn’t stop the newly installed Philadelphia chapter leader — 46 year-old Sheila E. Armstrong — from complaining about not being interviewed by the Philadelphia Inquirer although the conference is a national matter.
Moreover, if Armstrong’s name rings a bell, it should. Armstrong has run for local public office in recent years as a Democrat and Independent, and has been defeated in these efforts by a nearly 99 percent voting margin and by being knocked off the ballot. Not to be outdone by this, she was a paid staff member for the Mehmet Oz campaign for U.S. Senate where she and Oz were outed for deceptively manipulating supporter testimony as the campaign closed.
Armstrong is also a Philadelphia public school parent of two children, one of whom has been diagnosed with autism. This has served as a vehicle for for her serving on the the state’s Student Parent Advisory Council. Obviously, this is one of many oppositional tensions Armstrong faces while trying to intertwine as a local face for “Moms for Liberty.”
The next protest at the Downtown Marriott is scheduled for Friday, May 26th. The late afternoon time is to be determined.
Join us on Sunday, May 21st from 1-3 PM for our next reading discussion! As usual, we’ll be meeting in Clark Park near the chess tables. This month we’ll be reading excerpts from The Palliative Turn, volume one.
APT operates from the understanding that humanity has collectively entered this phase of anticipatory grief. As we face the end of civilization as we know it, each of us is patient and caretaker and soon-to-be bereaved at the same time.
Paul Minton, neo-nazi living and organizing in South Philly out of his home on S. 26th street. Affiliated with “White Lives Matter (WLM) PA”
Paul Minton
Paul “Paulie” Minton
Home Base
1542 S. 26th St., Philadelphia, PA
Published By
Published On
Recently, an alert was circulated among Anti-Fascist social media accounts related to an individual from Philadelphia identified as Paul Minton (Be sure to read the whole thread).
The alert informed people that Minton was running several neo-nazi telegram channels and doxxing Anti-Fascists. The post featured pictures of Minton wearing Philly Antifa t-shirts and claiming that Minton had “masqueraded” as Antifa for several years.
Sadly, the alert is correct. Minton not only dressed the part, but participated in Anti-Fascist blocs from coast to coast from 2016 – 2019 and was targeted by both the far right and law enforcement for his activities.
Paul Minton while he pretended to be an Anti-Fascist. Note that flag on the left. It will come up again.
Despite deep involvement in Antifa, Minton had, at some point, returned back to nazi politics. We say “back” because, as this article will map out, Minton had previously already been a neo-nazi skinhead as a young man and publicly broken with that movement in the mid-2000s. We even had an earlier Rogues’ Gallery entry on him in those days – that we now have to bring back and update.
A recent photo of Minton. He is wearing a t-shirt for the California neo-nazi band “Final War” as well as sporting a leg tattoo repping the neo-nazi “Rise Above Movement.”
After months of research and interviews, we are ready to finally tell the story of Paul Minton and his turn from nazi to Antifa and back to nazi (with lots of stops along the way). Those interviewed (names withheld to protect them) were eager to tell tale of a man they describe as a manipulator and narcissist whose predatory and dishonest behavior ultimately left him isolated until he, unbelievably, re-joined the nazi movement.
Strap in, dear reader, this tragic tale has some serious twists and turns.
It is relatively common, if you’re tuned in to these types of things, to hear stories of a young neo-nazi who leaves that movement and later denounces it. It is also not unheard of to encounter a far-right activists who may have dabbled in leftist politics before becoming committed fascists.
There is also a small fringe of “NazBol” red-brown types who will attempt to find common ground between Marxism (red) and National Socialism (brown). As well as eco-fascists who combine green anarchist or primitivist ideas with fascist ideology. What is almost unheard of, however, is hearing of someone “flipping” from one side to the other and then flipping back.
Generally speaking, adults do not oscillate in their opinions drastically around whether the Holocaust occurred and was bad, whether certain races are inherently predisposed towards different types of societies, or whether a cabal of Jewish people are secretly in control of the world’s economy. So naturally, they don’t find themselves switching between the far left and fascist politics. Most people engage and support one, or neither, side. “Fencewalking,” by unprincipled people is common, but that is usually limited to socializing with both sides, not engaging in activism and combat with both. Furthermore, most individuals who have betrayed a political movement and joined their sworn enemies would reasonably not expect to find acceptance should they attempt to return to their old movement.
Paul Minton is an exception. This article will attempt to trace his development from a young man who was recruited to neo-nazi skinhead culture, to hardcore punk “youth crews,” to Orthodox Christianity, to Islamism, to militant animal liberation, to Antifa and back to the same nazi skinhead politics he was viciously fighting (literally) not even 2 years earlier.
Paulie Minton was born August 23, 1976 (46 years old) and grew up in Gray’s Ferry. Minton currently resides at 1542 S. 26th Street and runs his neo-nazi outfit “White Lives Matter” (WLM) out of that home. In addition to Minton, his mother and her longtime boyfriend live in the home. Minton’s oldest child is also living there as of when this was published. There is one more individual living there (that we know of) whom we will discuss later in the article.
When in NYC, Minton betrayed his friend and snitched him out to the port authority police. Minton then testified against Pearce, receiving a sweetheart deal of 2 years probation for tampering with a corpse, a fact that (of course) enraged the victim’s mother. Pearce was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Minton would deny being a nazi when questioned about this and attempted to hang out in the Anti-Racist punk scene, leading local hardcore band Barricade to write a song “dedicated” to Minton entitled “Fence Walker.”
Once his probation ended, Minton dropped all pretense and proudly declared himself a nazi. In an e-mail he sent to One Peoples Project during that time, he wrote… “I have always (been) WP (white power). I was on parole for the past five years and was told if I had any contact with anything I will do my whole 5 years back time… But guess what it is all over now and time to smash you fucks one again…”
Minton, right with two of his Nazi friends. Rob Julason, center, is from Delaware and was last living in Aston, PA.
Paul Minton in the early 2000s Minton with fellow nazis
Minton’s hand tats circa 2004. Oh, there will be coverups.
He began antagonizing Anti-Fascists by doing things such as driving by punk shows at First Unitarian Church with his nazi buddies yelling “white power!” out of the car. Minton and co. threatened several shows during this period, usually demurring from actually showing up.
During 2005 Philly Pride, while Antifascists were countering an anti-gay group who were there, Minton, who at the time was repping KSS, arrived yelling homophobic slurs in a group of a dozen neo-nazi skinheads associated with a coalition of neo-nazi bonehead crews called Blood and Honour, including Joey Phy. who is currently associated with neo-fascist crews like the Rise Above Movement.
Paul Minton, rear behind Doug Sonier, in 2005 harassing Philly Pride.
Minton (center, profile) at Pride in 2005. He is wearing a shirt of NJ neo-nazi band “H8Machine.” Behind him with sunglasses is Clemie “Rick” Haught of Blood and Honour/Maryland Skinheads. Next to him, shirtless and obscured, is Joey Phy.
For reasons unknown, around late 2005 Minton left the white nationalist movement. He provided information and made a public disavowal of that movement to One Peoples Project. He got tattoos on his hands saying “Anti-Racist” with crossed out swastikas. He was briefly involved with co-opting hip- hop and graffiti culture as well as dabbling in Islam, Orthodox Christianity, and 2 different hardcore crews.
The first, PBHC (Philly Brotherhood of Hardcore) Minton left relatively quickly (though not after getting a tattoo on the side of his head for the group that he would then need to immediately remove). The second was Baxwar, or “BattleAxe Warriors, a fan/biker crew started by the Canadian rapper MildChild. Minton also began having children (he has 4 so far) with his (now ex) longtime partner.
The many faces of Paul Minton. The 44-year-old orthodox Muslim antifa nazi vegan hardcore kid backpacker.
Flash forward to around 2016, he was seen wearing a Philly Antifa shirt on social media. It’s not unheard of for someone who was involved in far right politics as a young person to later support the Anti-Fascist movement. Sure enough, he was seen posing in the shirt on social media not long after.
“How do you do, fellow Antifa?”
As the Trump candidacy kick-started the far right in this country, Minton began associating with the Antifa movement. He began working with much younger and inexperienced people who were unaware of his history. Someone did attempt to warn some of these individuals to be wary of Minton due to his past as a neo-nazi as well as being a snitch and an accessory to murder. Unfortunately, those warnings were not taken seriously. Minton is very adept at manipulating people and insulating himself from criticism, as will be discussed later in this article.
Starting with the opposition to the March for Trump in Philly in 2016, for roughly three years, Minton worked with several different crews in Philly and around the country. He traveled to demonstrations all over the U.S., including Unite the Right in 2017, often brawling with fascists. He was recorded fighting on the Antifa side in Cville and doxxed by neo-nazis, including “Jack Corbin,” Daniel McMahon.
Minton is actually the person who originally informed Antifa Philadelphia that the previous identification of Corbin was incorrect and pointed them to the old Pioneer Little Europe post identifying McMahon as Corbin. Minton had infiltrated Patriot Front online and learned from loose discussion among their ranks of the original misidentification. From there, Antifa needed only to confirm the information and then release it.
Minton was also very online and active in Anti-Fascist social media and research circles we are not involved in, so we don’t have much information on that. Minton often goes by the alias “Misk.”
An archived tweet from Minton’s old twitter account where he casually advocates burning his current “brothers” alive.
Eventually, as we’ve mentioned, Minton was alienated from the Anti-Fascist movement in Philly due to his own behaviors. The list of bad behaviors is long and would not surprise readers. He was untrustworthy, erratic and predatory. Most leftists and Antifa in Philly had stopped communicating with him entirely by 2020. Later, we were informed by members of his former crew that there were concerns about the nature of Minton’s interest in a teenage girl whom he had been inviting to anarchist and radical demos in Philly. Reportedly, not long after he was ostracized, his longtime partner and mother of his children left him and that young woman (more on her below) moved into the home.
Minton’s decision to return to neo-nazi politics can be traced to sometime in 2021. Former friends of Minton’s contacted us concerned about social media posts he was making.
Paul Minton expressing support for Kyle Rittenhouse.
Paul Minton parroting RAM and Active Front propaganda.
Prior to the postings, he had also been leaving long, incoherent voice messages to some other (former) friends about nobody wanting to work with him and having “good and evil raging inside” him. When questioned about the posts, Minton gave a very half-hearted excuse that he was “attempting to infiltrate”… with his real name and face. This was despite previous conversations where Minton claimed to be out of political activism and just focusing on his family.
What is known is that the WLM_USA_PENNSYLVANIA Telegram page that Minton set up and runs was originally set up as a honeypot, and Minton was still attempting to send information on local nazis to us. By that time, we could not reliably count on anything he was sending us so it was largely ignored. Minton is also believed to be running or involved in the “Embrace Struggle AC” and “PA Antifa Watch” telegram channels.
Not long after this, a new doxx account on twitter began targeting people perceived to be Antifa in Philly. Some of the information coming out of that account pointed to someone with inside, but out-dated, knowledge of the Antifascist scene in Philly. The timing of this account with Minton’s public statements strongly implicated him as involved. He was also sighted in the same area immediately prior to several WLM banner drops and stickering runs.
Eventually, Minton dropped all pretense and began posting social media pictures of himself wearing clothing and getting tattoos associated with neo-nazi and fascist groups.
Minton making that corny “white power” hand troll thing. Note the RAM tattoo is visible.
Someone has also started parking an SUV with a gigantic White Lives Matter logo on it in front of his house.
Minton’s Chevy Tahoe, parked outside his home with a WLM logo decal.
As we have explained, it is primarily personal anger that motivated Minton’s decision to flip back to being a nazi. Anger borne from being ostracized from our movement for his own behaviors, the most heinous of which was his grooming of a teenage girl whom he preyed on and then recruited to nazi politics.
Minton is a nazi because we are the things we do. But, to say he believes in anything is a partial truth at best. Minton is a cliche’ man-child who tries to find a family in political movements, burns his bridges through his dishonest and predatory behavior, and then rage-quits and retaliates by doxxing and harassing his former friends and comrades. As dangerous as Minton can be as an enemy, he is far more of a threat as a “friend.”
The very young woman reportedly living with Minton, whom he recruited to nazi politics, is named Daisy McGowan. Minton met her at local political protests and later was able to get a job at Morning Glory Diner, which is owned by McGowen’s grandmother. Minton has reportedly been lying about McGowan’s age, but an inquirer article from July 2018 states Daisy’s age as 13. She turned 18 just in January 2023.
Daisy McGowen (r) at the WLM nazi demo in Easton, PA.
McGowan in the rear of the formation with her phone out in Tom’s River
Minton and McGowan shopping in Walmart together.
We have also just recently learned from our sources that McGowan is pregnant and that Minton is the father, confirming all of our worst fears. Reportedly, Minton is planning to relocate with McGowan in the near future, as most of both of their families are disgusted by the relationship and too many people in Philly know his history and both of their real ages.
Minton worked at the Diner for a time, but was fired for stealing from other employees. Daisy has cut ties with her grandmother. McGowan was arrested at an anarchist noise demo at a jail in Philly. We don’t know Daisy, but earnestly encourage her to change her path while she can. No one has ever benefited from their relationships with Paul Minton. Everyone has suffered.
In addition to the demonstrations mentioned, Minton and co. have claimed responsibility for nazi stickers put up in Port Richmond, South Philly, Kensington, and Glenside. They also dropped a nazi banner on Route 309 in Ambler.
Despite representing himself as a hustler and grinder, Minton’s primary income has been social security disability since his corpse desecration trial in 2000. While we do not know what his diagnosis is, we have learned that the doctor that reapproves his status periodically specializes in “psychotic disorders.” According to interviewees, he spends his money largely on himself and has a taste for expensive clothing, travels frequently for political events and meetings, and (of course) spends tons of money on tattoo cover-ups from all of his various drifting around scenes and movements. He lends very little financial support to his four children, three of whom reside out-of-state.
Minton’s cover-up of his three arrows tattoo.
Due to his social security disability, Minton might be hiding other income streams. According to our sources, he has been working for Relay delivery services and at some point obtained ServSafe certification from the City of Philadelphia and may also be working or looking for work as a food safety manager.
And let’s be clear, we don’t share this information about Minton’s disability or his scamming to stigmatize others or because SS or tax scams upset us. Rather because, as an organizing neo-nazi, Minton is now championing an ideology that would describe someone like himself as a “parasite” and “asocial/mentally feeble” individual who would be lucky to simply be sterilized under national socialist doctrine. This mindset is absolutely abhorrent and wrong, but he is a complete fraud for viciously broadcasting this genocidal language about the same situations and behaviors of others while living, existing and supporting himself by similar means.
Furthermore, his actions as an abusive or absentee father who spends his money traveling to demonstrations or on endless tattoo cover-ups to hide his long history being a phony hypocrite, while his children struggle, is far from the rhetoric of the “rise above movement,” which claims to champion “the white family” and “traditional western values.”
This article is overdue. We first became aware of Minton “flipping” nearly 18 months ago. A quiet alert was circulated among those that had worked with or adjacent to him, and several other groups sounded the alarm on social media.
Minton (on left in tan cargo pants), and some nazis he conned, with the flag he captured from himself.
Unfortunately and remarkably, Minton has found allies willing to work with him, despite his past betrayals. He appears to be allied with Dan D’Ambly and Ron Sheehy’s “New Jersey European Heritage Association ” (NJEHA), appearing together in Tom’s River, and also stickering together.
WLM and NJEHA rallying in Easton, PA together on April 23, 2023.
WLM PA rallying in Morris Plains, NJ. Minton is masked on the far right.
Active Front has been repped locally for years by the same KSS boneheads Paulie betrayed and left behind almost 20 years ago, including longtime KSS boneheads AJ Olsen, Nunzio Pellegrino and the same Joey Phy who was with Paul Minton harassing the Philly Pride event in 2005.
AJ Olsen (c) and Nunzio Pellegrino (r) in a post promoted by Minton’s telegram pages.
Bryan Vanagaitis of Keystone United in a post promoted by Minton.
Minton regularly promotes their activities on his telegram pages, so we can assume they have some sort of relationship these days.
There is only one more group that Minton has had a long lasting and close relationship with, and that’s the state and federal government. We have recently learned that Paul Minton was regularly visited by the FBI in his home for years. These visits were for neo-nazi, radical Islam, animal liberation, Anti-Fascist and other postings and threats on the internet at different times in his life. During one visit, he was reportedly offered (and turned down) a job on a task force for extremism.
When the FBI visited him during his time posing as Antifa, Minton admittedly chatted with them and tried to weaponize them back at the fascists who had called them on him. He also has his history of snitching and testifying in court. While we are not making any conclusions, we do find it notable that this man with a history of side-switching and snitching, who had burned all his bridges in the Antifa movement, has now started a local affiliate of a hardcore international neo-nazi network and is filling it largely with young fascists he finds on the internet.
As the Antifa movement’s 15 minutes of infamy seems to be subsiding slightly, there will likely be a steady stream of “defectors” that come out of the woodwork for the next 10 years or so. With the huge influx of people coming into this movement during the Trump presidency, it is natural that some people will leave. Their level of involvement and reasons for leaving will vary. But in the case of Paul Minton, ideology was never important. Ideas, and people, are only important to Minton for how they make him feel. He wants to be close to danger, to feel like an “extremist” and to impersonate youth. In short, he’s a self-absorbed liar and manipulator.
Maybe he likes throwing up hands?
We think, in the context of the panic around “groomers” that the right is pushing, it is also worth noting that Minton was immediately called out and ostracized at the first sign he was preying on McGowan. That situation was not handled perfectly by those who had worked with Minton, but nobody tolerated it, even despite both of them claiming the relationship was not of that nature.
Meanwhile, he has now been bringing this young girl with him to various RAM and WLM events and meetings around the country, and nobody on their side seems to have any issue with a nearly 50-year old man and his newly 18 “girlfriend.” As many issues as the radical left, and our society as a whole, have with sexual violence and abuse, it is normalized on the far right in a way most of us would find unimaginable. One need only see some of the stories women have told after leaving that movement.
A still from a video of the local NJ/PA nazis in a park marching in New Brunswick, NJ (our home base) in the early morning hours of May 6, 2023 – when there were no one in what is normally a busy area of a town WLM described as “Antifa Infested” (you’re damn right). It is believed Paulie and Daisy participated in this outing and are possibly in this pic.
We hope that this story will serve as a warning to everyone in the Anti-Fascist movement. No matter how effective an organizer, spy, or street fighter, when someone is:
a) not trustworthy
b) seeking out attention/praise for Antifascism rather than treating it like a responsibility and self defense.
c) lacking fundamental understanding of the politics they espouse
d) a creep
it is only a matter of time before that person does serious harm.
If you’re not Antifa now, then you never fucking were.
While Thomas’ rally was unsuccessful, questions over her and her groups finances and use of funds raised from her base of sycophants sprang up in the days after the event. In a now deleted tweet, Thomas detailed her funding request prior to the rally, where she requested $2,000 in total for the rally in Trenton.
Thomas’ now deleted tweet detailing her funding request.
Thomas’ itemized request breakdown was: $500-$700 for one overnight Air bnb stay for her group, $200 for cookies to give cops at the rally, $200 for supplies (not specified), and $800 for travel expenses (not specified).
The initial request of funds was odd at best, seeing as Thomas has both family and friends in Central NJ and lives in Pennsylvania within driving distance to Trenton. The same also goes for Brittany Ortiz, who lives in Philadelphia, PA. Given they could have easily saved money on accommodations it’s strange Thomas requested such a large sum of money from her online supporters. Additionally, why did Thomas request $800 for transportation when virtually every TERF in attendance lives within a one to three hour driving distance from Trenton? Did Thomas really need almost five hundred dollars for “supplies” and “cookies4cops”?
Despite the questionable basis of her funding request though, Thomas’ actual use of expenses brings up more red flags and even more questions. Here’s the breakdown: in total Thomas raised $1,182 dollars out of a requested $2,000 from her GiveSendGo virtual fundraiser. Instead of spending $500-$700 for one night in an AirBnB, Thomas paid for four nights, for a price almost exactly equal to the funds raised.
There is considerable disparity between Thomas’ request for donations and her actual use of those funds.
As pictured above, the cost of Thomas’ AirBnB was not only much higher than she initially estimated, but was almost exactly the total amount fundraised. Rather than use the money like she had led donors to believe she would, she rented four nights at a house hardly a thirty minute drive from her own home, for an event that was only supposed to last a few hours.
Thomas requested $200 for “supplies”, to create signage for the rally, but demonstrated this to have been unnecessary. Despite having nothing left over after paying for the AirBnB, they appear to have been well-supplied. It remains unclear at this time whether the cops were forced to do without their cookies. Antifascists on the ground reported they did not spot any evidence of baked goods on site or in the possession of the cops.
Jennifer Thomas and fellow TERFs standing with their collection of homemade signs. It appears that they did not need donations for signage, despite soliciting donations under those very pretenses.
Thomas’ homemade sign, resting up against her white Dodge Challenger.
The discrepancies between Thomas’ request for funding and her actual use of those funds need more explanation than simple failure to meet the fundraising goal or unforeseen circumstances. Her gestures toward financial accountability, like posting breakdowns of planned expenditures and receipts, don’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny — no wonder she deleted the tweet. It’s hard to believe even her TERF supporters would have coughed up donations if they knew it was going to an excessive and unnecessary four-night stay. Surely Thomas agrees, or she’d have been up-front about that to begin with.
The most generous interpretation here is that she and her friends are making irresponsible use of donations; a more realistic interpretation is that they’re duping their supporters and stealing from them for personal enjoyment. Thomas’ motivation is unclear at this time but we wonder if she has connections/vested interest to whoever owns the AirBnB she booked.
We wouldn’t normally have a problem with someone stealing from TERFs, but it’s important to expose grifters like Thomas and her friends who are likely just using their followers. Don’t give this fraud your money.
[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.
Everyone should support the defendants facing charges related to their alleged participation in the George Floyd uprising – this list of our imprisoned comrades needs to be getting shorter, not longer. See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. The status of pre-trial defendants changes frequently, but to the best of our knowledge they currently include:
David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701
Upcoming Birthdays
Abednego Baynes
A former Vaughn 17 defendant. Baynes was found innocent of all charges in relation to the uprising, but he has still been punished with a move out of state, and deserves respect and support for staying in solidarity with his codefendants throughout the process and refusing to cooperate with the prosecution.You can read more about Baynes in his own words here.
Pennsylvania uses Connect Network/GTL, so you can contact him online by going toconnectnetwork.com, selecting “Add a facility”, choosing “State: Pennsylvania, Facility: Pennsylvania Department of Corrections”, going into the “messaging” service, and then adding him as a contact by searching his name or “NT0594”.
Birthday: May 20
Smart Communications/PADOC
Abednego Baynes, NT0594
SCI Mahanoy
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733
May Day graffiti was done on a settler colonial monument on Lenape Land. It says “May Day means Land Back!” – “Solidarity Means Attack” – “Smash colonialism!” – “Kill cops!” “ACAB” and more!
Written during the riots, The George Floyd Uprising is a compendium of radical writing to come out of that long, hot summer. These incendiary dispatches—from those on the front lines of the struggle—examine the new horizons opened by the revolt, as well as the social, tactical, and strategic obstacles it confronted. This practical, inspiring collection offers a toolbox for all those actively seeking to expand and intensify revolts in the future, and it is essential reading for everyone interested in toppling the state, racism, and capitalism.
Join us May 7th at 3pm at the Quaker Meeting House in Harrisburg, PA for a discussion of the book with the editors!
Facing off against the violent forces of the state during street protests, we form bonds and clear space for a vision of a new world. But what happens after? How can we perpetuate social revolution in our daily lives? Ingrained state logic erases ways of organizing our lives with ease and limits our horizons of resistance. It doesn’t matter if we smash the state but can’t take care of ourselves or one another. We will discuss how to prepare ourselves for liberation with references from Scott Branson’s recently published book, Practical Anarchism: A Daily Guide.
About the Speakers: Scott Branson is a writer, teacher, organizer, and artist, author of Practical Anarchism: A Daily Guide (Pluto Press), editor of Surviving the Future: Abolitionist Queer Strategies (PM Press), translator of Guy Hocquenghem’s Gay Liberation After May 68 (Duke), and co-host on The Final Straw Radio. Vicky Osterweil is a writer and worker based in so-called Philadelphia. Her book In Defense of Looting was released in 2020, and she’s working on a new book called The Extended Universe, 2024 from Haymarket.
About the Book, Practical Anarchism: A Daily Guide:
You may not realize it, but you are probably already practicing anarchism in your daily life. From relationships to school, work, art, and even the way you organize your time, anarchism can help you find fulfillment, empathy, and liberation in the everyday.
From the small questions such as ‘Why should I steal?’ to the big ones like ‘How do I love?’, Scott Branson shows that anarchism isn’t only something we do when we react to the news, protest, or even riot. With practical examples enriched by history and theory, these tips will empower you to break free from the consumerist trappings of our world.
Anarchism is not just for white men, but for everyone. In reading this book, you can detach from patriarchal masculinity, norms of family, gender, sexuality, racialization, individual responsibility, and the destruction of our planet, and replace them with ideas of sustainable living, with ties of mutual aid, and the horizon of collective liberation.
Lots of goods were liberated from various places today including Home Depot in memory of Tortuguita! They are with us in every action. Lets crew up with our affinities and redistribute goods to those who need in and out style. Viva Tortuguita!
[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
On January 18th police murdered a forest defender, Tortuguita. Immediately, a call was put out for a “night of rage”. The rage was instead was not limited to one night, nor only retaliation.These actions have been claimed in honor, memory, vengeance, revenge, for, or in solidarity with Tortuguita.
By carrying our friends in our hearts and actions they live on in spirit and in memory. With Love and Rage, we carry on those who have been taken from us.
Sometime in the spring of 2023, some Jersey anarchists and our comrades got together to address the pervasive issue of littering and dumping in the Pinelands. Thanks to already-existing mutual aid networks we were able to gather supplies and start collectively rehabilitating dumping spots in the region.
The Pinelands are part of Lenapehoking and were once in the care of Unami-speaking Lenape before it was subjected to hundreds of years of settler-colonialism and capitalism. And for what? The forest and land has been destroyed, dotted with reminders of long-dead munitions, glass, iron, and steel factories. Industry barons like the Whartons established massive extractive operations and company towns that put a stranglehold on the area. Now, just a few generations later they are nothing but crumbling monuments to corporate greed. The land was stolen from its traditional caretakers just to become a sacrifice zone for the state, corporate entities, and reactionary individuals. Whether it’s the military leeching PFAS into the soil and water, businesses poisoning waterways by dumping construction waste into streams, or individuals dumping personal trash, it all contributes to the destruction of the Pinelands.
We don’t have any faith that the state or capitalists are going to take responsibility for poisoning the Pinelands, so it’s up to us and every day people who respect the land to do so. While there is an overwhelming amount of work left to do, we found it pretty easy to mobilize and take action.
We started out by first doing some prep work and identified known dumping sites and the type of dumping happening at each location. (Depending on the kind of waste you are dealing with whether hazardous, medical, or construction for example, your approach, supplies, and tactics may vary). Next, we gathered needed materials and supplies for each site.
At one site, which was not frequented by the public, we filled over 15 garbage bags with dumped items and hauled away roughly 100 lbs of garbage. For this particular location we made sure to bring plenty of trash bags and wear gloves and pants as the risk of being both bitten by ticks and coming into direct contact with poison oak was high.
A few of the 15 trash bags equaling over 100 lbs in total we hauled away from one dump site in the Pinelands.
At another site, which is frequented by the public, we permanently installed a garbage can, a 50 gallon plastic drum, and stuffed it with bags to encourage shared community responsibility over the flow of trash.
The 50 gallon plastic drum took some prior modification to get it ready for the site however, so if you are looking to try this out this is what you will need to do: 1. Find a 50 gallon plastic drum. There are many ways to easily acquire them from liberating them from a local park to even checking dump sites as they are an item that is sometimes discarded. 2. Acquire a cordless drill to do needed modifications (most cordless drills will do the trick). 3. Drill drainage holes in what will serve as the bottom of your barrel to prevent water accumulation and stagnation. 4. If the top is still on your barrel or some trimming is needed you can use a saw to take it off (even a basic handsaw can get this done simply). 5. Find a way to secure your barrel at the dumping site. In our case we used a heavy duty ring and some other materials. 6. Decorate (if you want) and secure the barrel.
The drainage holes we put in prior to installing the barrel at the dump site.
Prior to decorating it, we took measures to secure the barrel from being stolen or removed.
The finished, modified 50 gallon drum-turned-garbage can.
This process overall could take some trial and error but is easily replicated and can be done pretty much anywhere with a small budget. It may seem like a drop in the bucket compared to what other things that need to be done but it’s a small step toward building dual power within our communities. We hope that others will take similar action, since there is no barrier to entry, and that trying to improve our relationships to the land and to each other is worthwhile.
In the words of comrade Lorenzo “Orso” Orsetti “Every storm starts with a single drop. Try to be that drop.”
[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
Thousands of members of the AAUP-AFT, Rutgers Adjunct Faculty Union, and Rutgers AAUP-BHSNJ at Rutgers University are on strike after talks between the unions and management have fell through. The strike is the first ever in the history of Rutgers University.
The following information below is taken from Rutgers AAUP-AFT for ways to support the strike.
Join the Picket Line!
Picket shifts: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. and 1 p.m.–5 p.m.
Outside Campus Center
If you are physically unable to be present on our campus picket lines, fill out this form to sign up for important remote roles you can play.
Donate to the Strike Fund
Our unions have established a merged strike fund, named the Rutgers Strike & Solidarity Fund, with the goal of supporting members in the event of a strike. We hope those of you who can best afford to give will do so generously to support your colleagues. Click here to donate, and click here for an FAQ about the fund (see part 4!).
from Twitter
SATURDAY 4/15 7PM RITZ FIVE We are hosting a screening and Q&A for the Philly opening weekend of HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE with @neonrated, @ArielaBarer (writer/actor) and Daniel Garber (editor) – we could not be more fucking psyched for this.
The screening is open to the public but we have some free tix available – email us at cinema.philly@gmail.com for more info!!!