Heidi McCarthy (l) and Pat Rogers (center) of Keystone United attending their Leif Erikson Day 2013 event in Philly.Pat Rogers at LED 2012.
Patrick Rogers and Heidi McCarthy are neo-nazis and members of Keystone United living in Williamsport, PA.
Rogers is heavily involved with Keystone United and Keystone State Skinheads. He attends many of their demonstrations and social events. Rogers has attended pretty much every Leif Erikson Day event since at least 2012. He also writes the bulk of the content for Keystone United’s blog under his real name.
Rogers has a long criminal history, including charges for “corruption of minors,” inducing minors to buy alcohol, aggravated assault and reckless endangerment.
Rogers (2nd row in Anti-Antifa shirt) at LED 2017.
Rogers posted a change.org petition in 2017 to overturn the conviction of Kayla Norton and Jose Torres, 2 anti-Black racists who terrorized a children’s birthday party with guns, confederate flags and racial slurs. Rogers was briefly involved with American Vikings, a group started by Vinlanders Social Club founder Brien James, in 2013.
Rogers (l) wearing a shirt of neo-nazi band Skrewdriver.
Heidi McCarthy has also attended several Leif Erikson days in Philly, and helped campaign for Steve Smith’s re-election in Luzerne County. She is a proud racist.
McCarty (l) at Leif Erikson Day 2013 listening to Matthew Heimbach attempt to speak over protesters. Her shirt read “Don’t shoot officer, I’m White!”Nazis Mikey Marcink, Heidi McCarthy and Pat Rogers
Rogers and McCarthy’s last known address was 815 Wilson St., Williamsport. Pat drives a very understated Hyundai Elantra (PA HKD 6201).
This car has stickers supporting AC Skins band Aggravated Assault, Maryland skinheads run Label 56, Keystone United, and the New York Yankees. Despicable.
We are asking our readers to send any additional verifiable info on these two to us.
Rogers with KSS members and supporters in Tacony countering an anti-rape, anti-racist march.Rogers (4th from right) with fellow KSS and Blood and Honour boneheads.
Names: Patrick Rogers and Heidi McCarthy
Last known address: 815 Wilson St., Williamsport
Affiliations: Keystone United, Keystone State Skinheads, American Vikings
Jimmy Thorson, neo-nazi and Keystone United member.
Jimmy E. Thorson is a neo-nazi, Keystone United member, and Keystone State Skinheads supporter living in Carlisle, PA.
Thorson has attended several Leif Erikson Day events, and also went to support an Aryan Nations rally of 12 in Gettysburg in 2010 but ended up leaving early muttering about how pathetic they were.
Thorson at Leif Erikson Day 2012.
Unfortunately, Thorson did not wise up after that and started getting involved with KSS and Keystone United. Thorson attends many Keystone United events, and was also spotted with Bob Gaus at the Trump rally in Harrisburg.
Thorson (l) with KSS members at Trump rally in Harrisburg.
Thorson attended an anti-refugee rally in Harrisburg with KU last year.
Thorson (2nd row behind Bob Gaus) with Keystone United at anti-refugee protest in Harrisburg.
Thorson’s last know address is 120 W. Willow St., Carlisle PA. We know that Thorson had been working at a grocery store in Carlisle, but do not know if his employment status has changed in recent years. Thorson has also worked for an events company as a seasonal employee and also claims to have just enrolled in Southern New Hampshire University, likely doing online courses.
Thorson working for Carlisle events.
Thorson in his Anti-Antifa hoodie.Thorson with KSS and MDS members. Apologies for size.Thorson putting up KU stickers at his work site a few years ago.
Name: Jimmy E. Thorson
Age: 30s
Last known address: 120 W. Willow St. Apt C, Carlisle, PA.
Affiliations: Keystone United Member, Keystone State Skinheads Supporter
Nunzio Pellegrino (l) with fellow Keystone State Skinheads member Joe Phy.
Nunzio Pellegrino is a 37 year old neo-nazi and Keystone State Skinheads member living in Philadelphia.
Pellegrino is the older brother of Vincent Pellegrino, a KSS supporter who sexually assaulted a woman in Tacony and then died fleeing the scene. Shortly after his brother’s death, Nunzio claimed to have left KSS and cut ties. That proved to be a lie, and Pellegrino has just been maintaining a low profile.
Vincent (l in gray shirt) and Nunzio (top right with KSS supporter shirt on) Pellegrino alongside Joe Phy from KSS and 2 other nazis.
Pellegrino does White Nationalist graffiti in Philly and has attended non-public KSS events.
Nunzio Pellegrino doing Keystone United graffiti.Nunzio Pellegrino (3rd from left) with fellow KSS members and polish neo-nazis in Jersey City, NJ in 2013.Nunzio Pellegrino (center) with fellow KSS members.Keystone State Skinheads members. Pellegrino is on the right with his arm on AJ Olsen.
Pellegrino’s last known address is 6403 Ditman St., Philly. Pellegrino has a lot of family and friends in that part of Tacony, who are aware of his politics and support him. He, along with several members of his family, joined with KSS in countering our march in Tacony in response to his brother’s crimes. Several other Pellegrino family members maintain friendly relations with KSS on social media.
We are asking for verifiable tips regarding Pellegrino’s employment or any other information about him.
Name: Nunzio Pellegrino
Age: 37
Last known address: 6403 Ditman St., Philly
Affiliations: Keystone United, Keystone State Skinheads
Josh Martin, member of Keystone State skinheads and neo-nazi. Martin’s KSS tattoo is visible on inside of right arm and he is wearing a shirt claiming that he shoots anti-racist skinheads.
Josh Martin is a neo-nazi member of Keystone State Skinheads who lives in or near Pittsburgh, PA.
Martin has recently tried to lock down his social media, probably due to the recent attention to Pittsburgh-area KSS members following their attack on a black man in Avalon, PA. Martin was in attendance at KSS’ Yule Party in 2016 as well as other KU/KSS social events.
Martin (wearing KSS hoodie holding camera) with fellow KSS member Travis Cornell and other neo-nazis.Josh Martin (on left side with arms around two guys next to him) at Keystone United’s Yule party.
Josh Martin works as a Mechanic/Welder for Local 154 of the Boilermakers Union, where has worked for about 3 years. If anyone is a member or has contacts with members of that union, we would like to talk with them.
We are asking our readers to help us figure out more info about Josh Martin and send it our way.
Name: Josh Martin
Location: Pittsburgh-area
Employment: Mechanic/Welder for Boilermakers Union Local 154
It’s a bit late, and we apologize for that, but perhaps we can use this as a chance to convince you to submit some writing to our blog and/or newsletter?
If you have any piece of writing you’d like to share – whether it be a report-back of a Christian leftist demo, a devotional or theological reflection, or anything related to the vision of Friendly Fire and the Christian Left – feel free to send it in. We want our blog and newsletter to amplify and connect the work of comrades in Christ.
Life is like a box of chocolates. If just one piece is poisoned you get rid of it.
DUNMORE, Pa – Chocolate candy company Gertrude Hawk has not commented any further than a standard message regarding a neo-Nazi who is also a Republican committeeman that currently works in their factory.
“Thank you for contacting us. Your message was received and it has been passed along and will be looked into,” the statement reads in response a week ago to a Facebook comment regarding their employee Steve Smith, one of the founders of the neo-Nazi crew Keystone United. “At this time, we will not be commenting further on social media. Any additional feedback can be directed to 1-800-822-2032, thank you.”
The statement was prompted by a number of calls and messages the company received regarding Smith, who works as a forklift operator in their Dunmore facility, after Antifa Philadelphia published an article about him as part of a series of articles that spotlight Keystone United, which was founded by Smith and others in 2001 as Keystone State “Skinheads”. The article also notes that in addition to being a former Klansman and onetime associates of Aryan Nations and former Klansman David Duke, Smith is currently serving his second term as a committeeman for the Luzerne County Republican Party. He first won the election in 2012, one year after he founded Smith co-founded the European American Action Coalition (EAAC), an organization “founded in the fall of 2011 by a few well known White activists,” that “advocates on behalf of White Americans,” according to the group’s Facebook account. Smith is also a member of the White supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens.
According to one report, Keystone United has been flagged by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium for its “increasingly violent” activities, one of those incidents committed my Smith himself in 2003, when we was arrested and served 30 days in jail for attempting to assault a Black man.
Efforts to persuade Gertrude Hawk, a family business founded in 1936, still continue. In 2008, a news article noted that Keystone United had a PO Box in Dunmore.
Ian McCorts is a 33 year old member of Keystone State Skinheads and Keystone United and a longtime neo-nazi. McCorts has attended several Leif Erikson day events, including this past fall.
McCorts (left, holding KSS flag) at Leif Erikson Day 2017.
McCorts is also a regular at KSS social events and participated in an Anti-Refugee protest in Harrisburg in late 2015 alongside other KSS members.
McCorts (center holding beer) at Keystone United’s Yule party.Keystone United’s Leif Erikson Day after-party 2012. McCorts is center wearing a hat.McCorts (right, holding KU banner) protesting against PA accepting refugees in Harrisburg.McCorts (wearing KSS hoodie) along with non-KSS right wing protestors during demonstration against refugees.
It is important to note how Keystone United operates, which is to socially exist in the traditional white power skinhead scene, but politically exist in the mainstream right. This allows them to both push more overtly racist views within the mainstream right, and to bring “respectable americans” into their world through the social functions, and radicalize them that way.
McCorts’s last known address is 111 Crestview Vlg., Middletown, PA. He lives with his wife, LIndsey McCorts. We are asking our readers to help us find more info on this nazi and send it our way.
Name: Ian McCorts
Age: 33
Location: 111 Crewtview Vlg., Middletown, PA
Associations: Keystone State Skinheads, Keystone United
Comrades in Harrisburg, PA have contacted us and requested that we share this image, with their accompanied text.
We dropped our banner on an overpass near Harrisburg,PA in solidarity with this past month’s prison strike. We want to honor their wishes to keep this issue in the public eye, letting our friends (and enemies) on both sides of the prison walls know that this is struggle will be ongoing,and that it will be at the cutting edge of the radical agenda until the last ashes of the last prison are blown away. We also wanted to make the same connection the striking prisoners did by acknowledging the struggle of the migrant families imprisoned in our own backyard by a proto-fascist regime. One of the three family detention centers in operation, Berks Family Detention Center is a monument to all we find disgusting, so we decided to put up a monument of our own in defiance. We we’re inspired by our comrades in Frederick,MD, and we hope we can inspire even more actions like this.
Blood and Honour nazis Michael and Elizabeth Marcink.
Blood and Honour nazis Elizabeth and Anthony Marcink attending Keystone United’s Leif Erikson Day in 2015.
Michael and Elizabeth Marcink are longtime neo-nazis who live in Indiana. Michael is a member of Blood and Honour and they are both supporters of Keystone United who have attended several Leif Erikson Day events in Philly, along with their son Anthony.
Mikey Marcink attending Leif Erikson Day 2013 in Fairmount Park with fellow nazis.
Anthony Marcink repping Vinlanders Social Club, another Blood and Honour affiliated group.
Despite living in Indiana, the Marcinks visits PA frequently and is a common attendee at social and political events organized by KU/KSS.
Anthony Marcink of Blood and Honour.
Mikey Marcink with fellow nazis, including Matthew Heimbach of Traditionalist Worker’s Party.
Anthony Marcink (rear left) attending Leif Erikson Day 2017 with Keystone United.
Mikey and Anthony Marcink at Keystone United yule party.
Elizabeth and Michael Marcink’s last known address is 817 Union St., Lagrange, IN. Anthony Marcink claims on social media to be working third shift for Dometic in Lagrange, IN. We are asking out readers to help us find out more information on the Marcinks so we can forward it to Indiana comrades.
Mikey and Anthony Marcink attending Leif Erikson Day 2017. Elizabeth was present at the after-party in FDR park that was called off after KSS members brutally assaulted 2 Anti-Racists who had arrived to protest.Mikey Marcink attending Trump’s inauguration.
Names: Michael, Anthony and Elizabeth Marcink
Last Known Address: 817 Union St., Lagrange, IN
Affiliations: Blood and Honour, Keystone United, Keystone State Skinheads
It’s time for our monthly letter-writing event again, but this time with a twist as the campaign to free the Virgin Island 3 kicks into high gear. Join us at LAVA at 6:30 pm for snacks and drafting letters to Governor Mapp and the Virgin Island 3, who have been locked up for 46 years. Like many aging prisoners, they are experiencing increasing health problems and pose NO RISK to the society they’ve been locked away from for nearly half a century. Because Governor Mapp’s term is ending and he is up for re-election this November, *now* is the time to contact him to urge for commutation of their sentences. This is it; all hands on deck!
How you can help:
1) Write a letter [ideally mail it the first week of October]
Please start by writing a letter to the Governor. This is also a good time to urge folks you know who care about social justice to get on board with this campaign!
Suggested letter format:
Governor Kenneth Mapp
Government House
21-22 Kongens Gade
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Re: Warren Ballantine, Meral Smith, and Beaumont Gereau
Introduce yourself. This could include comments about your job, family or work in the community.
Explain how you know their cases and/or how you may know them personally.
Explain why you are concerned (if you are from the VI, explain how this affects your vote and if you are from elsewhere explain how commuting their sentences would positively influence society or your view of the VI).
Some Issues are:
1. Length of time in prison
2. Their deteriorating medical conditions
3. Aging and getting old
4. No community threat (example: while they were housed in the St. Croix, they were actually allowed to go out in the community to religious services, sometimes unsupervised, with no issues)
Implore the Governor to commute their sentences. Explain that you understand that he eluded to this before he was elected and at the beginning of his term.
Respectfully end your letter.
2) Fax your letter [ideally the second week of October]:
Fax the letter you wrote to the Governor’s office at:
(340) 693-4374
If you do not have a fax machine, you can send a free online fax using faxzero.com.
3) Email your letter [ideally the third week of October]:
4) Call the Governor’s office [as much and as often as possible until further notice] to ask if they received your letter/fax/email:
Phone: (340) 774-0001
Leave messages urging Governor Mapp to make good on his promise to free the Virgin Island 3 – Warren Ballantine, Meral Smith and Beaumont Gereau (these are the names the state recognizes them under)- by commuting their sentences and releasing them with time served.
A few talking points if desired, but feel free to keep it short and sweet:
• After 46 years of incarceration, they are of seriously ailing health and are extremely unlikely to re-offend… Warren alone is on 6 different types of medication after a massive heart attack a year ago.
• It is costing the state a TON of money to continue to house them and pay for medical care.
Keep up the pressure throughout November or until their sentences are commuted! When you can, drop one or all of the Virgin Island 3 a note telling them about the actions you took on their behalf. You can also read about the campaign in Malik’s own words.
Warren Ballentine #16-047
Tallahatchie Correctional Facility
415 US Highway 49N
Tutwiler, MS 38963
Beaumont Gereau #16-001
Tallahatchie Correctional Facility
415 US Highway 49N
Tutwiler, MS 38963
Meral Smith #16-024
Tallahatchie Correctional Facility
415 US Highway 49N
Tutwiler, MS 38963
Jason Tankersley, longtime neo-nazi and co-founder of Maryland Skinheads. Tankersley is also a Keystone State Skinheads and Keystone United supporter.
Jason Tankersley is the 37 year-old (DOB 5/9/81) founder of Maryland Skinheads and a longtime neo-nazi who, in the past few years, has attempted to rehabilitate his image. Maryland Skinheads, or MDS, has always been a small crew with longstanding ties to Keystone State Skinheads.
Tankersley, center, with Steve Smith and Joe Phy of Keystone State Skinheads
Both crews appeared together in a National Geographic documentary in 2008 training and working together. Keystone United’s music festival, Uprise Fest, which ran for several years, was co-promoted with Label 56, a white power label run by MDS co-founder Clemie Haught. Uprise routinely featured Label 56 bands. Because of the discrepancy in size, MDS has largely functioned as a chapter of KSS for most of it’s existence.
Tankersley (right with arm around David Phillips) at Keystone United yule party with KSS and MDS.Tankersley (l) with Traditionalist Worker’s Party leader (now of the National Socialist Movement) Matthew Heimbach and Keystone State Skinheads co-founder Steve Smith.
Tankersley was a nazi long before MDS or KSS were founded, participating in rallies by the National Alliance, The Aryan Nations and the KKK, among others white power groups. Tankersley was present at the 2004 Aryan Nations and National Socialist Movement rally in Valley Forge, PA where Anti-Fascists turned away large portions of the crowd and a few nazis got smashed.
Tankersley (center) with nazi buddies at Aryan Nations rally in Valley Forge, PA in 2004.
Tankersley was with Joe Phy and other KSS and MDS members when they harassed a Pride event in Philly with homophobic slurs and nazi salutes in 2006.
Tankersley with MDS member Doug Sonier harassing Philly Pride in 2006.
MDS members, including Tankersley, attacked Anti-Fascists in a Food Lion parking lot in Western Maryland when the two groups encountered each other on the way to a KKK rally on Antietam battlefield, also in 2006.
Tankersley is a former amateur boxer who now trains MMA out of his gym, Exile Fitness, in Rosedale, MD. In many pictures above, you can see Tankersley wearing Exile branded clothing.
As we mentioned, Tankersley has attempted to rehabilitate his image in recent years. He has covered up his more inflammatory tattoos, and trains a diverse group of students which includes POC and women. It also, however, sometimes includes fellow MDS members and other nazis.
Tankersley training with students. He has covered up his more inflammatory tattoos but still has a “MDS” tattoo on his stomach.
However, Tankersley has not cut any ties with MDS, KSS, or the far right. Tankersley continues to attend KSS events and actions. He still promotes far right racists like Tommy Robinson, founder of the nazi-infested “English Defense League.” He just doesn’t seem to take issues with collecting money from POC while buddying up with the same group whose members allegedly threatened to “exterminate every black one by one” during their racist assault in Avalon, PA this summer.
Tankersley’s last known address is 1107 Steelton Ave, Baltimore, MD.
If someone wants to leave the nazi life behind, we support that. However, you cannot continue to materially and rhetorically support a neo-nazi organization like KSS/KU and expect hanging out with fellow far right fascists who happen to be POC like Jimi Yamamoto of the band Total Annihilation to insulate you from the label nazi. Jimi Yamamoto is known for hanging out with nazis. Nazis have a long history of excusing politically aligned individuals who validate their ideology by conforming to so-called “white” and “male” behaviors and sensibilities.
Tankersley with Jimi Yamamoto of the far-right band Total Annihilation.
As for Tankersley’s business catering to people of all ethnicity, you can miss us on that shit. Taking someone’s money and turning around and donating it to a group that believes the United States belongs to white people (and control of it belongs to white men specifically) is a racist act, period.
It is unlikely that Tankersley’s students are all totally unaware of his history, and probable that he has spun them his own tale of redemption where he realized what matters is being a far right nationalist who supports “traditional” gender power dynamics and racial homogenization, regardless of WHICH race. However, we are still asking our readers to visit the Exile MMA Facebook page and remind them that by supporting Tankersley and his gym, they are supporting Maryland Skinheads, Keystone United and other far right racist groups and causes. There are already several unhappy reviews related to Tankerly fat-shaming and bullying a teenage girl as an internet troll.
Yeah just all around POS.
Name: Jason Tankersley
Last Known Address: 1107 Steelton Ave., Baltimore MD
Affiliations: Maryland Skinheads, Keystone State Skinheads, other white power groups before that.
Employment: Owner and trainer, Exile Mixed Martial Arts, Rosedale, MD.
from Facebook In 2017, a large scale uprising was launched at the Vaughn Correctional Institution in DE. 17 prisoners are being accused of orchestrating the uprising, 16 of which are facing murder charges for the death of a corrections officer during the riot.
On October 8th the first trial will begin at the Leonard L. Williams Justice Center in Wilmington, DE. Let’s pack the court, write letters, and show support for the Vaughn 17 as they face state repression in the wake of a recent hunger strike and as they face trial.
All prisoners are now being held at the Sussex Correctional Facility, a poster with updated addresses can be found here; https://itsgoingdown.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/vaughn-update918.pdf
Trial dates are currently scheduled as follows (but are subject to change, check back for updates);
Oct. 8/ Nov. 5/ Dec. 3/ Jan. 7/ Feb 11
Philly neo-nazis Peggy Caterino and David Phillips. Phillips is a Keystone State Skinheads member. Phillips has multiple visible nazi tattoos in this pic, including 2 swastikas and an Aryan Terror Brigade tattoo.
David Phillips and Peggy Caterino are longtime neo-nazis and Keystone United affiliates living in Philadelphia. Phillips is also a Keystone State Skinheads member. Phillips first hit our radar after one of his nazi “brothers” gouged his eyes out during a horrific assault in his home in 2012, stemming from jealousy related to Phillips offering to take “his girlfriend” out while the other nazi was in jail. See, that’s the shit our side just don’t do. Don’t believe false equivalencies, folks.
At the time, Phillips was a member of the notorious train-wreck of a nazi crew, Aryan Terror Brigade, led by Josh “I had racist tattooed on my forehead” Steever until Steever was kicked out under allegations of being an informant. Steever even posted on Stormfront at the time claiming that Antifa were responsible for the assault on Phillips in an attempt to get donations. However, Phillips was definitely also associating with KSS at that time.
David Phillips (l) with Philly KSS members not long before the attack that left him blinded.
Phillips has a long history of criminal charges for things such as ethnic intimidation, weapons and drug possession, robbery and assault.
Associations with Phillips and Aryan Terror Brigade is just another piece of proof that KSS’ media-friendly image of “non-violent white nationalist activists” is total bullshit. ATB members were involved in an attack on a South Asian family in East Brunswick,NJ on New Year’s Eve 2011, and a splinter group from ATB, Aryan Strike Force, which includes Steever, are currently being indicted for planning to send a suicide bomber into the Antifa protest of the National Socialist Movement rally in Harrisburg, PA in 2016. The very same rally that Keystone State Skinheads was helping run security for because it included their close ally Matthew Heimbach. Tell us again how Antifa are terrorists?
Despite being blinded for life, Phillips doubled down on White Supremacy and joined KSS. Phillips has entered a domestic partnership with Peggy Caterino, another neo-nazi and active supporter of Keystone United. Caterino was present at the nazi band The Blue Eyed Devil’s show that Keystone United just put on in in Central PA on Sept. 15th.
Peggy Caterino with Ryan Wojtowicz of Keystone United at the Blue Eyed Devils show that KU put on this month.
Peggy Caterino greeting a fellow nazi on Facebook with the nazi numerical code “88,” which stands for HH (Heil Hitler). For the record, we do not think Shane is looking awesome.no comment
Phillips (sunglasses) at a Keystone United yule party. Interesting gesture being made by the guy in the back there.
Phillips attending the Traditionalist Worker’s Party conference with KSS and TWP members in Philly.Philly Keystone State skinheads, plus KSS co-founder Steve Smith. Caterino and Phillips are on the left. Smith is still employed as a forklift driver at Gertrude Hawk Chocolates’ warehouse in Dunmore, PA. See day 1 of Keystone United Exposed.Peggy Caterino playing with snapchat. Confederate flag visible in background.
Caterino’s last known address was 7403 Rockwell Ave. (Apt. 1) in Philly. David Phillips’ was 5928 Shisler St., also in Philly. Presumably they are living together, but it is unknown where specifically. Our readers any info regarding these two should send it out way.
Caterino (front left) campaigning with other Keystone United supporters for the re-election of KSS co-founder Steve Smith to Luzerne County GOP committeeman.
Phillips (in sunglasses) at yet another KU/KSS yule party.
Names: David Phillips and Peggy Caterino
Last known addresses: See above.
Affiliations: Keystone State Skinheads, Keystone United, Blood and Honour, Aryan Terror Brigade, American Freedom Party.
Brian Herb, neo-nazi member of Blood and Honour USA and Keystone United supporter.
Brian Carlton Herb is a neo-nazi member of Blood and Honour USA and Keystone United supporter living in Pennsylvania. He is 45 years old.
Brian Herb (r) with fellow Blood and Honour boneheads posing in front of a Keystone State Skinheads banner, showing how meshed the two groups are in PA.Herb (4th from left) with fellow Blood and Honour nazis.
Herb does not seem to be much of a presence at demonstrations but is a regular at the social events put on by Blood and Honour and Keystone United. It is important not to discount the value of these events. As we discussed in our intro article to this series, Keystone United and Blood and Honour use them as social lubricant when practicing entryism into more mainstream conservative circles as well as simultaneously recruiting from those circles.
Herb (center with Blood and Honour t-shirt) with Keystone United and BNH boneheads.
Herb was convicted in 2000 for possession of materials to manufacture narcotics and sentenced to 7 days to 18 months. He was convicted of assault in 2006. Herb was accused of leaving the scene of an accident and driving with a suspended license in 2013. He was charged last year with driving under the influence, possession, and driving without a license, among other traffic charges.
Herb was sentenced just this month to 3 days to 6 months in Northumberland County jail. Herb’s last known address is 867 W. Spruce St., Coal Township, PA. We are asking our readers to send us any additional info they have on Herb, especially related to his criminal case and his employment.
Herb repping Blood and Honour USA on Facebook.Herb wearing a BNH t-shirt and “White Pride Cross” belt buckle.
Name: Brian Herb
Last Known Address: 867 W. Spruce St., Coal Township, PA
Affiliations: Blood and Honour USA, Keystone United, Keystone State Skinheads
Corina Drennen and Chris Croumbley, Keystone United supporters.
Christopher Croumbley is a 38 year old neo-nazi and associate of the Keystone State Skinheads and Keystone United. His partner, Corina Drennen, is a Keystone United supporter.
Croumbley appears to be something of a late-in-life nazi. He is from PA originally, and spent some time in Florida, but he had been living in Tennessee with his ex wife as of 3 years ago. In pics from that time, he does not exactly cut the image of a typical bonehead.
In late 2016 into 2017, Croumbley began posting nazi and racist images on Facebook, was spotted at Keystone United events, including in March of this year, when they were reduced to holding a flash demo at the state house in Harrisburg. Croumbley was also in attendance at Leif Erikson Day last year in Philly and was involved in the brutal attack on 2 Anti-Racists in FDR park.
One of the pro-nazi images Croumbley posted on social media.Croumbley promoted Keystone United on social media.Croumbley (on right beneath flag with sunglasses on) holding a flash demo with Keystone United in Harrisburg.Croumbley (center with white shirt) with KSS at Leif Erikson Day 2017 in Fairmount Park
Croumbley recently shoved and accosted someone for wearing an Anti-Fascist t-shirt and pins outside Chameleon Club in Lancaster. He is friendly with at least one of the bouncers at the club, and was also overheard to claim his partner “owns the Shamrock Cafe in Lancaster, PA.” and that he “lives right next door to it.” Anti-Racists in the Lancaster area should be careful of these locations. We believe it is likely he is probating for KSS, but that is not confirmed.
His partner is Corina Drennen, who is the daughter of Shamrock Cafe owner Eileen Drennen. Corina is fully aware and supportive of Croumbley’s association with KSS, and is a KSS supporter herself. Her last known address is 2209 Columbia Ave, Lancaster PA.
We are asking our readers to send us any more info they can find on these nazis.
Names: Christopher Croumbley and Corina Drennen
Last known address: 2209 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA (for Drennen). Croumbley claims to live next door to The Shamrock Cafe, also in Lancaster, PA.
Employment: Corina Drennan works at Shamrock Cafe in Lancaster
Associations: Keystone State Skinheads, Keystone United