from facebook

Come through and learn some self defense and boxing basics in a chill environment from Philly’s own Ronnie Vega! It’s pay what you can and all the money is going toward Stephen Loughman’s case against the KKK (more info on that below). All experience levels are welcomed and encouraged to attend. No corny macho shit.

Philly Antifa will be here helping out with gear and showing a short film about Stephen’s case. Gloves, handwraps, and pads will be available, but if you have your own please bring them.

[February 18 at 6pm at LAVA 4134 Lancaster Ave]
About Stephen’s case:
“On Monday, July 27th, our friend and comrade, Stephen Loughman, was arrested and charged with “breach of peace” for his support the week before at an anti-KKK rally in Columbia, SC on July 18th, 2015. Local activists had called on folks from across the southern region to help South Carolina’s communities stand against the Klan and other hate groups, who like many groups were trying to use the Confederate flag debate as a recruitment tool.”

To learn more about Stephen’s case or to donate check out his support pages: