from private event page with permission

As part of our 2015 Network Conference, Antifa Philadelphia is proud to present a short panel discussion and Q&A with a group of Anti-Racists from all over the U.S.

We will be discussing the Black Lives Matter movement, specifically the role Neo-Nazis and other White Supremacists have played in trying to destroy it and how Anti-Fascist tactics and individuals can help stop them.

[November 7th at 2pm at The Rotunda 4014 Walnut St]

From Baltimore to Olympia to Florida, whenever popular rage against racist police reaches a certain point, the Fascists are there to try and protect the status quo. As Anti-Racists and egalitarians we have an interest in stopping them.

The speakers will include members of the TORCH Anti-Fascist Network, members of the Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee PHL.

There is no charge for this event but we will be asking for donations to go towards covering the cost of the space with any extra money going to Anti-Fascist political prisoners.

For more information on the conference and the full public schedule, visit

[Philly Anti-cap note: After being informed by one of the listed speakers that they were not present we have removed their name.]