
[Philly Anti-Capitalist note: The owner of Warrior Boxing Gym has reached out to us and let us know that he and the gym do not know  Paul Minton and that Paul Minton is not a member of the gym.]

Nazi traitor Paul Minton aka MISK is a pain in the ass right now being one of the loudest and most active nazis around, slapping his racist garbage stickers all over the city. Not to mention that he betrayed every comrade who once trusted him. Not to mention that Paul, pushing 50, took in a vulnerable 13 year old girl and groomed her into being another nazi, who he has also gotten pregnant. Paul is the lowest of the low, a pedophile, a traitor who turns on everyone he’s ever worked with, and a huge dumbass. A recent article shows his whole history of cowardly betrayal and nazi scumfuckery.

We put together this flyer.

To make him feel less safe we paid a visit to his neighborhood tonight, putting up flyers and talking to some of his neighbors about who he is.


“By the way Paul, heard something happened to your old car, but good to know you now drive a black KIA soul, license plate LZN 5585. We made sure to stick a flyer to it 🙂  There’s another surprise that you might not notice right away too. Have fun!” (excuse the shitty picture I’m not used to my new phones camera)



You can get your own copy of the flyer here in pdf form. [Flyer PDF]


We encourage people to take a few nights of action and spam these everywhere you can. Make him famous. Make it so he can’t hide. There are a lot of areas where we’ve seen his propaganda so we suggest hitting these areas so that everyone knows him name:

-Residential areas around Greys Ferry and Point Breeze


-Old City and Independence Mall

-Baltimore Ave. and Around Clark Park

-South Street

-City Hall Area

-East Passyunk

-All along Washington Avenue

-All down south broad street

-All of Market Street


-All along the el in Fishtown/Kensington/Frankford

-Upper Darby around 69th Street

-Ben Franklin Boulevard and art museum area

-Delaware and Schuylkill waterfronts and trails



Happy hunting and big fuck you to Paul Minton, drown in piss. The world will be a better place when you’re gone.

Addendum: We saw you scratched out a lot of our flyers so we threw up over 100 more in places you like to hang out. Enjoy your scavenger hunt you worthless creep.