from Facebook

Philly Antifa presents a fundraiser for the PHL Autonomous Anti-Repression Fund.
“The PHL Autonomous Anti-Repression Fund is a resource for people in Philadelphia fighting against racism, cisheterosexism, and all other forms of control and exploitation. The state criminalizes actions that threaten to change the status quo, especially actions taken by already marginalized populations, people who are unaffiliated with activist organizations, and people going on the offensive to get free. We provide support for those actions in particular.
Building infrastructure to sustain resistance is especially crucial today, as those in power increase their efforts to shut down dissent and direct struggle. Your contributions to the PHL Autonomous Anti-Repression Fund will allow people to take on bolder and riskier actions in spite of ongoing state repression, and will help inspire and sustain effective action against domination and exploitation.”

$5 bucks, no one turned away but boneheads and similar shitstains. There’ll be food and drink for sale. If you can’t make it, the link above has other ways to donate.

The Guests

Haz Lo Correcto

Cornelius the Third


Yung Nila

[February 4 from 7 to 11PM at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Av]