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On January 8th -10th, the Black Radical Organizing Collective (BROC) including grassroots activists, organizers, educators, scholars, and faith leaders will convene a conference on the Black radical tradition. The title of the conference is “Reclaiming our Future: the Black Radical Tradition In Our Time.” The conference will take place in North Central Philadelphia on the main campus of Temple University.

The mission of the conference is twofold. First, we wish to celebrate and illuminate the history of the Black radical tradition. Second, we wish to highlight the vital importance of today’s Black radical movements as we look to the future. The Black radical tradition represents a wealth of theoretical and practical wisdom. It is this rich heritage, combined with a forward-looking perspective that we wish to display at Temple University. Like critical perspectives throughout US academia, the Black radical tradition suffers at Temple. Radical approaches, traditions, and voices at America’s “imperial” universities face an onslaught of neoliberal policies which weaken students, faculty, and surrounding communities. In response to these circumstances, we seek to promote onsite critical analysis and collaborative solidarity among activists of today’s Black radical movements and those of previous generations.

Keynote speakers: Charlene Carruthers, Angela Y. Davis, Robin D.G. Kelley, Anthony Monteiro, Vijay Prashad, Steven Salaita, and Cornel West.The conference will include panels with youth leaders from emerging movements.

Registration is required! Please visit our website for registration and the complete structure for the conference. Also, please consider making a donation to assist with the logistics of the conference. There’s information at our website for organizations and individuals who are interested in becoming co-sponsors,

The conference is sponsored by the generosity of the Historic Church of the Advocate.