from Twitter
Meet Philadelphia Proud Boy Richard Schwetz, aka “PhillyDick” aka “Dick Sweats.”
He was at the Proud Boys’ “rally” in West Philly on Saturday, threatening to dox protesters.
Saturday’s rally was a complete failure for the Philadelphia Proud Boys.
Only a handful of them showed up, compared with 400-500 protesters.
On Twitter, Richard Schwetz makes threats to dox journalists and activists, and generally spreads racist propaganda.
He’s also a homophobe, referring to antifascists as “antifags.”

On Telegram, he claims to be a 4th Degree Proud Boy, which requires that he attacked someone for the hate group.
If you’re a regular follower of mine, you know what’s coming next.
Ask to speak to Human Resources, and tell them about their employee Richard Schwetz, a member of the violent hate group the Proud Boys.
And if any Proud Boys are reading this right now– this is what happens when you come into our communities to spread your hate.
You come out to Portland on the 26th, you get identified and then we get you fired.
It’s as simple as that.
We don’t run crying to the cops or the courts.
Who protects us?
We protect us.