from Mainstream Media

The Philadelphia Police Department would like to know who went all “Harold and His Purple Crayon” on one of their police cruisers during DNC protests Monday in South Philadelphia.

A photo of a Philadelphia Police SUV parked in the middle of a street with a long, squiggly line of red paint along the passenger’s side has been circulating around Twitter this morning.

Sgt. Eric Gripp, police spokesman, said the cop car was parked on the 1100 block of South Broad Street in Point Breeze, along one of the main protest routes, at about 2:30 p.m. When the officers went back to their vehicle 15 minutes later, they discovered the vandalism, Gripp said.

Police are investigating the incident but there have been no arrests or citations issued yet as a result of it.

Philadelphia police handed out their first DNC-related citations Monday night, when they issued disorderly conduct code violations to 55 protesters who calmly went over police barricades outside of the Wells Fargo Center, where the DNC is being held.