from Twitter
🚨 ALERTA BERKS CTY 🚨 Incels (involuntary celebates) are holding a two-day concert at Maiers Grove Park (property of Blandon @lionsclubs) starting tonight at 5pm! The location was just disclosed privately to ticket holders about an hour ago. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO SHUT IT DOWN!
Incels are a violent, far right misogynist subculture that exists mostly online, but is inspired by and has inspired mass shooters. It has already left dozens dead.…
Recently, a music scene called incelcore has developed around the subculture – a means of pipelining incels into collaboration with other far right elements, including Nazis. In September, Raven, the organizer of this event, held a concert in Atlanta.…
Marvin Heck is listed as Blandon @lionsclubs‘ contact for the rental space at Maiers Grove Park. His phone number is listed on the club’s webpage. It’s (610) 926-2241. Demand that he cancel the rental immediately.…
You can also reach out to them on their Facebook or email them at…