from Philly Antifa

When: 7/26/2016 @ 1:45 PM
Where: Mazzonni Center, 809 Locust Street Philly
What: Confront the Homophobic, Sexist and Racist Westboro Baptist Church and let them know they aren’t welcome in our city.

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced plans to protest outside The Mazzoni center briefly during the DNC. Several counter protests have been called, and we are encouraging Anti-Fascists in the city to take an hour to tell them to fuck right off.

The Mazzoni center has provided cheap and free medical services to LGBTQ people in the city since 1979. That is something that should be celebrated; not protested. Join us in letting Westboro Baptist Church that they aren’t welcome in Philly (or anywhere) and that no one is intimidated or impressed by their circus act.

Queers Bash Back.

Antifa Philadelphia