from Instagram

FEB 23rd 3pm at Clark park chess tables !! 2nd monthly zine fest pop out distro ur sketchy zines cool art work maybe they’ll be food , this event is made possible by all who come out and do their thing , all who assemble their skills and get together to share and do something lighthearted but also very serious 😐 !!! Got extra shit at home u wanna get rid of ? Come distro it here!! Cleaning out your closet?? I wanna see!! Pick up an interesting zine last time that u wanna discuss ?!? I’ll be there! Know how to fix bikes? Can u help me!?!? Get outside and touch grass, maybe they’ll be instrument playing, poetry speaking, joyful lollygagging!!! 💜😌🌠😇👾🍌☁️ wear a mask!!! 😷