from Facebook

[Saturday December 20th 3-6pm
Central Plexus 51st & Kingsessing]

Each day it becomes more clear that in america, Black life only has value to Black people. In light of this reality, it becomes more important for healers to tend to our fragile community, and create the internal change that sustains movement building.

Five Black healers offering their services in support the Ferguson Bail and Support Fund as part of a coordinated effort taking place across North America. More info below.

This event is open to people of all races.


Cyree Jarelle Johnson– Is an intuitive and mediumistic card reader raised in the radical Black church tradition. I have been reading for others for the last thirteen years. To me, tarot gives those who have been systematically isolated from spirituality, family, and community a chance to engage ecstatically with the divine, with themselves, with ancestors, and other powers in the universe. It is both a tool for introspection and for world building.

Ash Richards–Do you have visionary hair dreams? Do you desire to shape shift with that (sky)line up? Would you like your cyborg feelings to match your cyborg hair? Mook the barber has got what you need! Have a seat in the chair and feel free to be yourself and all that is you. Come thru to get a fresh tape up, shape up, or full haircut. Conversations on love, jazz, and sci-fi likely to occur. If you wanna secure getting a shape-up message Ash on facebook to secure an appointment. Walk-ups are also welcome.

Ash Robbins–will offer plant magic medicine: heart elixirs, uplifting tonics, and fire-this-time cider vinegar. ash is queer mixed race white-passing herbalist + nurse from philly; believes healing is inseparable from surviving injustice; involved with Put People First, Firefly Action Medical, and the Healing Justice Practice Space at Allied Media Conference. past lives: dolphin, blue heron, sage. medicines free/barter for self-id POC, sliding scale for white folks.

Qui Dorian Alexander– is queer, trans*, Black Latino yoga teacher, facilitator/trainer, consultant and community organizer based in Philadelphia.He will be offering gentle yoga, mindfulness breathing/guided meditation and holding space to hear people’s stories and help come up with strategies for individualized self care.

Kim Murray— will be offering plant medicine in the forms of elixirs, teas, smoking blends , and body lotions/butter . Kim is in school on track to becoming a nurse practitioner and studies herbalism in her spare time . Kim believes that healing is a collective process and is thrilled to be holding space with so many other black folxs who she holds dear.

Please take the time to read this piece about the origins of #BlackLivesMatter.