from facebook

With the appearance of a contemporary anti-state region in Rojava, the vehemence of recent anti-police movement across the US, and global disengagement with/mistrust in hierarchical governance, the time seems ripe for anarchist systems of organization. We would like to call this convergence so that geographically separated anarchists can meet face-to-face and discuss their projects and ideas for driving the movement forward. We want to welcome groups and spaces from out of town and look forward to learning from you and sharing the strategies behind NYC-based projects.

We’ll have a very brief spokes council where people can talk about the projects they are working on, and then we’ll break out and have an opportunity to talk casually and make connections with other people working in tandem.

[April 19 from 11am to 1:30pm at The Base 1302 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY]