from Twitter
from Twitter
We smashed out all of the windows of the “Hope” pregnancy center on Broad st. We are tired of your “family values” and you forcing families, and your values onto our bodies. This fake clinic spread lies and is part of a broader attempt to strip away body autonomy from hundreds of women and people. We are inspired by the actions of comrades in Wisconsin, Colorado, New York, and a growing list of places. If the attack on abortion does not stop our attacks will broaden. This is also intended as a small gesture of complicity with all those imprisoned by the state, in honor of June 11th.
-Anti Hope Brigade
from Philly Antifa
After the Epik Data breach by hacktivist group Anonymous last year, it was revealed that the registrant of the Philly Proud Boys’ website was one Rodrigo Jesus Gibson.
Gibson was also identified from sources close to the PB’s, as well as facial recognition software, according to this thread by @Ruthlesswe.
Once identified, there is no shortage of information about Gibson available online. Gibson was previously living in Miami, where he was a musician and had a multimedia company.
Gibson is no longer employed at Drexel University. His listing as an employee on their website appears to be out-of-date.
Gibson participated with the Proud Boys when they marched unannounced in Old City in Sept. 2020.
Gibson is listed as living in an apartment in Center City at 2220 Walnut Street.
from Making Worlds Books
How do we develop antifascist praxis when the enemy does not appear in organized, recognizable forms?
How deeply rooted in Western culture and subjectivity is fascism? How has gender been both recognized and diminished in analyses of contemporary fascist resurgences?
This seminar begins to answer these questions and others through a collective reading group facilitated by the author of On Microfascism: Gender, War, Death. Over the course of four Fridays, we will meet and work through the analytic and cultural underpinnings of “recent” fascism.
Taking a concept scattered across the writings of Felix Guattari, On Microfascism traces the long history of the cultural production of fascist subjectivity as well as its most contemporary forms. Before fully formed fascism is possible (as a political party, state form, even social movement), its emergent qualities are patterned in culture. From the Book of Genesis to contemporary gamer squads, microfascism appears in initiation rites old and new, via Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys as updated archaic warrior societies, and in necropolitical anti-masking protestors.The objective of the seminar is to help us perceive tendencies that can illuminate emergent fascist moments as well as the state-centered attempts to understand them, in the hopes of preventing both of these wars of restoration.
Starting with the concept of “microfascism” we will elaborate the archaic and hypercontemporary dimensions of fascist selfhood. Each week will take up a chapter or two along with some key background readings that helped form the ideas in that chapter. If schedules permit, we will also invite authors to appear virtually for conversation.
In Week 1, we will cover some basics in defining fascism, the importance of culture, and the centrality of gender. We will explore the key concept of “microfascism” in this light.
In Week 2: Sovereignty and Gender, we will explore a foundational concept of selfhood in Western thought and culture, focusing on a process of self-created selfhood, or “autogenetic sovereignty.” We then move to mapping some important work on 21st century misogyny (especially online) as well as a longer view of patriarchy as a gendered social order based on this autogenesis.
In Week 3: War and Death, we combine two chapters to explore how the gendered sovereign emerges from war (specifically a war on women), on initiation rites, and on patriarchal pacts as war bands (Mannerbund). Next we take up the concept of necropolitics from Achille Mbembe by situating it a long history of patriarchy as well as in contemporary events like mass shooters and homi-suicidal tendencies.
After three weeks of mapping out the variety of forms of fascism today, the final Week 4: Micro-Antifascism meeting lays out what it might mean to think of being anti-microfascist or developing a type of micro-antifascism. While reading about theories and practical cases will open this session, participants are especially encouraged to bring in experiences and examples of what such anti-microfascist praxis could look like.
Important Information:
Seminars meet on Fridays from 4pm to 6pm, March 25, April 1, April 8, and April 15. The community seminar is free and open to all levels. There is limited capacity of 15 participants and advance registration is required. We prefer that participants attend all four sessions. Registrants will need a copy of On Microfascism, which will be available on special discount. Other reading materials will be provided for free.
Among the topics covered:
fascism beyond nationalism
defining fascism outside of state or organizational thought.
understanding of fascist cultural theory (traditionalism when it comes to war and masculinity)
the central role of gender, specifically the formation of masculinity through a war on women
patriarchy as pacts, packs and squads.
an intimate relation to death, even a love for it.
necropolitics in the gendered register
the role of digital culture, both forms (networked) and content (images, humor, memes).
recent developments in antifascist thinking and action
abolition versus eliminationism
Week 1: Intro | This week we will cover some basics in defining fascism, the importance of culture, and the centrality of gender. We will explore the key concept of “microfascism” in this light.
Week 2: Sovereignty and Gender | This week we will explore a foundational concept of selfhood in Western thought and culture, focusing on a process of self-created selfhood, or “autogenetic sovereignty.” We then move to mapping some important work on 21st century misogyny (especially online) as well as a longer view of patriarchy as a gendered social order based on this autogenesis.
Week 3: War and Death | This week we combine two chapters to explore how the gendered sovereign emerges from war (specifically a war on women), on initiation rites, and on patriarchal pacts as war bands (Mannerbund). Next we take up the concept of necropolitics from Achille Mbembe by situating it a long history of patriarchy as well as in contemporary events like mass shooters and homi-suicidal tendencies.
Week 4: Micro-Antifascism | After three weeks of mapping out the variety of forms of fascism today, this final meeting lays out what it might mean to think of being anti-microfascist or developing a type of micro-antifascism. While reading about theories and practical cases will open this session, participants are especially encouraged to bring in experiences and examples of what such anti-microfascist praxis could look like.
Jack Z. Bratich is professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers University. He has written dozens of articles, book chapters, and essays about the intersection of popular culture and political culture. He has been a zine librarian at ABC No Rio in New York City and now sits as a member of its advisory board member. He previously co-organized and cotaught (with Stevphen Shukaitis) two seminars at Bluestockings Bookstore: “Strategies of Refusal: Explorations in Autonomist Marxism” and “Affective Politics and the Imagination of Everyday Resistance”
from Medium
Content Warning/Trigger Warning
Community Alert! Those in the Penn State and State College community should be aware of a dangerous bigot on PSU campus who advocates for r*pe and wh!te supremacy named AVI RACHLIN. Rachlin uses the handles: resistpennstate (twitter) and avsterbone (reddit). The following report and photographs document only a few of the many instances where Rachlin has committed discriminatory harassment and violence. This info is already public: anyone can research Rachlin to find the same information. The images below have been censored. All community organizations in State College, thank you the work you do, please inform your networks!
Email PSU’s Office of Student Conduct, or call 814–863–0342 to demand Rachlin be held accountable for “discriminatory harassment.” Email PSU Provost Nick Jones ( to demand Rachlin be removed from Penn State.
In a reddit thread, Rachlin alarmingly says that if he could get away with it or face no consequences, he wishes to do a school shooting. He says, “I’d definitely shoot up a school,” and “I’d then probably start driving around and shoot at random cars & pedestrians.” In this same fantasy, Rachlin says that he desires to r*ape and m*rder women, if he could get away with it.
Recently, New Jersey police denied Rachlin a gun permit because they deemed him a threat. Police determined that Rachlin has a history of domestic harassment and unhinged, aggressive behavior. See Rachlin v Baumann where public court records detail the reasons New Jersey police consider Rachlin a threat. After he was denied a gun permit, Rachlin violently disrupted a PSU campus rally waving a sign with an image that threatened gun violence. The image depicted Alex Jones holding a pistol aimed at viewers. Over this image the sign said, “Shut the F*ck Up Liberals.” At worst, this image could be interpreted as depicting Rachlin’s fantasy of using gun violence to m*rder students and professors whom he sees as his enemies. At best, the image depicts the kind of gun violence that New Jersey police believe Rachlin might commit if he were to possess a handgun. In line with this, Rachlin has also repeatedly tweeted his unwavering support for armed white vigilantes who murder Black Lives Matter protestors.
Rachlin is an avid white supremacist. He’s proud that people call him a n*zi. He believes “wh*tes should remain dominant.” In a public Penn State discord channel, Rachlin yelled the n-word. Fellow students reported Rachlin to Penn State’s Office of Student Conduct, but Penn State ignored the complaint and did nothing to hold Rachlin accountable. Rachlin also calls people the n word on his reddit account.
Rachlin has a long history of being a r*cist, mys*gynist, and hom*phobe. Penn State admitted Rachlin as a student despite his public support for r*cism and r*pe. Penn State has also allowed Rachlin to remain on campus despite threatening and assaulting students, professors, and community members at a pro-vaccine campus rally in August of 2021.
Rachlin was removed from a gamer community after one its members who was a minor reported that Rachlin had sent them pornographic images. A moderator notified Rachlin he was being removed because he had sent pornographic images to a minor. Rachlin admitted to this and then bragged that he “was a deadass” for committing this violence to a minor.
On numerous occasions, Rachlin has advocated for the r*pe of women. Screenshots from his twitter and reddit accounts show him admitting to engaging in phone s*x with women without their knowledge or consent. He also claims that women who don’t dress conservatively deserve to be s*xually a*saulted. In December of 2021, Rachlin tweeted that “r*ape is good for your s*x life.” In 2018, Rachlin called a Wendy’s restaurant to demand he be allowed to masturb*te on the premises. He recorded this act of sexual harassment for his youtube channel.
In Oct. 2021, Rachlin proudly served as a volunteer for a f*scist and hom*phobic event on PSU campus titled “Pray the G*y Away.” The speaker of the event advocated for conversion therapy. Rachlin recruited other volunteers to join him to help make the event possible. Before the event, Rachlin tweeted a message that denounced LGBTQ+ students, saying support for LGBTQ+ students is “nauseating.”
In August of 2021, as mentioned above, Rachlin threatened people at a pro-vaccine campus rally. Several students and professors tried to deescalate Rachlin to protect themselves from his dangerous behavior. In response, Rachlin attacked these people. The Penn State police were called on Rachlin who removed him from the rally. Rachlin then lied to Penn State police, claiming his was victimized. Penn State police sympathized with Rachlin because they share the same anti-vax, white supremacist politics. Penn State police targeted one of the professors who protected students from Rachlin’s violent actions that day. Penn State police unjustly charged the professor for keeping the campus safe from Rachlin’s threatening behavior. The professor was innocent and was later cleared of all charges. The DA and a judge did not believe Rachlin’s lies. So far, though, neither Penn State police nor Penn State administration have held Rachlin accountable for his violent actions that day.
Currently, Rachlin remains on PSU campus. PSU Police have greenlit Rachlin’s dangerous behavior. Say no to white supremacists and r*pe promoters like Rachlin. Share this article to alert the Penn State and State College community. Demand Penn State remove Rachlin from the campus community. People aren’t safe with him around.
As mentioned above, email PSU’s Office of Student Conduct, or call 814–863–0342 to demand Rachlin be held accountable for “discriminatory harassment.” Email PSU Provost Nick Jones ( to demand Rachlin be removed from Penn State.
from Anonymous Comrades Collective
Leave it to the alt-right to besmirch something as classic as the The Mamas and the Papas. In contrast to the acclaimed American folk band, “The Mamas and the Pepes” has been making racist music distributed by the “White Art Collective” since 2017, with titles such as “Anchor Baby,” “Pride and Privilege” and “Fake American.”
Thanks to the recent breach of Nazi-friendly domain registrar by the hacktivist collective Anonymous, we were able to track down the identity of the front person and lead singer of “The Mamas and the Pepes” who calls herself “Mama P.” Since the hack by Anonymous was in response to hosting an anti-choice website, what we discovered in our investigation was surprisingly topical.
“The Mamas and the Pepes,” named as a spoof mash-up of the American band “The Mamas and the Papas” and the alt-right mascot “Pepe the Frog,” has been creating music with racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic and fascist themes since 2017 . Fronted by “Mama P” with “The Handsome Horse” on guitar, the duo has produced such songs as “Hate Crime Hoax”:
They pay Blacks & Jews & Muslims the most
So if you need your race hate sub-sid-ized
Have yourself a HATE CRIME HOAX
and “You Gotta Go Back”:
You gotta go back where you came from
You don’t like us
You just like our stuff
We gave some to you, but it’s never enough.
So let’s coexist
Over the wall, out of our hair
In “Bad Optics” the lyrics reference the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory:
I took a trip back to my old hometown
and lo and behold – the children are brown!
I’m wonderin’ where all the white people went
This is the goal of the GREAT REPLACEMENT
Neither members of the duo show their real faces publicly, with “Mama P” using a literal sock puppet for her online appearances on neo-Nazi podcasts.
“The Mamas and the Pepes” are closely affiliated with the White Art Collective (WAC), a group of musicians and visual artists who promote white supremacist themes and other right-wing beliefs. “Mama P” conducts many interviews with other alt-right personalities (and even one of themselves) for their website and also hosts a music show on the WAC’s DLive channel.
One of the interviews “Mama P” conducted was with the Global Minority Initiative (GMI), a group that seeks to provide legal, financial and moral support for whom they call “political prisoners” (ie. neo-Nazis and other white supremacists who are incarcerated). She ends the interview with:
So please, whatever your belief system, taking care of our guys matters. It matters to me, and it should matter to you, too.
While there is much to criticize about the prison industry, by “our guys” “Mama P” means the white supremacists who are incarcerated for committing violence upon non-white persons and other minorities. “The Mamas and the Pepes” even did a promotional piece for the GMI in which you can hear their speaking voices:
“The Mamas and the Pepes” also have a Gab account operated by “Mama P” on which they promote their material and post racist and LGBT-phobic messages, as well as anti-vaccination messages.
They may not have known at the time but “The Mamas and the Pepes” was quickly attracting some unwanted attention by some nosy antifascists (us).
On September 13, 2021 the hacktivist collective Anonymous announced that they had breached the systems of, a domain name registrar known for catering to extreme right-wing customers, in response to their hosting of an anti-choice website and would allow access to this information. The info dump proved to be a treasure trove for researchers and provided what we needed to track down “Mama P.”
The official website for “The Mamas and the Pepes” was registered through and the registrant’s information was present in this info dump, as shown below. (We have redacted some details, although this information is now publicly available):
“Julie Green”,”+1.215694****”,”in****”,”59 S ********** Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086″
A password used by “” and stored in plain text by was an appreciative nod to violent right-wing extremist “Based Stickman” Kyle Chapman.
While this was a tremendous lead, by itself it was not enough, especially considering that some of the customer data in the Epik breach was deliberately falsified by customers who wished to avoid identification, so further scrutiny was necessary. A quick search of public records indicated that a “Julie S Green” was indeed a real person residing at the registered address, but we needed more proof to ensure that this was the person behind the account. A search of popular social media sites was not fruitful with such a common name. What we did have, however, was an email address: in****
Upon researching this email we learned that it was also present in another information breach, that of the blogging website Livejournal. While this particular blog had been deleted, the username found in this data set was an important clue: “jewelsgreen.”
We located another now-deleted blog on an archive site belonging to a person calling herself “Jewels Green.” One of the images displayed on a blog post was also an image used on the Google profile for the in**** email address, though its orientation had been rotated by 90 degrees.
While this was simply a stock photo, we found no other instances of this particular cropping elsewhere on the internet. We also found a website, The Burgenland Bunch, in which she is listed with a surname “Sem” and the in**** email address is linked. In this case, that email was publicly attached to “Julie Shana Sem” of New York, New York, born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Altogether, these were very strong indicators that we had found the person we were looking for. Further research made this indisputable.
“Jewels Green” was very active in anti-choice circles regarding abortion for a period of time between 2011 and 2017. She claimed to have had an abortion as a teen and to have worked at an abortion clinic, but came to regret her past. As such, there are numerous videos on the internet of her speaking appearances. We were able to compare her voice on these videos of her speaking appearances with the voice of “Mama P” found on the many examples of her speaking and singing. One of them may be found here, on her own YouTube channel.
If that video happens to disappear, other examples exist:
2nd Annual North Texas Celebration of Life Speaker – Jewels Green
We have these videos archived locally in case they are removed.
We compared Jewels Green’s speaking voice with the speaking voice of “Mama P” on her various white-supremacist podcast appearances such as one called “The After Party,” a short clip of which may be viewed and listened to below.
We concluded that the voices were undeniably the same; Julie Shana Green, of Wallingford, Pennsylvania, aka “Jewels Green” was the person behind the voice and (literal) sock puppet of “Mama P” of “The Mamas and the Pepes.”
With the knowledge that “Mama P” was in fact anti-choice activist “Jewels Green,” much of the Twitter activity of “The Mamas and the Pepes” Twitter account (@MamasPepes) made clear sense, showing very specific knowledge of anti-choice talking points.
(Further examples: [archive][archive][archive][archive][archive][archive][archive])
At some point Julie “Jewels” Green went from conservative anti-choice activist to full on fascist, as demonstrated by this awful parody of a Partridge Family song:
Julie Shana Green was born on August 26, 1971 and claimed to have been “a 17-year-old drug-using high school drop-out” who was forced into an abortion by her then-boyfriend. She then claimed to have “worked at an abortion clinic for five years (from age 18 to 23)” and claimed to have been a pro-choice activist during this time. She graduated from Kutztown University in 1995 (under her surname previous to her marriage to Green, “Sem”) and then claimed that she quit working at the abortion clinic and became an anti-choice (so-called “pro-life)” activist.
Around 2000 Green got married and converted from her Lutheran faith to Catholicism, the faith of her husband, a prominent Wilmington, Delaware lawyer.
She was a copy-editor at under her real name of Julie Shana Green and later became a public speaker and editor for the same outfit under the name “Jewels Green.”
Her anti-choice activism continued through around 2017, and during this time she made many public appearances at anti-choice demonstrations. After around 2017 “Jewels Green” seemed to disappear from the anti-choice activism scene.
We can only speculate why such a notable anti-choice speaker who claimed to have converted from a pro-choice stance and who claimed to have had an abortion herself in the past left the scene so suddenly and thoroughly, but the slide from anti-choice into full-blown white nationalism is unsurprising. The crossover of racism and xenophobia into anti-choice circles is a well documented one. As Alex DiBranco, writing for The Nation, notes:
In recent decades, the movement mainstream has been careful to protect its public image by distancing itself from overt white nationalists in its ranks. Last year, anti-abortion leader Kristen Hatten was ousted from her position as vice president of the anti-choice group New Wave Feminists after identifying as an “ethnonationalist” and sharing white supremacist alt-right content. In 2018, when neo-Nazis from the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) sought to join the local March for Life rally organized by Tennessee Right to Life, the anti-abortion organization rejected TWP’s involvement.
The mention of Kristen Hatten is interesting since we found that Green (perhaps unsurprisingly) seemed to be a close associate of Hatten, as evident by their appearances together at anti-choice events.
Green also associated with several other extreme right-wing Twitter accounts, such as Ashley Rae Goldenberg (aka “@Communism_Kills) who is known to associate with white supremacists and Robert Spencer, operator of the Islamophobic website “Jihad Watch,” as evident by archived Twitter posts.
In 2017 the white-nationalist folk musicians “The Mamas and the Pepes” appeared, with presences on Gab and other right-wing-centric internet platforms. While having strong opinions about abortion is one thing, Green obviously feels that her racist, white nationalist views are more dangerous to her social standing since she has only appeared from behind a cheaply made sock puppet. She has expressed on various racist podcasts that she cannot show her face. Apparently, she would much rather express her racist views with poorly written jingles and cheap cotton socks.
While we don’t know what made Julie “Jewels” Green disappear from the anti-choice activism scene to become a white nationalist folk singer who hides behind a sock puppet, we do know that she can put those socks back on her feet because she can’t hide behind them anymore.
A big shout-out goes to Anonymous, whom we are not affiliated with in any way, despite our name. Thank you for your service!
from Twitter
Scranton resident Matthew Guse was exposed by @discord__panic in 2019 as a member of white nationalist organization Identity Evropa (then rebranded as “The American Identity Movement”). Below is a summary of Panic’s article from @IGD_News column TWIF. /2 panicinthediscord.noblogs.or…
Despite his Nazi affiliations, Guse was allowed to graduate from Lackawanna College in May 2020. Unfortunately, the photos here prove that (despite scrubbing the internet of accounts using his real name or Identity Evropa username) Guse is still involved in Nazi organizing. /3
Next is Upper Black Eddy, PA resident Gregory Anthony Cristiano. Cristiano is not only a neo-Nazi. He is also a pedophile and sex offender, according to public records which you can access here: /4…
Exterior Decoration Tutorial and Communique
Supplies Needed:
glass light bulbs
duct tape
soft surface or container
Step 1:
Wearing gloves, use pliers to remove the top of the light bulb (to make a hole in the top). Be sure to break off any extra pieces. (Remove the small plate and dark glass, NOT the threaded metal sleeve.)
Step 2:
Use screw driver to pierce a hole through the top into the main section of the light bulb.
Step 3:
Mix paint with water.
Step 4:
Use funnel to transfer paint mix into light bulb.
Step 5:
Wipe everything (tape, bulbs etc) clean with alcohol.
Step 6:
Duct tape hole shut. You can use a soft surface (like an egg carton) to secure bulbs and keep them from falling over.
Step 7:
Pack your bulbs with cushioning in a container you don’t care about getting messy.
Step 8:
Find your target.
Step 9:
Aim high and throw hard!
In response to the March 6th Call for Action we paint-bombed a pro-life billboard because fuck pro-life propaganda. No one should have to have a baby who doesn’t want to.
Sabotage is fun!
Paint on patriarchy and gender!
-Insurrectionary Feminist Exterior Decoration Committee
*Content Warning: Sexual Harrassment and Exploitation of Vulnerable adults*
Correctional Officer Adams of the Dauphin County Prison, PA has been strip searching and video recording trustee inmates on several occasions starting February 15th, 2021. CO Adams also had 10 men from H Block strip down while video-recording them. This is sexual harrassment, this is predatory behavior, this is a violation of human rights. This is a direct violation of the DOC’s Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).
We urge community to contact Dauphin County Prison and demand justice for these inmates.
Please Contact:
Dauphin County Prison Phone: (717) 780-6800
Dauphin County PREA Manager: J. Scott Burford T: 717-780-6307 Email:
Department of Corrections
Central Office Main Phone Line: 717.728.2573
Central Office Email:
Tabb Bickell, Executive Deputy Secretary for Institutional Operations 717.728.4122 ext: 4123
Demand the immediate termination of CO Adams, Demand that the PREA Manager for Dauphin County conduct an internal investigation as officers rarely act alone in these instances
Sample Script
I am a resident of _________ (county/city) and I am contacting you regarding the ongoing sexual harrassment and predatory tactics being used on inmates of Dauphin County Prison. CO Adams has repeatedly violated the Prison Rape Elimination Act by strip searching and video taping inmates. We demand the immediate termination of CO Adams and a full investigation by the DOC and PREA Contact J. Scott Burford. ”
from People’s Voice
[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
Character Assassination and Denial: Steven Powers and PSL Philly
In July of 2020, Dakota of PSL Philly reported fellow member Steven Powers for sexual misconduct at the behest of Powers’ then-girlfriend, who used the name Griselda online. In the weeks following his report, Dakota was charged with violating PSL’s constitution, removed from organizational chats, slandered by his so-called comrades and generally isolated by party leadership. Dakota highlighted this process in detail1 after attempting to struggle over the issue through the proper channels. PSL claims that Powers was throroughly investigated, but thus far the only people to see any consequences for his predatory and abusive actions are the people he harmed.
Griselda, who brought his behavior to the attention of other party cadre, has been systematically harassed and stalked by party leadership. In a formal party statement, PSL even disclosed Griselda’s legal name and location, and declared that their investigation committee concluded that Griselda had falsely accused Powers. It’s worth noting that PSL has taken down the statement down due to Griselda threatening suicide; some members now insist that she was not doxxed, repeating the lie that that the original statement had only her first name in it.
What is perhaps most concerning about PSL’s treatment of Griselda is the fact that the party’s investigation into the matter was entirely internal, though she was never a party member. An internal committee of PSL members reading through text messages is not only unqualified to rule out abuse, it is obviously a ploy to avoid transparancy and protect the org’s reputation at any cost. Let us be crystal clear:This is not an internal issue of party discipline. This is an issue of a party member abusing someone outside of the PSL.
The process was further compromised by Powers’ close friendship with members of the Steering Committee, which headed the investigation. Steering Committee member Timour K. was seen hanging out with Steven Powers with other PSL members during the investigation, despite contact with Powers being restricted by the Party.
A recently released statement by former PSL Philly members2, originally intended for internal struggle, details how PSL manipulated Griselda’s accounts to make her out to be a “hysterical woman” and distorted the context for Griselda’s “consent” in order to find Steven Powers innocent of abuse. The Steering Committee also concealed the fact that Powers had another accuser.
If revolutionary parties truly wish to earn the position of vanguard, they must be accountable to the masses, both inside and outside party membership. PSL’s attempts to resolve contradictions between themselves and the unorganized masses through secretive internal meetings reveals not only a disconnect from the broader masses, but a deep fear and distrust of them as well. This is far from the first time that PSL has sprung to the defense of over-degreed white chauvunists in its ranks.
from Twitter
from It’s Going Down
[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]
Antifascist researchers using the pseudonym Firestorm on Fash we able to track the racist social media posts from Constable Pete Dardas of the Berk County Sheriff’s Department. His Facebook posts are littered with meme’s about “Black on Black crime” and “refusals to apologize for being white.” He regularly posts racially insensitive content in response to the recent wave of removals of confederate and other racist monuments.
As you might expect, he posts plenty of anti-ANTIFA propaganda as well as sexist content. He also posts a ton of sexually charged content, which makes us wonder if the memes are indicators of his behavior in real life, or more importantly, on his shift.
Finally, he posted a diatribe in response to the George Floyd Uprising where he includes some thoughts on the Philadelphia Police Commissioner. He includes his belief that protesters who block highways deserve to be run over, his desire to shoot and kill protesters, his belief that blue lives matter over Black lives and that BLM should be labeled a terrorist organization.
Dardas uses his social media to make veiled threats toward minority groups and activists and given his position of power at the Berks County Sheriff’s Department, it’s clear that his is an absolute danger to the community. After this dox dropped, an understandably outraged community contacted the Berks County Sheriff’s Department calling for Constable Dardas’ removal and as of July 8th, the Dardas had officially resigned.
from Instagram
Someone sent us this dope pic of a piece for Dominique Remmie Fells. She was a black trans woman recently found murdered here in Philly. RIP Remmie