from Facebook

Bundle up your winter britches and come out to South Philly for food, readers, visual art and music!
This event will be an occasion for people to fill their bellies, meet or re-connect with each other, check out some visual art pieces, and listen to some next level readers who will open up perspectives and spark discussions about what’s to be done in the present moment as well as the immediate and long-term future. There will be an open mic at the end of the readings for people to present their writings or thoughts, either prepared beforehand, in response to the readers, or thought up on the spot.
There will be food with vegan and gluten-free options. Just bring some money$ – no one will be turned away for lack of funds but there is a suggested donation of $5+ which will go toward legal fees for anti-inauguration protesters on January 20.
This is the first of what we hope will be more events which will take place both here and in other places across the city.
Food and art reception begins at 11am, readings start at 1pm sharp.
We unfortunately live in a world where this does not go without saying: This event will be held in a safer space – ableism, homophobia, misogyny, racism, transphobia, and other oppressive language or behavior will be confronted and their vessels booted.
Accessibility: Everything will take place on the first floor, which has a bathroom. There are two steps into the front door and people available to assist folks who need help getting in. If you have a question or feel that something more should be mentioned here, feel free to message a host! ♥
[January 14 11am to 4pm, readings at 1pm South Philly contact january14benefit@gmail for address]