from Philly Antifa


Updated 1/8/2015: We at Antifa Philadelphia are happy to announce that the show has been cancelled. Apparently the attention drawn to the show by Antifascists was picked up on by several local media outlets, which led to the Mayor Nutter’s office calling the Outlaws directly and asking them to cancel the show, citing safety concerns.

You might notice from the City Paper article linked above that the show’s organizer, Steven Weigand, disassociated himself from the event claiming it appeared to him “to have been made by the Communist blogs or Daryl[e] Lamont Jenkins.”

Fortunately, Atlantic City “Skinheads” member Chris Arlan (who posts as ‘Chris ACS’ on Stormfront) never misses an opportunity to promote a show for his buddy Warren:


Maybe Arlan was in on the OPP conspiracy to defame Wiegand, who denies booking the show but still claims his free speech was impeded on when people announced that it had been booked, but we doubt it.

Chris and Melissa Arlan

Soon after we posted our alert, Arlan was back on Stormfront:



Thank you to who helped spread the word when we heard about this show short-notice, and the individuals and groups who came forward and offered to help organize a response.

To the boneheads we know are reading this right now, who made snide comments when we posted the alert claiming the show would “never be cancelled:” eat shit. It took less than 48 hours from Antifascists finding out about the show until the venue canceled. Philly is done with ACS. Done with KSS. Done with Micetrap, Blood and Honour, KKK and all the rest. Quit the shit and act right or get/stay the fuck out.

Antifa Philadelphia