from Anarchadelphia

I started this blog to have a central point to gather local events in hopes of improving coordination/scheduling/promotion as well as a clearing house for other relevant information to local philly anarchists.

This being the 999th post, it seems clear that my ability to consistently meet the first goal, and even the second, is unlikely given the lack of (successful?) submissions and my own inability to spend all of my time on the internet.  Expanding involvement could better meet those needs, but I wonder if it would even be worthwhile?  It’s a goddamn tumblr account that has already been shut down twice.  Buying a url could help prevent its future shut down, but brings up questions regarding money, anonymity and social media-level accessibility.  But is social media, or any internet interaction of the sort, having any impact on the proliferation of real world anarchist practice in this city?  If it is, is it the type of impact I am intending?

Leaving things up to people’s interpretation is largely my intention, but I do occasionally express opinion outright (and certainly don’t share every protest or cry for justice, as I favor a greater level of conflictuality and less adherence to the rather traditional concept of revolution that most care to muster on their best of days), so I guess this is a question of my own projectuality, too.  Still, it would be nice to hear some more feedback about @Anarchadelphia , however temporary the project may be.

So, is this worth it?  What could be done better?  Are there better venues to do it in?  Isn’t the best propaganda spread by deed, anyway?  If a tree falls in the woods, and there isn’t a humyn animal there to hear it, should I blockade industrial infrastructure?  If a cop falls in the street and there’s no one there to laugh, does anyone care?

[Response form on Anarchadelphia]