
On the evening of May 30th we took vengence on the machinery that is laying astroturf in the Kingsessing Rec center in West Philadelphia. We hit 3 machines, pouring sugar in the gas tanks, painting windows, and taking an impact drill to all of the tires (something that is incredibly easy and effective).
Astroturf is an environmental diaster as well as a public health concern & we reject its creation and its presence through out our city, at this site and the FDR meadows. Modern convenience at the the sacrifice of Earth and the health of aniamls (including children) will be fought back against. May this be a warning to all redevelopment projects that offer convenience to some while continuing to ravage the black and brown communities who take in the most pollution from redevelopment and benefit little to none.
Land defense is not only about pushing back against the destruction of green spaces but resistence to gentrification and settler mentality. Fighting the aesthetic desires of the rich & the continuation of a society of modernities that alienates us from each other,Earth & feeds the beast of capitalism. We will be back.
In the Lenape language “Kingsessing” means “a place where there is a meadow” May grass prevail and the industrial sports complex perish! May the youth be safe from further contaminates in their limited play spaces.
Also fuck Caterpillar industries! These bastards sell construction equipment to Israel to bulldoze homes in Palesitne.

We are anti-turf, anti-terf

Almost a month later, we have noticed that all the rolls of astroturf have been removed from the Kingsessing Rec Center as well as any machinery. Without more research, we can only assume the action we took has stopped construction for the time being and scared developers of further sabotage.

Join us as we avenge the FDR meadows, Haddington Woods (construction is starting up again on the Golf Course), Bartrams North & all the sall but precious greenery in between. Keep it wild sluts.