
skip your boring ass lecture to come meet some rowdy punks ready to challenge the university in its entirety. I promise you we’ll learn more from each other than we ever did in class. leave the classroom – or better yet, drop out – and come join us in clark park near the chess tables @8pm every sunday (beginning dec 1st)

“Drexel is John Fry threading his way thru underpaid Aramark workers in the mot expensive suits money can buy. Penn is the enforcement of exclusionary elitist ideology. Temple is the ongoing gentrification and displacement of Black people in North Philly. The University, all over the globe, is the repression of student dissedents and the proliferation of the capitalist death cult that kills us all.”

DEC 1st READINGS: Welcome to NYU – by some student anarchists in the 1960s

Arrival Survival – by Filler Distro, 2015

(readings also available in print at discussion)