I’m curious why I don’t see more outright…

from Anarchadelphia

I’m curious why I don’t see more outright solidarity from the self-proclaimed “reds” in the city with local striking workers.  I’ve seen them attending every possible kind of demonstration, but never supporting strikes (like some west coast anarchists have done in recent years in the ports), taking actions against scab sites and employers (like some of the union members with some sort of teeth), or reaching out to the frustrated at more reformist rallies (the way the insurrecto-oriented have been doing against prisons and the police, locally).

I don’t find any promise in the possibility of the (ever-dwindling) working class uniting and rising up to overthrow anyone, let alone even pursuing a non-hierarchal society —and even if I did, I don’t believe unions would be the medium to achieve this.  But, red anarchists purport to believe just that, suggesting it would be in their interest to participate in such a way.  Yet, they seem more likely to be organizing with college kids and liberals at a $15 & a union rally — or so it seems to me.

This crosses my mind with the passing of May Day, as I remember picketing workers infiltrating a car show and trashing it at the convention center, as I watch the CWA striking against verizon again, and further reports of sabotage unsanctioned by said union against Verizon’s fiber optic infrastructure circulate.  Whether the CWA does not, in fact, condone the sabotage or is trying to keep its hands clean begins to illustrate its limitations, and the complete absence of radical unions like the IWW from anything substantial since the first red scare illustrates theirs.  The last local news of note we’ve had from the IWW, in fact, includes an absolute failure around organizing a South Street Workers’ Strike (was that in the ’90’s?), to scandals resulting in the booting of certain “esteemed” local anarchists over financial discrepancies, to an article in support of striking Santander Bank employees in Spain.  This is hardly the stuff of a restless, growing, anticapitalist mass.

The Prison General Strike this September, as called for by some Texan prisoner wobblies, could bring about the first functional endeavor of the IWW in almost a century, however, and I’m excited to see it happen.  Maybe this is the long overdue tactical transition the reds have been searching for in response to the recuperation of workers as increasingly comfortable consumers?

I would love to be proven wrong in such a way.  I don’t agree with many red anarchist goals or tactics, but please make a go of it and prove me wrong; show me why these things are a good idea.  Don’t tell me, I cut my anarchist teeth on Berkman and Goldman and abandoned a union that proved useless to my needs, but try to make these things happen if that’s what you actually believe in.

And sometimes I wonder what it would look like for such ideas to come to fruition.  For red anarchists acting in kind with striking workers against fiber optics developing a temporary, tangible, action-oriented affinity with green anarchists, for instance.  What other avenues might we find intersections on?

Autonomous March in Solidarity with Prisoners in Philly

from It’s Going Down

Across the country, prisoners have been pushing back against the indignities of prison. In Texas, prisoners have been on strike against slave labor for almost one month. Bubbling tensions in Holman, Alabama have erupted into prison riots at least twice and are now taking the form of a work stoppage. Three facilities around Michigan have seen mass protests, with inmates refusing meals and skipping meetings with the prison staff in protest against food quality. Louisiana has also seen hunger strikes recently. All of these actions lead toward a nation-wide prison strike on September 9th, the anniversary of the Attica uprising.

On May Day, between 15 and 20 people gathered for a short autonomous march through West Philly in solidarity with prisoners’ struggles and against prison society. The demonstration moved east behind two banners, “Prisoners to the Streets” and “REVENGE”. Music from a sound system kept the atmosphere playful.

Pamphlets expressing solidarity with struggles in prison were given to people in cars and in the street who were curious about what was happening. Stickers and tags against police and prison were put up along the way. A police substation received a few splashes of paint as the march passed it. People generally seemed enthusiastic about the demonstration and expressed their support from the sidewalks and cars.

The march ended and dispersed without incident at a nearby park. It had been promoted in a way to decrease the possibility of police presence at the meetup and no police were around for the entirety of the brief march.

Some takeaways:
-Avoiding reliance on Facebook and building networks of friends and comrades in less mediated ways makes repression harder.
-More dialogue between participants — especially during the demonstration — can make events like these less confusing in the future.
-As long as an escalation is not too drastic, sharing tools (like paint, stickers, flyers, etc) can welcome and encourage people to take action in a friendly setting.
-Bad weather is not the end of the world.

Some Photos of the aftermath of the May Day March in Solidarity with Prisoners

Here’s a few pictures taken after the May Day March in Solidarity with Prisoners took place.

MOVE 9 Solidarity Week, May 2nd – 6th

from Anarchadelphia

Starting  Monday May 2nd Through Friday May 6th we focus our attention toward The Pa Parole Board as The May 2016 Parole Hearings For Janet , Janine , and Debbie  Africa Approaches . We are asking people to call or email The Pa Parole Board This Monday May 2nd Through Friday May 6th and  Demand Parole For Debbie (Sims) Africa 006307  Janet (Holloway) Africa 006308 And Janine (Phillips) Africa 006309 .
People can call The Parole Board at (717) 772-4343 or they can email the parole board at Ra-pbppopc@pa.gov

Chris Hedges Finally Comes Around at the May Day March In Solidarity with Prisoners


Chris Hedges decided to skip his scheduled keynote speech at the boring official May Day demonstration that wanted better wages, opting to participate in the May Day march in solidarity with prisoners instead. There weren’t that many of us and the sight of this despicable fool somewhat reduced morale at first. He really brought the party though.

With a t-shirt tied securely to his head, Chris led the charge through Squirrel Hill behind a banner reading “Prisoners to the Streets.” Not wanting to be seen with Mr. Hedges, we covered our faces too and hoped no one would recognize the “cancer of occupy” marching side by side with the very person who had diagnosed us as such.

We put up lot of anti-prison and anti-repression stickers while passing prisoner strike flyers to the passersby strolling in the rain. A few strangers expressed that they were “about revenge” (in reference to a banner we were carrying that said revenge) and understood because they had family members who had been sent upstate.

In a completely unprecedented act, Chris Hedges also put up a few “fuck the police” stickers and did something mean-spirited as we passed a police substation. Good for him! He also brought some anti-everything music that brought the mood up despite the bad weather. Didn’t know Mr. Hedges had it in him but at the end of the day we’re glad he came out and got down.

No arrests 🙂
Fuck work and prisons 🙂

#Shutdown Berks — Mother’s Day Rally

from Anarchadelphia

[#Shutdown Berks — Mother’s Day Rally
Stand up for families – End family Detention in Pennsylvania
May 8, 2016 at 3:00pm
Location: Berks Family Detention Center
1040 Berks Road, Leesport, PA 19533]

Posters in solidarity with Holman prison rebels


We put up posters in various neighbors of South Philly. The posters express solidarity with the struggle of the prisoners in Holman prison in Alabama. Some Bernie-bro got real mad but he didn’t run fast enough to catch us 😉
Poster text reads:
Solidarity with the Rebels in Holman Prison!
Fire to the Prisons!
Twice in four days inmates locked away in Holman prison in Alabama have lashed out against their captors and the cages that separating them from their freedom. Rebels set fire to the control tower, stabbed guards, built barricades, and took over sections of the prison. We want to spread their struggle & let them know they have friends outside the prison who support their fight.
Prisons are an atrocity that separate friends and loved ones. The notion that prisons are around to help people and rehabilitate criminals is a sorry joke we’re tired of hearing. Prisons aren’t “corrupt” or in need of reform, they’re an integral part of the white supremacist social order.

Eddie Africa Denied Parole

from Free the MOVE 9!

When The Move 9 became eligible for parole in 2008 The Pennsylvania Parole Board took on the responsibility of officials of this system in keeping innocent Move Members in prison for the rest of their lives . From 2008 up until as recent as this past week all of The Move 9 have been denied parole.  . We received a call last night from our brother Eddie Africa who was calling to let us know he was denied yet again by The Pa Parole Board and was given a two year hit where he would not go before the board again until 2018 .
The Parole Board has cited the issue of Eddie being a risk to the safety of the community.At Eddie’s parole hearing the parole board was presented with a petition of 300 signatures of members of the community who would welcome him on parole into the community and who in fact felt no threat to their safety with Eddie in the community . It’s obvious that this community that the parole board is talking about is none other than the law enforcement community across the country who have mobilized against parole for Move Members .
This clearly shows that The Parole Board has no regards to the community and their input on anything as they only value the input of law enforcement officials who they are obviously  working in conjunction with to keep our family in prison . Eddie sounded strong as always and he has not been deterred by this and neither are we . The fight continues to win parole for our family as we prepare for our sisters may 2016 parole hearings . There will be more information to follow in the next couple of days on the next steps we are taking .
In the meantime we urge people to sign The Petition we aimed at US Attorney General Loretta Lynch as we demand that The Justice Department investigate the wrongful and ongoing imprisonment of The Move 9 . People can go to https://www.causes.com/campaigns/92454-free-the-move-9.

we r fans of anarchy, but not prisons: a report back on the jan 22 noise demo for transes in prison


we r fans of anarchy, but not prisons: a report back on the jan 22 noise demo for transes in prison

~( ̄△ ̄~)

“Bandana on yea
I’m bout to thug it out
if a hater talking shit
go head and stomp em out
if you got a problem we can settle it tonight
meet me outside you ain’t bout that life”
-TT the Artist


In lieu of a solemn march we got turnt to club music outside the Federal Detention Center in downtown Philly. A bunch of freaky looking transes & queers danced around, some femmes without hats had their hair freeze to their head because there was no hat and it was snowing hard as shit. The confused COs got their feels hurt because we commented on their appearance; for example one mean bitch yelled “i shaved my dogs butt and taught him to walk backwards and he literally looks better than you”. Other COs milled in an out as we chanted shit like “QUIT YOUR JOB/SLIP AND FALL” and “U-G-L-Y YOU AINT GOT NO ALIBI YOU UGLY YEAH YEAH YOU UGLY”, their feelings visibly hurt and we assume most of them quit that night, and by milled in and out we mean they hurried off all quick cause we clearly made them nervous. The music was really good by the way, a couple cheap-ass speakers in plastic bags kept the morale up and totally stayed dry too! Someone said the prisoners were jamming cause they flicked lights and slammed windows to the beat, TURN UP! We were out there for mad long, like hours, and probably the prisoners hands were way tired from flicking so much lights & wailing on the windows the whole time

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

here’s an itemized list of choice “rowdy” moments:
*a giant banner that features a unicorn stabbing a police thru the heart (they got hearts?) reminding us that “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE”
*some people spray painted anti-prison slogans in bright purple on the snow face the prison
*parking lot signs and black flags turned into drums and drumsticks respectively
*the prison got a snowball makeover
*some cruisers had their detailing updated with new slogans including such favorites as “ACAB” “quit your job” & “you suck”
*when a cop finally pulled up and rolled down their window one person shouted “NO YOU CAN’T HAVE MY NUMBER’ while others behind drowned him out loudly yelling EWWWWWWWWWW until he finally gave up and drove away.
*later another cruiser pulled up to ask “what are you protesting?” which was answered: “Your bad breath” by one tall girl, then when the officer tried to intimidate her she turned away and laughed


This is the second year in a row that there’s been a noise demo at the Federal Detention Center in January, last year’s was for New Years Eve. The demo was almost entirely un-policed cause the cops were too cold to come out and be annoying, probably due to the fact that it was a TOTAL FUCKING BLIZZARD and we got that fire in our hearts (lol jk). Also a snowplow crashed into the front of the prison and everyone busted out, in solidarity. We hope we looked cute wilding out and having fun out front for the people inside because what is solidarity really?


Any chant is the right chant if you’re sassy and mean enough,
until every CO gets “sick” and dies
until the last cop is deafened by an airhorn
weaponize your hormones, mood swing some oppressors to death?

(メ`ロ´)/ some absurdist tall girls with t-shirts on their heads and malice up their butts ψ(*`ー´)ψ

PS: The other banners said “REVENGE” and “DESTROY CIS-IETY” because that’s how we feel too.

From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

from facebook

For most of US history, the police have used violence against African Americans with impunity—but after the murder of unarmed teenager Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, mass protests erupted to challenge that impunity. In the process, a new generation of Black activists has come to question the old methods of struggle, puncture the Obama-era illusion of a “postracial” United States, and declare without apology that #BlackLivesMatter.

In this stirring and insightful analysis, activist and scholar Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor surveys the history and current realities of US racism. Taylor examines how institutional racism has created and shaped the structural problems that affect Black people, such as mass incarceration and unemployment, even as more Black people hold political office than ever before. She paints a vivid picture of the context for this new struggle against police violence—and shows the potential of the Black Lives Matter movement to reignite and broaden the struggle for liberation.

[January 28 at 7pm at Friends Center 1501 Cherry St]

Make Noise Till Every Cage Is Empty

from Instagram

Make Noise Till Every Cage Is Empty

On Jan 22nd stand is solidarity with trans prisoners everywhere, with all prisoners here. Let them hear. They are not forgotten.

no racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, transphobie, peace police, or other bullshit.

come to support criminals and queers to destroy the society that criminalizes them
… and the prison system it maintains.

January 22nd, 9pm
Gather at Franklin Sq.
March to 7th and Arch
*bring noisemakers*

Philly letter writing night for Trans Prisoners Day of Action

from facebook

January 22, 2016 will be the first annual Trans Prisoner Day of Action: an international day of action in solidarity with trans prisoners.
More info @ International Day of Trans Prisoner Solidarity / www.transprisoners.net

In Philly we will be holding space for a letting writing night/event jawn, centered on trans prisoners in PA. Information about specific prisoners, and their struggles inside, will be provided. Art materials and postage will also be provided.
Please come though and:

– Send a letter/art to someone (it is lonely and any letter/art is appreciated)
– Learn about a specific trans person on the inside.
– Start a new pen pal relationship.
– Write another letter to an existing pen pal you have.
– Talk with others about your experience supporting trans people on the inside.
– Eat food (West Philly Food Not Bombs! will be on deck)
– Meet other people and talk about projects we’re involved in.

The Up Against the Law Legal Collective will be doing a know your rights training and providing tips on staying safe(r) in the streets as we move to abolish the institutions that cage our friends.

Email event organizers to get involved or suggest materials/zines to share:
cass: cass.struggle@gmail.com / Brynn Cassidy West
Letha: l.muthkimball@gmail.com / not on fb
(it’s best to email us both)

[January 22 from 4 to 8pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Upcoming Parole pushes for Herman Bell & 3 of the Move 9: convo with Orie Lumumba

from The Final Straw

This week’s show features a conversation with Orie Lumumba. Orie is involved in the Move organization and the International Concerned Fmaily and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal. We speak about the upcoming push to parole Debbie Sims Africa, Janet Halloway Africa and Janine Phillips Africa, the three remaining women of the Move 9. The Move 9 were 9 members of the Move organization whose house was raided in Philadelphia in 1978 after escalating conflicts with the Philadelphia police department and then-Mayor Frank Rizzo. The 9 were convicted of the death of Officer James Ramp during the raid, which the supporters and members of the Move 9 argue the 9 had no part in, that the shot was actually fired by the police department mistakenly. This was one of the many instances that the Move organization was repressed in Philadelphia during the 1970’s and 1980’s. The Move organization is a religious, vegan Black Liberation organization focused around social justice issues and bases it’s philosophy on the teachings of John Africa.

In February at the Malcolm X & Bettie Shabazz Educational Center there will be a rally around this parole push in New York City. There is also an online petition to push for the parole of these 3 members of the Move 9. More info on the struggle can be found at http://onamove.org and more on the parole push can be found at http://move9parole.blogspot.com


from facebook

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SUGUR SHANE soundcloud.com/sugurshane
MOOR MOTHER soundcloud.com/moor-goddess
RONNIE VEGA soundcloud.com/ronnievega

FEMMESURRECTION mixcloud.com/femmesurrection/
DJ HARAM b2b MHYSA soundcloud.com/djharam / soundcloud.com/ejanesoundart
COUNTERFEIT soundcloud.com/counterfeitsound
DJ ALEX twitter.com/AlexSmi54827599


or come for one of all of the other miscellaneous party features:

SOME MONEY WILL BE GOING TO COSTS RELATED TO FUCK THE LAW (make total destroy) (make total donate)

FUNDRAISER FOR NIARA freeniara.wordpress.com


1-800- (f)LAWLESS ♥

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[December 31 10pm to 4am at 52nd St and Chester Ave]

Updates and Reports of Local Prisoners

from It’s Going Down

Mumia Abu Jamal’s support folks held a press conference to further pressure the prison to provide appropriate HEP C treatment to Mumia. Hepatitis C has an incredibly high rate of infection in the U.S. prison system. Recently there have been significant improvements in treatment of the disease with 95% rate of fully eradicating the virus. Prison officials (otherwise known as horrendous pieces of shit) are denying not only Mumia the right to such medical care, but all prisoners. This is beyond bullshit. You can find out more about the call to action for Mumia as well as the full press release over here. You can also watch the stream of the press conference over here.


If you haven’t already checked out NYC ABC’s dope bi-monthly Political Prisoner & Prisoner of War Update newsletter, do it already. These updates are sent out to pp/pow’s across the U.S. and are, for many of them, the only means they have of regular news with comrades. This last update from 10/13/15 has some great writing from Russell Maroon Shoates. Check out the description and then hop on over and read the full essay at NYC ABC’s site:

Maroon recently penned a brief essay reflection on some of the latest literature he’s had an opportunity to read. He explores the current political realities in the Rojava region of Syria, celebrating the civil and political organizations that have led to an anti-state and anti-capitalist experiment valuing feminism, direct democracy, ecological stewardship, and ethnic, linguistic, and religious pluralism in the midst of ongoing military threat, as explored in the book A Small Key Can Open A Large Door, published by the Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness collective. He then touches on the dystopia of Octavia Butler’s Parable Of The Sower, assessing the extent to which the current crises of climate change, late capitalism, and “sci-fi biotech” have made the landscape of Butler’s novel far more factual than fictitious.

You can learn more about Maroon at his site and send him a letter to:

Russell Shoats #AF-3855


P.O. Box 246 Route 29

Graterford, PA 19426 – 0246