Philadelphia, 3/25: #DisruptMAGA

from It’s Going Down

March 25, 2017, Independence Hall, Philadelphia (5th and Market)

On March 25th, a group of Trump-worshiping right-wing scum will be in Philadelphia to hold a “Make America Great” rally and march near independence hall. The rally will be to show support for Donald Trump and his racist, sexist and transphobic policies. They will cheer for the loss of life-saving medical coverage for so many who need it. They will celebrate the continuation and acceleration of policies of mass incarceration, unrestricted police murder/brutality/harassment, and deportations. They will cheer as trans women are murdered almost daily and then have the gall to turn around and claim those women are predators to be kept from children. They will then attempt to march through the streets of Philly, a city that overwhelmingly does not support Trump, as a show of strength.

We say fuck that.

Let’s show them that Philly knows the truth. That America was founded on Colonialism, Genocide, Slavery and Sexism. Those traditions continue today, though sometimes in varied forms. America was never great. But Philly can be great on March 25th. Let our rage send a message to all those who think the election of Trump means that we will lie down and die, and all those unsure how to best stand against Trump and his minions.

#DisruptMAGA welcomes and encourages a diversity of tactics. However, “peace police,” people who collaborate with law enforcement, and people who seek to restrict the actions of other demonstrators are not welcome. Be smart; this is not a civil disobedience where everyone tries to get arrested or injured. Come with a buddy, protect your identity and watch your back.

So let’s make a little noise for ourselves and everyone else who had to suffer to “Make America Great.”


Social Media Event
Twitter (Use hashtag #DisruptMAGA)




International Women’s Day March PHL

from Instagram


Femmes to the Front: A radical march and action

from Facebook

We have seen a predominantly white, liberal front in the past few months. Specifically, the Women’s March had failed to include women & femmes of color everywhere by ignoring intersectionality, racial equality, and the struggle against white supremacy. We are calling for a united and militant approach. We are tired of white-led protests. We are tired of white people taking up space. We are tired of the liberal agenda that the Democratic Party will somehow save us.

NO MORE “Love Trumps Hate”, “We Are The Majority Vote”, “Pussy Grabs Back”, “Her Body Her Choice”, etc. The revolution will start here in Philadelphia and it will be of color.

It is crucial for us, as women & femmes of color, to gather in a collective space to mourn, express anger, and display solidarity towards each other. Past protests have failed to show the people how to stay involved in community organizing. We know that marching isn’t enough. We know protesting is only the first step. That is why we have organized a *mostly* all day event where we will start out rallying and listening to women & femmes speak about their experiences, then taking the streets, and finally asking organization representatives to follow through and introduce protesters to organizational work.

We are asking you to dress in black and mask up if you can. The purpose of this is to challenge how society perceives women & femmes of color. Nothing intimidates White Amerikkka more than masked Black & Brown women/femmes. The purpose of masking up is not only to prove a point but also to provide all of you safety.

We will come together the weekend leading up to President’s Day. This event is open to everyone regardless of your race, sexuality, sexual preferences, class, disability, religion, etc. HOWEVER, we are asking that if you are white and are planning to come to this event, that you understand your role in providing safety to women/femmes of color.

[March 8 from 4 to 8PM Location tba]

Born in Flames Screening

from Facebook

The Reading Group “Dear Sisters” will be hosting a viewing of Lizzie Borden’s 1983 Documentary-style film “Born in Flames” followed by a discussion. Join us for an evening of pirate radio, radical feminism and a not so fictional dystopian future.
[November 16 from 7:30PM to 10:30PM at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Zero Thrill Show

from Anarchadelphia

Have you heard of this fundraiser for children of deceased cops and firefighters called the “Hero Thrill Show?” It’s beautiful! A bunch of leather-daddy’s get dressed up in cop uniforms to do antiquated, homoerotic motorcycle tricks, mocking the outwardly hetero-normative, patriarchal, and (at times) down right homophobic police force. And calling these violent, sometimes murderous thugs “heroes” while claiming the community can trust them? It’s a nice touch. The group of men holding hands while straddling one or more bikes being called thrilling is so hilarious that I can’t believe any one would be so mistaken as to take it seriously.

Have they seen the neighborhood kids doing wheelies on dirt bikes? Sure, the kids have the advantage of illegality to make things more exciting, but their tricks are still be more fun to watch, otherwise.

And bringing the firefighters in on the mockery seems worthwhile enough, though I’m fairly neutral on the subject of “fire pigs,” as some call them, since they haven’t been putting out our fires (mostly because we haven’t really been setting any, unfortunately).

As the laughing grows tiresome, though, I’m reminded of the good cause of raising college money for these kids who may have had a 40% chance of witnessing, or even suffering, abuse in their household perpetrated by the parent who’s death we’re celebrating. Certainly they didn’t choose to be born to a cop, and the promoters don’t even inquire as to whether the child suffered at the hands of the officer, opposing the commonly accusatory retaliations against abuse survivors by the law.

So as to conclude this review, I must say it was well worth my time to watch these pigs (no offense to actual pigs) maneuver their cruisers across empty asphalt.

Wait, wait wait…you don’t mean to tell me this event is actually serious?

#SayHerName Graffiti

from Facebook


ALERT: Counter the Westboro Baptist Church at the Mazzoni Center 7/26

from Philly Antifa

When: 7/26/2016 @ 1:45 PM
Where: Mazzonni Center, 809 Locust Street Philly
What: Confront the Homophobic, Sexist and Racist Westboro Baptist Church and let them know they aren’t welcome in our city.

The Westboro Baptist Church has announced plans to protest outside The Mazzoni center briefly during the DNC. Several counter protests have been called, and we are encouraging Anti-Fascists in the city to take an hour to tell them to fuck right off.

The Mazzoni center has provided cheap and free medical services to LGBTQ people in the city since 1979. That is something that should be celebrated; not protested. Join us in letting Westboro Baptist Church that they aren’t welcome in Philly (or anywhere) and that no one is intimidated or impressed by their circus act.

Queers Bash Back.

Antifa Philadelphia

Take Back the Night Philadelphia 2016

from facebook

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Thursday, April 28, 2016!

Join us in strengthening the 6th Annual Philly Take Back the Night!!!

Calling all communities to unite and take a stand against domestic and sexual violence!
• March to take back the streets starting at one of four locations heading to the First Unitarian Church.
* Participate in the “Bust the Myths” Street Action.
• Speak out and breaking the silence; storytelling and sharing about living with and surviving violence, abuse, and oppression.
* A candlelight vigil to remember those still fighting, those lost to violence, and those surviving.
* Tabling to provide networking and resources for survivors and their family and friends from a coalition of beautiful, badass organizations and people.

4 meet up points will march and converge on the First Unitarian Church — Meet up points:

North : 22nd and Fairmount.
South: 21st and Washington
East: 12th and Walnut
West: 40th and Chestnut

5:45 pm — Marches meet up
6:15 pm – join us for “Bust the Myths” street action raising awareness on the myths and facts of domestic and sexual violence at 6:15 pm at the church.

6:45 pm – 10:15 – Story Sharing/speak out/”Breaking the Silence” speak out.

10:30: Candle light Vigil

Art as Resistance: Discussion and Art Making Night

from facebook

Permanent Wave Philly Presents:

Art as a Form of Resistance: Feminist Discussion and Art Making Night!

The first part of the evening will be an open discussion where we will talk about: What is art? What is activism? What is resistance? How can feminist activists practice resistance through art? What is effective? Bring your thoughts, questions, and experiences — this is a no experts discussion!

The second part of the night will involve making stuff together! We’ll have stations set up with supplies for silk screening, stencil making, button-making, coloring pages, zine-making, and more!

Want to make a sign for the upcoming Take Back the Night Philadelphia 2016 (4/28)? Want to make some buttons to wear on your jean jackets, or give to friends? Want to make a stencil for spray painting or make a silk screen print for your wall? Let’s get creative.

Join us on Thursday, April 14th at A-Space! [6PM]

More info to come!

A no show doesn’t mean go home, it means go hard!!


A no show doesn’t mean go home, it means go hard!!

Rumor has it that Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh and his Return of the Kings have canceled their international meet-ups due to safety concerns.
Philly has no reason to stand down in light of this. It’s easy to label him and his people as benign internet trolls, but the reality is way more sinister. The Return Of Kings represents a serious rise of tradtionalist fascist movements that aim to uphold structures of sexism, racism, transphobia, and homophobia through the direct promotion of violence. Roosh V even rails against “multiculturalism” making society “unlivable”. He is a self-described advocate of trumps doctrine as well. It cannot be stressed enough that these fuckrs are not as isolated as we wish they were.

White nationalist terror attacks have been on the rise as a white nationalist figurehead has been given the mainstream spotlight through the elections.
This is directly related to the struggles of women of all backgrounds. The same forces that enable these racist attacks to occur are the ones that allow there to be attacks on women’s health centrs, and women in general. The enemy is fascism, and all systems of control that dominate everyday life. This isn’t a matter of negotation. Women being raped, while rapists speak in comfort means this is a matter of war!

To expect the state to do a damn thing is a huge mistake. The state not only protects fascists, but it is an active part of the same structure that fascists aim to strengthen. The police are not our fucking friends. They enforce the same borders bastards like Trump wish to secure even more. They have their guns directed at the same people of color that white nationalists wish to see dead. It’s already well known that 40% of police officer’s families experience domestic violence at the hands of the officer in the family. Support for policing in what is a clearly a police-state has no place in any anti-fascist movement.

The kings may not return saturday night but fascists are stepping it up all over the country with the full suport of American politics. The ideas fascists promote are everywhere and a constant part of our society. Anti-fascists waiting even a moment longer means allowing the enemy to continue dealing the cards. It means allowing them to create the stakes, and control the game.

In an age where fascism is growing stronger, it’s abou time we strengthen our own convictions and actions. Whether these rapists show or not we still need to be out there celebrating anti-fascists resistance. It’s time we step it the fuck up and show every fascist scum what happens when they even so much as mention building a platform for their movement on OUR streets in OUR city. Every Fascist, and Rapist should have fear struck into their hearts when they hear the word “PHILLY”.


ALERT ALERT SATURDAY 2/6: Racists Rally in Reading, Misogynists/Rape Advocates Rally in Philly

from Philly Antifa

Anti-Fascists in and around Eastern PA will have their dance card full this Saturday.

First up that morning, there is an Anti-Refugee rally being organized by whatever types of people want to be first in line to oppress and harass people fleeing for their lives under the banner of “America First: End Sharia Law.”  IDAVOX has more info on their site , but the event has the endorsement of at least one PA “politician” Berks County Republican committeeman , and is likely to draw members of the Keystone State “Skinheads” and  “3%ers” movement, a faction of the militia movement that have been in the news recently due to their involvement in the occupation of Malhuer National Wildlife Refuge, which is (of course) stolen Native land.

A counter protest has been announced by Central PA Antifa. Both rallies will take place at the Berks County Court house at Noon on Saturday 2/6/2016. Anyone who can get there to show support to our fellow Anti-Racists and Anti-Fascists should do so.

Finally, here in Philadelphia Saturday night, a demonstration has been called to counter a meetup by a group of internet troll misogynists and “Men’s Rights Activists” that is being organized by (among others) Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh. 


Valizadeh runs a website called “Return of Kings” which specializes in Anti-Women vitriol but also features tons of Anti-GLBT and racist postings (Link is NOT to their stupid fucking site). Valizadeh has been quoted as saying he supports legalizing rape “on private property.”

The meetup is one of over 100 worldwide. If is an effort by Return of Kings members to move from strictly online crying to crying in person. Probably because of the inevitable beating these fools will receive, if not on Saturday then one day really soon.

If you were ever unfortunate enough to read their site, you know that these guys have no idea what they’re talking about. One article they had was literally just 60 sexist quotes from a book of sexist quotations written over 100 years ago as some kind of evidence of the age old wisdom of misogyny in an attempt to get everyone to roll back their concepts of gender and sexuality to the level of the most reactionary idiots publishing books during the McKinley presidency.

What it is about our society that makes us produce people who think they live in a world without consequences? Is it a fundamental misunderstanding of the intent and scope of “freedom of speech?” Who knows?

What is known is that the local Return of Kings meetup rally and redirect point is in Washington Square Park at 7:30pm Saturday night.  A protest has been called at the park for the same time and location. Already Valizadeh is decrying the worldwide effort to shut down his events and (in this author’s opinion) laying the groundwork for what will inevitably be a lot of cancellations and last minute alterations.

Antifa Philadelphia hopes to see everyone in the streets this Saturday.

we r fans of anarchy, but not prisons: a report back on the jan 22 noise demo for transes in prison


we r fans of anarchy, but not prisons: a report back on the jan 22 noise demo for transes in prison

~( ̄△ ̄~)

“Bandana on yea
I’m bout to thug it out
if a hater talking shit
go head and stomp em out
if you got a problem we can settle it tonight
meet me outside you ain’t bout that life”
-TT the Artist


In lieu of a solemn march we got turnt to club music outside the Federal Detention Center in downtown Philly. A bunch of freaky looking transes & queers danced around, some femmes without hats had their hair freeze to their head because there was no hat and it was snowing hard as shit. The confused COs got their feels hurt because we commented on their appearance; for example one mean bitch yelled “i shaved my dogs butt and taught him to walk backwards and he literally looks better than you”. Other COs milled in an out as we chanted shit like “QUIT YOUR JOB/SLIP AND FALL” and “U-G-L-Y YOU AINT GOT NO ALIBI YOU UGLY YEAH YEAH YOU UGLY”, their feelings visibly hurt and we assume most of them quit that night, and by milled in and out we mean they hurried off all quick cause we clearly made them nervous. The music was really good by the way, a couple cheap-ass speakers in plastic bags kept the morale up and totally stayed dry too! Someone said the prisoners were jamming cause they flicked lights and slammed windows to the beat, TURN UP! We were out there for mad long, like hours, and probably the prisoners hands were way tired from flicking so much lights & wailing on the windows the whole time

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

here’s an itemized list of choice “rowdy” moments:
*a giant banner that features a unicorn stabbing a police thru the heart (they got hearts?) reminding us that “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE”
*some people spray painted anti-prison slogans in bright purple on the snow face the prison
*parking lot signs and black flags turned into drums and drumsticks respectively
*the prison got a snowball makeover
*some cruisers had their detailing updated with new slogans including such favorites as “ACAB” “quit your job” & “you suck”
*when a cop finally pulled up and rolled down their window one person shouted “NO YOU CAN’T HAVE MY NUMBER’ while others behind drowned him out loudly yelling EWWWWWWWWWW until he finally gave up and drove away.
*later another cruiser pulled up to ask “what are you protesting?” which was answered: “Your bad breath” by one tall girl, then when the officer tried to intimidate her she turned away and laughed


This is the second year in a row that there’s been a noise demo at the Federal Detention Center in January, last year’s was for New Years Eve. The demo was almost entirely un-policed cause the cops were too cold to come out and be annoying, probably due to the fact that it was a TOTAL FUCKING BLIZZARD and we got that fire in our hearts (lol jk). Also a snowplow crashed into the front of the prison and everyone busted out, in solidarity. We hope we looked cute wilding out and having fun out front for the people inside because what is solidarity really?


Any chant is the right chant if you’re sassy and mean enough,
until every CO gets “sick” and dies
until the last cop is deafened by an airhorn
weaponize your hormones, mood swing some oppressors to death?

(メ`ロ´)/ some absurdist tall girls with t-shirts on their heads and malice up their butts ψ(*`ー´)ψ

PS: The other banners said “REVENGE” and “DESTROY CIS-IETY” because that’s how we feel too.

REST IN POWER #yourlifemattered

from Instagram

“Violence against transgender women, particularly transgender women of color, is an epidemic. At least 20 transgender women have been murdered so far in 2015, 18 of these women were women of color. Two of these murders happened in Philadelphia. Trans* women’s ability to live their lives is constantly threatened by brutal violence.


Stand with them”

March to End Rape Culture 2015

from facebook

This is an event to call for the end of Rape Culture. There will be speakers and a march. There will be poetry and live music. There will also be tables from local organizations to find out how you can get involved or get help. All survivors and allies welcomed!

Sponsoring Organizations: Pussy Division, Take Back the Night, Feminist Public Works, Project SAFE, PAVE Philly, Factory Girls, Philly NOW, SWOP, WOAR, Therapy Center of Philadelphia, Wooden Shoe Books, Progressive NAACP Temple Division, V.O.I.C.E., Women’s Law Project, Philly Queer Brunch, Drexel SAFE, Women’s Way, Trans* Wellness Project, Lutheran Settlement House, Philly Socialists, Girl Army, Women in Transition, Permanent Wave Philly, Food Not Bombs, Philly Survivor Support Network, Women Against Abuse

Join us on Saturday, October 3rd at 11am as we stand up to rape culture!

Thomas Paine Plaza (Across from Love Park) at 1401 JFK Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103

Bill Cosby Mural In Philadelphia Tagged, Then Painted Over

from Colorlines

The infamous “Father’s Day” mural in North Philadelphia, which was slated for expedited removal by the city, has been painted over as of Wednesday. The removal of the controversial mural, which prominently features Philadelphia native Bill Cosby alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela, didn’t happen quick enough to prevent numerous taggings, including one that prominently read “RAPIST.”

In photos provided to Colorlines and several other Philadelphia publications by a city resident who observed the mural’s status over several weeks, the mural’s tags are very prominent. The photo above shows the entire mural, including the other non-Cosby personalities, painted over.

The 2008 mural, which was slated for removal before sexual assault accusations against Cosby grew because of structural deficiencies, had its removal prioritized by the City of Philadelphia in light of mounting evidence that Cosby drugged and raped many women. The mural stood close to Temple University, Cosby’s alma mater; Andrea Constand, whose civil suit against Cosby produced the now-partially-unearthed deposition that has led many former allies to turn against the actor, met Cosby while she was a Temple University employee.