from facebook

We’ll throw a lil $ to the touring crew for travel expenses. The rest will go to legal defense funds for people in baltimore who’ve been arrested for standing up to racist cops. A large number of people are getting arrested and they’re going to need some serious bail $$$.

Baltimore Jail Support Number: (443) 814-9160

Here’s a link to share & donate to:

@ the mitten. send someone a msg if u need addy. [May 17 at 7pm]


from twitter [This event takes place in Washington DC]

first flier, print it out and spread the news!!

Embedded image permalink

Last Night in Baltimore

from anarchistnews

Unsurprisingly, corporate media covering Saturday’s events in Baltimore are covering up the extent of last nights riot. In our opinion primarily due to the fact that what took place was a direct result of the State’s complete tactical failure policing the streets. Were they to acknowledge what ACTUALLY happened would be to admit to all of America (as they were watching or reading on their screens) that they have no ability to control us when we really rage. They simply don’t have enough pigs.

No doubt we will see top level reshuffling of whoever orders the pigs around in Baltimore as a result, because they fucked up big time last night. Or we will be seeing the National Guard on the streets of Baltimore by next week.

The State is terrified of the possibility of this being THE trigger. The one they can’t contain.

On Saturday April 25th, the Baltimore Police Department along with the Maryland State Troopers had no control whatsoever of the vast majority of downtown Baltimore till well past midnight.

NYC: Anarchist Convergence

from facebook

With the appearance of a contemporary anti-state region in Rojava, the vehemence of recent anti-police movement across the US, and global disengagement with/mistrust in hierarchical governance, the time seems ripe for anarchist systems of organization. We would like to call this convergence so that geographically separated anarchists can meet face-to-face and discuss their projects and ideas for driving the movement forward. We want to welcome groups and spaces from out of town and look forward to learning from you and sharing the strategies behind NYC-based projects.

We’ll have a very brief spokes council where people can talk about the projects they are working on, and then we’ll break out and have an opportunity to talk casually and make connections with other people working in tandem.

[April 19 from 11am to 1:30pm at The Base 1302 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY]

NYC Anarchist Book Fair 2015

from anarchist book fair 2015

NEW YORK—Direct democracy, anarchism in immigrant New York, and the state-less revolution in war-torn northern Syria are just a few of the topics visitors can explore at the 9th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair, which is returning to Judson Memorial Church on Sat., April 18, 2015. This year’s book fair will host 19 talks, panels, and workshops devoted to anarchist theory, history, and the many ways that activists today are challenging the state and capitalism.


The Book Fair will take place from 11am to 6:15pm at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, in Manhattan. Although most presentations will be held at Judson Church, some will take place at the New School, 86 Fifth Avenue, a short walk north of Judson Church. The schedule of talks, panels, and workshops is posted at; please check the website for updates on times and locations.


“Today, millions of people around the world are tired of the state, of an economic system that benefits only the rich, of a political order that destroys communities, enforces racism and homophobia, and turns our lives into a Darwinian struggle,” says Rae Valentine, a book fair organizer. “Anarchism is an incredibly diverse movement reaching all corners of the world. This year’s Book Fair highlights people’s struggles from South Sudan to Native American nations to anti-fascist action in Europe. We’ll also be looking at the rich heritage of anarchism in New York and how anarchists are organizing in our city today.”


The NYC Anarchist Book Fair is free to the public. It provides a safe space for activists to meet and organize and where the anarcho-curious can get informed about the movement against capitalism and the State. The Book Fair will feature exhibits by over 60 anarchist publishers, artisans, and organizers.


For more information about the 2015 New York City Anarchist Book Fair, please email


Join us on Facebook and Twiter for upcoming information on participants and related events:

Facebook event:

Twitter: @NYCABF2015

To All Those Who Cant Breathe

A call by comrades in New York City


From Occupy to Ferguson

from Crimethinc.


In early 2011, in response to austerity measures, protesters occupied the capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin. It was a localized struggle, but it gained traction on the popular imagination out of all proportion to its size. This clearly indicated that something big was coming, and some of us even brainstormed about how to prepare for it—but all the same, the nationwide wave of Occupy a few months later caught us flat-footed.

Taking Insurrection too far?

from Taking Insurrection too far?

The manhunt for Eric Frein lasted nearly two months, draining the resources of both local and federal policing agencies as he quickly climbed to the FBI’s number one spot on their most wanted list. This came after his alleged September 12th ambush on Police Barracks in Pike County, PA. In Eric Frein’s own account from journals police recovered – “I Got a shot around 11 p.m. and took it. He dropped. I was surprised at how quickly he dropped. I took a follow-up shot on his head and neck area. He was still and quiet after that. Another cop approached the one I just shot. As he went to kneel, I took a shot at him and (he) jumped in the door. His legs were visible and still”.

Keystone United Exposed – Bob Gaus

from Philly Antifa

Note: This will be a regular feature. Check back for more updates about scum operating in our area.

Bob Gaus, KSS co-founder. Lives in Harrisburg.

Robert Gaus has been a Neo-Nazi bonehead since the late 80’s. He co-founded the Keystone State Skinheads (KSS), also known as Keystone United (KU) or the Be Active Front (BAF). We have written extensively on here about KSS and their members’ history of assault, rape and murder all while publically representing themselves as a non-violent organization.

Victory: KSS Quietly Cancels Leif Erikson Day Event, Rallies Against Immigration in Suburbs

reposted from Philly Antifa:Antifa Philadelphia

The Leif Erikson Day Celebration was an event held in Philadelphia every year since 2007 that brought Neo-Nazis from all over the country to our city under the guise of celebrating a Nordic Explorer.   It was, in reality, an attempt by the Keystone State “Skinheads” to hold a public presence in Philadelphia, if only for one day a year, while pushing their “family friendly” brand of Neo-Nazism.

Antifa Philadelphia is pleased to announce that, following their embarrassing defeat last year, KSS did not hold their Leif Erikson Day event in 2014, choosing instead to rally against illegal immigration in Mossic, PA alongside local republicans and militia members. Daryl from One People’s Project has more info about that event and a grassroots opposition already developing out there to KSS.

This is a significant victory. This event was a feather in the cap of KSS. In previous years it drew upwards of 75 hardcore Nazi Boneheads and some years it drew little to no opposition at all. Groups that had attended the event in the past included the Vinlanders Social Club, Blood and Honour, Advanced White Society, The Hated Skins, The Aryan Terror Brigade, Volksfront the Blood and Honour. Unlike most public events organized by Nazis, KSS was able to avoid large opposition to Leif Ericson Day by carefully hiding their real affiliations and goals. Until last year.

Antifa Philadelphia made it a goal to put a stop to Leif Erikson Day for good. We participated in a coalition of groups known as Residents Against Racism who rallied over 200 people to protest KSS. A blockade of Antifascists stopped the Nazis from holding their traditional “march” down Lemon Hill, forcing them to break ranks and be marched down hand in hand by Philly PD.  Sources within KSS tell us the event was considered a huge embarrassment and waste of resources by most of the Nazis who attended. But that was only the beginning.

Following LED, Antifa Philadelphia launched “Operation: Full Consequences.” We exposed almost every person who attended the event. We outed the band that played the after-party and who are Nazis themselves, Norsewind, and got them removed from at least one show, with more to come. We took the fight to KSS where they live and exposed them to their neighbors, driving one of their members to renounce the group entirely and another 2 members to move out of the city. It’s no surprise that when October rolled around again this year, KSS would quietly post a “Happy Leif Erikson Day” message on their blog with no mention of the event having ever existed.

It is important to recognize and savor these victories. However, this was just one battle in a war against racism and fascism. Antifa Philadelphia will continue to expose, oppose and confront these groups and their supporters. This fight can be won, and we intend to win.


Antifa Philadelphia