from It’s Going Down
Doylestown, Pennsylvania: Solidarity With The Teachers and Residents of Oaxaca! Keep The Fire Alive!
from It’s Going Down
We dropped a banner over a busy bypass outside of Doylestown, Pennsylvania. The banner reads “Solidarity with the teachers and residents of Oaxaca! Keep the fire alive!”
Today marks two months since the National Coordinating Body of Education Workers (CNTE) began the strike on May, 15. The teachers and residents of Oaxaca continue to fight against neoliberal educational reforms implemented by Enrique Peña Nieto. Since then, the Oaxaca community has faced fatal state repression and discrimination. We stand in solidarity with our compañerxs who continue to fight on the barricades. We extend our love and commemoration to the ones we have lost. Wherever we may be, we stand with you.
#Shutdown Berks — Mother’s Day Rally
from Anarchadelphia
[#Shutdown Berks — Mother’s Day Rally
Stand up for families – End family Detention in Pennsylvania
May 8, 2016 at 3:00pm
Location: Berks Family Detention Center
1040 Berks Road, Leesport, PA 19533]
Help Print and Distribute Fire to the Prisons #13
Help Print 10,000 Copies of Fire to the Prisons and Give Them out For Free!
In February 2015, we returned to publishing Fire to the Prisons. After a three year hiatus, we came back to this project with full force. Over a year later, we are happy to report that almost all of the 10,000 printed copies have been distributed across North America and abroad. Thanks to the support, donations, and contributions of comrades across the world, we were able to create a very loud voice.
Now, in 2016, we want to do it again.
We want to expand our coverage, scope, and the reach of the publication while remaining true to the spirit of Fire to the Prisons. We will continue with our long term commitment to counter-information, original writing and content, and the amplification of the anti-authoritarian/anti-prison/anti-repression struggle that you have come to expect from us.
We will have both a domestic and international voice this issue. While remaining true to reporting on repression and anti-prison resistance across the states, Canada, and Mexico, we have committed articles from abroad promising insight on struggles and happenings that will help to bridge and unify an array of social tensions through a mutual awareness and solidarity.
We truly want FTTP to become a global publication and one that links anarchists and other autonomous combatants together in a dialog about the commonalities that we all face, as well as a discussion on the actions and struggles that we can all engage in.
We will be covering the resurgence of fascism in mainstream American politics, as well as updates on communities resisting further eco-devastation across the states. We have committed articles from prisoners domestic and international. We have commitments from NYC Anarchist Black Cross to use the project as a resource for raising awareness on repression and prisoner status in North America. We will also focus on the pacification of favelas in Brazil, the current reality and history of anarchist struggle in Chile, and the refugee situation in Greece. We will have further reports on anti-police struggle across the United States, and will be continuing a tradition of news on broader prisoner strikes across America since our last issue. We are also intent on original articles on indigenous resistance in western Canada. Plus accounts and updates of the struggle in Rojava and general Kurdistan. Also all our featured articles will be available in Spanish for free on our website.
We are a committed collective. We are prepared to invest a lot of time and energy into producing this project, but we ask any and all sympathetic readers to help us with printing and distribution. by donating to our funding page. To print 10,000 copies of this it will cost us $2,000 dollars. While in the past we have had to ask people to pay the postage to our distributor, we would like to be able to send out more copies for free, to encourage broader distribution. We are asking for another $2,000 dollars for this. With maximizing our distribution efforts through contacts and friends across the world, we can distribute and mail out almost all of the new issues to anyone interested in distributing it. This leads us to asking for $4,000 dollars. We know this is an ambitious amount, and most likely those supporting us aren’t very wealthy, but it will absolutely secure this project, and help with the expansion of our readership. We hope that reaching out this way will put a dent into that fiscal goal, as our collective members are all working people.
We hope that in returning from our hiatus last year we have re-ignited a feeling of support for this project, and hopefully have reached a new generation of anarchists, revolutionaries, insurrectionists, radicals, and the generally angry and discontent. By taking part in our crowd funding, we also promise to ensure that you will receive copies of the magazine upon its completion.
While we have some content intended for our new issue, we are also very open to new ideas and submissions. We will be happy to hear from you via email at You can also read all of our old issues in pdf form on our website at:
We hope to make our next issue another success, and we hope to strengthen a global voice that generalizes resistance and tension to the global order that reigns upon us all.
The Scranton Radical Book Fair at Marywood University
from Scranton Radical Bookfair
A Day After Police-Involved Shootout Killed Man and Wounded Officer, Chester Mayor Urges Community to ‘Practice Patience’
from mainstream media
Chester’s mayor urged residents in his city to be patient and show restraint on Sunday, a day after a police-involved shootout left an officer injured, a man dead and a second man wounded.
During a news conference Sunday morning, Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland praised the hospital that saved Police Capt. Alan Davis’ life, offered prayers to the man injured in the shooting and asked that the community show restraint as authorities investigate the incident.
Davis was shot in the chest and arm. He was in stable condition on Sunday. Police have not identified the man who died in the shooting or the man who was wounded.
“If we go through the process, then the truth will be revealed,” Kirkland said. “So we’re asking the Chester community once again to practice restraint, practice patience and understand that once this is done … the truth will come out.”
The shootout began as a traffic stop when Chester Police responded to a report of a possibly stolen vehicle at Union and Parker streets just after 4 p.m. Saturday, officials said. When officers arrived, at least one person inside opened fire, according to authorities.
“When the officers tried to stop it they didn’t cooperate and there ended up being shots fired from the car and then back at the car,” said Chester Police Chief James Nolan.
Captain Davis and the second suspect, a 19-year-old man, were taken to the Crozer-Chester Medical Center. Davis, a 26-year veteran of the police force, is currently in stable condition. Family members of the 19-year-old man who were outside the hospital told NBC10 he is stable as well. They also claimed the man is innocent and that police “got the wrong car.”
A large crowd of community members gathered at the scene of the shooting Saturday evening. NBC10’s Randy Gyllenhaal reports a confrontation and fight occurred between police officers and some members of the crowd leading to pepper spray being used. Police told NBC10 the scuffle began when the crowd pushed up against the barrier as officials removed the man’s body from the scene. Police detained two people during the scuffle and say they have the situation under control.
Police continue to investigate the shooting. Residents told NBC10 they’re concerned about transparency during the investigation in light of another deadly police-involved shooting in February.
“The question is back to the police,” said Pastor Calvin Williams. “Who was at fault? Are ya’ll gonna tell the truth? All we want is the truth. We the people of the city of Chester, we want the truth this time.”
Shut Down Confederate Flag Day Rally Reportback
from Central PA Antifa
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
March 5th was declared a national day of honor for the Confederate battle flag by those who would seek to rewrite the history of the American Civil War to present the South as benign defenders of the nebulous idea of “States Rights”. To this end, the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans announced that they intended to conduct a ceremony honoring that symbol of oppression at the Eternal Peace Light Memorial in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Far from being an antiquated symbol relegated to the dustbin of history, the Confederate flag remains an inflammatory representative of the white supremacist and nationalist movements, and so anti-fascists in Central PA, Maryland and Eastern PA mobilized to counter the ceremony and provide a response to the erroneous argument that “the flag is about heritage, not hate.” In addition to Antifa elements, a local professor of history and Africana at Gettysburg College also coordinated a counter-rally that was attended by less militant anti-racist elements, and was staged in conjunction with the 15-20 individuals who arrived already dressed in black bloc.
The rally and counter-rally both secured permits from the National Parks Service permitting them to gather between 2:00 and 4:00 pm on Saturday. However, by 1:00 that afternoon many of the “flaggers” as well as the counter-protesters were already staging up and beginning to occupy the spaces designated for them by the Parks Service. These spaces were roped off by steel barricades and yellow rope, and there was a 50-75 yard “free speech zone” that the Parks Service Police explained was for “tourists”. They warned that no attendees from either side would be permitted to cross this neutral area under threat of arrest; however many Confederate flaggers were later permitted to do so, although several counter-protesters attempted to cross afterwards to highlight the double standards of enforcement and prove a point. These counter-protesters were met with immediate police responses, threatened with implied threats of arrests and turned back aggressively by the police.
The flag day ceremony was well-attended, with some estimates ranging to 200 people during their event. The counter-protest was slightly smaller, but made up for that by being significantly louder and very vocally aggressive in an effort to disrupt and disturb the racists. Displaying both black and black-and-red flags, as well as banners with slogans like “Northern Aggression” and “Your Heritage IS Hate”, the multi-regional coordinated efforts of the anti-fascists proved successful in drowning out the podium speakers with chants and megaphones, despite the large distance of separation between the two groups. The megaphones were utilized to great advantage by the counter-protesters, and even national media reported that the flag rally speakers were not able to be heard during their ceremony due to the continuous noise.
The flag day ceremony ended somewhat early in response to the constant chanting, shouting and disruption from the anti-fascist counter-protesters. The staging area for the counter-protest was directly in front of the parking lot and the road leading away from the monument, therefore all of the confederate apologists were forced to walk or drive past a victorious and enthusiastic crowd cheering them on as they were leaving. This resulted in some heated verbal exchanges as well as threats of physical violence from the Confederates, which were met with invitations to come to the other side of the line. Several face-to-face confrontations and shouting matches broke out, but the Park Police were quick to step in and maintain order. Predictably, the police were much less aggressive about preventing the flaggers from harassing counter-protesters on their way out, as well as enforcing the boundaries established before either protest began.
Because of this, counter-protesters held the ground until the majority of the flaggers had departed, and then arranged group escorts to provide security for all participants returning to their vehicles to ensure their safety and show solidarity. Although outnumbered approximately two-to-one, the four groups that allied were successful in their efforts to disrupt and confront racists in an area where racism is dominant. This shows that no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the setting, racism can be confronted and shut down with the right tactics and organization. Fascism should never be allowed a platform to spread racist and nationalist views, and every effort should be made to meet them in the streets whenever and wherever they decide to show up.
Reportback from Antifascist Demo Against “Americans First”
from It’s Going Down
On Saturday, February 6, 2016, a measly 15 self-proclaimed “patriots” from Americans First, a quasi-fascist group, held an “End Sharia Law in the US” rally. This is the latest in a string of rallies that Americans First have held in Central PA. In January, they held a rally outside of Church World Services, a refugee resettlement organization. In response, over 250 people in Lancaster came out to let Americans First know that hate will not be tolerated in their town.
In Reading, about 100 antifascists and others came out to deliver the same message. Despite having a slightly smaller crowd than in Lancaster, the Reading event was much more militant. The group took up a position immediately in front of the “patriots” and effectively shut down the entire event, chanting “Say it Loud, Say it Clear, Refugees are welcome here” and shouting down any attempts the fascists made to spout their bigoted views. Shortly after the event started the antifascists were joined by Make The Road, a Latino rights organization, who marched in to the sound of drums. Make The Road members delivered short speeches, played music, and sang songs for about an hour, making it very clear that they were not afraid of their racist, xenophobic opponents and would continue their social justice mission.
Despite the heated exchange between the fascists and antifascists, only one shoving match broke out, which elicited no response from the local police who were posted up on each end of the block. At one point, one of the “patriots”, a former military member and current Biker, President Dawg, in a bold move, stepped up looking to fight an antifascist who had damaged his fragile ego. Instead of backing down, the antifascists stepped up as a single unit to challenge this fascist thug, and he backed down. Antifa shut down the fascist Americans First, the second time they have been shut down in as many months. The fight is not over!
Nobody is Illegal!
Refugees Welcome!
Fascists and Racists Out!
Take Away From Reading, PA:
The rally in Reading, much like the rally in Lancaster, drew a lot of support in favor of refugees and in support of the Muslim population. However, Reading was much more militant than Lancaster was. This was due to the organizing efforts of antifascists that promoted militant tactics instead of leaving planning in the hands of the progressive church leaders as was done in Lancaster. It’s essential to squash any potential fascist organizing when it is small, before it grows in size and confidence to carry out physical assaults on their victims. Organizing antifascist resistance is extremely important!
There was little opportunity to reach out to the surrounding area. The location chosen by the fascists was in an area that received little foot traffic and was shielded from most car traffic. Greater outreach allows the spread of antifascist ideas and is able to combat the narrative pushed by these hate groups.
Additionally, we have begun an informal relationship with the members of the other organizations that joined us and will continue to build on those through participation with their events and campaigns.
Central PA Antifa can be found here.
ALERT ALERT SATURDAY 2/6: Racists Rally in Reading, Misogynists/Rape Advocates Rally in Philly
from Philly Antifa
Anti-Fascists in and around Eastern PA will have their dance card full this Saturday.
First up that morning, there is an Anti-Refugee rally being organized by whatever types of people want to be first in line to oppress and harass people fleeing for their lives under the banner of “America First: End Sharia Law.” IDAVOX has more info on their site , but the event has the endorsement of at least one PA “politician” Berks County Republican committeeman , and is likely to draw members of the Keystone State “Skinheads” and “3%ers” movement, a faction of the militia movement that have been in the news recently due to their involvement in the occupation of Malhuer National Wildlife Refuge, which is (of course) stolen Native land.
A counter protest has been announced by Central PA Antifa. Both rallies will take place at the Berks County Court house at Noon on Saturday 2/6/2016. Anyone who can get there to show support to our fellow Anti-Racists and Anti-Fascists should do so.
Finally, here in Philadelphia Saturday night, a demonstration has been called to counter a meetup by a group of internet troll misogynists and “Men’s Rights Activists” that is being organized by (among others) Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh.
Valizadeh runs a website called “Return of Kings” which specializes in Anti-Women vitriol but also features tons of Anti-GLBT and racist postings (Link is NOT to their stupid fucking site). Valizadeh has been quoted as saying he supports legalizing rape “on private property.”
The meetup is one of over 100 worldwide. If is an effort by Return of Kings members to move from strictly online crying to crying in person. Probably because of the inevitable beating these fools will receive, if not on Saturday then one day really soon.
If you were ever unfortunate enough to read their site, you know that these guys have no idea what they’re talking about. One article they had was literally just 60 sexist quotes from a book of sexist quotations written over 100 years ago as some kind of evidence of the age old wisdom of misogyny in an attempt to get everyone to roll back their concepts of gender and sexuality to the level of the most reactionary idiots publishing books during the McKinley presidency.
What it is about our society that makes us produce people who think they live in a world without consequences? Is it a fundamental misunderstanding of the intent and scope of “freedom of speech?” Who knows?
What is known is that the local Return of Kings meetup rally and redirect point is in Washington Square Park at 7:30pm Saturday night. A protest has been called at the park for the same time and location. Already Valizadeh is decrying the worldwide effort to shut down his events and (in this author’s opinion) laying the groundwork for what will inevitably be a lot of cancellations and last minute alterations.
Antifa Philadelphia hopes to see everyone in the streets this Saturday.
ALERT! Anti-Immigrant, Bonehead Connected Militia Group to Protest Syrian Refugees in Pennsylvania
from Idavox
633 Court St
Reading, PA 19601

It seems Pennsylvania’s anti-immigrant wing of the militia movement is trying to keep things on the down low when it comes to organizing public events, especially surrounding the activism against the Syrian refugees. Given the fact that they keep bringing neo-Nazi groups like the Keystone State “Skinheads” with them, not to mention the overwhelming opposition they see when they come out, we can understand why. Problem for them is the down low will not be afforded them when they come out this Saturday to the Berks County Courthouse. The event is called “Americans First: End Sharia Law in the USA” and John Rentschler, a Republican committeeman from Berks County, PA is pushing this hard among his people. And just like the other times, his hurdle is to convince people to not worry about those who would call them out as the bigoted fascists they are, writing in one post, “If you can’t bring yourself to stand up to the fear of offending someone or fear of name calling you will never break the bonds of tyranny and you are already a slave.” Thing is, the Facebook page for this event is secret so no outsiders can see it, so even he is afraid of what will go down. As well he should. When Rentschler & Co. came out to protest a church welcoming refugees in Lancaster last month, 200 persons came out to oppose his crew of 40, a number one of his participants called “pathetic”. In other words, people have made it clear they are not going to let this crowd move forward, and they are planning to come out to remind them once again.
Three Dead Anarchists of Philadelphia, and Why I stalk Them: a talk about the place of local history in today’s struggle
from facebook
For over 25 years, Robert Helms has researched anarchism’s “golden age” in Philadelphia. Working as an independent scholar, Helms has uncovered nearly all of what is known about two leading women anarchists who were active between 1889 and 1917, Natasha Notkin and Mary Hansen, and many important facts and texts by the well-known anarchist public intellectual Voltairine de Cleyre. Helms’ talk will describe the major events and activities of the anarchist milieu in Philadelphia during this period. Focusing on the lifetime commitments and sacrifices made for the cause by these three women, and how their personalities and the circumstances of their lives informed their radicalism, Helms will address the question of why local historical research is critical to our struggles to create a just and happy world.
He will discuss his methodology for conducting research, as well as the intense thrill a researcher has when they are the only person on earth who knows an amazing, true story of long-dead anarchists. We hope this event will spark discussion about how people can conduct this kind of research in their own communities, the best ways to share the histories and generate future workshops on research in the New York area.
[February 4th at Interference Archive 131 8th St, Brooklyn, NY]
Protesters march through Center City, into stores
from mainstream media
A group of demonstrators marched their way through Center City, entering stores and restaurants, to protest police brutality.
The marchers assembled around 5:00 p.m. Tuesday at Dilworth Park then began walking along Walnut Street toward Rittenhouse Square.
According to SEPTA Police Chief Thomas Nestel, the group entered such stores and restaurants as the Gap, the Apple store, and Devon Seafood Grill.
The protest made its way to 18th and Walnut before moving on toward City Hall. It came to an end around 7:00 p.m.
Action News reporter Dann Cuellar says the marchers were seeking justice for Brandon Tate-Brown and Freddie Gray.
Daryle Lamont Jenkins on the far right in the U.S. and an update on the Menard hunger strike
from The Final Straw
Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on September 28th, 2015 through October 3rd , then podcasting at Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM. The show will later be archived at TheFinalStrawRadio.NoBlogs.Org. You can email us at and you can send us mail at:
The Final Straw
c/o AshevilleFM
864 Haywood rd
Asheville, NC 28806
This week we’re speaking with Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project based in Philadelphia, PA. Mr Jenkins is a writer, activist, and committed anti fascist. This hour we’ll speak about the state of fascism in the US and how to approach dealing with fascists and racists in your community. We talk about the One People’s Project, its history, and its goals. Keep an eye out for their new website at to be up next month.
You can see our previous interview with Mr. Jenkins at The Final Straw’s website
To write to the One People’s Project, address letters to:
One People’s Project
PO BOX 42817
Philadelphia, PA 19101
For more about Ida B. Wells you can visit the wikipedia article about her
For information about the TORCH Antifa Conference in November 2015 you can visit their website
And for more about the 0161 Festival in England, you can visit their facebook link
Court Support for Freddie Grey Protesters
from facebook
PLEASE DEFEND THE RIGHT TO PROTEST @[null:#BLACKLIVESMATTER]! We need as many people as possible to get to the court by 8 a.m. sharp. There will be a picket line between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. at the request of Aljebu-Lan (Key) Marcus and Attorney J Wyndal Gordon, who are urging that the community do as much as possible to bring publicity to his case. If you cannot attend because of work or other difficulties please call States Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s office to ask that all charges be dropped @ 443-984-6000 or email,
The State has been adding charges to many of the defendants and Marcus now has additional charges of resisting arrest and interfering with an arrest on top of disorderly and failure to obey.
Both Marcus and Malachi are members of the Philly Coalition for Real Justice. Malachi is also a member of Action Against Black Genocide and Marcus is a member of the Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee. They were both arrested during the Saturday, April 25th protest in downtown Baltimore.
The State has been adding charges based on a horrific witch hunt of protesters and youth in the community so in many cases charges continue to change. At their last court date, the judge was handing out jail sentences on disorderly conduct charges, many times on very, very small charges to people who simply were in the wrong place at the wrong time. In addition, many of these defendants had very poor legal counsel.
We need to continue to demand AMNESTY FOR ALL YOUTH!
[September 8 at 8am at 700 E. Patapsco Ave. Baltimore]
Court Support for Freddie Grey Protesters
from facebook
PLEASE DEFEND THE RIGHT TO PROTEST @[null:#BLACKLIVESMATTER]! We need as many people as possible to get to the court by 8 a.m. sharp. There will be a picket line between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. at the request of Aljebu-Lan (Key) Marcus and Attorney J Wyndal Gordon, who are urging that the community do as much as possible to bring publicity to his case. If you cannot attend because of work or other difficulties please call States Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s office to ask that all charges be dropped @ 443-984-6000 or email,
[August 10 at 8am at 700 E. Patapsco Ave. Baltimore, MD]