Anarchist and Anti-Civilization Graffiti

from Instagram

Solidarity graffiti for the Vaughn 17


Spotted some paint in South Philly and Center City for the Vaughn 17.
Here is to those taking risks, inside the prison walls, and out!

Anti-Colonial Graffiti on Passyunk Square

from Instagram

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day from occupied Lenape land #nobordersnonations

Anti-Prison Graffiti near University Ave


In solidarity with the prison strike!
In solidarity with all prison rebels!
Death to all jailers!


Anti-Police Graffiti


No one likes a cop! “Burn down the police state”


Near the parkway Don’t forget it

Prison strike graffiti spotted around Philly


Fire to all cages, this week, and until they’re obsolete!!

Wild Wild West


Spotted this a couple weeks back. It has been buffed, but was glorious while it lasted.

Reads: “Welcome to wild West Philly (A)…All institutions are prisons…Fuck every prison (A)…Penn is shit”

Propaganda Against Amazon and for the Prison Strike

from Instagram

Prison Strike Graffiti in West Philly

from Instagram

Spotted on a ride through West Philly. All prisoners are political. #PrisonStrike #Solidarity

Remember the Anarchist Prisoners

from Instagram

Saw this in the street and haven’t seen it shared anywhere, so here ya go. #june11th

For Antwon


Saw this paint for Antwon Rose, murdered by the fuckin’ cops. It was in South Philly near Catharine st.
FTP forever.



Somebody spray painted the phrase “Police Killed 1194 People Last Year” on this creepy bizarre mural on the police station at 17th and Montgomery. Somebody would also like to say that it was fun and easy and that this wall lacks security cameras. lol



Spotted some graffiti around town and thought I’d share. Most of it was seen downtown. (last two borrowed from Here & Now Zines ig)

Daniel McMahon (Jack Palehorse Corbin) Gets a Home Visit and Flees US


After infiltrating fascist networks, learning of Jack Corbin’s real identity, and passing info to other antifascists in Philly to put out a true dox on Daniel McMahon, we decided to give Palehorse a home visit in Florida. Messages were left on Daniel’s home reminding him that “Philly ARA” (lol) can be anywhere and his poor old folks got a number of calls to let them know what their son is. Soon after, we noticed he stopped posting over 9000 things a day on his many social media accounts. Turns out he left the country then got mugged in a red-light district!
Keep in mind, putting out that dox on the real Jack Corbin and putting pressure on him personally completely ruins his whole praxis. He ascribes to some ghost internet warrior bullshit that requires him to stay anonymous. He talks more on various social media about how great Europe is, why American morons should consider fleeing to Europe, and that he’s taking a break from outting antifa.
So that’s 3 fascist fucks Philly antifascists have driven from the fuckin’ country.
The very real Philly ARA

Have a Great Summer :)


We would like to claim the following attacks between February 2018 and April 2018

We sabotaged between 20-30 ATMs with glue, pvc cards, and spraypaint
12 yuppie bike rentals were destroyed using glue, pvc cards, and spraypaint
Anti-gentrification graffiti was used to attack different construction sites in North Philadelphia in solidarity with community members fighting back against Temple University’s plans to build a massive stadium
Maybe best of all, each OCF coffee was mysteriously hit with a few pounds of concrete flushed down their toilets. We hope Ori knows a good plumber ????

Have a great summer
-Summer of Rage preseason softball team