Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements

from facebook

With author Chris Dixon

Recent decades have seen the exciting convergence of anti-authoritarian radicalism and broader-based movements in the U.S. and Canada. From this convergence, a growing set of activists – from anti-poverty organizers in Toronto to prison abolitionists in Oakland, from occupy activists in New York to migrant justice organizers in Vancouver – are developing shared politics and practices. They are building “another politics,” to use a Zapatista expression. These efforts combine anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anti-oppression politics with grassroots organizing among ordinary, non-activist people. Drawing on interviews with organizers across North America, this presentation will explore another politics and distill lessons for building effective, visionary movements.

More info about the book:

Chris Dixon, originally from Alaska, is a longtime anarchist organizer, writer, and educator with a PhD from the University of California at Santa Cruz. His writing has appeared in numerous book collections as well as periodicals such as Anarchist Studies, Clamor, Left Turn, and Social Movement Studies. He serves on the board of the Institute for Anarchist Studies and the advisory board for the activist journal Upping the Anti. Dixon lives in Ottawa, Canada, on unceded Algonquin Territory, where he is involved in anti-poverty organizing. Find him at:

[March 29 from 7-9pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Compañeras: Zapatista Women’s Stories

from facebook

with author Hilary Klein

Compañeras is the untold story of women’s involvement in the Zapatista movement, the indigenous rebellion that has inspired grassroots activists around the world for over two decades. Gathered here are the stories of grandmothers, mothers, and daughters who became guerrilla insurgents and political leaders, educators and healers—who worked collectively to construct a new society of dignity and justice. Compañeras shows us how, after centuries of oppression, a few voices of dissent became a force of thousands, how a woman once confined to her kitchen rose to conduct peace negotiations with the Mexican government, and how hundreds of women overcame engrained hardships to strengthen their communities from within.

[March 12 at 7-9pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

film schedule for screenings at wooden shoe books for march

from anarchadelphia

all in honour of international womyn’s day on march 8th…please come out and show your support.
all films are free and begin at 7pm.

international womyn’s day sunday march 8th- free tiller
2013 documentary that follows the only 4 remaining doctors in the united states who openly perform late term abortions.this film was an official selection for the 2013 sundance film festival.

wednesday march 11th- no woman,no cry
pregnancy is a death sentence for more than half a million womyn every year,but their deaths would be preventable if they could obtain the healthcare they needed.this documentary focuses on the personal stories behind those statistics

wednesday march 18th- the punk singer
Filmmaker Sini Anderson explores the life and career of punk rocker Kathleen Hanna, the Bikini Kill frontwomyn who became a pioneer of the “riot grrrl” movement of the 1990s.

wednesday march 25th- 2 short films-

the semiotics of the kitchen-a feminist parody video and performance piece released in 1975 by Martha Rosler. The video, which runs six minutes, is considered a critique of the commodified versions of traditional womyn’s roles in modern society.

free white and 21 by howardena pindell-in this deeply personal and political video, Howardena Pindell recounts the racism she encountered both as a child and an adult in educational institutions, …

please spread this info widely…
love and rage.

What is white supremacy? A Teach-in, Q&A, and Discussion

from facebook

White supremacy is one of those things we think we might know all about, but do we really? Over the past 500 years white supremacy has been a force that has shaped countless lives, yet it is a topic rarely discussed by the general population. How can a topic that is rarely talked about be well understood?

The recent uproar over Arizona State’s The Problem With Whiteness course shows us that in depth discussions and study of white supremacy as a social force are taking place in the academy. These sort of discussions should be available to everyone.

We will hear two presentations; one from Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project, and another from Philly Antifa followed by a Q&A and a facilitated discussion. Both One People’s Project and Philly Antifa are actively working to expose and thwart the agenda of white supremacist organizations both here in the tri-state area and beyond.

Daryle will go into detail about how the white supremacist agenda fits into recent events, including the non-indictments of killer cops and the phenomenon of pro-police rallies. Philly Antifa will give an overview of their work and will show us how to recognize white supremacist symbols and code words.

We will also explore the subtle differences between crude white supremacy (KKK, neo-Nazi’s, etc) and the more invisible white supremacy that functions on the every day systemic level.

One other thing to keep in mind going into this event, and something that should be of unique concern, is the fact that white supremacists hold high positions in the federal government. This past December it was revealed that Congressman and majority whip Steve Scalise gave a speech to the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), a notorious white supremacist group founded by former KKK leader David Duke. After this scandal broke, David Duke threatened to expose other high ranking government officials with white supremacist ties if investigations against Scalise proceeded. The story has since disappeared from the headlines.

February 21st, 6pm
4722 Baltimore Avenue
Light refreshments will be provided

Please email with any questions or concerns

Sponsored by One People’s Project, Philly Antifa, and Deep Green Philly

Philadelphia to Host 2016 Democratic National Convention

from mainstream media

The 2016 Democratic National Convention will be held in Philadelphia, party leaders announced Thursday.

Philadelphia beat out two rival cities for the chance to host the party’s nominating convention in July 2016. Both Brooklyn and Columbus, Ohio, were in the running through the final round of the bidding process.

Huey P. Newton Film Festival

from facebook

Highlighting Huey P. Newton, his major contribution to the Black Panther Party and his influence on the world. HPN Film Festival will display original art work, photos, and screening of the movie.

[February 20th 5-9pm at Gilberts Shoes 1652 Ridge Ave]

Make Valentines for Political Prisoners (& your loved ones)

from facebook

Participate in the fun and important tradition of sending love to Political Prisoners for Valentines Day! Come to the A-Space Anarchist Community Center to make Valentines and send some warm thoughts and wishes to people who are in prison due to their dedication to the struggle for justice. You are also welcome to make Valentines for your loved ones – anyone who needs a little love!

[February 7th 3-5pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Antipolice Brutality Benefit Show!

From Facebook

Philly Red Barns is courteously opening it’s doors for a 3 local band benefit show! All donations will go to fund national league defense for antipolice brutality protesters. Let’s do something positive party peeps! Rock out, talk, burn fires, and have fun!

With Friends:

⚡️Pushin’ it 2 the Limit⚡️
now with lightning

The ATM Machine
punk as funk cool cats

The Invasive Species
pretty jangly punkfuck

Contact for address!
Be at the Barn
Donate $5 for the Benefit

[January 9th 8pm]

Grounded in Resistance Winter Speaking Tour: Grassroots Mobilizing for Animal Liberation

reposted from Grounded in ResistanceAnimals in captivity or whose habitats are being destroyed live in a constant state of resistance. When their lives are threatened, they kick and bite and scream. When their homes are taken, they attempt to rebuild and regroup. When they are confined, they desperately grasp for an existence beyond captivity. Animals fight to live, to be wild, and to be free, and their fight is always urgent. If we are fighting in solidarity with animals, where is our urgency? What are we missing in our movement for animal liberation?

An effective movement for animal liberation must challenge the systems in which animal use is rooted — capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy. Our organizing must be informed by solidarity and inspired by the passion with which animals fight. We need a path forward that is forged through on-the-ground actions, movement building, strategic campaigning, a diversity of tactics, and coalition organizing. We need a movement that is grounded in the urgency of the animals’ own resistance.

Join us for a presentation and discussion about effectively resisting the use of animals and embracing the urgency of the fight for animal liberation. We will explore the recent history of animal advocacy and share our experiences of organizing within the context of the current state of the movement, and discuss ideas about how we can work together for a stronger animal liberation movement — a movement that is driven by grassroots activism, resistance against all of the systems that support animal exploitation, and solidarity with the animals and others who fight for liberation and self-determination. We will also share our plans for next summer and invite you to take part. We are working to create a summer of regional campaign development and nationwide mobilization of grassroots activists, and we look forward to talking with you about how your community wants to be involved.

Tour Schedule:

Dec 13: Bay Area
Dec 14: Southern California
Dec 16: Phoenix, AZ
Dec 18: Denver, CO
Dec 20: Salt Lake City, UT
Dec 22: Reno, NV
Dec 31: Florence, MA
Jan 2: Philadelphia, PA & Washington, DC
Jan 4: Charleston, SC
Jan 5: Gainesville, FL
Jan 7: South Florida
Jan 9: Dallas, TX
Jan 11: Seattle, WA

Contact us:

[January 2nd, 12pm to 2pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South Street]

A Benefit Show in Solidarity with North Americans Against a Police State

from Facebook

*The proceeds for this show are going to be donated to North Americans Against A Police State. NAAPS are doing a benefit concert to raise money for the children and grandchildren of Eric Garner, a Staten Island resident who was murdered by police, and this show is being run in solidarity with them.

Philadelphia Healing Justice Space–Fundraiser for Ferguson Bail and Support Fund

from Facebook

[Saturday December 20th 3-6pm
Central Plexus 51st & Kingsessing]

Each day it becomes more clear that in america, Black life only has value to Black people. In light of this reality, it becomes more important for healers to tend to our fragile community, and create the internal change that sustains movement building.

Five Black healers offering their services in support the Ferguson Bail and Support Fund as part of a coordinated effort taking place across North America. More info below.

This event is open to people of all races.

Peace Park Fireside Series: Revolutionary Bonfire and Conversation

From Peace Park Fireside Series: Revolutionary Bonfire and Conversation

This is the first event in a conversation and networking series the North Philly Peace Park will be hosting over the coming months.

Sunday, December 14th — Noon to 5 PM

This event is a Potluck so please bring something to share.

In light of all that has been happening in the world, and continues to happen, from Ferguson to the exploding wealth gap to Climate Change to the 43 dead students in Mexico (and so much more), we at the North Philly Peace Park wish to bring together concerned human beings of all stripes for a day (the first in a series) of discussion, networking, and building that is focused on revolution. Is a revolution against the dominant paradigm necessary? How might it look? Or are we a part of one that is already underway? Can we control our own destiny? What do we want our society to look like? How can we achieve this?

Let’s come together and talk about what is really going on in this world. The North Philly Peace Park is not just a community garden that has a badass Earthship, it’s a space for ideas, free thinking, and imagination.

This event will be facilitated.

What to bring:
-Food or drink to share with all
-Your own bowls/plates/utensils/cups so we can limit waste (bring extra if you can!)
-Notebook/pen and business cards to exchange contact information with people you meet
-Dress warm

The fate of the planet hangs in the balance. Come join us.

[The North Philly Peace Park is located at 2400 Bolton Street]

Locked Down, Locked Out with author Maya Schenwar

From Decarcerate PA

Decarcerate PA and Wooden Shoe Books presents…

Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn’t Work and How We Can Do Better looks at how prison tears families and communities apart, creating a rippling effect that touches every corner of our society. Through the stories of prisoners and their families, as well as her own family’s experience of her sister’s incarceration, Schenwar shows how the institution that locks up 2.3 million Americans—and decimates poor communities of color—is shredding the ties that, if nurtured, could foster real collective safety.

The destruction does not end upon exiting the prison walls: the 95 percent of prisoners who are released emerge with even fewer economic opportunities and fewer human connections on the outside than before. Locked Down, Locked Out shows how incarceration takes away the very things that might enable people to build better lives.

Looking toward a future beyond imprisonment, Schenwar profiles community-based initiatives that foster antiracist, anticlassist, prohumanity approaches to justice. These programs successfully deal with problems—both individual harm and larger social wrongs—through connection rather than isolation, moving toward a safer, freer future for all of us.

“This book has the power to transform hearts and minds, opening us to new ways of imagining what justice can mean for individuals, families, communities and our nation as a whole.” -Michelle Alexander, Author of The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

Maya Schenwar is Editor-in-Chief of Truthout, an independent social justice news website. She has written about the prison-industrial complex for Truthout, The New York Times, The Guardian, The New Jersey Star-Ledger, Ms. Magazine, Prison Legal News, and others. She is the recipient of a Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Chi Award and a Lannan Residency Fellowship, both for her writing on prisons. Previous to her work at Truthout, Maya was Contributing Editor at Punk Planet magazine and served as media coordinator for Voices for Creative Nonviolence.

Sunday December 7th
Wooden Shoe Books
704 South St


Beehive Design Collective presentation: Mesoamerica Resiste

from Beehive Design Collective presentation: Mesoamerica Resiste

Please join us Saturday, November 22nd at 7pm for a special arts and storytelling performance. Free and open to all ages. [At Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Members of the Beehive Collective (based in Maine) will present their latest graphic work, entitled Mesoamérica Resiste. It is the third and final image in the Beehive’s trilogy about globalization in the Americas, focusing on resistance to mega-infrastructure projects that are literally paving the way for free trade agreements that devastate local economies and communities. After nine years in the making, the Bees are now touring and distributing posters of the graphic as tools for storytelling, popular education and movement building.

The Beehive Design Collective is an arts and activism organization. This dizzyingly detailed, hand-drawn, 300-square foot mural comes alive through storytelling, illuminating how single issues are interconnected and part of bigger systems. With a cast of characters that includes over 400 species of insects, animals, and plants, the Bees share stories of collective action and inspiration.

For more information, visit

Holiday Cards to Prisoners!! People’s Paper Co-op and Decarcerate PA

from Holiday Cards to Prisoners!! People’s Paper Co-op and Decarcerate PA

[November 18th 6pm-8pm

Temple Contemporary 2001 N 13th St, Philly]

Please join the People’s Paper Co-op and Expungement Project Decarcerate PA and Temple Contemporary for a rare night of paper making, letter writing, and reflections from former prisoners and criminal justice reform activists.

Hear amazing speakers, make paper, and send holiday cards for prisoners to mail to their families and friends!

The People’s Paper Co-op has been working with Temple students and community members to create hundreds of handmade blank paper cards. During the event we will be packaging these cards and sending them to prisoners across Pennsylvania. These cards can be used by prisoners to send something special, something that took many hands and a transformative process to make, to their friends or family members. This will create points of exchange across the state while acting as a vehicle for bringing students, former prisoners, and community activists together to discuss these issues.
