Posters Around Philly

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Philly J20 Solidarity Financial Support Fund

Donate Here

Please donate to Philadelphia area residents who were wrongfully arrested during the January 20th inauguration protests in Washington DC. All funds raised will help pay for defendants’ legal fees, transit and housing costs.

This fund is being used to support people from the Philadelphia region who were wrongfully mass arrested during demonstrations in Washington DC on the day of Trump’s inauguration. On that day, Metro DC police attacked and cornered a large crowd of protestors with brutal, excessive force. Prolonged detainment and mistreatment over the course of 36 hours culminated in an evidence-less blanket felony charge on each of the 230 innocent demonstrators. These antagonistic actions by the state signal a dangerous intent to intimidate and discourage future protest from taking place. All charges should be immediately dropped, and the repression should end now.

Astronomical court and lawyer costs, as well as travel and housing expenses place substantial financial hardships on protestors dealing with baseless felony charges. Backing this fund not only supports those who were unjustly arrested, each donation is also an act of solidarity for those directly under threat from the police simply for their political affiliation and public expression of resistance. These cases will likely set a precedent for the way the Trump administration will handle protest throughout his four year term.

Your donation will directly assist those arrested by allowing defendants to alleviate the financial burdens imposed on them from court, lawyer, travel, and housing costs.

photos from no more presidents


[More images below the cut]

Philly J20 Report Back

from It’s Going Down

It’s not because Trump won. Its not because Hillary lost. Its because fuck all this. Its because the world is burning and the only way to ignore it is to side with the death culture– turning life into commodities. Trump is merely today’s incarnation of “democracy;” the logical extensions of capitalism, imperialism white supremacy, patriarchy, and all the systems that undergird “democracy” under any president. Because democracy is synonymous with capture. Because its all supposed to happen like this. In four or eight more years a new figurehead of the same system to march around blocks about. Because shits not working, folks.

As if we think broken windows and spray paint will change any of it. Of course it won’t. No window will ever be enough. No march, no rally, no bloc, no president. can we take seriously anything nowadays? Are we seriously still debating violence vs. non-violence. Property vs. life. Its farcical. The “system”, “protest”… Laughable, and yet dire, with real consequences for land, animals, people. Because actually, we’re dying. Because amidst all the rhetoric of hope, the closest glimpse we see sometimes is in people willing to throw down for each other- for some vision, fractured as it may be, that we can fight back, that we can be fearless, that we can strike, be ungovernable, remind ourselves, if no one else, that some part of our minds and bodies hasn’t yet been domesticated by our masters. It could be 100,000 people evicting the halls of D.C. – and would be a resurrection from suffocation, but instead, 100 here, 50 there… we are a death gasp. Signs of life in a dying body.

Signs of life in philly. 40 rebels affiliated only by our actions; no group, no platform. 20 minutes in the streets of one of philly’s most cop-friendly areas at 7pm on a busy friday night thoroughfare. Our rage left dripping from walls, shattered across sidewalks, and left upon cars, gentry property, peddlers of bourgeois excess, banks, atms, symbols of the capital that survives off the life of everyone. More life breathed into our bloc by the vast support of onlookers, who joined in; “fists up, fight back”, “kill your local fascist” (of which south philly is a haven), “a-anti-anticapitalista” etc. Shit got got. If your shit got hit, remember its not about you. Its bigger than you because, fuck all of this, right? Because, Everything.

As we disbanded safely before the lurking eyes of police, a shout, “its been real great, see you all next time!” And everyone faded back into the precarious turbulence.

In Solidarity with D.C. Rebels and Blockaders
In Solidarity with Indigenous Freedom Fighters
In Solidarity with everyone stepping it up in 2017

A “No More Presidents” Reportback


On J20, around 50 of us masked up and took down South St.  We wanted to set a tone of resistance against the Trump regime and the ruling class for the years to come.  There were chants of “Good Night Alt Right” and antifascist flags and banners. The OCF Coffee house was smashed while people spray painted windows along the street.  Bank of America took a paint bomb.  As we moved along, more windows were tagged and shattered.  There was a brief discussion before we turned off South St and started pulling baricades into the road, knowing the cops had to be close by, being earily absent so far.  When they did show, we split, the obstacles slowing them down enough for everyone to get away.
This shit is officially still possible in Philly.  Affinity groups can come together in direct, violent, contempt against the business of gentrification and the moneyed masters funding attacks on indigenous peoples.  For all those arrested on J20 and all those still fighting the Black Snake.

Expect more.




[January 20
6:30pm sharp
South East corner of Washington Square Park]

#J20 Posters Around Town

from Instagram

from Instagram

from Instagram

from Instagram

Anti-Authoritarian Assembly

from Facebook

A second post-election assembly has been called for this Saturday. This is an opportunity to hear about new and ongoing projects, report back on events, share information and deepen analyses and strategies as we prepare for Trump’s inauguration and move forward into the new year.

Since this is an anti-authoritarian assembly, it will not provide a platform for political parties. Additionally, the assembly will not provide space for discussions of political or economic reform. Displays of oppressive behavior will be confronted and opposed.

This assembly is not a decision-making body. It is a space to increase coordination, communication and discuss what we would like to see in the future.

This is an open assembly, please help maintain a culture of security, as we cannot promise a cop and snitch free environment.

LAVA is a wheelchair-accessible space (with a small ramp to enter) and has an ADA approved, gender-neutral bathroom.

Saturday, January 14
LAVA Space
4134 Lancaster Ave

Winter Cook-In and Reading and Visual Art Reception and Benefit

from Facebook


Bundle up your winter britches and come out to South Philly for food, readers, visual art and music!

This event will be an occasion for people to fill their bellies, meet or re-connect with each other, check out some visual art pieces, and listen to some next level readers who will open up perspectives and spark discussions about what’s to be done in the present moment as well as the immediate and long-term future. There will be an open mic at the end of the readings for people to present their writings or thoughts, either prepared beforehand, in response to the readers, or thought up on the spot.

There will be food with vegan and gluten-free options. Just bring some money$ – no one will be turned away for lack of funds but there is a suggested donation of $5+ which will go toward legal fees for anti-inauguration protesters on January 20.

This is the first of what we hope will be more events which will take place both here and in other places across the city.

Food and art reception begins at 11am, readings start at 1pm sharp.

We unfortunately live in a world where this does not go without saying: This event will be held in a safer space – ableism, homophobia, misogyny, racism, transphobia, and other oppressive language or behavior will be confronted and their vessels booted.

Accessibility: Everything will take place on the first floor, which has a bathroom. There are two steps into the front door and people available to assist folks who need help getting in. If you have a question or feel that something more should be mentioned here, feel free to message a host! ♥

[January 14 11am to 4pm, readings at 1pm South Philly contact january14benefit@gmail for address]