Long Live Camp White Pine: A Call for Solidarity Actions!

from It’s Going Down

At approximately 6:00AM on Sunday, April 8th, in a move that can only be described as cowardly, tree-clearing crews from Energy Transfer Partners sneaked onto the Gerharts’ homestead in so-called Huntingdon, PA (occupied Susquehannock, Lenape, and Shawnee territory) without warning and removed three trees with aerial platforms from the route of the Mariner East 2 natural gas liquids pipeline.

Over the past two years, since work crews first showed up at the Gerharts’ property to clear the easement, these trees and platforms, along with the fierce forest defenders who occupied them, have become known as Camp White Pine. During that time, defenders have stalled the dangerous ME2 pipeline expansion, preventing Energy Transfer Partners from finishing their tree-clearing and throwing a major wrench in the works for the completion of this unsafe and unnecessary infrastructure project.  Even though these aerial blockades have been removed, Camp White Pine is most certainly not out of the fight. As the old adage goes, “They tried to bury us. They did not know we were seeds.”

It is clear from ETP’s course of action that they have been intensively surveilling camp to gather information and to know when best to strike. Their documented tactics over the past two years (as well as those of private security contractor TigerSwan) include illegal fly-overs (by plane, helicopter, and drone), thermal imaging scans, paid infiltrators, trespassing, and a violent smear campaign that prompted death threats to local landowners and community members.

It is surprising, therefore, that ETP has yet to realize the conviction and resolve of those opposed to this pipeline and the fossil fuel industry as a whole. The tree-sits at Camp White Pine were certainly a major aspect of this camp, but they were not the only tactic available to us.

While we take this time to reassess and strategically evaluate our options, Camp White Pine calls for solidarity actions! Energy Transfer Partners thinks that they have struck a decisive blow against us. They have not.

This fight is nowhere near over. We must place this struggle within the context of centuries-long resistance to colonialism, extraction, and abuse of the natural world.

The Mariner East 2 pipeline, a 350+ mile long natural gas liquids export project, is already 18 months behind schedule.  To date, there has been permit suspensions and mandatory work stoppages, spills and sinkholes resulting in ground and drinking water contamination, a 12.7 million dollar civil penalty, and other accidents during construction resulting in a hundred plus violations. Despite this, and in the face of widespread opposition to the project, ETP continues to blunder its way through construction, putting mountains, waterways, communities, and ecosystems in danger in the process.  Now is the time to escalate that opposition and force ETP out of existence. Camp White Pine is calling for direct actions, banner drops, demonstrations, and more!  Plant a tree! Stop a pipeline! Organize your community! We must show Energy Transfer Partners that we will not stop until the Mariner East 2 project is completely laid to rest!

Pipeline Sabotage


Early last week, we made the two tractors that Energy Transfer Partners was using to construct the Mariner East 2 pipeline near Exton, PA inoperative by cutting their hoses and electrical wires, cutting off valve stems to deflate the tires, introducing sand into their systems, putting potatoes in the exhaust pipes, using contact cement to close off the machines’ panels and fuel tanks, and a variety of other mischievous improvised sabotage techniques.

We feel called to fight for the natural world and would be lazy to submit to the demise of the earth, animal and self by not fighting against its destruction by machines and corporations who seek to kill it for capitalist growth. It was surprisingly easy and brought us so much joy. We’ve read since that ETP has had to acknowledge the damage, which they are usually careful to cover up, and see that this wreck of a project could be seriously compromised by the proliferation of more actions like these.

For those restless, angry warriors out there, we hope you find similar happiness in destroying little by little the tools of this capitalist settler-colonial nation. Death to colonization and capitalism… Shout out to everyone out there still attacking in spite of repression and grief.

Pretty Vandalism


These photos were taken by me, friends, or stolen from the internet. They are of graffiti, stickers, and window smashings around town. To my knowledge none of these acts were claimed with communiques. I do not know the intentions of whoever carried them out but they lift my mood, and bring some joy to my day. I share them here to remind myself and anyone reading what is possible, to generate inspiration, and to help spread the disorder of the city to those who might not have the good fortune to stroll by it as they go about their day.

The broken windows are at Swirl Cafe in West Philly (attacked twice!) and OCF Realty in South Philly.

All these photos are from the last few months. Each photo (with the exception of those taken from the internet) have been cropped and all of them had their metadata removed to avoid identifying the cameras they were taken with.

Vandals strike Christopher Columbus statues across NJ

from Mainstream Media
CAMDEN – Two Christopher Columbus statues  in Camden County were among several targeted in a statewide vandalism spree, officials say.
Vandals daubed paint on monuments to the Italian explorer in Cooper River Park, Pennsauken, and Farnham Park in Camden, said Dan Keashen, spokesman for the Camden County Police Department.
“My understanding is that this was a statewide event,” he said.
The vandalism was discovered Monday, and crews cleaned the Camden County statues Tuesday morning.
Statues also were struck in Atlantic and Bergen counties, said Dominick Burzichelli, president of New Jersey Order Sons of Italy in America.In Bergen County, red paint was smeared on a pair of Christopher Columbus statues in two parks in the city of Garfield on Sunday, authorities said.
from Mainstream Media

A Christopher Columbus statue in Trenton’s Chambersburg neighborhood has become at least the fourth of the explorer’s likeness to be vandalized in New Jersey this week.

Lawmakers, officials and residents discussed the colonizer’s place in American history on Columbus Day in October.

Many lumped Columbus and his statues in with other historical figures that were being defaced across the country because of their ties to slavery and marginalization of certain racial groups.

A letter left at the statue in Trenton’s Columbus Park titled “F–k your new world” explains that the writers feel communities can be hurt by “progress that is quickly swallowing neighborhoods across the country.”

The note also says the group will be acting on Columbus statues throughout the state. It was signed, “Lovingly, NJ Anti-Facists.”

A statue in Dahnert’s Lake County Park in Garfield and two in Camden County were also splattered with red paint at some point in the last four days.

Whose Land Are We Fighting For? A Critique of Leftist Attempts to Engage the “White Working Class”

from Tubman-Brown Organization

By Bonny Wells

Right wing militias have been part of the US political landscape since at least the 1980s. The ideology that guides them, a combination of patriotism, capitalism, religious fervor, and white supremacy, has also been attributed to “lone wolf” attacks like the Oklahoma City bombing and the massacre in Waco, Texas (Kimmel and Ferber, 2000). There are more recent examples as well: In 2013, the town of Gilbertson, Pennsylvania was effectively seized by the police chief Mark Kessler, who also headed the Constitution Security Force[1]. In 2014, the armed standoff at the Bureau of Land Management by Cliven Bundy and his family put militias on the national stage again, as he was connected to the sovereign citizen movement and, by extension, the Oath Keepers Militia. Most recently, a standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge from January 2nd-February 11th, 2016 returned the Bundy family to the public eye (Ammon Bundy was present at the Oregon Standoff). These movements are based on a particular narrative about control of land, which contributes to associated beliefs about the intrusiveness of the federal government and movements toward state sovereignty. While only one of the above incidents was directly carried out by a militia, the sentiments that inform right-wing militia activity undergird all of the conflicts: white settlers using any means necessary to control territory. At the same time, organizations on the political left have renewed their efforts to engage with right wing militias and find a common cause against the state. This paper will examine these efforts, as well as theoretical analyses of the position of white settlers, in order to assess these organizing efforts.

Understanding these narratives is useful at this moment in U.S. politics. In the months leading up to and following the election of Donald Trump, numerous articles[2] were written attempting to understand the mentality of the so-called “white working class”-rural, low income white people in areas that are economically depressed and have been neglected by politicians and institutions. Writers attributed Trump’s success to several factors, but racism and economic depression consistently topped the list[3]. In many cases, “economic anxiety” arguments were used to refute or complicate the notion that white rural voters were motivated by Trump’s racist, xenophobic and misogynistic platform. While responses to Trump’s election ranged from sympathetic to vindictive, they all pointed to the failure of existing institutions to redress economic exploitation and vulnerability. Neither major political party has the will nor the capacity to provide basic economic support for these people.

The framing of Trump voters as uniquely racist shifts the responsibility for white supremacy from white progressives, who prefer to see themselves as “good” or “antiracist” white people, to people comfortable with the most vulgar display of a set of values that is for the most part shared by white people across the political spectrum. This is further complicated by even more deeply assured white communists, socialists, and anarchists, who frequently deride white liberals for evading their role in white supremacy while insisting that the violent racial resentment of a prototypical Trump supporter would be best addressed by a combination of radical economic redistribution and stringent social conditioning (by which I refer to the militant “no platform”, direct physical confrontation approach favored by antifascist organizations).

A program of radical wealth redistribution is a significant improvement over liberals’ approach to racism as an individual attitude problem to be repaired through endless discussion and recognition, without any effort to address systematic racism or violent capitalist exploitation. However, anarchist and communist responses often fall short of directly confronting the white relationship to land and wealth in the United States. These tendencies argue that working class white people have been conditioned by wealthy white people to fight with working class people of color to fight for the scraps of unequally distributed wealth. In its less sophisticated forms, this argument states that poor white people have been manipulated by their wealthy counterparts to “work against their own class interests”-wealth redistribution that would benefit working people of all races equally.

Communists and anarchists have identified this political moment as an opportunity to radicalize poor white people and engage them in anti-capitalist and anti-racist activism. One such group is Redneck Revolt, a nationwide group formed specifically to bring poor white people to the radical left. Some chapters also form armed self-defense groups under the banner of the “John Brown Gun Club”. The objectives of Redneck Revolt are multifaceted[4], but a key component is the effort to converse with and educate poor white people and to offer an alternative to white nationalist groups, who have also consciously incorporated anti-capitalist rhetoric in their platform[5]. While they are one of the most notable examples, Redneck Revolt is part of a broader radical fascination with the aesthetics and popular culture of poor white people.

This type of organizing leads to strange bedfellows, or at least attempted alliances that other groups on the left might not consider. Recently, Redneck Revolt has been encouraged by the testimony of Peter, a former member of the III% militia who wrote a powerful reflective essay about a car ride that forced him to rethink some of his deeply held racist and Islamophobic prejudices. While Peter stated on no uncertain terms that he would not compromise his former militia members, his essay signaled that it is possible to encourage anti-racist and anti-capitalist consciousness in people who have been considered longtime enemies of the radical left[6].

November Letter Writing – Anti-Colonialism

from Philly ABC

On the forth Thursday of November every year, Americans gather to feast on turkey in honor of colonialism. While most Americans are busy stuffing their mouths and excusing themselves, since the early 70’s, indigenous activists have countered this holiday with the National Day of Mourning and Unthanksgiving Day to address genocide and continuing native struggles. See Leonard Peltier’s 2015 Day of Mourning statement discussing his case, his plea for support from Obama (who did not grant him clemency despite overwhelming support), and his health around that time which unfortunately continues to suffer due to inadequate medical care in prison. Also in 2015, Jason Hammond released his Don’t Eat the Fucking Turkey statement, where he announced his protest of Thanksgiving from inside prison by means of fasting and telling the stories of anti-colonial resistance movements. He encouraged all of us to do the same. If a prisoner can do it, so can we!

Philly ABC is hosting an anti-colonialist letter writing in solidarity with indigenous freedom fighters held captive in the Unites States. Join us Monday November 6th, 6:30pm at Lava! Brings your friends and send some love to Oso BlancoLeonard Peltier, and Red Fawn Fallis. We’ll also be sending birthday cards to Ed Poindexter (Nov. 1st) and Josh Williams (Nov. 25th).

From all of Philly ABC,
Fuck Thanksgiving!

Some Tips on Recent Things

George Ellsworth Lewis III had his neighborhood flyered and was visited by antifascists at his local favorite bar.

The Thorfinn Karlsefni statue got tarred, glittered, and spray painted before Lief Erikson day.

A banner for Scout Shultz in solidarity with those who’re fighting cops went up.

USA: Destroy Colonialism Revolutionary Action

from Insurrection News

The US is a country, like many others, that will not, and in many ways cannot, come to terms with its remarkably barbaric inception. The narrative of Columbus’s exploits and the later colonization of the territory is so extraordinarily savage that Americans, imperatively, create a preposterous story around this period. But the victims of white supremacist colonialism know all too well what Columbus represents. Revolutionaries, in solidarity with indigenous struggles, took action all across the country, in a total rejection of the colonial state.



Philly: As some prepare to celebrate Columbus Day, revolutionary anarchists and abolitionists reject all supremacist notions of colonialism. There is no place within radical working class movements for the triumphalism of a so-called “holiday” based on the domination, exploitation, and mass murder of indigenous people. Real solidarity means rejection of a genocidal legacy. Real unity means fighting together. Philly rejects colonialism. Power to indigenous people everywhere!

[Philly Anti-cap note: Follow the above link to see nation-wide actions, this post only includes a local action]

Anti-Racist Leif Erikson Day – THIS SATURDAY 10/7/17

From Philly Antifa

Where:  Thorfin Karlsefni statue, Boathouse Row, Kelly Drive, Fairmount Park

When: Saturday 10/7/17 12-3 PM

What: Oppose White Supremacy, Colonialism and Fascism

It’s that time of year again…

This month will mark the 10 year Anniversary of the first time Keystone State Skinheads, aka Keystone United, held their “Leif Erikson Day Celebration” along Kelly Drive in Fairmount Park.

The event, innocuous sounding and followed by a “family-friendly” BBQ, was a big hit among the more “respectable” elements of the Neo-Nazi skinheads scene. It also had the added advantage of being booked during the weekend that the Anti-Racist Action Network’s national conference had been occurring for years, reducing the possibility of militant opposition.

The third year, 2009, Philly was invaded by Neo-Nazis from all over the country including representatives from The Vinlanders Social Club and Volksfront, two crews that had been bitter rivals in the past. This rang an alarm for Anti-Fascists in the region as to the long term damage an event like this could create by giving KSS both a foothold to rally in Philadelphia while also providing an opportunity to resolve conflicts within their movement.

2009 was also the first year when Antifa were there to oppose the Nazis. A handful of Anti-Racists from One People’s Project and associates blocked the Thorfin Karlsefni and heckled the nazis while they gave speeches. They also prevented KSS from laying their wreath. It was symbolic victory, but one that drew a line in the sand and foreshadowed the resistance that was to come.

2010 was an anomaly. The departure of the creator of LED from KSS had thrown them into disarray. A small band of Antifa were in the park but the nazis were no shows. When OPP posted a story about it, local nazis from the Council of Conservative Citizens, including KSS co-founder Steve Smith, threw together a photo op unannounced to save face.

2011, or the “Occupy LED” year, saw an influx of people who came over from the Occupation of City Hall, with Antifa numbering around 40 at their height against a slightly smaller group of KSS.

In 2012  a committed band of Antifa showed up and blocked the statue, heckling the 20 or so boneheads from KSS and Hated Skins that showed up.

2013 was a peak year of resistance to LED, and the final year that KSS was able to attempt to publicly announce their plans to rally in Philly. Mobilizing for weeks in advance, Anti-Fascists from Philly and the surrounding area were able to draw several hundred people to protest. Despite KSS drawing boneheads from as far away as Texas, they were outnumbered 4 or 5 to 1. Jeered and booed the entire day, forced to abandon their traditional march in favor of being walked down to the statue by the hand by Philly PD, it was an embarrassing defeat that KSS is yet to recover from.

Since then, the past three Octobers KSS has kept all details of the event secret, even from many in their own movement. While they have been able to rally in the dead of night for photo ops, the event no longer serves as a recruiting tool, nor is it a feather in the cap of KSS. Instead, it is an obligation to be fulfilled as quickly and quietly as possible, lest people realize that KSS has no public presence in Philadelphia to speak of any more.

We have confirmed that KSS WILL BE HOLDING a LED celebration in Philly at some point in October. Will it be another late night lurk in the shadows or will KSS dare to show their faces in Philly? Time will tell.

Rather than waiting to hear, after the fact, that the Nazis were in Fairmount Park, Anti-Racists in the area are appropriating Leif Erikson Day as a day against White Supremacy, Colonialism and Fascism. Let that be the legacy of this event, which was started to build Neo-Nazi organizing capacity in Philadelphia and has instead built our networks and groups.

Several different organizations in Philly are working together on this, reuniting as the “Philadelphia Residents Against Racism” coalition. We support this initiative and encourage our readers to join us in Faimount Park on October 7th to rally for a free and equal world and proudly claim that Philly is and will remain an Anti-Fascist city.

Here are some of the past organizers and attendees of Leif Erikson Day:

Steve Smith is a longtime Neo-Nazi. He is a former Klansman, co-founder of KSS and Luzerne county republican committeeman.
Anthony James (AJ) Olsen – Philadelphia director of Keystone State Skinheads (KSS)
Joey Phy, longtime Philly KSS Member and Neo-Nazi
Bob Gaus, Co-Founder of KSS and longtime Neo-Nazi who lives in Harrsiburg
Joseph Hoesch, Philly KSS member and co-founder.
Matthew Heimbach, Head of Neo-Nazi Traditionalist Worker’s Party, who has spoken at several LED events.
Brien James, former head of Vinlanderss Social Club, current head of American Guard
Ryan Wojitowicz (l) and Jason Honeywell (r), KSS members.


Bryan Vanagaitis, KSS member formerly of Philly now living in Harrisburg area.
Ron Sheehy – Sheehy engages in racist trolling online under the username Tremley, attends KSS events and was spotted in Charlottesville at the Unite the Right Rally.

See you in the streets,

Action Against Mariner East 2 Pipeline


Earlier this week we took our first steps against the Mariner East pipeline in Pennsylvania, U$A. On the eve of the fall equinox, we approached several excavators and a flat bed truck on an active ME2 construction site in Media, PA and filled their fuel tanks and other liquid receptors with sand and sugar. After removing the fuel tank lid (there are diagrams about how to do this online), we recommend removing the filter just beneath it before pouring in these abrasives, for maximum damage to the whole machine, and being careful not to spill or leave other traces which would tip off the workers inspecting the machines the following morning. Human-caused ecological collapse and mass extinction are upon us, and we feel we must push ourselves to escalate the fight against it. We take this action in solidarity with Jessica Reznicek and Ruby Montoya in Iowa, and struggles against ecological devastation and settler colonial violence everywhere.

[Philly Anti-Cap note: After being contacted by several concerned groups mentioned in this submission we have removed mention of their groups from this submission.]

Fighting Pipelines and Displacement with Camp White Pine

from It’s Going Down

What would you do if your family’s home was threatened by eminent domain to make way for a pipeline of fracked gas? Would you roll over? Give up? Take the money and run? Or would you stand and fight?

This interview, with Camp White Pine, details how one family in Pennsylvania stood up to a pipeline which is threatening to not only evict them from their home, but also build a pipeline which would pollute watersheds and ecosystems in the local area. From their Facebook page:

With construction season upon us, Camp White Pine is digging in our heels to fight the Mariner East 2 pipeline in the Susquehanna Valley of so-called Central PA on occupied Shawnee, Lenape, and Susquehannock Territories.

The Mariner East 2 is a 350+ mile long Sunoco pipeline project, comprised of two new pipelines starting in southeastern Ohio, and running through northern West Virginia and across the length of Pennsylvania. These lines will carry natural gas liquids (NGLs) like butane, ethane, and propane to an export facility along the Delaware River in Marcus Hook, PA.

Resistance to the Mariner East 2 is spreading, with impacted residents and organizers working in communities all along the proposed route. Sunoco Logistics has no regard for the beauty of Appalachia, the preservation of its diverse ecosystems and the safety of the people who live here.

We also discuss the harassment, threats, and attacks that both law enforcement and corporations have leveled against those who are standing up for themselves, as well as the connections between the #NoDAPL struggle and ongoing pipeline battles happening across the US.

More Info: Bail Fund Donate Here, Camp White Pine Facebook

Down With The Pipeline and Its World

from It’s Going Down


On this International Worker’s Day, we are inspired by the resistance around the world from the streets of Paris to nearby Philadelphia. Solidarity with workers everywhere on this May Day and here’s to a long (hot) summer of fighting capitalism, colonization and ecocide!

Please check out this video about our front in that struggle, and please consider donating to our fundraiser here: www.fundrazr.com/campwhitepine!

Benefit Screening of Killing the Black Snake


Come out, watch trouble and throw some ????for arrestees this wednesday. April 1 to 8 is a week of solidarity with everyone facing repression so let’s come together to learn and support each other. We’ll pass the hat to collect money for philly people arrested in DC protesting trump’s inauguration. Killing the Black Snake is a short documentary about the fight against the dakota access pipeline being built through sacred Sioux land in north dakota.

[April 5th from 5pm to 8pm at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

Bright spots on rainy days

from Instagram

Bright spots on rainy days. #makeamericanothingagain

Benefit-Event: Voices From Standing Rock!

from Facebook
Mothers Against METH Alliance & Red Warrior Society

DATE: Feb. 12, 2017
LOCATION: First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19103


We are pleased to announce that the Mothers Against METH Alliance & Red Warrior Society are traveling through Philadelphia (occupied Lenape territory) to share stories of resistance and report backs from the frontlines of Standing Rock and the fight against the Black Snake Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Suggested donation $5-20. Funds will go to support M.A.M.A. & Red Warrior Society’s work and their tour “Ride For Resistance”. (No one will be turned away from lack of funds.)

IF YOU CAN NOT MAKE IT TO THE EVENT BUT WOULD LIKE TO DONATE to support their work and tour you can send donations via PAYPAL TO: julzzzzrich@gmail.com


Julz Rich (Lakota Tribe), founder of Mothers Against METH Alliance (M.A.M.A.) and member Red Warrior Society
Victor Puertas (Yagua Nation), member of the Red Warrior Society.

Liz Ellis (Peoria Tribe), historian and member of Philly with Standing Rock / Philly NoDAPL


Mothers Against METH Alliance (M.A.M.A.) out of the Pine Ridge Reservation in so called South Dakota has been fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline from the very beginning alongside with the RED WARRIOR SOCIETY. They are strongly building resistance to colonization in the many forms in which it manifests––in the Black Snake pipelines and addiction in both bodies and minds–wherever resource extraction is imposed onto their land and their people. They see the ways that colonization has attacked them, but as they state: “Our Warriors Are Strong, OUR ARROWS ARE SHARP.” —

Julz Rich — is the founder of Mothers Against METH Alliance (M.A.M.A.) out of Pine Ridge. She is a Lakota Grandmother who works to rid the presence of meth on the reservation. She also founded the MAMA camp at Standing Rock to provide shelter and safety for mothers and children at the camp. She and her loving family are fierce land-defenders who have resisted the first proposed tar sands mine in the (so called) U.S., on Ute territory/Utah. She organizes educational prevention workshops in schools and the community, exposes dealers and meth houses, and all night patrols to give youth safe rides home at night.

Victor Puertas — is a member of the Yagua nation in so called Peru. He is a fierce land and water protector who has been active in direct action mobilization against tar sands mining in Ute territory/Utah and has provided sustained solidarity to Lakota, Diné and other indigenous, anti-colonial and anti-border imperialist struggles.