2014 has been an inspirational year, all over the world people have rose up together against the systems of control that dominate their lives. From Ayotzinapa students fighting for the return of their missing friends, to anarchists in Greece fighting for the education of their imprisoned comrade. From the Unist’ot’en defending their territories from colonial pipeline development, to Ferguson, Missouri where a wave of riots inspired the whole country to take a stand against police.

We would love to take a small opportunity this New Years Eve to celebrate and show our solidarity with all the struggles that warm our hearts and bring us a step closer to freedom. We’re calling for a short march and noise demonstration this New Years Eve, as a way to celebrate the revolts this year has brought and to break the isolation the state uses to punish those labeled criminals.

Prison is a tool the state uses to isolate captives and fracture communities. As long as we strive for freedom prisons will be an obstacle we must overcome. A noise demonstration is a small but meaningful show of solidarity with everyone locked up inside, letting them know they are not alone and not forgotten.

Meet us on New Years Eve at Franklin Square at 6pm. Bring friends, banners, leaflets, and anything that makes noise!

Until the world is free of cages!


