from Instagram

SCI Fayette is one of the few prisons left in Pennsylvania still running on isolation policies implemented during the COVID-19 Prison Shutdowns. Incarcerated people there are severely limited in movement and yard time, despite all other COVID mitigation policies being canceled, or non-existent. These isolation policies have disrupted many of the established community organizations developed in prison prior to COVID.

We know that prison enforces isolation and tries to disconnect us from our loved ones inside. Stand in solidarity with incarcerated people putting their freedom on the line for community.

Hunger Striker Demands:
Full Day Room Recreation (No Cohorts) on every housing unit: 7:45-10:30 am, 1:15-3:35 pm, 5:00-8:30pm
More seats on the housing unit to accommodate seating arrangements.
Community Yard for all blocks.
Collective religious congregation for the whole prison.

Call SCI Fayette and PA DOC Officeon 8/5/24!

Phone Zap for Hunger Strikers!


Then call!!!! PA-DOC Central Office: 717.728.2573