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Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) co-founder Wayne Hsiung was once a corporate attorney and a Northwestern law professor, specializing in law and economics. But on spare weekends and evenings, he was also doing something none of his colleagues could have imagined: sneaking into animal farms with a camera in the dead of night, and rescuing animals from nightmarish abuse.

In this talk, Hsiung will:

– discuss the findings of a recent open rescue exposing shocking cruelty at a “humane” Whole Foods farm;
– explain the importance of open rescue to both the history and future of animal advocacy; and
– show how DxE’s campaigns have provoked public consciousness (including coverage in The New York Times and CNN), inspired nonviolent direct action in over 95 cities and 20 countries, and saved the lives of individual animals such as Mei Hua.

[April 10 at 7pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South st]

The presentation will include a viewing of a 17 minute documentary short, “Truth Matters; It’s not Food. It’s Violence.”, which was described by food writer James McWilliams as “perhaps the most strategically incisive undercover strike ever in the age of ‘humane’ animal products.” It will conclude with a short Q&A.

Whether you are newly exposed to the hidden reality of animal agriculture, a proponent of civil liberties concerned about so-called “ag-gag” laws and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, or a veteran activist looking to join DxE’s newly-announced Open Rescue Network, this talk will have something for you.

For more on open rescue, see here: