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WATCH FOR CALLS TO ACTION On Wednesday, March 29th, a “deputy landlord-tenant officer” shot a woman in the head while carrying out an eviction. The officer in question is not a sworn law enforcement officer, and the property owner has an expired rental license. This horrific act of violence cannot go unacknowledged.WE ARE RIGHT TO BE FURIOUS ABOUT THAT Be angryand let them know you’re angry Landlord and Tenant Officer is an appointed position, currently occupied by Marisa Silberstein Shuter. Her office carries out some of eviction-related court orders. She is married to Municipal Court Judge David C. Shuter. David Shuter presides over eviction cases, and has a track record of ruling in favor of landlords. Landlords, in turn, pay Marisa Shuter a fee for the services she provides, such as armed private contractors who carry out the evictions. Marisa Shuter runs her office from suite #1645 at 123 S Broad Street in Philadelphia.she profits by depriving people of a place to live.The deputy landlord and tenant officers are not sworn law enforcement, but they are armed and carry court-issued identity cards. According to Shuter, “Most if not all of the deputies are either retired police officers or constables, or at least have extensive background in a security related field.”To summarize, court ordered evictions are performed by a small group of hired mercenaries, on behalf of the wife of a corrupt judge who orders those evictions in the first place. The entire scheme generates a lot of money for Marisa and David Shuter. This week one of these mercenaries shot a tenant.These people are willing to kill on behalf of landlords.