Assembly: A discussion with Micheal Hardt

from Facebook

Drawing on ideas developed through their well-known Empire trilogy, Hardt and Negri have produced, in ASSEMBLY, a timely proposal for how current large-scale horizontal movements can develop the capacities for political strategy and decision-making to effect lasting and democratic change.

In recent years “leaderless” social movements have proliferated around the globe, from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe, the Americas, and East Asia. Some of these movements have led to impressive gains: the toppling of authoritarian leaders, the furthering of progressive policy, and checks on repressive state forces. They have also been, at times, disorganized and ineffectual, or suppressed by disoriented and perplexed police forces and governments who fail to effectively engage them.

Why have the movements, which address the needs and desires of so many, not been able to achieve lasting change and create a new, more democratic and just society? If these new social movements are to achieve meaningful revolution, they must invent effective modes of assembly and decision-making structures that rely on the broadest democratic base. We have not yet seen what is possible when the multitude assembles.
[September 7 from 7PM to 9PM at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Guerillas of Desire Book Launch, with Kevin Van Meter

from Facebook

Behind the smiling faces of cashiers, wait staff, and workers of all sorts, a war is going on, usually without the knowledge of official political and labor organizations. Guerrillas of Desire maps these undercurrents, documenting the history of everyday resistance under slavery, in peasant life, and throughout modern capitalism, while showing that it remains an important factor in revolution and something radicals of all stripes must understand. Join the author for a reading and discussion.
[August 31 from 7pm to 10pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Against the Fascist Creep

from Facebook

Fascists are creeps. Time to drag them from the shadows.

As the election of Donald Trump shows, fascism in all its white nationalist and “alt-right” permutations is alive and well in the United States. A terrifying tour of the history and influence of the forces that helped bring the 45th president to power, Against the Fascist Creep maps the connections and names the names. It traces today’s often-disguised forms of rightwing extremism through the decades and across the globe to show how infiltration is a conscious and clandestine program for neofascist groups that seek to co-opt and undermine both the mainstream and the new social movements of the left.

This book is a line in the sand that both identifies the creep of fascist messages, ideas, and organization throughout our society and outlines how to stop it in its tracks.

[June 4th 7pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Statement: Philly Police Harass Philly Antifa and Wooden Shoe Books

from Up Against The Law

Bundle Up With Solidarity and Resist The Chill

A Statement From Up Against The Law Legal Collective

On Saturday January 28th Philly Antifa held an event at Wooden Shoe Books featuring anti-fascist researcher Matt Lyons of the blog threewayfight. Some people arriving at the event noticed an unusually large police presence outside and across the street, others noticed a car parked out front that contained plain clothes officers from Civil Affairs, Philly’s protest police. Text messages bounced around to different people expressing concern. Were the cops going to try and come in and mess with people? Were they targeting Philly Antifa? What exactly was happening? Why were the Philadelphia Police staked out in front of public speaking event at a bookstore?

Screen Shot 2017-02-01 at 1.03.01 PMAfter the event some disturbing details were relayed by Wooden Shoe staffers to Philly Antifa organizers. Plain clothes officers from Civil Affairs had visited the Wooden Shoe the day before to voice concern about the Philly Antifa event. They alleged that Philly Anitfa may have been involved in a protest at which vandalism occurred, misidentified Philly Antifa as a fascist group themselves and speculated that right wing violence might occur at the event. They asked the staffers at the Wooden Shoe if they would consider canceling the event.

That the PPD thinks its acceptable to try to get anti-fascist public speaking event cancelled should be of concern to everybody in this city.

That the PPD thinks its acceptable to try to get anti-fascist public speaking event cancelled should be of concern to everybody in this city. For their officers to think they can enter a bookstore and suggest, imply or request that a speaking event should be cancelled is reprehensible.

What should be equally concerning is the ‘divide and conquer’ technique at play. We saw this tactic at play at Occupy Philadelphia in 2011 when the Civil Affairs warned Occupiers new to political movements to ‘watch out of the anarchists and black hate groups like Uhuru’. We saw it at play back in 2000 when civil affairs warned anti-stadium organizers in Chinatown that they had to watch out for the anarchists without knowing that the organizers trusted those same West Philly anarchists and that they were involved in providing security and marshaling for their march the next day. We’ve seen Civil Affairs deploy this tactic time and time again. The PPD has a history of trying to wedge movements and to cultivate suspicion among organizers and groups who may not know each other well or who they suspect may have some initial distrust toward each other.

We can resist by dragging this tactic into the light and letting other people know about it especially those new to organizing. When we let people know in advance that the PPD might spread misinformation about other groups it prepares them psychologically to resist this tactic and to dialogue with each other when the PPD attempts to play the divide and conquer game. It should go without saying that you should exercise your right to remain silent and refuse to answer the cops questions about others in the movements. However, If the cops approach you to speak about an organizer or organization you should absolutely contact that organizer or organization right away to talk about what happened and let them know the cops were asking about them and/or making claims about them. Exercise your right to dialogue with others in the movements and build with them.

That this is a seemingly clumsy use of this tactic should be no less concerning. It’s probable that the Civil Affairs knew their intervention would be rebuffed but knew that through speaking to Wooden Shoe staffers their primary message would be relayed to rebellious movements: we are watching you. This was especially clear the next day with the large police presence outside and around South Street. Cultivating paranoia is an important weapon in the cops arsenal.

While the Matt Lyons event was standing room only the police harassment and presence outside had a chilling effect. Some people received texts from friends warning people to stay away from the Wooden Shoe. In the future we would recommend the opposite. If you hear that a group is being harassed by police go down to stand by them and support them if it as at all possible for you to do so.

In 2014 we wrote this in response about police surveillance and harassment of Black Lives Matter activists at their homes and on their campuses:

“We would argue that surveillance’s primary function is for its targets to know they are being watched. It is used to instill fear; to get people feeling as if they are always being watched, monitored and scrutinized and that, implicitly, the police, like any other predator, might pounce on those they are watching. It is a powerful psychological weapon and one reason is that it’s viral. Once one person gets visited or gets a phone call or is followed home, other organizers are looking over their shoulder. Its goal is to make people feel isolated and targeted….

…Our response should be to resist this psychological war with our solidarity. The movement in Philadelphia will never let individuals be targeted and face the authorities alone. To borrow a phrase: our solidarity is our weapon. We should talk openly more about how we will support each other than how the cops may or may not be watching us or ways to evade their gaze.

They will be watching. But so will we. We, as a movement, will be watching to see if they try to start any shit with anybody and we will have each others’ backs. We, in the big picture are a powerful network that can mobilize people on the streets, support people in the courts and move ‘unlikely allies’ to our side. We, as a movement, will never let people face the authorities alone.

Our best defense is to build meaningful relationships with each other across organizations and sectors of the movement. Trust, clear lines of communication and relationship building are the inoculation to the viral fear and intimidation that surveillance tries to instill.”

This statement is more important than ever. Now is the time to have each others backs, build meaningful relationships across the movements and resist paranoia with public solidarity. Now is the time to draw a hard line and let the authorities know exactly what we will not tolerate and what we will not allow them to do to others in the movements. As the old anti-fascist slogan goes ‘No Pasaran’. They shall not pass. We will not let them harass or menace anybody in the movement unchallenged. We will be there for each other.

See Also:

Philly Antifa’s Statement:

Repression on South

From Philly Antifa

Something was not quite right Saturday afternoon when Philly Antifa arrived at local anarchist bookstore, The Wooden Shoe, to set up for a free community event. Cops had been waiting outside the store as early as 9:00 a.m. But later on, it looked like they were everywhere; blocks deep in either direction, out in large numbers, standing on corners, hanging around in all shapes and sizes of police vehicles, walking up and down the block, circling in packs of bicycle units. Counter terrorism trucks were parked at 7th and Bainbridge and were positioned with more police cars on the same corner.

An attendee left the bookstore and was followed by two police officers into a coffee shop, who monitored their activity and tailed them for blocks. More and more cops showed up, lining the street while filming and photographing everyone who entered or left the shop.

Concerned at the large and hostile police presence, some people who wished to come to the talk, thought it better to leave. The police seemed to be about to do something. In fact, they already had. The day before, two police officers entered the Shoe and asked that they cancel the event. The police made nonsense claims that they feared the presence of antifascists would result in street conflict, and made accusations about Antifa’s involvement with recent protest actions.

We want to reiterate: Philadelphia Police tried to stop this event.

They were trying to shut down a free, open-to-the-public speaking engagement about antifascism with author and political scholar Matthew Lyons. Lyons went on anyway and spoke to a standing room only crowd regarding his most recent work, “Ctrl-Alt-Delete: Antifascist Report on the Alternative Right.” So many people turned up for the talk we ran out of room, and those who could fit inside got to learn about the rising tide of alt-right ideology and fascist activity. We hope that the cops watching and filming us through the windows enjoyed the talk as well; they obviously have an intense interest in fascism.

This behavior should sound the alarm. The state is poised to crack down on communities simply based on political ideology. Radical spaces, groups and associations are being targeted. Philly Antifa and antifascists everywhere are being threatened. We will not accept a world in which it is possible to silence a public talk at a bookstore. We must work together now to resist this blatant repression. We are hosting a fundraiser this coming Saturday at LAVA to support the PHL Autonomous Anti-Repression Fund. This Fund and show are the exact things we need to bring us together and sustain our spirits and resistance. Coming out to shows and fundraisers is not only really fun, but essential if you value radical spaces and groups fighting on the frontlines. We hope to see old friends and make new ones on Saturday.

As Philly Antifa, we exist to combat fascism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of oppression. We must reject the repression and intimidation tactics the police are trying to use to impose on us. We will not stop fighting, we will not be subdued and we will not be silenced.

The Wooden Shoe’s 40th Birthday Party!

from Facebook

The Wooden Shoe is turning 40 years old! Come celebrate with us!

Wooden Shoe Books and Records first opened in December 1976. 40 years and two different locations later, the Shoe is one of the oldest radical bookstores in the country and continues to be run by a dedicated, all-volunteer collective.

On Wednesday December 7th, we are having a birthday party! We are inviting all staffers from the past, present, and future, along with our customers and supporters to come out and commemorate this milestone.

In this political moment of increasing authoritarianism, spaces like the Wooden Shoe are more vital than ever. Come have a drink or snack with us at Mom’s and help us continue well beyond our 40th year!

A percentage of the upstair bar sales will go directly to the Shoe. And we’ll have a playlist spinning for your listening enjoyment.

See you soon!

PS: Party starts at 9:00 and happy hour starts at 10:00.

[Tattooed Mom 530 South St]

*Wooden Shoe Benefit* Fred Beans/Little State/A Day Without Love/Khalil A.

from Facebook

Super cool trendy hip hip ACOUSTIC show wow!

Fred Beans: (big heart, small ego, observational fuzz pop)

Little State: (forever young, nostalgic melodies)

Christa Wilcox: (quite familiar, quite personal)

A Day Without Love:

Khalil Abdellah: (chill boi, chill world songs)

This show will be ACOUSTIC
All door money will be donated to the Wooden Shoe, a fantastic safe space/volunteer run organization.

Respect the space, respect the ppl

[July 9 at 3pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

The Dead Anarchist Walking Tour

from Instagram

The early anarchists of Philadelphia (1880-1920) were a remarkable group of doctors, lawyers, teachers, factory workers, poets, musicians and dissenting intellectuals. They came from many countries and spoke several languages. In their effort to wash the Earth of gods and masters, they established a medical dispensary, a school, and several newspapers, as well as member-owned bakery and shoe store co-operatives. They organized hundreds of educational events with some of the leading intellectuals of the age. They held splendid fundraiser balls and evening boat cruises along the rivers. Sometimes anarchist meetings were shut down or spied upon by the police. In 1905, the Russian Tzar planted a spy on Pine Street. There were young lovers, laughing babies, and broken anarchist hearts.
Society Hill, which was the old Jewish Quarter, happens to be a section where many of the homes, meeting places, and offices of the early anarchists are still standing. Now, you can spend a few hours stalking the same pavement where those long-dead anarchists waged their struggle. While they no longer exist, they linger in the psychology of the living.
The Meeting Place: Wooden Shoe Books, 704 South Street
The Starting Time: 12 Noon, Saturday October 24, 2015
The Reason: So that there shall be No Gods & No Masters.
Robert Helms has researched the history of Philadelphia anarchists for 25 years and has led these tours since the late 1990s. He will guide his listeners to the haunts of these dead anarchists for about two hours, he will tell their stories, and he will answer questions about them.
The public is invited. The guide will pass the hat during the tour. The suggested donation, toward continuing research, is $15. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. In case of rain, the tour will continue from his cold, dead lips so long as there is at least one listener.
Check out:

Political Prisoner Letter Writing Night/Potluck

from facebook

Join at The Wooden Shoe for a night of solidarity with the people in our movements who have had their freedom taken from them. We’ll provide all the materials, a list of prisoners from various radical movements with short bios, and a quick “how to” for anyone who would like some guidance.

This event will be a vegan potluck, so please bring a drink or dish to share. Email me if you have any questions.
*please know what is in your dish to share and keep in mind of people with food allergies*

[July 29 7-10pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Summer Film Series @ the Shoe

from facebook


All films start at 7pm. [704 South St]
There may even be popcorn.

Escape the heat/mass media mind control with these great movies- showing soon at your local, air-conditioned, anarchist bookstore!

June 22- Dirty Wars

“Dirty Wars is a focused, fascinating and frightening look at war in the 21st century, and a film you’re sure not to forget.” -Germain Lussier

film schedule for screenings at wooden shoe books for march

from anarchadelphia

all in honour of international womyn’s day on march 8th…please come out and show your support.
all films are free and begin at 7pm.

international womyn’s day sunday march 8th- free tiller
2013 documentary that follows the only 4 remaining doctors in the united states who openly perform late term abortions.this film was an official selection for the 2013 sundance film festival.

wednesday march 11th- no woman,no cry
pregnancy is a death sentence for more than half a million womyn every year,but their deaths would be preventable if they could obtain the healthcare they needed.this documentary focuses on the personal stories behind those statistics

wednesday march 18th- the punk singer
Filmmaker Sini Anderson explores the life and career of punk rocker Kathleen Hanna, the Bikini Kill frontwomyn who became a pioneer of the “riot grrrl” movement of the 1990s.

wednesday march 25th- 2 short films-

the semiotics of the kitchen-a feminist parody video and performance piece released in 1975 by Martha Rosler. The video, which runs six minutes, is considered a critique of the commodified versions of traditional womyn’s roles in modern society.

free white and 21 by howardena pindell-in this deeply personal and political video, Howardena Pindell recounts the racism she encountered both as a child and an adult in educational institutions, …

please spread this info widely…
love and rage.