Phil Africa Passed Away Under Suspicious Circumstances

from On A Move

On Saturday, January 10th 2015 Phil Africa, revolutionary, John Africa’s First Minister of Defense, and beloved brother, husband and father, passed away under suspicious circumstances at the State Correctional Institution at Dallas, PA. On Sunday, January 4th Phil Africa wasn’t feeling well and went to the prison infirmary. Though he wasn’t feeling well, other inmates saw Phil Africa walking, stretching and doing jumping jacks. Hearing that Phil was in the infirmary MOVE members drove up to visit him and were denied a visit by the prison. While they were visiting with Delbert Africa, Phil was secretly transported to Wilkes Barre General Hospital where he was held in total isolation, incommunicado for five days.

Rally Against Racism & Repression

from facebook

[January 16th 5pm 30th Street Station]

Justice for Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Brandon Tate-Brown, and all victims of Killer Cops! Defend Our Movement from Repression!

Ferguson stood up and resisted the murder of Mike Brown, and youth all around the country stood up and answered the call. But now the police are fighting back with a public witch-hunt as well as the harassment and arrest on trumped-up charges of TMOC and other organizers around the country for taking a stand against police murder in NYC.

We talk back. We turn up. We stand tall. With Ferguson-for Brandon, for every black body in America robbed of its right to live- for every injustice that we are growing sick and tired of. We are done with your police/media slander campaigns.

Mike Brown is still dead.
Darren Wilson is still free.
The Grand Jury was a sham.
We’re still mad!
We’re still demanding justice!

We are sick with anger.
It is too late for containing it.
Not another. Not another. Not one more.
We will turn down for nothing until justice is OURS!

Hands Up – Fight Back!

Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee (TMOC), Philadelphia

Help Jordan pay medical costs from philly ferguson protest

from YouCaring

Jordan is a  26 year old Hudson Valley NY resident, musician, naturalist, anarchist and environmental activist…

On August 23rd Jordan was arrested while attending a demonstration in solidarity with those protesting in Ferguson, MO following the murder of Michael Brown. He was shot with a taser gun, tackled to the ground, arrested, and non-consensually brought to the hospital for injuries that the police had inflicted.  He has since been slapped with a large emergency room bill, and he is also being forced to pay $1,500 in other fees.

We have been making every effort to fundraise for Jordan and have already raised some money.  However, we still have a large amount left to raise.  Please help us out to whatever extent you are able!  If you would prefer to mail a check, please contact us for a mailing address.  Thank you!


Statement on Philadelphia Police Department Intimidation and Surveillance of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

From Up Against The Law

Recently several actions by the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) have targeted local organizers in the movement against police terror. It is clear to us that they are intentionally trying to cultivate an atmosphere of paranoia and create a chilling effect on this growing movement. We have several comments on the matter and intend to take dead aim at these tactics that seek to instill fear and distrust – two elements that are like kryptonite to peoples’ movements.