November 7-8, 2015: 2nd Annual Torch Anti-Fascist Conference in Philadelphia

from Philly Antifa

This November 7th and 8th Antifa Philadelphia is proud to host the 2nd annual Torch Antifascist Network conference. The Torch Antifa network is comprised of autonomous Antifascist groups who share information and resources. We expose, oppose and confront Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Anti-migrant and Anti-Choice groups and individuals, as well as other bigots and fascists.

For more info on our analysis of fascism and our points of unity, as well as contact info for our chapters, go to

We do not believe that these groups a small problem. Thousands upon thousands of act of violence and discrimination are perpetrated in this country by people who belong to these organizations every year. Thousands more by people who may not hold formal membership from fear or laziness but have similar beliefs. These cases are isolated and minimized as much as possible because the media has no interest in vilifying sexists or white supremacists the way they do Muslims, Black people and environmentalists.

In reality groups like American Freedom Party, Blood and Honor USA and the KKK recruit, train and embolden the “lone wolf” shooters, bombers and bashers. They also profit from it in money and privilege while injecting their racist, sexist and homophobic analysis into the mainstream political dialogue and making any sort of better world impossible.

The tactics of Torch and groups like us have proven effective time and time again for years all over the world for neutralizing our enemies organizing abilities and recruiting methods. Because Antifa represent another example of people power trumping state authority, specifically its desire to coddle racists and fascists, repression for Antifascists has become a normal expectation. This, partnered with the danger represented by the Fascists themselves, makes attending this conference all the more crucial.

We are calling on all Anti-Racists, Anti-Fascists and egalitarians to join us in Philadelphia this fall to Network and socialize and maybe get involved in Torch.

This conference will include both a public and private portion. The public portion will be open to all interested (no Fascists, obviously). More information on exact events will be released as the conference approaches. The private portion will be only for Torch Network members and potential members who have been vouched in. So crews looking to join the network should contact us via the closest chapter to you (contact info below) as soon as possible.

Housing is available to vouched Antifascists. Food will be provided at the public events.

If interested in attending the conference, send us an e-mail at with “Torch Conference” as the subject line.

In Solidarity,

Antifa Philadelphia and the rest of the TORCH Antifa Network


#PhillyisBaltimore: Philadelphia’s Response to the Baltimore Uprisings

from FTW, WTF

Written by: Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee (TMOC) and Action Against Black Genocide (AABG)

Baltimore has risen up following the police murder of 25 year old Freddie Gray. On April 19th, Freddie Gray died of spinal injuries sustained in the back of a police van following his racially biased arrest. Video of his arrest went viral, sparking riots and protests across Baltimore. After days of demonstrations, the six police officers involved in his murder have been charged by Baltimore’s State Attorney, Marilyn J. Mosby –- one officer with second-degree murder, and the others with assault and involuntary manslaughter. But here in Philadelphia, despite nearly weekly demonstrations and at least a dozen arrests, the police have yet to even release the names of the officers involved in the murder of Brandon Tate Brown, a black man shot by police during a car stop in Mayfair in December last year. Security footage of Brandon’s fatal encounter with police remains firmly in the hands of the PPD, while the internal investigation has cleared the officers of any wrongdoing and returned them to street duty. 1 As rage whips across the nation after yet another racialized police murder, those in Philadelphia continue to ask #WhoKilledBrandonTateBrown. The Philadelphia Coalition for REAL Justice, a coalition of activists and organizers forged in the heat of the Ferguson uprisings, called a march on Thursday April 30th in solidarity with the Baltimore uprising and the people claiming the streets there.

JUSTICE FOR REKIA BOYD!! STP stands with SOUL in demanding an end to violence against Black women

from Serve the People PHL

With the nation’s eyes turned towards militant resistance in Baltimore, Saturday, 25 April, STP – PHL took to the streets of West Philadelphia, joining comrades from SOUL and other organisations to voice collective outrage over the acquittal of the off-duty police officer who murdered Rekia Boyd.

Under SOUL’s directive, comrades used the internationally-attended sporting event known as the Penn Relays to cause major disruptions to automotive traffic on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus, performing sit-ins, die-ins and street blockades in direct confrontation with the festive atmosphere of the events. “We are not sorry for inconveniencing you,” demonstrators asserted. “Being Black in this country is an inconvenience.”

Take Back the Night Philadelphia 2015

from facebook

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: April 23, 2015! [5:45-10 at First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia 2125 Chestnut st]

Join us in strengthening the 5th Annual Philly Take Back the Night!!!

Calling all communities to unite and take a stand against domestic and sexual violence!
• March to take back the streets starting at one of four locations heading to the First Unitarian Church.
* Participate in the “Bust the Myths” Street Action.
• Speak out and breaking the silence; storytelling and sharing about living with and surviving violence, abuse, and oppression.
* A candlelight vigil to remember those still fighting, those lost to violence, and those surviving.
* Tabling to provide networking and resources for survivors and their family and friends from a coalition of beautiful, badass organizations and people.

More details soon!

Follow us on twitter at @TBTNPhilly

To read more about how the Take Back The Night Foundation started and its movement, visit