2022-01-26: This article has been updated upon learning that McNamara is no longer working for LVHN.
This past fall, hackers released a trove of data from Epik, a domain registrar and web hosting company notorious for hosting far right content. If you have 180 GB to spare, you can download the entire leak from DDOSecrets’ wiki on Epik. We requested and received a series of csv files containing records for Pennsylvania domain registrar customers from Panic! in the Discord research collective before they closed up shop in November.
The leak includes, among other things, customer names and addresses associated with the Proud American Patriot Network (PAPN), a far right militia with direct ties to the Three Percenters. PAPN has already been covered by Bucks County reporter Cyril Mychalejko and Jared Holt of Right Wing Watch & DFRLab. Our understanding of PAPN depends heavily on Mychalejko & Holt’s reporting.
The organization was founded in 2020 by husband and wife Theodore “TJ” and Brittany Kosin of Doylestown. The Kosins initially came onto the right wing activist scene as Three Percenters, but started to distance PAPN from the militia network since the Capitol riot (J6). This has been a trend nationwide, according to Holt. In July, the Canadian government listed The Three Percenters as a terrorist organization.
TJ & Brittany Kosin
In late August, PAPN planned a protest of the Bucks County School Board over mask mandates. The event was sponsored by PAPN & “The Parents of Central Bucks School District,” according to flyers. A grassroots campaign against the protest was started on Facebook, and successfully got it shut down. After this failed protest, PAPN engaged in typical public relations, denying ties to the Three Percenters, even denying that they were a militia.
Mychalejko’s research clearly contradicts these statements, as does the site history on the Wayback Machine at archive.org and PAPN’s recent decision to rename their scholarship program after Kyle Rittenhouse.
Latin translates to “Liberty or Death. Never Give Up, Never Surrender.”Jan 10, 2021, PAPN promotes raising funds for Ashli Babbit’s family. Babbit was killed after breaking into a barricaded area in the Capitol.PAPN’s youth scholarship program is now named after Kyle Rittenhouse
The Dox
CROH would like to introduce you to Kevin M. McNamara (52) of Allentown. McNamara is a software developer who previously worked for the Lehigh Valley Health Network and webmaster for various domains associated with PAPN, including <proudamericanpatriotsnetwork.org> and <forumpa-pn.org>. Despite being an Epik domain, <pa-pn.org> was not listed in the leaked data. The Wayback machine shows that <proudamericanpatriotsnetwork.org> started to redirect to <pa-pn.org> at some point between April 16 and August 17, 2021, so it is possible that the domain was purchased after the leaked data was obtained. These domain records include TJ and Brittany Kosin’s names, as well.
Some Epik domains associated with Kevin McNamara & PAPN. THEOANDSON.XYZ may be a test site for THEOANDSON.COM, TJ Kosin’s business website.
Comrade John Bramble (SBI 450202) and Comrade Pound, aka Ronald Maxime (SBI 646319), went on hunger strike at James T. Vaughn prison on Saturday, demanding to get transferred out to another facility. John Bramble was moved back to James T Vaughn prison after filing a successful lawsuit against PA a couple months ago, and has since been harassed by guards, moved to solitary confinement, under investigation, multiple times. Both he and Comrade Pound are both under investigation now in the hole by Lt. Dejesus who is seeking revenge for the 2017 prisoner uprising at C-Building in James T. Vaughn prison.
Both our comrades have not been told why they are under investigation. The guards lied to Ronald and told him he had a lawyer visit, then brought him to an interview room with Lt. Dejesus, where he was told he has a write up for “gang affiliation” (which is not news, and is well documented). Lt. Dejesus has never come to talk to Johnny, but he is supposed to. While under investigation, their mail has been tampered with and access to communication is limited.
Direct Calls:
Commissioner Monroe Hudson – (302) 739-5601
Jaime Young- (302) 857-5347;
Community Relations – (302) 857-5246
Shane Troxler at the Bureau of Prison – (302) 857-5221
Warden Robert May – (302) 653-9261
Governor John Carney – (302) 744-4101
“Hello, I am calling on behalf of two prisoners at James T Vaughn prison, John Bramble SBI 450202 and Ronald Maxime SBI 646319. They are both demanding to get transferred out of James T Vaughn to another prison facility, as they are not safe at James T. Vaughn since being held under investigation for over a week illegally. They have both been on hunger strike since Saturday. Ronald Maxime wants the warden to come speak to him. I urge you to transfer both of them to another facility.”
Isaiah Giddings, Brian Healion, and Freedom Vy are accused of flashing hate symbols inside a U.S. senator’s office and posing on the steps of the Capitol during the insurrection.
From left to right: Brian Healion, Freedom Vy, Zach Rehl, and Isaiah Giddings pose for a photo on Jan. 6 in the office of Sen. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.), according to federal prosecutors.
Federal prosecutors Tuesday unsealed charges against three more members of the Philadelphia Proud Boys related tothe Jan. 6 insurrection, after agents uncovered photos of the men flashing hate symbols inside a U.S. senator’s office and posing on the steps of the Capitol during the riot.
The three men — Isaiah Giddings, 29, of Philadelphia; Brian Healion, 31, of Upper Darby; and Freedom Vy, 36, of Philadelphia — were arrested Friday, and have been charged infederal court in D.C.with unlawful entry on restricted buildings or grounds, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.
Giddings’ attorney did not immediately return a request for comment. It was unclear whether Healion or Vy had obtained lawyers.
In a group chat on Jan. 5 — which authorities found on Rehl’s phone after his March arrest — the men swapped information about their blood types and emergency contacts with an unnamed person before carpooling to Washington, court documents say.
According to the charging documents, contact information for Giddings, Healion, and Vy in Rehl’s phone all included the letters “PB,” and other messaging content led investigators to believe the men knew each other, at least in part, due to their affiliation with the Proud Boys. Investigators have described the Proud Boys, a militant nationwide organization whose members were among Donald Trump’s most vocal and violent supporters, as one of the primary instigating forces behind the Capitol attack.
Zach Rehl (top left), Isaiah Giddings (center), Freedom Vy (bottom left), and Brian Healion (bottom right) on the Upper West Terrace of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, according to investigators.U.S. District Court Filings
“Im ready my dudes,” Rehl texted the group just before 4 p.m. on the eve of the insurrection.
That evening, hotel records show the four — Rehl, Giddings, Healion, and Vy — checked into the Darcy Hotel, around two miles from the Capitol.
And after a large mob breached the barriers around the U.S. Capitol around 1 p.m., Rehl, Healion, Giddings, and Vy posed for a group photo on the Upper West Terrace of the building while flashing the “OK” hand signs, according to court records.
Rehl would later post the selfie to his Telegram group chat on Jan. 7, captioned: “Badass pic in DC.”
Zach Rehl (front), snaps a selfie with Freedom Vy (left), Isaiah Giddings (right), and Brian Healion (back right), according to investigators.U.S. District Court Filings
According to court filings, publicly available images and video depict the men entering the Capitol building. Agents were able to better view the Giddings’ and Vy’s faces when they lowered their neck gaiters on camera, court filings said.
A photo texted to Rehl from Healion shows the four sitting and standing near a desk in the office of Sen. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) during the breach. A photo later published in the New Yorker magazine showed Rehl smoking a cigarette and checking his cell phone in the midst of a mob in Merkley’s office.
Around 11 a.m. on Jan. 7, as the group checked out of their hotel, Giddings texted the unnamed person with an update: “everyone all accounted for all safe […] none of our Philly guys had any PB gear the entire event just plain trump supporters from beginning to end thank for the constant check ups and the law enforcement and news updates.”
Rehl was charged in March in a federal conspiracy case along with three other Proud Boys leaders, and is being held in prison without bail. On Tuesday, Rehl was named in a sweeping lawsuit brought by Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl A. Racine against the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers militia, seeking costly financial penalties intended to hobble the far-right groups he alleges were at the center of the violence. Rehl is also named in a lawsuit from the Capitol Police that contends Trump conspired with the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and others to commit “bias-motivated acts of terrorism.”
Aaron Whallon Wolkind, Vice President of Philly Proud Boys, despite living in Delaware.
“The FBI raided the home of the vice president of the Proud Boys’ Philadelphia chapter on Friday, seizing his computer, phone, and other electronics to gather information on the Jan. 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol, his lawyer said Monday.
Aaron Whallon Wolkind, 37, woke up around 4 a.m. Friday to more than a dozen federal agents, dressed in riot gear and accompanied by an armored vehicle and battering ram, swarming his Newark, Del., home, and ordering through a loudspeaker that he exit with his hands in the air, his lawyer Jonathon Moseley wrote in a court filing…
Wolkind was not in D.C. during the Jan. 6 riot, Moseley said. He believes the search and seizure was to gather information in the case against Zach Rehl, the self-described president of the Philadelphia Proud Boys, whom Moseley also represents. Rehl was arrested in March on charges he conspired with other leading members of the organization to attack the Capitol and has been in custody in Philadelphia pending trial since.”
Wolkind is a longtime Proud Boy who participated with Rehl, Richard Schwetz and other PB’s/assorted racists who attacked Anti-Racists at the Columbus Statue in Marconi Plaza in the summer of 2020. Wolkind has been at nearly every Proud Boys demo in Pennsylvania since the group’s founding.
Zach Rehl continues to be held at FDC Philadelphia awaiting trial.
Leave it to the alt-right to besmirch something as classic as the The Mamas and the Papas. In contrast to the acclaimed American folk band, “The Mamas and the Pepes” has been making racist music distributed by the “White Art Collective” since 2017, with titles such as “Anchor Baby,” “Pride and Privilege” and “Fake American.”
Thanks to the recent breach of Nazi-friendly domain registrar Epik.com by the hacktivist collective Anonymous, we were able to track down the identity of the front person and lead singer of “The Mamas and the Pepes” who calls herself “Mama P.” Since the hack by Anonymous was in response to Epik.com hosting an anti-choice website, what we discovered in our investigation was surprisingly topical.
“The Mamas and the Pepes”
Logo for the alt-right folk duo “The Mamas and the Pepes.”
“The Mamas and the Pepes,” named as a spoof mash-up of the American band “The Mamas and the Papas” and the alt-right mascot “Pepe the Frog,” has been creating music with racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic and fascist themes since 2017 . Fronted by “Mama P” with “The Handsome Horse” on guitar, the duo has produced such songs as “Hate Crime Hoax”:
They pay Blacks & Jews & Muslims the most
So if you need your race hate sub-sid-ized
Have yourself a HATE CRIME HOAX [archive]
Accompanying artwork for The Mamas and the Pepes’ song “Hate Crime Hoax.”
and “You Gotta Go Back”:
You gotta go back where you came from
You don’t like us
You just like our stuff
We gave some to you, but it’s never enough.
So let’s coexist
Over the wall, out of our hair [archive]
The Mamas and the Pepe’s encouraged snitching on undocumented immigrants to ICE on the web page for their song “You Gotta Go Back.”
In “Bad Optics” the lyrics reference the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory:
I took a trip back to my old hometown
and lo and behold – the children are brown!
I’m wonderin’ where all the white people went
This is the goal of the GREAT REPLACEMENT [archive]
Accompanying artwork for the song “Bad Optics.”
Neither members of the duo show their real faces publicly, with “Mama P” using a literal sock puppet for her online appearances on neo-Nazi podcasts.
A “Mama and the Pepes” album cover. “Mama P” is represented by the sock puppet on the left.
“The Mamas and the Pepes” are closely affiliated with the White Art Collective (WAC), a group of musicians and visual artists who promote white supremacist themes and other right-wing beliefs. “Mama P” conducts many interviews with other alt-right personalities (and even one of themselves) for their website and also hosts a music show on the WAC’s DLive channel.
One of the interviews “Mama P” conducted was with the Global Minority Initiative (GMI), a group that seeks to provide legal, financial and moral support for whom they call “political prisoners” (ie. neo-Nazis and other white supremacists who are incarcerated). She ends the interview with:
So please, whatever your belief system, taking care of our guys matters. It matters to me, and it should matter to you, too.
While there is much to criticize about the prison industry, by “our guys” “Mama P” means the white supremacists who are incarcerated for committing violence upon non-white persons and other minorities. “The Mamas and the Pepes” even did a promotional piece for the GMI in which you can hear their speaking voices:
“The Mamas and the Pepes” also have a Gab account operated by “Mama P” on which they promote their material and post racist and LGBT-phobic messages, as well as anti-vaccination messages.
[archive]Racist post on Gab by “Mama P.”Transphobic post on Gab by “Mama P.”Anti-vaccination post on Gab by “Mama P.”
They may not have known at the time but “The Mamas and the Pepes” was quickly attracting some unwanted attention by some nosy antifascists (us).
An Epik Fail
On September 13, 2021 the hacktivist collective Anonymous announced that they had breached the systems of Epik.com, a domain name registrar known for catering to extreme right-wing customers, in response to their hosting of an anti-choice website and would allow access to this information. The info dump proved to be a treasure trove for researchers and provided what we needed to track down “Mama P.”
An “Epik Fail” for Epik.com; An epic win for antifascists [archive].
The official website for “The Mamas and the Pepes” was registered through Epik.com and the registrant’s information was present in this info dump, as shown below. (We have redacted some details, although this information is now publicly available):
“Julie Green”,”+1.215694****”,”in****@gmail.com”,”59 S ********** Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086″
Information for the registrant of “mamaspepes.com” was found in the Epik.com breach.
A password used by “mamaspepes.com” and stored in plain text by Epik.com was an appreciative nod to violent right-wing extremist “Based Stickman” Kyle Chapman.
While this was a tremendous lead, by itself it was not enough, especially considering that some of the customer data in the Epik breach was deliberately falsified by customers who wished to avoid identification, so further scrutiny was necessary. A quick search of public records indicated that a “Julie S Green” was indeed a real person residing at the registered address, but we needed more proof to ensure that this was the person behind the account. A search of popular social media sites was not fruitful with such a common name. What we did have, however, was an email address: in****@gmail.com.
Upon researching this email we learned that it was also present in another information breach, that of the blogging website Livejournal. While this particular blog had been deleted, the username found in this data set was an important clue: “jewelsgreen.”
We located another now-deleted blog on an archive site belonging to a person calling herself “Jewels Green.” One of the images displayed on a blog post was also an image used on the Google profile for the in****@gmail.com email address, though its orientation had been rotated by 90 degrees.
Public Google reviews made by the email address “in****@gmail.com.” Note the profile image above.An image found on an archived blog by “Jewels Green” is also used on the Google account associated with the email address “in****@gmail.com” found in the Epik breach (orientation rotated) [archive].
While this was simply a stock photo, we found no other instances of this particular cropping elsewhere on the internet. We also found a website, The Burgenland Bunch, in which she is listed with a surname “Sem” and the in****@gmail.com email address is linked. In this case, that email was publicly attached to “Julie Shana Sem” of New York, New York, born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Altogether, these were very strong indicators that we had found the person we were looking for. Further research made this indisputable.
Photo of “Jewels Green” found on an archived blog [archive].
“Jewels Green” was very active in anti-choice circles regarding abortion for a period of time between 2011 and 2017. She claimed to have had an abortion as a teen and to have worked at an abortion clinic, but came to regret her past. As such, there are numerous videos on the internet of her speaking appearances. We were able to compare her voice on these videos of her speaking appearances with the voice of “Mama P” found on the many examples of her speaking and singing. One of them may be found here, on her own YouTube channel.
Julie “Jewels” Green, aka “Mama P” in a video on her YouTube channel.
If that video happens to disappear, other examples exist:
We have these videos archived locally in case they are removed.
We compared Jewels Green’s speaking voice with the speaking voice of “Mama P” on her various white-supremacist podcast appearances such as one called “The After Party,” a short clip of which may be viewed and listened to below.
We concluded that the voices were undeniably the same; Julie Shana Green, of Wallingford, Pennsylvania, aka “Jewels Green” was the person behind the voice and (literal) sock puppet of “Mama P” of “The Mamas and the Pepes.”
From Anti-Choice to White Supremacy
With the knowledge that “Mama P” was in fact anti-choice activist “Jewels Green,” much of the Twitter activity of “The Mamas and the Pepes” Twitter account (@MamasPepes) made clear sense, showing very specific knowledge of anti-choice talking points.
At some point Julie “Jewels” Green went from conservative anti-choice activist to full on fascist, as demonstrated by this awful parody of a Partridge Family song:
Julie Shana Green was born on August 26, 1971 and claimed to have been “a 17-year-old drug-using high school drop-out” who was forced into an abortion by her then-boyfriend. She then claimed to have “worked at an abortion clinic for five years (from age 18 to 23)” and claimed to have been a pro-choice activist during this time. She graduated from Kutztown University in 1995 (under her surname previous to her marriage to Green, “Sem”) and then claimed that she quit working at the abortion clinic and became an anti-choice (so-called “pro-life)” activist.
Julie Shana Green, aka “Jewels Green,” in an anti-choice promo.
Julie “Jewels” Green at a speaking appearance in 2013 [archive].[archive]
Her anti-choice activism continued through around 2017, and during this time she made many public appearances at anti-choice demonstrations. After around 2017 “Jewels Green” seemed to disappear from the anti-choice activism scene.
We can only speculate why such a notable anti-choice speaker who claimed to have converted from a pro-choice stance and who claimed to have had an abortion herself in the past left the scene so suddenly and thoroughly, but the slide from anti-choice into full-blown white nationalism is unsurprising. The crossover of racism and xenophobia into anti-choice circles is a well documented one. As Alex DiBranco, writing for The Nation, notes:
In recent decades, the movement mainstream has been careful to protect its public image by distancing itself from overt white nationalists in its ranks. Last year, anti-abortion leader Kristen Hatten was ousted from her position as vice president of the anti-choice group New Wave Feminists after identifying as an “ethnonationalist” and sharing white supremacist alt-right content. In 2018, when neo-Nazis from the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) sought to join the local March for Life rally organized by Tennessee Right to Life, the anti-abortion organization rejected TWP’s involvement.
The mention of Kristen Hatten is interesting since we found that Green (perhaps unsurprisingly) seemed to be a close associate of Hatten, as evident by their appearances together at anti-choice events.
Julie “Jewels” Green (center) with Kristen Hatten (right) [archive].Tweet from Kristen Hatten “liked” by Jewels green as it appears on archive.org.
Green also associated with several other extreme right-wing Twitter accounts, such as Ashley Rae Goldenberg (aka “@Communism_Kills) who is known to associate with white supremacists and Robert Spencer, operator of the Islamophobic website “Jihad Watch,” as evident by archived Twitterposts.
Twitter post by Julie Green operating the “@MamasPepes” Twitter account [archive].
In 2017 the white-nationalist folk musicians “The Mamas and the Pepes” appeared, with presences on Gab and other right-wing-centric internet platforms. While having strong opinions about abortion is one thing, Green obviously feels that her racist, white nationalist views are more dangerous to her social standing since she has only appeared from behind a cheaply made sock puppet. She has expressed on various racist podcasts that she cannot show her face. Apparently, she would much rather express her racist views with poorly written jingles and cheap cotton socks.
Julie “Jewels” Green
While we don’t know what made Julie “Jewels” Green disappear from the anti-choice activism scene to become a white nationalist folk singer who hides behind a sock puppet, we do know that she can put those socks back on her feet because she can’t hide behind them anymore.
Julie Shana Green of Wallingford, Pennsylvania.Julie “Jewels” Green, aka “Mama P” of “The Mamas and the Pepes.”Julie “Jewels” Green, aka “Mama P” of “The Mamas and the Pepes.”Julie “Jewels” Green at a Star Wars event. Interesting that she chose to side with intergalactic fascists, no?(Photo by Lawrence Lucier/Getty Images) [archive]
A big shout-out goes to Anonymous, whom we are not affiliated with in any way, despite our name. Thank you for your service!
Originally published in Anathema, an anarchist publication from Philadelphia, the following interview talks about the realities of the Brooklyn Center riot that kicked off in the wake of the police murder of Daunte Wright in the spring of 2021.
This interview was conducted two months ago, which was already two months after the events this spring in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. The riot in Brooklyn Center took place in the context of the Derek Chauvin trial, almost a year after he murdered George Floyd. This interview was an attempt to reflect on one participant’s experience of the events in Brooklyn Center and consider what they tell us about how things might unfold in the future. For many of us, the George Floyd uprising has weighed heavily on our minds as we try to imagine next steps to take. What became clear to me in this interview was that between the George Floyd uprising and the Brooklyn Center riot — despite the direct influence and geographic proximity — was an expanse.
Although the Brooklyn Center riot was an outgrowth of the George Floyd uprising, it was also a reminder that the previous summer’s events would not be repeated. Now, after a relatively quiet summer, it seems all the more important to be looking toward the future rather than fixating our gaze on last summer’s uprising. In this interview, we explore some of the developments and unique characteristics of uprisings in the aftermath of the George Floyd uprising.
You were in Brooklyn Center in April. Can you describe what happened?
Yes, there was a police murder: Daunte Wright, 20 years old. He was basically trying to flee the scene where he got stopped. There was two nights of rioting — I am going to say rioting. Some people want to say “it’s not a riot, it’s a rebellion.” I am just going to say it was a riot.
People were throwing stuff at the cops. There was looting by car in the Brooklyn Center area, also in Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs. The first night the neighboring police station got shot up; someone shot the front doors of it. Someone else shot at a cop — maybe 3 days after it started.
All throughout people were calling for the burning down of the police precinct (that was the focal point of the riot). They never succeeded. People tried. The police set up a gate. It was similar to what happened in Portland at the courthouse. But they didn’t actually breach the gate.
After the first two days of looting, arson, street fighting, and property destruction, there was basically a week of confrontational protests in front of the police precinct.
From what you witnessed, what have been the most significant changes since last year?
What’s been happening since the fall of last year, the police have been really ready for riots. So, when people engage in riot tactics, they need to outmaneuver the police. It can’t be this kind of frontal assault the way it happened in Minneapolis at the 3rd precinct.
That started with the Breonna Taylor revolt of late September. There isn’t 1000s of people in the street fighting the cops. That’s not happening.
Also, in Brooklyn Center, you would see people in black bloc or this “frontliner” aesthetic trying to stop young, mostly Black kids from setting things on fire and building barricades.
Wait — what would motivate people to dress up in black bloc attire in order to stop riots?
I don’t know. I just think it’s become a popular aesthetic and people have adopted it that have never experienced revolts before. It’s weird, this group called Minnesota Freedom Fighters — it’s basically like a nonprofit. Their goal is to deescalate riots, but they all dress in black bloc and wear gas masks and have umbrellas. It’s a strange thing that’s been imported from Portland, and originally from Hong Kong and Chile. It made sense in Portland and Seattle, but then once it makes it to places like Philly and Brooklyn it gets isolated from the insurgent activities happening. It’s very bizarre.
In Brooklyn Center, it’s almost exclusively young, Black, poor and working class still out there willing to engage in insurgent tactics. And they are becoming isolated.
Brooklyn Center is 20 minutes outside of Minneapolis and it’s very suburban. That’s what made the terrain really hard for rioting to happen. It’s pretty much a residential neighborhood with apartment buildings. There were two gas stations and a strip mall — that all got fucked up.
You say it was difficult terrain. What was the rioting like in the suburbs?
It made it harder to have a sustained riot that would breach the gates since there weren’t 1000s of people there. There were isolated forms of struggle: shooting at cops, the national guard. Winston Smith is an example of this. It’s not something everyone can participate in — it’s dangerous. But it’s also what’s happening in the absence of mass uprising.
A dollar store got set on fire. That whole strip mall got fucked up and looted. There was a really interesting moment: the owner of a pizza shop was like: I will make you guys some pizza. He started making pizzas for the crowd of potential looters. And that’s how he avoided his store getting fucked up.
There were a couple of militia people with assault rifles trying to protect the dollar general and they quickly got surrounded by young people who were like: you are not going to stop us. And they just walked around them. That was a very intense moment.
There were other people who didn’t have guns who tried to protect property and they just got beat up. The people who were rioting on the first two nights were still in the minority but they were able to do things.
What changed on the third night? Were the militias and peace police more successful at stopping rioters?
I think it was that in combination with police repression: the National Guard was out there; the FBI was out there. We got stopped by people who said they were working with the FBI.
We were just leaving an area where all the stuff was happening and got stopped by like 5 different squad cars. They took pictures of us, our tattoos, our injuries. We had all this stuff in our car (gas masks, body armor), but we didn’t have anything illegal on us. So, they couldn’t actually do anything. They were gathering intelligence. They interrogated us.
Each of us got separated; there was 4 of us. We got put in a different car. They tried to scare the shit out of us saying “you are all getting booked, you are getting processed and fingerprinted, we are impounding the car.” They asked us questions about how we knew each other and how we were connected. Then they just let us go.
People like got away with so much shit last summer that people got comfortable. The terrain has changed and people can’t get away with the same kind of stuff. People weren’t as aware as they should have been
Last year, especially with the pandemic, the State was not ready. That changes what people can do. There will continue to be smaller localized uprisings with short duration, and there’s a limit they will reach very fast.
Beginning with the Breonna Taylor protests in September and confirmed by the Walter Wallace riots in October, the cops got a lot more violent. One result of it is the multi-racial dimension has diminished. Because of the repression. The first time I noticed that was when I was in Louisville in September and it was mainly young Black people out there.
Were there anarchists in the riot?
Out of any political tendency, the anarchists went the hardest, but they were still a small minority. And they weren’t relevant “as anarchists.” The starting point should be what the people in the street that are fucking shit up want to do. It hasn’t been anarchist politics that has pushed people to be confrontational with the State.
What needs to happen next is burning down every police precinct in the United States. So that’s what we push for. We don’t push for people to become anarchists.
Brooklyn Center riot was localized and several months ago. Is it relevant to people in Philly now?
There’s things to learn from it. Things are becoming more atomized, more dangerous and falling into a more general outlaw culture. The impasse experienced in Brooklyn Center is happening in Philly too. There is not a full-blown uprising; instead, you see these more diffuse forms of struggle. When the Chauvin trial concluded, in Philly there was groups of young people on dirt bikes throughout the whole city, with cops chasing after them. It was clearly a form of resistance.
Final thoughts?
People don’t care what you say you are about. It’s whether you are perceived to be part of the riot. It’s those who are loyal to the spirit of revolt and everyone else. That’s the divide. If you are just being a spectator, you might not be so welcome. More than anything, it’s what you communicate by your actions.
“STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A 49-year-old New Dorp woman was arrested and faces multiple charges in connection with anti-Semitic postings made on the borough, the district attorney’s office announced Tuesday.
Gina Aversano, a resident of the 600 block of Tysens Lane, was arraigned in Criminal Court in St. George Tuesday afternoon on two counts of first-degree aggravated harassment and four counts of making graffiti…
Court documents allege Aversano posted a sticker with a swastika onto a rock in Wolfe’s Pond Park on Nov. 4, 2020 before posting a second sticker featuring a swastika onto a privately-owned van near Tysens Lane in New Dorp the next day.
Then, between Dec. 31, 2020 and Jan. 1, 2021, Aversano allegedly posted flyers from the New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA), a group deemed a white supremacist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, to a Stop & Shop sign on Hylan Boulevard and a muni-meter near New Dorp Lane, authorities allege.”
So far, we’ve identified two of the individuals who attended a 2020 neo-Nazi meetup at Ringing Rocks Park in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Photo’d below are neo-Nazis Matthew Robert Guse & Gregory Anthony Cristiano (who is also a pedophile & sex offender). A ????… /1
Scranton resident Matthew Guse was exposed by @discord__panic in 2019 as a member of white nationalist organization Identity Evropa (then rebranded as “The American Identity Movement”). Below is a summary of Panic’s article from @IGD_News column TWIF. /2 panicinthediscord.noblogs.or…
Despite his Nazi affiliations, Guse was allowed to graduate from Lackawanna College in May 2020. Unfortunately, the photos here prove that (despite scrubbing the internet of accounts using his real name or Identity Evropa username) Guse is still involved in Nazi organizing. /3
Next is Upper Black Eddy, PA resident Gregory Anthony Cristiano. Cristiano is not only a neo-Nazi. He is also a pedophile and sex offender, according to public records which you can access here: /4 offenderradar.com/offender-d…
Ringing Rocks Park is located in the town of neo-Nazi Gregory Cristano’s residence — Upper Black Eddy — so it is likely that he was the one to suggest this meetup with his fellow neo-Nazis. FYI Cristiano also has connections to the NY town of Massapequa. /5
All attendees proudly display roman salutes in 2 separate photos. Photo’d also, a medallion featuring a Nazi Eagle, with the swastica replaced by an Edelweiss flower. See ???? below for more info about the fascist imagery displayed by these neo-Nazis. /6
[Thread Link]
We’re still looking into the identities of these three neo-Nazis. Their meetup was in Bucks County, Pennsylvania so it is likely that they live somewhere in eastern PA or western/central NJ. Feel free to send tips via DM or ProtonMail. /7
We don’t tolerate Nazi organizing in our region. If you get together with your Nazi friends in public, we will let the world know who you are. Cut ties with all supremacist contacts and begin your journey toward deradicalization, or we WILL expose you. #WeKeepUsSafe /8
Stills from footage of the nazis who vandalized the George Floyd memorial in Brooklyn.
Original story below:
A memorial mural to George Floyd in Olney was defaced by Patriot Front Neo-Nazis overnight.
Sometime last night, Fascists associated with the Neo-Nazi group Patriot Front painted and stenciled over the George Floyd memorial at N. 5th st and Olney Ave.
Patriot Front is a splinter faction of Vanguard America, one of the major organizers of the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Vanguard America brought James Fields to Charlottesville, where he plowed his car into a crowd of Anti-Fascist protestors, murdering Heather Heyer and injuring many others.
More recently locally, the group has engaged in late night provocations like these, putting up flyers and stickers in Center city and S. Philly.
Patriot Front has a large amount of crossover in membership with the New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA), which as also run propaganda ops in Philly from time to time.
NJEHA is led by Dan D’Ambly and Ron Sheehy, both of New Jersey, who we have listen in our local fascists section.
This thread on twitter also has lots of info on NJEHA/Patriot Front associates in the area.
Lester Fulton, who was arrested Thursday in Massachusetts, is the sixth person facing federal arson charges in connection with the racial injustice protests in Center City last spring.
A 26-year-old Philadelphia man on Thursday became the sixth person charged with setting police cars ablaze during last summer’s racial injustice protests in Center City.
FBI agents arrested Lester Fulton Smith, 26, in Massachusetts, where he was working, and accused him of playing a role in the arson of a Pennsylvania State Police car ignited by protesters demonstrating May 30 in response to the murder of George Floyd.
Authorities had already charged a Virginia man — Ayoub Tabri, 25 — with igniting the blaze using a road flare stolen from the vehicle.
Charging documents in Smith’s case were spare on details of what role prosecutors believe he played in the incident, whether investigators believe he coordinated with Tabri, or how he was identified by agents.
Prosecutors have said they first flagged Tabri — wearing a black mask and holding a skateboard in one hand and the lit flare in the other — from video shared on social media of the chaotic scene that unfolded that day near the intersection of Broad and Vine Streets, where State Police had amassed to keep the crowd of demonstrators off of I-676.
Two parked police cars came under attack from the crowd, which beat them with a scooter, a hammer, skateboards, a bike lock, crowbars, and hands and fists.
The lit flare Tabri is accused of throwing at one of the cars not only hit it but also a nearby state trooper, whose uniform caught fire, investigators said. The trooper later suffered burns to his hand while reaching into the burning vehicle to retrieve a rifle that had been stored inside.
FBI agents identified Tabri, a restaurant worker in Washington, D.C., by cross-referencing video from the scene with social media photos of the same man — without a mask — shot later outside City Hall.
In a statement Thursday, acting U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams drew a distinction between Smith and Tabri and the hundreds of “peaceful protesters” who demonstrated in Philadelphia that day.
“Here, the defendants allegedly destroyed a police vehicle, endangering many lives including police officers and peaceful protesters nearby,” she said. “This conduct is not free speech and is not protected by our constitution; rather, it is criminal.”
For his part, Smith looked exhausted while appearing Thursday for his first court appearance via Zoom from a federal detention center in Massachusetts. He yawned repeatedly, rubbing his eyes throughout the proceeding.
But he leaped out of his chair and mouthed “No,” when U.S. Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler outlined a mandatory minimum seven-year prison sentence and maximum of 40 years he is facing should he be convicted on the two arson counts with which he has been charged.
Lawyers for others charged with igniting police vehicles in separate incidents May 30 have criticized the decision to charge them — like Smith and Tabri — under federal arson statutes because of that stiff mandatory penalty. They argue that protest-related acts of destruction belong in state court.
Smith will remain in custody pending a bail hearing in Worcester, Mass., scheduled for Wednesday, at which prosecutors have signaled they intend to seek his detention until trial.
An attorney had not been appointed to represent him on the charges in Philadelphia as of Thursday evening.
Four others face federal arson charges in connection with Philadelphia police cars ignited in separate incidents near City Hall that day.
Idavox is reporting that lifelong Neo-Nazi bonehead Warren Meikle has finally died. From the site:
“Meikle was an early member of Atlantic City “Skinheads”, who in the eighties was one of the more violent hate groups in New Jersey… Meikle was among the more prominent members of the group because of his band Aggravated Assault, who’s album It Could Happen To You – the title song that threatened harm coming to those mentioned in the lyrics – was put out by the neo-Nazi label Resistance Records in 1993. Another Nazi label, Tri-State Terror, released its second album Out on Bail as well as a split release with Blue Eyed Devils titled Hate Crimes. Later, Meikle would form another band, Chaos 88 which put out three releases…
In today’s report we would like to present this concise profile on a Pennsylvanian neo-Nazi who runs a fledgling social media website that caters to neo-Nazis, fascists, antisemites and admirers of Adolph Hitler. Allow us to introduce:
Perry Maholland Jr. of Levittown, Pennsylvania
Perry Maholland Jr’s adoration of Adolph Hitler and Nazis is hardly a secret. His social media posts make it obvious that he is not shy about showing his face and name along with his disturbing convictions. After all, his username on the right-wing social network site Gab is “@ihatejews“:
Perry Maholland Jr’s Gab profile. His username is “@ihatejews” and he states he is there to “name the Jew.”
Maholland also has a conspicuous presence on the the question/answer site Quora where the topics he covers are of a particular focus: antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Perry Maholland Jr’s profile on the Q&A site Quora.Maholland had a particular focus on antisemitic conspiracy theories on Quora.
In fact, oddball antisemitic conspiracy theories seem to occupy a predominance of Maholland’s life. Instances of his obsession are easily found across various social media websites.
Antisemitic conspiracy theories are obsessions with Maholland. Pictured above is a post from his profile on VK.com.
Fuhrernet: a Place for Neo-Nazis
While Perry Maholland used to be the leader of a fourth-rate heavy metal band called Spirus, he now spends his days as a web developer, as indicated by his public LinkedIn profile.
Perry Maholland Jr’s LinkedIn profile.
One of his current pet projects is a fledgling social network website that caters to neo-Nazis and admirers of Adolph Hitler called Fuhrernet, the logo of which bears a marked similarity to another well-known social network site.
The “Fuhrernet” logo. Look familiar?
As it is now, Fuhrernet (one of the contributors to its development, by the way, is Jewish neo-Nazi Diana Brancoveanu, aka “Pikachu,” whom we reported on earlier) is a barely functioning echo chamber where neo-Nazis post links to videos and memes consistently of an antisemitic and racist nature.
A post on Fuhrernet that is representative of the site’s basic content.
It does not appear, however, that Fuhrernet is actually catching on very well. Maholland’s own profile page shows that he joined in 2017 and, four years later, only has around sixty friends and followers, a paltry sum considering he is the creator of the site.
Maholland’s own profile on Fuhrernet.
Because even Nazis can fall in love, one of Maholland’s Fuhrernet “Friends” is a woman who calls herself “Vera Castiel” and whom we believe to be living in Germany. Vera appears to be his girlfriend and they are in Nazi-love.
Maholland’s girlfriend “Vera Castiel” has a Fuhrernet profile too.Valentine’s Day e-card from Vera Castiel to Perry Maholland Jr. on Fuhrernet, because even Nazis can fall in love.
We are quite sure there are no surprises in their relationship! Honesty really is the best policy…
Perry Maholland wants his foreskin back too!
Tschüss, for now…
There will be more to come from us on Perry Maholland Jr and “Fuhrernet” in the future. Rest assured, he is on our radar and there will be more to follow!
Three images of former Allentown Police Captain & current Minersville Police Chief Michael Combs. He is a Nazi.
It recently came to CROH’s attention that the infamous Nazi Allentown Police Officer Michael P. Combs remains employed in the field of law enforcement.
Multiple reliable accounts of Combs’ dedication to white supremacist ideology throughout the 80’s and 90’s were published in a 1996 article in The Morning Call. And while a 1997 internal investigation verified several of these claims, the APD declined to terminate Combs, instead prompting him to attend “sensitivity training.” Combs remained employed by Allentown Police Department (APD) until his retirement in 2002. Despite Combs’ verified history of white supremacy, he was again hired in 2010 by the Borough of Minersville to serve as Police Chief.
In the following article, CROH will lay out the various credible allegations against Combs regarding his open support for Hitler, Nazism, and other white supremacist ideologies. We will also discuss APD’s 1997 Internal Affairs Investigation into Combs (aka, APD’s investigation of themselves). Lastly, we will cover Combs’ 2010 transition to Police Chief in the Borough of Minersville, a small community in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
To our comrades in Philadelphia, Rockford and across the so-called United States,
In the wake of the election and the subsequent putsch on the Capitol, the establishment and media apparatus have set out to douse memory of the multi-racial insurgency that spread across the country last summer and dampen the social contradictions that lead to it with slogans of calm and unity. Harrisburg was not been exempt from this revisionist trend in the slightest. During the summer, grifters and Black counter insurgents tried to funnel the long growing discontent into dead end electoralism and the bureaucratic machinations that grind the ember of revolutionary change in their gears at any given opportunity. In spite of this, the community rose up in defiance of both law enforcement and their neoliberal lapdogs in ways that have not been seen here in recent memory – cop cars smashed, streets shut down and police forced into retreat by a hail of bricks and debris.
As the heat of the summer lowered (relatively) to a tempered simmer and the electoral distraction served its role as sociological vacuum, the city’s leadership set its agenda on almost completely ignoring the events of the past year in order to return to some prelapsarian concept of normal – (a state which if it existed would be an amoral hellpit by any honest summation)- the exception of course, being their ongoing plan of repression against the true revolutionaries who participated in the uprising. At writing, there remains many ongoing struggles in the courts for the freedom of participants charged for their participation in the protests, both in Harrisburg and elsewhere. This is particularly disheartening as the loss of momentum of the movement from the summer means individual cases are harder to rally around, making intercommunal support from committed radicals that much more important.
Congruently, the local prison system has been revealed as the cauldrons of deathrot we have always known them to be. As Covid cases spike, the prison refuses to provide hand sanitizer, soap, masks and other lifesaving supplies to its inmates, resulting in the languishing of dozens of incarcerated people. What’s worse, there have been recent reports of widespread sexual abuse of inmates by guards, as well as many other violations of dignity, aided by an M.O. cultivated by deposed Warden Brian Clark, a well documented sex pest in his own right.
We are not liberals. We are appalled but not shocked by the injustice system acting as it always has no matter what century, context or administration – forever a punitive apparatus to repress the colonized and exploited for the benefit of a racist carceral state. Whether a red or blue chain, the shackle remains the same. Recognition of this basic fact informs our work building a culture of resistance to the inevitable crackdown on abolitionists and revolutionaries by the neoliberal state operating in the name of “fighting extremism”.
We believe that times like this, the seeming lulls between mass protests, uprisings and other sparks of civil unrest are as ,and possibly even more important than those moments of social fissure and are probably not even be so neatly disconnected as they may be initially perceived. It is of the upmost importance that we are expanding our networks, supporting our comrades , and deepening our roots in the communities we live in order to create a movement capable of not only sustaining itself in the calm, but also protecting itself when the pigs come knocking. This means building community defense councils and war chests to support our accomplices kidnapped and harassed by the State through every stage of their struggle. It is equally important to deny space and momentum to obvious opportunists and collaborators who attempt to swallow the flame of radical change through cooptation and subterfuge with the intent to isolate radicals and those members of the community willing to take justice into their own hands. This commitment lives and dies on solidarity with those most affected, and this communique is an representation of that commitment.
We unfurled this banner calling for the end to abuse of prisoners in Dauphin County Prison and mass release of all incarcerated in the death camps of Pennsylvania and across the United Snakes. We also want to uplift the connected struggle of the #FreeAnt movement, in order to echo the many voices calling for dropped charges for all and add to the cacophony of dissent against the police state. Finally, we uplift the demands of the Black Philly Radical Collective to for the immediate release of Mumia Abu Jamal, Major Tillery, Arthur Cetawayo Johnson, Russell “Maroon” Shoatz, Omar Askia, Joseph “Jo-Jo” Bowen, and all Black Political Prisoners.
We demand that all protestors across the country be granted amnesty. All charges must be dropped. We have unconditional solidarity to all rebels, radicals and revolutionaries facing State repression.